The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and seventy-four, blockade of the final 4 seas (26)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

East China Sea.

Makiri Zolgen...who is it?

Can young talents like Shanks and Bucky be brought together? To be accepted as a subordinate, he should be a big shot, but this name does not appear in the superficial impression of "One Piece" or the bounty he saw in the navy.

Jin Jing wanted to ask again, but Shanks just said "He is in Rogge Town, and he has the same destination as you" and turned away without saying anything more.

Can he still be a lemon collector?

Jin Jing murmured in her mind to determine the location of Rogge Town on the chart, and when she was about to click all the way there, she was surprised to find that on the route to Rogge Town, the "Automatic Navigation" option was on - it seemed that Bucky also It's not useless.

After selecting "Automatic Navigation", Jin Jing saw a ship configuration panel composed of grids and figures as before.

Shanks's Q-version villain is in the "Charge Captain" position on the deck, while Clown Bucky's Q-version villain is in the "lookout" position on the mast. Their villains all have "temporary" characters next to them. Special notation for "Join".

On the other side, "Tang San Burial" should be resting in his room at this time, but the q-version villain is still displayed in the measurement room, but instead of writing and drawing on the sea chart as usual, he is holding the quilt and snoring. Big sleep action.

As for myself... Is that "Bai Jingjing" sweating at the rudder a bit exaggerated?

During "Automatic Navigation" and "Time Acceleration", "Bai Jingjing" will be in the "Character Trusteeship" state. Maybe Shanks will notice the abnormality... Hey, you will notice it when you notice it. Those strange characters were forced by him. I added it myself, so it’s a good thing to become disillusioned early.

Judging from the total distance, although Rogge Town is quite far away, it only takes one song to get there after accelerating. You can take this opportunity to summarize——

——Everyone is brave]

At this moment, a deep bass sounded.

? ? ?

Really singing? No, who is singing this?

Because "emergency events will interrupt automatic navigation," Jin Jing saw that the navigation was not interrupted and was not in a hurry to make any response. Instead, she tried to listen to the sound.

——The wound on your forehead, yours, is different, the mistake you made]

As the bass continued to chant, a translucent scene emerged.

It seemed that Shanks was attacking someone with a strange black beard, but he was hit in the forehead by the opponent's punch, leaving three long wounds on his left eyelid. miserable.

——Everyone, no need to hide]

The male voice continued to sing.

——Your old doll, your mask, your self]

This time, the picture that appeared seemed to be of Bucky as a child. Although he did not wear clown makeup, his balloon-like nose was still very conspicuous. The little boy was holding a red-nosed clown doll and weeping silently in the corner, and on his face His expression is gradually changing to "enlightenment".

...You decided to become a clown because you were always laughed at for your nose?

——They say, bring light and tame every monster]

The scene changed, and there was a small boat floating on the undulating sea. An adult man who didn't look like a good man was holding a little boy and sailing towards the deep sea.

The next second, a huge marine monster poked its head out from under the sea, opened its bloody mouth and bit into the small boat.

Huh? Wait, isn’t this the “King of the Offshore”? Or is it still alive with all its scales, horns and beards cut off and torn off?

In the next second, Shanks swept across the sea, and before the "King of the Offshore" closed his mouth, he rushed onto the boat and hugged the little boy.

This action was slowed down and magnified in the illusion. Jin Jing could clearly see that Shanks' left arm was emitting bursts of white light, which was obviously an "armed color entanglement." However, the illusion lens gave a close-up of the glowing arm. , and then moved towards the sword-like teeth of the "King of the Offshore", which were shining with bursts of green light.

With a click, the offshore king bit into pieces of the ship, and by the way, Shanks' entire arm was bitten off.

Shanks now has no scars on his face and his arms are intact, so is this a prediction of the future? On the other hand, what did the "King of the Near Sea" eat at the "Terminal of Uncertain Things"? It couldn't have been the legendary Sea Tower Stone. His teeth were really damaged.

——They say, stitch up your wounds, no one loves a clown]

Jin Jing originally wanted to see the follow-up, but with the new lyrics, the phantom image changed again.

This time, it seemed to be on the execution platform in a certain town. Bucky the clown caught a young man, tied him there, and was about to chop him down with a knife. However, the young man showed no fear at all. Instead, he grinned and said something. .

I already know this one, Luffy, the protagonist of One Piece! Look at his iconic straw hat!

Um……? Why does it look the same as the one Shanks wears?


Just as Jin Jing was waiting curiously to see how Luffy would get out of trouble, a line of red text flashed in the middle of the illusion interface.

The next moment, the sky turned black, dark clouds rolled, and countless majestic thunder fell from the sky, completely submerging the entire execution platform.

Luffy ate the rubber fruit and was immune to electricity, so... Bucky was struck by lightning.

Sure enough, no one loves clowns.


A humming interlude follows, and the vision shifts again.

The protagonist this time is not Shanks or Bucky, but... Jin Jing's trumpet, Tang San Burial.

——I love you walking alone in a dark alley, I love the way you don’t kneel down]

——I love you and persist through despair and refuse to cry]

The new illusion is much blurrier than Shanks and Bucky's, and is similar to a montage technique.

What flashed through in sequence were scenes of "Tang Sanzong" fighting sea monsters, pirates, pirate groups, sea kings, and big pirates respectively. As his enemies became stronger and more numerous, so did his partners, subordinates, and fleet. Then it increased.

However, as he knocked down an ugly guy with a strange bubble hood on his head, the "partners" behind him who were originally blurry and were on the same front disappeared in an instant.

And almost at the same time, the enemy in front of him turned into the navy - endless naval ships, as well as the phantoms of powerful men floating on those ships, whose military ranks were very high at first glance, and on his side and behind, there were There are other enemies ready to attack. this what would happen if I didn't hold him back?

——Your mottled appearance is different,]

——Your silence is deafening. 】

Finally, Tang Sanzong in the illusion slowly raised his head and raised his sword towards the front.

——Who said that only those who stand in the light are heroes——】

With the lingering lyrics of the last line, the illusions and shadows completely disappeared, and the "automatic navigation" was also interrupted. At the same time, a quite prosperous town appeared in front of the "White Dragon Horse".

Oh, Rogge Town has arrived. If the trumpet hasn't woken up yet, it has to...

"Tang San Burial" learned the "Six Naval Styles·Moon Step". 】

"Tang San Burial" learned the "Six Naval Styles·Lan Jiao". 】


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