The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and eighty-four, blockade of the final 4 seas (36)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

West Sea.

Snapped! Bang!

"Fill blue!]"


Perhaps Sauro's "blue ball skills" were not enough, or perhaps Octopus Paul's strength exceeded expectations. The battle between the two did not end quickly, but fell into a protracted war.

The navy specially separated a ship away from the fleet to let the giants and sea monsters fight. The other ships still sailed to O'Hara according to the original plan to execute the demon-slaying order.

"This is a bit troublesome." Akainu stood on the edge of the flagship ship and watched the big noise in the distance: "Sauro was originally difficult to deal with, but now he has learned a new trick, so the power of the 'three-point shot' Compared with the volley of the main guns of a giant battleship, if he wants to hinder the demon-slaying order then, we may have a hard time suppressing him."

"Don't presume hostility based on actions he hasn't committed yet," Kizaru said with a cigarette in his mouth. "At least I can't find a reason for him to oppose the Demon Slaying Order even if he doesn't hesitate to use force."

"Huh? You don't know?" Akainu tilted his head and looked at Kizaru: "Researching 'ancient texts' is an act explicitly prohibited by the World Government. Those who find the researchers will be arrested, and Sauro has let several people go without permission." Research scholars have been punished.”

"Tsk, we're not like you, who would go find out the reason after hearing that a colleague was punished." Qingzhi mocked from the other side.

"Hmph, he and I are not friends," Akainu ignored Aokiji's cynicism and continued: "After ruling out the possibility of being sent to pursue Princess Shirahoshi, the reason why Sauro would participate in the Demon-Slaying Order is There is only one option left: forcing him to make a choice in this incident, whether to 'completely give up sympathy for archaeologists' or 'betray the navy'."

"Why can't it be 'continue to sympathize with archaeologists and not betray the navy'?" Kizaru blew out a smoke ring.

"Do you think he is you? Everything is ambiguous?" Akainu looked at the giant fighting with the octopus in the distance: "Such a big man has very straightforward ideas. If he has experienced such a major event as destroying O'Hara, he will If you are still willing to stay in the Navy, you will never be able to sympathize with archaeologists in the future."

"Okay, the topic is back again," Kizaru shrugged: "So are you sure you can beat him? After he learns new tricks?"

"Hmph, what's that kind of 'blue ball' technique-"


With a huge splash of water, Princess White Star rose from the bottom of the sea on her shark mount. After shaking her hair, she put her elbows on the side of the boat and looked down at the three lieutenants:

"Want to learn? Shall I teach you?"


Due to the huge size difference, the three lieutenant generals took five or six steps back before finally finding a posture suitable for conversation.

"...How much did you hear?" Akainu spoke first.

"Well, start with 'Sauro may betray'?" Princess Shirahoshi tilted her head: "I think I may have done something wrong, and I am ready to make up for it."

Didn’t you hear everything? and……

The so-called "making mistakes" and "making amends" sound like a child who saw two nests of ants fighting, accidentally trampled to death many of the ants on one side, and decided to trample on the other side a few times in order to compensate. .

Although she has no legs, she does look a bit like a child in her words and actions.

"Huh..." Kizaru put out the cigarette butt: "Thank you for your kindness, Princess Shirahoshi, but Sauro's tricks don't seem to be suitable for us."

"I didn't say I wanted to teach Basketball. Master Sauro is extremely talented and cannot be learned by others." Shirahoshi blinked in confusion.

"...Then what 'new tricks' are you going to teach us?" Kizaru decided not to ask what "gifted" meant.

"Because the three Vice Admirals are all Devil Fruit users, of course it is based on the application of these fruit abilities." Shirahoshi nodded: "The navy soldiers generously shared with me Kizaru-sama, Aoji-sama and Akainu-sama’s ability.”

"Those bastards... we'll have a good look at them when we get off the boat." Akainu gritted his teeth.

"Understand, even in legends, sailors are often confused by mermaids, not to mention the beautiful mermaid princess with a beautiful voice." Kizaru said with a smile.

"Thank you for the compliment, Kizaru-sama," Shirahoshi turned his gaze to Kizaru: "Then let's start with you."

"Oh." Kizaru straightened his expression slightly.

His Devil Fruit is the natural "Shining Fruit", which can turn his entire body into light and move. He can launch light-speed attacks. He can also control and emit light, and even use light as a weapon. But the problem is that his thinking is different from She can't keep up with the speed of her body, and often has to slow down her action speed in order to think about the next move. Therefore, she is considering not using physical skills as the main fighting method, but instead using "light-made weapons" to fight at a relatively slow speed. For styling, I am ready to refer to it. The Legend of Three Artifacts from Wano Country.

"The speed of light is the fastest, so it is also the strongest. All Kizaru-sama needs to do is to 'synchronize' with the light, that is, let his thinking keep up with the speed of light." Shirahoshi said.

"Although you got the point right, I haven't been able to think of a solution." Kizaru spread his hands.

"How did Kizaru-sama destroy so many of Kaido's wind blades in an instant before?" Shirahoshi asked.

"Because they are right there. Even though they are very fast, they can't catch up with the light... huh?" Kizaru stopped mid-sentence, showing a thoughtful expression.

"Because nothing is faster than light, the last thing you need to think about is 'action'. What Kizaru-sama needs to do is to determine 'how to act'," Shirahoshi raised his hand and transformed a swimming fish made of water on his fingertips: " For example, you can mark your target before taking action, such as whether it is to destroy, resist, control or rescue, and then act at the speed of light."

"I have thought about it myself, but it also takes time to identify and judge the target." Kizaru shook his head.

"I didn't say, you have to mark it yourself, Kizaru-sama," Shirahoshi pointed, and the swimming fish dispersed into countless smaller fry, and then dissipated: "Let your men use firearms to shoot or other means to target specific fish. The target is marked, and you just need to follow the 'marking actions' without stopping. Theoretically, you can even end a huge war in an instant - the only problem is that the person responsible for marking must It is reliable enough, and the marking must be accurate and fast. According to what I said before, this kind of person should be called a 'synchronist'."

"...This is not a problem," Kizaru thought for a while, with a smile on his face: "In the 'Naval Science Force', the most indispensable thing is reliable 'people'. As for accuracy and speed... I remember one of them The second lieutenant who operates the 'explosive fruit' so delicately that he can even control the impact point of bullets with his name Nishigaki or Sinai? It seems to be much more reliable than that fool Zhan Momomaru. If you ask Pangabek to make a marker …”

Kizaru seemed to be lost in his imagination about the future and stood there in a daze. Shirahoshi waited for a moment and turned his attention to Aokiji and Akainu.


Aokisu originally wanted to push Akainu out, but Akainu, who was well prepared, pushed him forward with a backhand elbow.

"Master Aokiji," Bai Xing looked at him: "The frozen fruit is very strong, and you understand it very well. I have nothing to teach you."

"Oh...then..." Qingzhi originally wanted to retreat, but after hearing Akainu's low mocking voice behind him, he suddenly stopped: "No, my development of it is only in the preliminary stage. Princess, you can say whatever you want, I will listen. On."

"Well..." Shirahoshi tapped his cheek with his finger: "I just explained to Kizaru-sama how to 'transcend dimensions', so let's talk to Aoji-sama how to 'freeze time and space'."

Which navy is so rude?

How did Kizaru transcend dimensions?

Wait, freeze time and space?

"One of my teachers at Ryugu Castle on Mermaid Island told me," Shirahoshi continued, "Time may not exist, because all the characteristics of time and the standards for measuring the passage of time are all based on the movement of objects. of."

"Ah, oh." Qingzhi nodded blankly. Although he could understand what he said, who would go into detail about this?

"If a person's thinking and the things around him accelerate simultaneously, he may feel that time is slowed down or even suspended in places other than the accelerated area. Similarly, if all movements in a certain area are completely Standing still can also be regarded as 'stopping time'," Shirahoshi continued: "The former may require eating the 'Speed ​​Fruit' that does not exist, but Aokiji-sama's 'Frozen Fruit' can completely do the latter."

Currently, my own "frozen time capsule" can do this on a small scale, but...

"Anyway, I'll demonstrate it to Lord Aokiji, but that's because as a mermaid I can control water freely, not because I'm better than Lord Aokiji." Shirahoshi trimmed the hair around his ears.

No, you don’t have to take care of my face... Qing Pheasant doesn’t want to say anything anymore.


As a gust of cold wind blew by, Bai Xing's long pink hair instantly turned into ice blue. At the same time, the whole world - at least in Aoki's view - turned into a silvery white.

Then, his thinking stopped.

Completely frozen]!

One second passed...

Two seconds passed...

Eight seconds passed...


With the illusory sound of ice cubes breaking, Aoki Pheasant regained consciousness.

What came into his eyes at this moment was a snow-white world, and Princess Bai Xing who was looking at him with a cold, condescending, emotionless gaze.

The next moment, the snow-white world was dyed with color, Shirahoshi's expression became vivid, and his hair returned to its original color. However, there was nothing unusual around him except for the rising air conditioning and the crewman sneezing inexplicably.

"Oops, I only lasted eight seconds," Shirahoshi tapped his head with his hand: "After Aokiji-sama experienced it, he will definitely be able to last longer."

It freezes everything around it within eight seconds and only you can move freely... Although there is a range limit, you can definitely call yourself "freezing time and space".

Aoki looked at Kizaru, who was still in a daze, and Akainu, who was frowning after noticing something, and asked: "What's the name of this move...?"

"I named it..." Shirahoshi blinked: "Smash Varudo theworld]."

"World"...and what's that weird Mermaid Island accent?

Qing Zhi nodded silently and said nothing more.

"It's my turn." Although Akainu didn't know what was going on, he intuitively felt that Aokiji had become stronger, so he took the initiative and said, "Rock Berry, do you have any suggestions?"

"I don't like lava and flames." Bai Xing raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you don't have it." Akainu grinned. Originally, what's the point of asking a mermaid how to play with fire?

"The only advice I can give is... Akainu-sama had better not rely too much on yourself." Shirahoshi continued.

"I don't have the ability to turn into light or freeze sea water. I can only rely on myself." Akainu glanced at the dazed Kizaru and the thoughtful Aokiji.

In fact, as the fruit ability with the highest attack power, he doesn't need to worry about unexpected objects.

"Ah, what I mean is... Akainu-sama should accept help appropriately instead of rejecting them thousands of miles away." Shirahoshi explained with a wink.

"No need." Akainu lowered his eyes slightly, working together with those who have impure justice? snort.

"Oops..." Bai Xing seemed to be a little anxious, and turned to tilt his head and shouted under the water: "Little top - drill down from your position - I'm not kidding -"

Doesn't she seem to be cooperating with other marines? Akainu cast his gaze towards the sea, what are you looking for? Could it be...

Gurgling... rumbling...

boom! !

After a moment, a large number of sulfur-smelling bubbles appeared on the sea surface, and then in the next moment, scorching air waves and water vapor, as well as lava flows surging in them, rose into the sky.

An undersea volcano erupted.

Sauro and Paul gave up the fight, Kizaru and Aoji stopped thinking, and the naval ships panicked thinking they were under enemy attack. Davy Jones's seaweed battleship floated to the surface, blocking the sporadic flying volcanic debris for Shirahoshi.

"I heard that Akainu-sama always likes to fight alone," Shirahoshi said, "but in fact, you have countless loyal subordinates waiting to serve you, separated only by a thin layer of sea water."

"Hmph, hum, hahaha!" Akainu laughed as he turned himself into lava, and with a burst of steam spurting out from under his feet, he flew straight towards the crater of the underwater volcano.


As Akainu plunged into the crater, the underground volcano that was about to cause earthquakes and tsunamis gradually became quiet.

No, it should be said that it was even more noisy.

On the small island formed after the cooling of the submarine volcano, there appeared a super giant monster made of flames, covered in armor made of magma, and holding a huge flaming hammer in his hand.

It looked up to the sky amidst the flames and smoke:

"Let the flame purify everything!]"

"Oh, oh, calm down. That's Akainu-sama. He's just a little irritable right now because he can't adapt to assimilating with lava. He'll be fine in a while." Shirahoshi hurriedly stopped Kizaru and Aokiji from trying that "monster" Ideas for new recruits.

Amidst the roar of monsters and the chaos of the navy, no one could hear the mermaid princess whispering to herself:

"Well, I can't kill Ace with one punch now."

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