The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and eighty-six, blockade of the final four seas (38)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

Outside Mermaid Island.

As we all know, there are only two ways from the "Paradise" in the first half of the Grand Line to the "New World" in the second half. One is to apply for and pay tolls from the World Government and pass through the canal of the Holy Land Marie Joa; the other is to The Champagne Islands are coated with "bubble film" for diving, and you can dive through the Mermaid Island Hollow 10,000 meters directly below Marie Joa.

Of course, if the ship you're on can fly... then why would you be a pirate?

This second path was originally based on strength. After all, there may be sea kings in the deep sea, but in recent years, Mermaid Island seems to have used some method to tame those sea kings, and then began to travel in the big cave on the premise of ensuring the safety of passengers. The amount charged by the preset card is one-tenth of what the world government charges, and it will fluctuate in sync with the world government's charges.

This extra expense naturally made the unruly pirates very dissatisfied, but their intention to break in was when they saw that one tooth alone was larger than their entire ship, and they were obedient to the mermaids. The class disappeared in an instant, and then either turned around and left, or paid obediently, and those who had the ability to challenge the Neptune class alone would not be short of such a small amount of tolls.

After paying for the money, the guys were upset and spread the word that Mermaid Island is a dog-powerful one. They may want to cause some trouble for the mermaids and fish-men who left Mermaid Island, but as a result, the status of these aquatic races rose instead of falling. It has reached the level of "don't mess with it if nothing happens" - after all, no one wants the boat to be sailing smoothly and suddenly be overturned by the Neptune.

At this time, Monkey D. Garp was enjoying this feeling of "the fox pretending to be the tiger's power".

Since he asked Princess White Star of Mermaid Island to help the Demon-Slaying Order, he would naturally be responsible for the security of Mermaid Island and the Big Hollow after she left. Although there were those Sea Kings who were left as gatekeepers, this kind of "security work" was not necessary. That’s it.

Aside from the fact that he couldn't wear a navy uniform because he was taking on private work, and he couldn't arrest pirates while he was doing security work, he was quite happy patrolling the bottom of the sea with a group of former navy sailors on Mermaid Island's submarine boat.

The only problem was that after some people who knew the navy well recognized him, they turned around and ran away without saying a word, preventing him from saying anything he had no chance to say to these guys who usually couldn't communicate calmly.

"Brother Garp," the lookout said with difficulty, "There is a ship that did not take the prescribed passage, and it may be trying to find an opening to sneak across."

"That fool will only find the gaps between the teeth of the Neptune class. You know how insidious those big guys are," Garp patted the railing of the ship: "Let's stop that guy and pay a fine."



"Medium-sized galley in front! You have entered the no-navigation area, stop immediately and undergo inspection!"

Garp used the "underwater loudspeaker" specially provided by Mermaid Island to warn the stowaway ship. He originally planned to chase him, but the other party actually stopped and gave him a hard time. After hesitating for a moment, he He waved his hand to signal the sailors to approach him by boat.

As the distance between the two sides increased, the captains of the two fleets could clearly see that the other side was standing on the bow with the same arms folded.

The captain of the suspected smuggling ship was a rather handsome young man with his hair tied into a single ponytail, wearing silver light armor and a long black cloak.

"I originally planned to avoid your fleet to avoid embarrassment, but it seems you don't think so," the young man stood on the bow of the boat and looked at Garp: "Father."

"...Dragon," Garp slowly read out the young man's name: "You are going to the 'New World'? Does this mean that you have given up on the world government members who continue to overthrow 'Paradise'?"

Monkey D. Dragon, as the son of Admiral Garp, is himself the leader of the "revolutionary army" aiming to overthrow the world government. He is only 35 years old, but he has already led 28 members of the world government. There was a coup in the country. After the new leadership of these countries was born, they all firmly stated that they would no longer accept the leadership of the World Government. But before they figured out what happened, the World Government could only hold its nose and admit it.

Because of this incredible mobility and purpose, Monkey D. Dragon was called the "most dangerous criminal" by the world government and was wanted, but the only name on the wanted order was "Dragon".

Perhaps the World Government knows very well that he is Garp's son, but cannot tell it at all, because Garp's name of "Naval Hero" cannot be "tarnished."

"Those countries were not overthrown by me. Since their kings gave up on their people, they would naturally be pulled by their people to give up. I just pointed out the way forward for the oppressed who didn't know what to do," Long replied : "Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it."

"You may be able to succeed temporarily, but you cannot succeed all the time," Garp shook his head: "Some countries are founded by force, but those unarmed civilians cannot shake them."

"And that situation is the time for our 'Revolutionary Army' to take action." Long answered the words very comfortably.

"...I know where you are going," Garp shook his head: "You can't help them, and you might even get yourself involved."

"They only surrendered because no one ever showed them the way forward." Long replied.

"What if they give in again?" Karp asked.

"I will hold the hand that seeks help, but only once," Long shook his head: "If they refuse to go to the new world, they will only be left behind."

"I think you should know that the world government has decided to separate and block the 'Grand Line' from the 'Four Seas', and they obviously value the countries on the Grand Line more," Garp continued: "If I were you, I would temporarily Leaving the Grand Route, start with small goals across the world.”

"But you are not me. A 'bright light' is more inspiring than a dying blockbuster of 'charcoal fire.'" Long replied.

"..." Garp was silent for a moment: "I can still turn a blind eye to you now, but if one day you trigger the 'Demon Slaying Order' like O'Hara, I will have no choice but to take you home with my own hands."

"'O'Hara'?" Long's expression became vivid in a rare way, as if with emotion and expectation: "You don't have to worry about that island at all. In contrast, you should first think about how to submit this time. report as well.”

"Report? What report?" Garp laughed: "I have never met any leader of the revolutionary army, and I have never said a word to him."

"No, it's not about me, but..." The dragon raised his hand and pointed to the sky - or rather to the sea.


When Garp turned around to look, he saw an unusually huge turtle-shaped sea king appearing. It was using its back shell to support an island with huge trees and was approaching the mermaid island.

If the intelligence he had received before was correct, it should be the small island named "O'Hara" that was scheduled to be wiped off the map.

Princess Bai Xing moved the entire island back?

It’s really “erased” in the literal sense.

"Ha," when Garp was dumbfounded, he heard the dragon chuckle and mutter: "Golden scales are not a thing in the pond, they turn into dragons when encountering wind and clouds; the dragon's roar in the sky changes the sky, and it swims in the shallow water in the wind and clouds." "

...This kid is saying something no one understands again.

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