The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and seventy-five, blockade of the final four seas (27)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

Rogue Town.

This town, Jinjing, has some impression. It seems to be the birthplace and execution place of the pirate king "Gol D. Roger". It is also the last town before entering the Grand Line.

In this way, it is understandable that there is a large demand for lemons here. In other words, any other materials needed for the voyage, including the rags collected previously, can be sold at a good price here, although...

Property: 17748 Bailey]

"Let's die together"...

Jin Jing is now quite curious about what number it will turn into next time.

"Are you really okay?" Jin Jing, who was wearing a white vest, tilted her head and asked Tang Sanbian as she followed Shanks and Bucky outside the town.

"I'm fine, Mr. Zhefu, please show mercy." Tang Sanzian responded gently.


Jin Jing had switched characters and checked, confirming that everything was normal except that his health points were not full, but under normal circumstances, he would not directly master two naval six moves just after waking up from a coma.

Red-footed Tetsuo's "Flying Kick" and "Aerial Turn" are indeed somewhat similar to "Arashi Kick" and "Moon Step", but how talented do you have to be to understand them?

Although there is no evidence, Jin Jing always feels that those illusions of unknown meaning played a big role in it.


At this time, Shanks and Bucky the Clown stopped at the door of a manor on the outskirts of Rogue Town, and then stepped forward to knock the bell.

"Hey, it's all here, you can always tell me, what does the captain want me to do?" The clown muttered to Shanks: "He said he would never go to sea again and let us fend for ourselves."

"Even if the captain no longer goes to sea, he is still your captain. Are you wronged by arranging tasks for you?" Shanks said with a gun and a stick.

"Do you want a fight?"

"How dare you say that after eating the split fruit and becoming a human being, you can't realize any domineering power."

"Right here! Right now!"


The heavy door of the manor was opened directly, and a strong middle-aged man wearing a straight black tuxedo, with neatly combed gray hair and beard, appeared at the door, with a surge of momentum:

"If you want to fight, fight quickly! The captain is waiting."

"Ahaha...we were joking." Bucky the Clown immediately became scared.

"Well, this is our vice-captain and the captain's housekeeper after his retirement, Mr. Sebastian Silverleigh." Shanks introduced.

"Hello, Mr. Butler." "Hello." Jin Jing and Tang Sanzian greeted one after another.

"Well," Sebastian looked at the two of them, turned and got out of the way: "Come in, follow me."

Is it promised that only one in a million people can do it? Why is this another domineering look? As expected, Mr. Captain will do the same.

Jin Jing followed a few people while muttering.


The manor was quite large. Jin Jing followed the butler through the foyer, walked through the large main hall, and finally came to the door of a reception room with the door open.

"Sir, Shanks, Bucky and the guests you invited have arrived." Sebastian knocked on the door first, then bowed to report.

"Let Shanks and Bucky go to their respective rooms first, I'll go find them later," a deep and rich male voice came from: "Please invite our lovely guests in first."

Bucky the Clown turned around and ran away as if he had received amnesty, while Shanks held his straw hat and nodded to Jin Jing before leaving.

Not to mention cute or not, but why does his voice sound a bit like the guy who sang in the illusion before?

Jin Jing blinked and walked into the reception room after Sebastian made an invitation gesture.

This is a relatively small but very warm room. The overall color is mainly gold and red. The walls are lit with exquisite lamps. There is a stone stove with a flame on the wall. The floor is covered with soft carpets. There are two rows of couches that are not opposite to each other and have a certain angle.

Sitting on the main seat of the sofa are a middle-aged man with black hair and black eyes wearing something similar to a formal dress, and a man wearing a dignified and decent black and white long skirt with long silky silver hair on top of his head. But she was a beautiful woman with a pair of crimson eyes, her hair raised playfully.

"This is our master, Magiri Zolgenger] and his wife Justeza Ritzleich von Einzbernpe]," Sebastian said, then stood with his hands lowered. Behind the two men.

"Welcome to my humble home, Miss Bai Jingjing." Madam smiled at Jin Jing, her voice was soft and gentle, and her posture was elegant and generous.

Madam is so beautiful, but her name is so long, but she is so beautiful!

Achievement ‘Who is the most beautiful woman in the world? 2nd update: Close contact with '2/3' women with a charm value of '27' or above. 】

There are achievements to prove it!

"Madam, accept your charm, our children are all stunned.]" Makiri Zolgen smiled at his lady with a long name.

"Oh," Madam took out a silk fan to cover her face: "I'm just worried that you might scare people when you see this little girl alone."

Who is stunned?

Jin Jing turned her head and glanced at Tang Sanzang, and found that he lowered his head slightly and did not look at his wife. The "kid" just now probably wasn't talking about him, but she still felt uneasy, so she switched over to confirm that he was not "Charmed" before cutting. return.

"Hmm...]" The captain's eyes wandered back and forth between Bai Jingjing and Tang Sanzhan, and then he said: "I take the liberty of inviting you two here. Actually, I have something to entrust you with."

According to Shanks' previous statement, the target of the invitation should be "Bai Jingjing", and "Tang San's Burial" was just a tack. After thinking about it for a while, Jin Jing decided to ask Bai Jingjing to respond.

"I think that since you are so powerful and have so many talented people under your command, there shouldn't be anything you can't accomplish, right?" Jin Jing asked tentatively.

Counting him, there are already three users of Overlord-colored Haki. Even the Navy Headquarters can break into it, right?

"There are some reasons,]" Makiri Zolgen hesitated and did not continue: "If it weren't for the lack of manpower, I wouldn't have gone all the way to hire your 'supernova'."

……what does that mean? It should be a compliment, right?

"I'm not sure whether I can complete your request, but I can listen to it." Jin Jing thought for a while and replied.

"I want to entrust you to enter the Grand Line within two years, arrive at the 'Mermaid Island', and meet the 'White Star Princess'," Maqili Zolgen said slowly.


Is Mermaid Island a place that everyone knows?

"She looks like this, and you won't be able to admit it. Then just say that 'Maqi Zolgen' entrusted you to go, and she will understand.]" Maqi Zolgen took out a photo and placed it on the coffee table in front of the sofa. superior.

Jin Jing looked over.

It was a mermaid wearing a golden dress and a long ribbon, with green eyes and long pink hair.

Her appearance looks very normal, but are the dollhouses and tiny dolls around her a little too realistic?

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