The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and eighty-five, blockade of the final four seas (37)

"Princess White Star, although General Garp personally went to ask you for help, he probably hasn't explained the purpose of this 'extraordinary call' yet, right?"

When Kizaru understood the "Flying Thunder God", Aokiji learned the "World", and Akainu mastered the ability to "incarnate the King of Fire", their attitudes towards me became quite close, although they all still had a bad look on their faces. But the perception coming from seeing and hearing the domineering power should not be wrong.

In fact, that thing can't be called seeing and hearing domineering at all, right? 】

‘Never mind it, anyway, One Piece sets out that the person who can read minds is the Haki of Sensokusoko. After all, if I want to read minds myself, I will only blow up people’s heads. ’

"Huh?" I looked at Kizaru: "Master Kizaru, do you want to tell me the details of this mission?"


Several twisted and illusory colored letters appeared out of thin air behind Kizaru, accompanied by his stick reading.

According to One Piece's setting, Shirahoshi possesses the highest level of "sense and color haki". He can sense thoughts and emotions, and can also convey his own thoughts and change other people's thoughts. It is very mysterious.

To put it into practice, it is to activate this domineering spirit when asking questions. Then when the answer can be answered with yes] and no], the result will be obtained directly. In addition, when the answers of yes and no are not from the facts but only from the person being asked the question. When making subjective judgments, I can change the answer to another one - such as now.

I blinked and replaced all the letters behind Kizaru.


"..." Kizaru hesitated for a moment, then turned his head: "Ao Pheasant, tell me."

It's really touching that the world's will can finally interfere with the thinking of intelligent creatures for so long. 】

‘It’s completely meaningless. It’s just an answer to a certain question. There is no such thing as asking ‘Are you ready to hand over all your property to me?’ and then changing no to yes, and others will hand over the property with both hands. ’

Old man, your substitute is the most useless! 】

‘Do you want to die once and see? ’

no! no! no! 】

"Okay, let me be the bad guy," Qingzhi adjusted his sunglasses and said in a deep voice: "What we have to do is to completely destroy an island named 'O'Hara', because the 'archaeology' on it Scientists' are studying the 'text of history' that is expressly prohibited by the world government."

"Oh." I responded casually while slapping the stupid system on the head with my tail.

"...Aren't you surprised at all?" Qing Zhi raised his eyebrows.

"Humans always fight and kill each other for various reasons..." I pretended to think for a moment: "Are there any mermaids or fishmen on the island? Or is there a place where they live nearby?"

As if out of confusion, no letters appeared around Aokiji.

"Probably not, there are all idiots over there who are obsessed with archeology," Aokiji grinned and shrugged at Kizaru: "Thinking too much, old guy, do you think humans will care about one group of ants destroying another group of ants?"

"Hmph, isn't there one over there?" Akainu crossed his arms and gestured to Sauro on the other ship.

"Well, it's like this, Princess Shirahoshi, the 'Extraordinary Call' is also called the 'Demon Slaying Order', which is the world government -" Kizaru interrupted the discussion of the two unreliable colleagues and began to explain this trip to me. rationality and legitimacy.

I pretended to listen carefully while glancing at Akainu.

Unlike the other two lieutenant generals who only mastered new skills, Akainu actually absorbed the magma erupted from the submarine volcano into his body. Not only was his body bigger than before, but there was also a faint red light under his skin. flow.

As soon as he starts fighting, he can easily transform into a huge flame king, the one with legs.

No matter how you look at it, that posture is a great enhancement. Perhaps he can think that he will be unable to harm "natural type" and "can transform into fire" Devil Fruit users due to his changed nature and excessive size, but that kind of special case It doesn't matter at all.

But I really just wanted this plate of vinegar-wrapped dumplings - by the way, is Ace born now?

No, in order to avoid people guessing that he was Roger's son, Ace's mother used a secret method to carry him for three more years. 】

'Hmm...something seems wrong...'

"With the help of Princess Shirahoshi, we have greatly improved our strength. Even if he decides to betray now, he won't be able to cause much trouble," Aokiji quietly said to Akainu while Kizaru was explaining to me what the Demon Slaying Order was, "So, If he really does something irrational, just leave it to me to deal with it."

"Haha... I saw Princess Shirahoshi teaching him how to play basketball before. I thought she heard about O'Hara and Sauro from somewhere and sympathized with them." Akainu sneered.

"The person who can block the middle section of the Great Channel and drive back Kaido, the Hundred Beasts... Fish, do you think she will have meaningless sympathy?" Aokiji replied.

I say, although you lowered your voices, it means nothing to me. Even Shirahoshi himself should be able to hear these whispers clearly.

Loud Conspiracy is a part of the hot-blooded anime that must be savored. 】

'As a matter of fact, it is the consciousness of the world that blocks the senses of those within earshot when those loud conspiracies are taking place. ’

Then He is really free. 】

"...That's it. Although it is indeed 'just' and 'proper' for the Navy, there are also people who doubt it based on different benchmarks." Kizaru concluded.

He is promoting his "ambiguous justice" again, and it is not without reason that he is suspected of being an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army.

"I understand, Kizaru-sama," I decided to pretend not to understand: "You want to destroy an island and capture all the archaeologists on it, right?"


"As a matter of fact, it is true," Kizaru replied.

Hmm...I suddenly want to ask you if you are an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army.

"I think it would be difficult to do that with the firepower of these ships, right?" I pointed to the water at my feet: "Why don't you let the Sea Kings I brought to help? They can easily sink an island. , just like excavating volcanoes before.”


"After all, this is the navy's action. If outsiders know about it, it may have an impact on the situation of the mermaids and fishmen." Kizaru replied hesitantly.

"Really... So, if I don't come forward, your ships will surround O'Hara, announce that they are using weapons that will sink the island, and ask them to surrender obediently?" I continued to suggest.

Kizaru didn't answer, and no characters appeared behind him. He was obviously confused.

"Heh, tell me, what do you want?" Akainu and Aoki ended their loud conspiracy and came over: "As long as it's not a matter of principle, I can make the decision and agree to it for you."

"Well... you just want to destroy the island, don't you?" I blinked and tried to be cute: "After I sink the island, can I take away the omniscient tree that stores a lot of knowledge?"


"Let's think about it."

Seeing and hearing color domineering is really useful.

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