The Collection of The End

Two Thousand and One, The Demonic Fog City of Death (8)


Third New Tokyo City.

"Issuing an emergency warning for the entire central Kanto region, centered on the East China Sea region.]"

"Residents, please go to the designated evacuation shelter immediately.]"

"Ah, I feel like I've heard this broadcast once, and I wonder if there will be new ones in the future."

Shinji Ikari held the back of his head with his hands and followed Rei Ayanami. Looking at the girl's back, his curiosity about her increased.

No, it should be said that it has never been less.

The school issued emergency notices and evacuation orders nearly half an hour later than the time she received the information about the "Apostle's arrival."

Of course, there is no problem of delay in declaring an emergency. After confirming the intelligence, the staff will definitely pass the warning to the relevant departments quickly according to the plan. In this case, the half-hour time difference is quite intriguing.

"This is an emergency declaration when the apostles attack from the East China Sea east of Third New Tokyo City," Rei Ayanami continued to answer in her unwavering tone: "If they attack from other directions, the declaration template will be replaced.”

"Yeah." Shinji Ikari could only nod.

Again, when you chat with her casually, she will take polite words and pure nonsense seriously and explain them seriously, but if you talk to her seriously about something, she will answer in a short and annoying way.

for example:

——"I don't know what the weather will be like tomorrow."

——"According to the forecast from the Tokyo Metropolitan Meteorological Department, it will be cloudy and sunny in the main urban area from day to night tomorrow, with an easterly wind of force 3 to 5, a minimum temperature of 15 degrees, and a maximum temperature of 24 degrees."

How should I put it, this response is actually okay, it has a cute feeling, but if you really want to ask something...

——"I wanted to ask before, the apostle hadn't arrived yet when we met. Where did your injuries come from?"

——“An old injury recurred when training started.”

——"What old injury?"

——"Old injuries from training"

——"What training?"

——"Start training."

——"I was asking what kind of injury recurred when training started?"

——"Old wounds."

Commander Ikari! You have done all the bad things! Totally unconscionable!

If she could barely understand it, she had been injured while doing some kind of training before, and the old injury burst when the third apostle came to start the training.

According to the way she responded, it would take me a day to ask, "Why did I get injured before I started training?"


Click, click.

Two streets away, huge silver metal plates rose from the ground, surrounding several skyscrapers. After that, those giant buildings slowly sank into the ground, and the metal plates fell down and disappeared from Shinji Ikari's sight.

Misato Katsuragi had seen this situation once before, but it was played backwards. The Third New Tokyo City's move of retracting its head into a shell should have been done before when the Third Apostle attacked, but at that time He was playing Temple Escape with her.

No, wait, then, wouldn’t the magic “skyscraper” of the venue be ineffective? Do you have to smoke it yourself during a fight?

Shinji Ikari was thinking wildly when he saw Rei Ayanami walking into a barbecue restaurant.

"...?" He hesitated and glanced at the sign to confirm that it was indeed a barbecue restaurant, and then followed it in.

"What does the guest want?"

"Roasted meat set meal."

"How to do it?"

"Roasted warm and slow."

Because of the alarm, there were no customers in the store. After Ayanami Rei's co-owner said a few words like a code, he took Shinji Ikari into a private room. Then, with a feeling of weightlessness, the private room began to descend rapidly.

"..." Fortunately, I was smart and didn't ask her what she was doing, otherwise she would have turned into a clown.

Also, is this store really not going to just dump customers who are not Nerv staff members but want to eat this dish into the underground city?


nerv headquarters.

"The target has been confirmed with the optical capture device!]"

"Has landed on the coast!]"

"All members have entered the first level of combat readiness!]"

"The central district and the first to seventh jurisdictions have been shrunk!]"

"We are about to fight the target!]"

What's that? mushroom? eggplant? squid? cockroach?

Shinji Ikari, who had changed into his combat uniform, looked at the "Apostle" projected on the big screen in the command center. It was a purple-red body, a triangular head, a cylindrical body, and a strange thing that flew close to the ground. Regardless of its size, it did look similar. Squid's.

"Oh? Shinji-kun, you came very quickly. The insertion plug is still being prepared. Just go in later." Misato Katsuragi took time out of her busy schedule to say to him.

Came very quickly?

Nearly an hour had passed since Rei Ayanami received the news of the "Apostle Attack". Before taking herself back to the underground fortress, she even took the time to clean the club classroom before leaving.

Does this mean... Rei Ayanami received the news even earlier than Nerv?

So the question is, where did she buy those glasses?

Shinji Ikari subconsciously looked around, but he could not find the figure of the blue-haired girl who separated from him after entering the headquarters.

"Commander Ikari is not here. This time, I and Deputy Commander Fuyuki will be in command," Misato Katsuragi said. "As for Zero, she is being prepared at Unit Zero. Her condition is not good. In principle, she will not be allowed to attack unless..."

Unless Unit 1 can't beat it, how is that possible?

Boo hoo hoo hoo—ta da da da—

On the screen, the mortar positions disguised as mountains and the forts disguised as cable cars took off their disguises and opened fire violently when the Squid Apostle passed by, but it was of no use except creating bursts of fire on its shell.

"Are those people from the Earth Alliance trying to prove that they haven't wasted their tax money? They always launch a meaningless attack first, and then they turn around and ask us to attack after those things are turned into scrap metal." Misato Katsuragi snorted.

"Is there a possibility that they are taking the opportunity to use up the weapons and ammunition that are about to be eliminated?" Shinji Ikari replied: "And as long as they have launched an attack, they can declare after defeating the apostle that they 'cooperated with us to defeat'."

"...Dirty politicians," Misato Katsuragi paused and said, "Go and prepare for attack."


"The insertion plug is in place.]"

"Start injecting lcl.]"

"The restraint is released.]"


Compared with the various discomforts the first time, the ejection speed of the No. 1 aircraft this time can be said to be very fast. With preparations in place, the discomfort of high-speed ascent is almost non-existent.

Curry Curry]

What's more, the cute Chestnut Ball - the name he gave to the furry creature - is there to keep him company.

"Same as during training, use your at force field to neutralize the apostle's at force field, and then shoot its core," Misato Katsuragi gave immediate instructions: "Although its appearance is not the same as that of the third apostle, the one on its neck is The function of the red sphere should be the same.]"

Shinji Ikari took the time to take a look at the video sent from the headquarters. The "squid" that was originally flying close to the ground actually "stands up" and swings two thin - relatively speaking - tentacles, a triangular head and body. The red balls between are quite eye-catching.

Therefore, a guy who shows off his weaknesses openly and openly must have a bad brain.

"The apostle approaches the suburbs of Third New Tokyo!]"

"Adjust the appearance location of EVA!]"

Boom! Clang!

The ascent stopped and the catapult pod disguised as a building opened.

The good news is that the field of view is excellent, and the No. 1 machine is facing the back of the "upright squid", but the bad news is that the opponent is destroying the conventional weapons turret attacking it and has not seen itself, so it does not count as entering the battle. Cards cannot be drawn.

……Um? Is this really bad news?

Shinji Ikari glanced at Kurizi Qiu: Partner, what do you think?

Curry Curry! ] Chestnut Ball made a throat-cutting motion with its little paws.

"Good opportunity! Shinji-kun, the apostle didn't find you, so we can launch a wave of fire suppression... What are you doing?]" Misato Katsuragi subconsciously lowered her voice halfway through her words.

"Do you still have to ask?" Shinji Ikari also quietly replied: "Assassination."


Witnessed by countless cameras, Unit 1 took out something called a vibrating dagger from his shoulder, a weapon that looked like a utility knife, squatted down and "lightly" touched the back of the fourth apostle.

"...I must remind you that all apostles have 'at force fields'," Misato Katsuragi stayed for more than ten seconds before speaking again: "You can't directly touch the back and wipe its neck."

"I know," Shinji Ikari replied: "I will erode and launch attacks while contacting the 'at force field'. If the range of its at force field is too large, I will give up the assassination."

"...Get ready to deliver spare weapons.]" Misato Katsuragi seemed to be unable to find any reason to stop it, so she turned to command: "Let the people from the Ground Alliance work harder."


The conventional firepower that had been sparse became intensive again, and the attention of the fourth apostle who was destroying those positions one by one was firmly attracted.

Twenty steps, fifteen steps, ten steps...

As Unit 1 gradually approached the Fourth Apostle, the communication channel became quieter and quieter, and the correspondents and technical officers at the headquarters seemed to hold their breath.

Eight steps, seven steps.

Curry Curry! 】Li Ziqiu swung his claws vigorously and made an assault movement.

Did the at force field only unfold seven steps?

Although there was no actual contact, Shinji Ikari decided to trust Kurizi Ball's judgment. He directly changed his movements and suddenly stabbed forward with his sword.

Buzz - Seven steps away from the apostle, a layer of "shield" with orange ripples suddenly appeared, but it only lasted less than half a second before being penetrated by the full force of the "utility knife".

"Yo yo!]" The squid apostle let out a scream that was probably frightened, trying to turn around to avoid and fight back with two tentacles.

It’s useless, within seven steps, the knife is fast.


The "utility knife" was stabbed hard into the apostle's "back".

The apostle's squid froze, waving its tentacles twice randomly, and then slowly collapsed to the ground.

"Did it, have you done it?]" asked a stupid staff member.

What a standard you have set up by this laggard, but whether you want to kill him or not, you actually have a better way to verify.

Shinji Ikari lowered his head and glanced at the "Duel Plate" on his arm - which was also named recently - since it did not disappear, it proved that the battle was not over yet.

Draw a card!

Water Bubble Launcher: Can only be equipped by 'Elemental Hero·Bubble Man', and the attack power increases by 800. 】


"Misato-san, I need a rifle!" Shinji Ikari shouted.

"Call Commander!]" Misato Katsuragi said angrily: "That building a hundred meters to your right!"

Wow! The side protection panel of the target building unfolded, revealing a silver rifle that looked much better than the bubble launcher. Shinji Ikari watched the fallen apostle warily while directing Unit 1 to walk over quickly.

"My attack did not hit the core of the apostle. It may have been severely damaged, but it is definitely pretending to be dead now." After getting the gun, he took the initiative and said without waiting for the headquarters to ask: "In other words, it has some extremely powerful Close combat methods.”

"If this is possible, then the on-the-spot judgment of the battle will be left to you.]" Misato Katsuragi replied quickly.

Tsk, if you don’t draw one, does Unit 0 really count as the “Bubble Man”?

After trying twice, he found that this magic card could not be used. Shinji Ikari had no choice but to use his silver rifle to attack the "corpse" of the fallen apostle.

Tat-tat-tat, puff-puff, the apostle was covered in bullets, and the outer shell became pitted.

You can continue to endure it. Shinji Ikari looks at the duel plate and keeps fighting as long as it doesn't disappear.

Oh, 60 seconds have passed, draw a card!

Elemental hero·Bubble Man, attack: 800, defense: 1200]

Is there something wrong if the super power is obviously playing cards but never shuffling the cards?

Shinji Ikari didn't bother to think too much, so he directly "summoned" Bubble Man and equipped the Bubble Launcher.

The next second, a short fat man wearing a blue armor with cat ears, a cape on his back, and a transmitter in his hand appeared in the insertion bolt and gave him a thumbs up.

Curry Curry] Chestnut Ball waved at the short fat man.

"Sealed Exodia" was not summoned last time, would it have this effect? lcl is amazing.

Anyway, let’s kill the apostles first… isn’t 1600 attack enough?


Perhaps finally aware of the crisis, the fourth apostle roared and stood up again, the red ball around his neck flashing red like a warning light.

It’s useless, seven steps away, the gun is fast.


When Shinji Ikari was about to continue shooting, a white light instantly broke through the distance of a hundred meters and headed straight for his face.



The bubble launcher suddenly turned into fragments and flew away, and the silver rifle in the hand of Unit 1 was also cut into two halves.

No matter how you look at it, those tentacles are going to penetrate Unit-1's head, right? Does Bubble Man still have this ability?

Shinji Ikari glanced at Bubble Man, who was in a daze because his hands were suddenly empty, and then turned to the fourth apostle.

The two tentacles on the side of the squid are no longer what they were originally. They are all emitting a dazzling white light. Just looking at the fate of the rifle, you know that being hit by them will definitely not bring good results.

"Yo——!!]" Swish! Uh-huh!

The fourth apostle roared with unknown meaning while waving its "white light tentacles" and rushed towards Unit 1. At the same time, the flashing frequency of the red sphere under its neck was accelerating.

Maybe there is no need to fight, if you hold on for another three minutes it will be over.

Shinji Ikari hesitated for a moment, then turned around and ran away.

"Commander Miss Misato! I judge that it is returning to the light! Prepare to lure it to the suburbs! Apply for a strategic retreat!"

"Agree with the judgment! Allow retreat!]"


2001. Death World Demonic Fog City 8

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