The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven, blockade of the final four seas (39)

"Devil! Devil! Bad guy! Stinky octopus!"

I just walked into the library lobby of the Omniscient Tree and saw Nico Robin playing Davy Jones.

To be precise, it was an eight-year-old girl with eight octopus arms and legs on her back who was unilaterally beating a middle-aged man with an octopus head.

They are born from the same root, so there is no need to rush into mutual conflict.

"Stop it, stop it." "Stop it Robin, Princess White Star is here."

The archaeologists who were hiding and watching the excitement on the other side of the hall swam over and pulled the little girl away. Of course, they also had various octopus characteristics on their bodies.

"..." I looked at the archaeologists who didn't dare to look at me, and then turned my attention to Davy Jones: "Have you been beaten since we left O'Hara?"

"No, Princess," Davy Jones grinned: "When the little girl is tired, she will rest for a while before beating again."

It's really strange, Ritsuko Akagi doesn't have the ability to beat people to the point of shaking, right?] The stupid system who stayed outside to play with Paul because of his size complained: Even if he did, the one who got beaten should be Sauro or Akainu. 】

Ritsuko Akagi, Haruko Akagi, Hanamichi Sakuragi, Sauro, this connection is a bit far-fetched.

"Then it's really hard for you." I expressed my condolences to him symbolically.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, I like children.]" Davy Jones replied.

It’s really weird for Marshal C to say this...

"It's all you! You turned us into this horrible state!" Nico Robin was still yelling angrily after being dragged away by other archaeologists.

Well...we can't let Davy Jones take over this.

"I remember that it was your personal promise," I raised my hand to stop the octopus head from speaking, and looked at Nico Robin and the archaeologist behind her: "As long as the Tree of Omniscientity can be preserved and the text of history can be continued to be studied, are you willing? Pay any price."

"Indeed, you saved O'Hara from the 'Demon Slaying Order', and we are only grateful for that," said an old man with an octopus tentacle on his chin and two octopus tentacles at a 120-degree angle on the back of his head. : "It's just that this price is a bit difficult for a beauty-loving girl to accept."

Clover, the director of O'Hara's Great Library, whose name means clover, has a rather casual appearance. His beard and hair have grown into the shape of a clover in violation of physical laws - and now they have all been replaced with tentacles.

"Hmm..." I looked at the "Octopus Man" occupying half of the hall, and felt that it was indeed a bit eye-catching, so I turned to Davy Jones again: "Are there any 'cp9' spies lurking on the island?"

"Jiejiejie, no more," the octopus head made a weird laugh: "The one who persisted the longest had to evacuate hastily after we reached a depth of three thousand meters. It seems that the navy is not interested in you." I still have some doubts about taking the monster away, but unfortunately, the only people who can be turned into dependents by me are those who are willing to give everything for archeology.】"

He talks as if he has the ability to discern people’s hearts]

‘Shirahoshi’s knowledge color haki is really useful. ’

"Well, I can give you a second chance now." I sensed the outside.

At this time, the turtle-shaped Neptune had already carried O'Hara Island to the bubble of Mermaid Island, and had just found a good place on the outside to build it up.

I snapped my fingers.


The bubble membrane of Mermaid Island bulges outwards, slowly wrapping O'Hara Island, making it a part of Mermaid Island.

The water level that originally submerged the entire library hall also dropped rapidly, leaving no traces of immersion in the interior or on the books.

When the water level fell below these archaeologists, their appearance changed back to normal humans - except for a little girl with eight claw-like arms on her back.

"Ah..." Nico Robin exclaimed, and immediately those arms disappeared, and then quickly hid behind Dr. Clover.

"As you can see," I said, "when you are not submerged by the sea, you will appear as normal humans. If even this is unacceptable, I can also ask Captain Davy Jones to cancel the ban on you. 'Curse', but you have to think carefully. Once this 'curse' is revoked, it cannot be cast again for life. You can live on Mermaid Island or return to the ground, but if you are captured by the navy, there will be no 'Mermaid Island residents'. In terms of identity, I have no reason to ask for someone.”

"This...let us think about it." Dr. Clover thought for a moment, but failed to make a decision. Instead, he led Nico Robin towards the other librarians who had turned back to human form.

"You can think about it slowly. I will deal with the merger of O'Hara and Mermaid Island first." I nodded and left the library with Davy Jones.

Ignoring the archaeologists for the time being, I rode the stupid system around to the bottom of O'Hara Island.

To save Ohara Island and the Tree of Omniscientity that were destroyed by the Demon-Slaying Order, dragging it into the seabed is the best solution I can think of at the moment.

An island sank, and all the residents on it turned into sea monsters. In the eyes of the World Government, this result should be no different from "destruction".

At that time, I proposed to use my Sea King class to sink O'Hara Island. When the navy was stationed around to capture the escapees, just by looking at the faces of the navy, I knew that my reputation was greatly ruined.

In the future, there should be rumors like "The Princess of Mermaid Island destroyed the entire O'Hara Island in order to obtain the 'Tree of Omniscient'", after all, I did use this reason.

According to the setting, there are three treasure trees in the world of One Piece, namely the "Adam" who is unknown where, the "Eve" located on Mermaid Island, and this "wisdom" tree.

Oda is probably just joking, but I am indeed bringing wisdom to Eve...

Are you that snake? 】

‘There’s a big difference between a mermaid and a snake. ’

It is known that a carp will turn into a dragon if it jumps over the dragon gate, and snakes are also called little dragons, so fish is equal to snake, there is nothing wrong with it]

‘There are so many problems! ’

While slapping the stupid system with my tail fin, I directed Davy Jones and Paul to search for the "text of history" at the base of the Tree of Omniscientity.

Although saving the Omniscient Tree and the archaeologists on it who are determined to coexist and die with the tree is the main purpose, it is also convenient to find a few pieces of "historical text" obtained by these archaeologists - maybe one day we can get it together What's up?

According to the setting, Director Clover claimed to have found out the name of the disappeared country D, and was then interrupted by the Five Old Stars.

If we speculate maliciously, Oda may not have thought about it at all at the time.

A family of d and a country starting with d, death?

No, there shouldn't be any country or nation that would dare to use this name. Even Scathach's country is just called the Kingdom of Shadows.

Oh, found it.

Like the piece placed on "Eve"'s side, it is located near the relatively dense roots of the giant tree, stuck there like a bird's nest on the treetop.

They may have thought that location was very safe, and they would have to walk for half a day to study it themselves, but no matter how hard they thought, someone would pull up the entire island and look at it from below.

Let me see what is written above...

Shang Jun Chengtang, whose surname was his son and given name Lu, called himself King Wu. He asked for the Xia Dynasty and established Shang Dynasty, and was later called Shang Tang. 】

At that time, there was an ancient human race, called "Witch", who established the Heavenly Palace to support the Xia Dynasty, but it also collapsed due to the Xia Dynasty. 】

Fortunately, the saint took pity on him and set up a "list of gods" to rebuild the heaven thirty-three days away, so that all those who died in the catastrophe would be star officials, and there would be thousands of stars in the long night. 】

The heaven of the Wu clan fell due to the interaction between heaven and man. All the gods were frightened, so they stepped back to heaven one after another. They did not walk in the ordinary world, and only the "steps to heaven" remained in the world. 】

Later, the saint did not come out. 】

Not particularly surprising, but...

The D, businessman?

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