The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight, blockade of the final four seas (40)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1502——

Malinvando, Naval Headquarters, Office of the Marshal.

Admiral Sengoku sat upright, looking ahead with a serious expression.

Opposite him, Navy Marshal "Song" was sitting behind the desk, holding his chin in one hand and flipping through the information on the table with the other, while Chief Staff Officer "Crane" was standing aside with some supplementary materials, waiting to be handed over at any time.

Information about the ‘Journey to the West’ Chamber of Commerce and its main members. 】

The 'Journey to the West' Chamber of Commerce has three fleets with a total of 990 sailors, and its flagship is the "White Dragon Horse Xiv". 】

As of now, the Chamber of Commerce has a total of 81 towns in the world with 100% occupancy. It has good relations with 36 forces and bad relations with 72 forces. It has estimated assets of 108 million beli. . 】

Admiral: Tang San Burial, Captain: Bai Jingjing, Marlon Brando, Bai Suzhen]

Tang Sanbian, a former navy rear admiral officer, retired CP5 agent, the son of Tang Guangrui, has never eaten devil fruit, and his weapon is a sword. He is proficient in the Sixth Form of the Navy and the Haki of Knowledge, and is proficient in navigation, surveying, battlefield command and gunnery. By capturing sea The thief may complete the naval mission and receive a total bonus of 5 million Baileys. 】

Bai Jingjing, the famous bounty hunter, the daughter of Rhett Butler, has not eaten Devil Fruit, and her weapons are firearms. She has mastered Armed Color Haki and Overlord Color Haki, but has not mastered Sensor Color Haki and any six naval styles. She is proficient in shooting, concealment, trap laying and tracking. Through reconnaissance, by capturing pirates or completing naval missions, you can get a total bonus of 3 million Baileys. 】

Marlon Brando, a former engineering soldier in Log Town, East China Sea. He has not eaten Devil Fruit. His weapon is a hammer. He has not mastered Haki or Six Styles. He is proficient in ship building, training sailors, medicine and archeology. So far, he has been fined for trying to interpret historical texts. A total of 8 million beli. 】

Bai Suzhen, the second daughter of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of Ilusia in the West Sea. She has not eaten devil fruits. Her weapon is a spear. She has mastered the Haki and some of the six naval styles. She is proficient in transactions, valuations, negotiations, cargo management and treasure hunting. So far, due to reselling A total of 8 million beli was fined for contraband and cultivation of prohibited raw materials. 】

"Tsk," Kong laughed: "Just looking at the information of these people, I thought they lost 8 million."

"The 'bounty protection' obtained by the Westward Journey Chamber of Commerce through completing important naval missions offset 8 million in fines." He pulled out a piece of information and placed it on the table: "This is also the reason why the latter two are not on the wanted list."

"Hmm..." Kong glanced at the information, did not take it, and continued to look at the information in front of him.

Chamber of Commerce experience:]

In 1500, the Kingdom of Goa was established. 】

Assist the East China Sea Branch Navy to defeat the 'Black Cat Pirates'. 】

Clear the Black Cat Pirates' base and defeat a large number of pirates in the process. 】

There was a conflict with the main force of the 'Chef Pirates', and both sides suffered losses. Please see Appendix 1 for the battlefield report]

He tried to enter the Great Channel, but was rejected because he did not hold the 'Certificate of Overlord'. 】

Defeat the 'Click Pirates' and obtain the 'Certificate of Overlord' in the East China Sea. 】

After entering Upside Down Mountain, we chose the wrong channel and entered the West Sea. Our request to the Navy to return the same way was rejected. 】

Attempts to salvage treasure from the O'Hara ruins, but is expelled by the Navy. 】

Because he was thought to have gained benefits, he had a fierce conflict with San Juan Hungry Wolf, who was also hunting for treasure in O'Hara. Please see Appendix 2 for the battlefield report]

After successfully capturing San Juan Wolf, the Navy branch was unable to pay the reward and allowed him to hunt for treasure at the O'Hara ruins. See Appendix 3 for the Xihai branch corruption case]

Defeat the 'Lafitte Pirates' who came to seek revenge for the San Juan Hungry Wolf. 】

Become the 'Honorary Eight Treasures Marine' of the 'Land of Flowers'. 】

Defeat the 'Diamond Pirates' and obtain the 'Certificate of Overlord' in the West Sea. 】

In 1501, he went to Upside Down Mountain and got lost again, entering the North Sea. 】

He clashed with the North Sea overlords, the Vinsmoke family, and was wanted. They abducted Sora, the wife of the house owner. See Appendix 4 for details]

Defeat the hired Hawkins pirates. 】

After defeating the Drake Pirates, it was discovered that they were undercover Navy agents who attempted blackmail but failed. The report submitted by Drake is shown in Appendix 5]

Arrive at Frevans and invest heavily in lead mining. 】

A pharmaceutical company named 'Rhode Island' was established to treat Permanentite Ore Disease. See Appendix 6 for company related information]

Together with the naval branch who came to investigate, they repelled Vinsmoke's attack. There is a suspicion of driving a tiger to swallow a wolf. For details of the battle, please see Appendix 7]

Reconciled with the Vinsmoke family and received the Certificate of Overlord. 】

Go to Upside Down Mountain, get lost for the third time, and enter the South China Sea. 】

"Hahahaha!" Sora stopped reading and laughed: "Does she want to collect all the certificates of dominance and achieve success?"

"Every time the 'Certificate of Overlord' is turned in, it will be re-designated." He said from the side.

"Haha..." Sora shook his head and continued reading.

Since there is no rival in the South China Sea, the Westward Journey Chamber of Commerce invested heavily to gain market share. 】

Its monopolistic behavior has led to massive increases in food prices. 】

Joni Bonny's "Big Eater" pirate group, Basque Choate's "Barrel" pirate group, and Lucky Road's "Gourmet" pirate group declared war on them. 】

A scuffle in the South China Sea. For details of the melee, see Appendix 8]

The two factions of Southshore and Tarren Mill are attacking each other. 】

In order to quell the conflict, the Kingdom of Torino held a ‘God of Food’ competition. 】

The Westward Journey Chamber of Commerce lost the title of 'God of Cookery' and left the South China Sea in despair with the second prize 'Certificate of Overlord'. 】

In 1502, he went to Upside Down Mountain, but refused to hand over the Overlord's Certificate, and the navy branch agreed after discussion. 】

The Westward Journey Chamber of Commerce returns to the East China Sea. 】

In order to welcome the inspection of Saint ■■■■, the Kingdom of Goa set fire to the 'Terminal Station of Uncertain Things'. 】

The Westward Journey Chamber of Commerce put out the fire and provided disaster relief. 】

■■■■Sheng ordered his men to rob Bai Suzhen. 】

The revolutionary 'Dragon' appeared and defeated ■■■■Sheng and his men, and the Westward Journey Chamber of Commerce took the opportunity to escape. 】

A coup occurred in the Kingdom of Goa. Please see Appendix 9 for details of the above events]

The Westward Journey Chamber of Commerce enters the Grand Line. 】

Unknown later. 】

Based on the available intelligence, it is inferred that the Westward Journey Merchant Guild has an unusually close connection with the fugitive 'Gol D. Roger' and is acting in accordance with his instructions. However, because there is no evidence, a wanted order cannot be issued, so it is recommended to dispatch naval admiral-level combat forces. They were arrested and interrogated secretly. ——Wulao Xing]

"Well..." Kong tapped his fingers on the table and looked at the last line of instructions that was obviously added: "Although this is a fact, they can't know it, so this is really an 'unfounded' thing because they offended the Celestial Dragons. The crime?】"

"What did you say?" Warring States asked doubtfully.

"The marshal means..." He said: "They are all foxes of thousands of years, what are you doing with me?"

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