The Collection of The End

Two thousand and two, the magic fog city of the dead (9)


Third New Tokyo City.

The escape plan was terminated after three minutes.

Because the power cord of Unit 1 was cut off by the Fourth Apostle, the built-in power supply was only enough for it to continue operating for 6 minutes.

Moreover, although the red light on the fourth apostle's neck is flashing crazily, no one can guarantee that it will run out of life within 6 minutes.

"Why not have a nuclear reactor built in?"

"Not to mention the problem of radiation leakage after being attacked, if we could make such a lightweight machine, humans would have gone to the universe long ago, how could they still stay on the earth?"

It seems to make sense. In short, now we can only go back to fight.

Unit No. 1, which was continuously firing to attract the Fourth Apostle, suddenly turned and tried to go around the side of the "giant squid" it was chasing.

Although one of the two sides was running away and the other was chasing, and there was no actual battle, they were still judged to be in combat status by the "Duel Disk". Therefore, Shinji Ikari drew three new cards in this short period of time.

Hero Barrier: When there is a 'hero' on the field, one of the opponent's attacks is invalid. 】

The "hero" version with incapacitated attacks...but why does it look weaker?

Elemental hero Clayman, attack: 800, defense: 2000]

Judging from the card surface, this "hero" is not even a human being, just a brown clay man with a red round head.

After the "Bubble Man" who appeared because Unit No. 1 was soaked in water, the "Clay Man" appeared because he was covered in dust while rolling around?

Huh, who said someone covered in mud can't be considered a hero.

Clay Protective Film: Only equipped by 'Elemental Hero Clayman'. When this card is destroyed, a magic card or trap card will be destroyed. 】

I understand, compared to the various magic and trap cards in the card pile before I piloted Unit 1, the current hero series should be based on the "hero body" and "exclusive equipment".

Bubble Man tends to attack, but Clay Man should be specialized in destroying the opponent's magic effects, such as the Fourth Apostle's dangerous "white light tentacle".

As long as the pair of tentacles are gone, the squid is just a matter of stabbing it in the back.

Shinji Ikari snapped a photo of the "Clayman", then equipped it with a "Clay Protective Film", covered it with a "Hero Barrier", and at the same time commanded Unit 0-0 to attack it while shooting.

Curry Curry! 】Li Ziqiu’s eyes widened, and his little paws waved repeatedly as if refusing.

"Shinji, you are too reckless!]" Katsuragi Misato also reminded loudly.

"It doesn't matter, its life is like a candle in the wind!" Shinji Ikari responded to the two "people" at the same time.

As long as the fourth apostle attacks the "Clay Man" and destroys the "clay protective film", its "white light tentacles" will become ineffective. After losing its ability to attack, it will be just a plate of sashimi.

So, I win this battle——


The fourth apostle's tentacles emitting dazzling light passed by.

Destroyed the Bubble Man.

"..." Shinji Ikari looked in a daze at the gun-holding right hand of Unit 1 that was pierced, and the Bubble Man who was pierced by the illusory tentacles at the same time. He realized belatedly that the apostle had no obligation to follow his own script. Not to mention that it couldn't see these two heroes, even if it could see it, it wouldn't attack the Clay Man who obviously had amazing defense.

Bubble Man turned around with difficulty, gave him a thumbs up, and then disappeared into little golden light.

"Shinji! Keep the distance!]"


Due to an unexpected development, Shinji Ikari's reaction was delayed by a few seconds. After one of the Fourth Apostle's tentacles "disarmed" Unit-00, the other one directly wrapped around Unit-00's feet and lifted it up. Then he smashed it on the ground around him.

Clay Man remained motionless in a defensive posture, and the clay protective film on his body showed no signs of being damaged.

Curry] The chestnut ball was spinning in the air, and his eyes turned into mosquito coils.

Shinji Ikari himself didn't feel like he was being tossed around, it was just that the external scenery presented by the inserted plug was shaking a lot.

"I take it for granted," he said: "You can't let down your guard until the enemy is completely defeated, but fortunately it can be remedied..."

Activate Trap Card, Hero Barrier]!

A circular shield composed of blazing white lightning suddenly appeared in front of the Clay Man. The next moment, the tentacles of the Fourth Apostle wrapped around the legs of Unit 1 were struck by lightning, and the prey on their "hands" was directly thrown away. Going out, the direction is naturally the third city of New Tokyo.

In such a split second, it actually had time to choose a direction. This guy's reaction was quite fast.

Shinji Ikari tried his best to control Unit 1 to change its attitude in the air to land smoothly.

Boom! Boom! boom!

After knocking down several buildings that failed to retract into the ground, Unit 1 finally stopped with one hand on the ground.

There are still 4 minutes of battery left, and the apostle is still jumping around... drawing cards!

Clay Collision: When the 'Elemental Hero Clayman' is attacked by an enemy monster, both sides are destroyed at the same time. 】

The other heroes are all attacking, but Clayman is the only one taking a beating, right? Let’s cover it up for now.

"Are they Shinji's classmates? Why are they here?"

"The school reported that they were not there at the time of the evacuation.]"

"Damn it, now the surface residents have taken refuge, and no one can take them away."

Um? What is the command saying?

Curry Curry] Chestnut Ball waved his little paws and pointed to the ground.

Shinji Ikari looked down and found a familiar building, which seemed to be the previous barbecue restaurant.

When Unit No. 1 landed on one knee with one hand on the ground, one hand happened to be pressed in front of the barbecue restaurant. At that position, two classmates who seemed to have some impression were standing there in a daze.

The thin man with black hair and black eyes was Touji Suzuhara, and the short man with blond hair, brown eyes and glasses was Kensuke Aida. Both of them were stunned when they looked at Unit 1. Kensuke Aida was holding up a camera to take pictures.

In Shinji Ikari's impression, Suzuhara Toji doesn't seem to have any special abilities, while Aida Kensuke's ability is very outrageous. He can make specific people not notice him. Although this ability can only have one target, if he does something bad, It is easy to be discovered by a third party, but combined with his hobby of photography... it is natural for most girls to regard him as a fly and mosquito, even if the school says that he cannot fool the camera, it is useless.

If nothing else happened... Kensuke Aida was probably trying to get curious about what he and Rei Ayanami were planning to do, and maybe he was planning to film it, so he followed them quietly after the two left school early, while Touji Suzuhara was pulled over. Proving that he was not a spy, he cut off the clue near the barbecue restaurant.

"Shinji-kun, put them into the insertion plug and take them away!]"

"Lieutenant Katsuragi! You are exceeding your authority!]"

"Dr. Akagi! I am the temporary commander! I will be responsible for any consequences!]"

Even he could hear clearly the quarrel between Katsuragi Misato and Akagi Ritsuko.


However, there was obviously no time to argue now. After the fourth apostle threw Unit 1 away, he ran after it and tried to give it a fatal blow. At this time, the red ball on its neck was already flashing as if it was about to explode.


Zheng! Chi chi chi——

When the two "luminous tentacles" of the apostle were drawn over, they were all grabbed by Unit 1 with one hand, and a huge sound that sounded like burning or corrosion was immediately heard from the palms of the hands.

Hey, you have to attack the "Clayman" no matter what this time.

Shinji Ikari took the time to take a look at the Clay Man, and found that it was in exactly the same posture as Unit-1 at this moment, holding something in its hands, and Kurikou was cheering it on.

"You two, come in quickly!" Shinji Ikari let Unit 1 tilt back, popped out the insertion bolt and opened the hatch, calling to his two classmates.

"Let me just say that the mysterious transfer student must be the driver of the mysterious robot." "Stop talking nonsense and get in quickly." Suzuhara Touji and Aida Kensuke finally recovered from their sluggishness and climbed into the insertion plug with fussiness.

"Don't be afraid, you won't drown." Shinji Ikari reminded him kindly and put the insertion bolt back into the No. 1 machine.

"Grrrrrr!" "Urrrrrrr!"

Although I couldn’t hear it, I was probably saying that my camera was ruined.

Shinji Ikari took a brief look at their expressions and found that they could not see Clay Man and Kururi Ball as expected, so he turned around with relief——

Elemental Hero·Golden Captain: Attack: 2100, Defense: 800]

■■■ of ■■■: Attack:? ,defense:? 】

Then he was slapped in the face by two new cards.


The former's card surface shows a hero in golden armor and red cape standing on a street lamp, while the latter's card surface is completely ominous and dark.

Is one of these two a supervillain lurking in the school?

In this way, theoretically speaking, you can see the essence by throwing people into lcl, but it is not easy to operate.

"There is a foreign object in the insertion plug!]"

"The synchronization rate dropped rapidly!]"


"Shinji-kun! Act quickly! Defeat it, or retreat!]"

"Yo——!!】" At this time, the fourth apostle also began to exert force suddenly to try to break free.

In short, these unimportant matters can be considered later, and the apostles should be eliminated first. Shinji Ikari could clearly see that the gauntlet of Unit-001 had been corroded to the point of disgrace by the white light tentacles.

The correct approach at this time should be: continue to persist until the Clay Man is destroyed, and activate two trap cards to destroy the glowing tentacles and the apostle itself at the same time.

The latter is doubtful, after all, it won't be a big deal if the monsters are destroyed and Unit 1 is destroyed, but at least the former can be achieved.

But... Shinji Ikari glanced at Kurizi Ball and realized that a "hero" shouldn't be sacrificed like this.

Kuri Kuri] The little thing nodded to him.

So, let me see what this new hero is capable of.

Unit No. 1 suddenly exerted force, swung its "luminous tentacles" and threw the fourth apostle out, and then slapped the "Golden Captain" on the duel plate.

Phew——The Clay Man turned into little golden light and dispersed. Before disappearing, he nodded to Shinji Ikari with his painted face.

No...wait? Do you need to free monsters to summon the Golden Captain? But after you leave, the trap card cannot be activated?

Ding, ding, ding——

The next moment, large golden ripples appeared in the insertion bolt, and then, the same golden armor, red cloak, golden vertical hair, red eyes and handsome appearance as the "Golden Captain" walked out of the ripples. , standing on a street lamp that appeared at an unknown time, looking down at the fourth apostle in the distance.

This seems to be the first human-like "elemental hero".

The golden captain crossed his arms and looked at the fourth apostle with disdain for a few seconds, then raised his arms slightly as if to launch an attack.

Then, nothing happened.

The golden captain froze, slowly retracted his arm, then turned around with a frown, and glared at Shinji Ikari with his red eyes filled with disgust and irritation.

What, I thought you could launch an attack without instructions...

Shinji Ikari glanced at the fourth apostle who had regained his footing and was waving his tentacles to kill him. He raised his hand to draw the card, and then took the picture without looking.

Based on the characteristics of my super power, the card I drew will undoubtedly be——

Boom boom boom——

The scenery inside the bolt suddenly changed, turning into the night view of New Tokyo City. At the same time, countless skyscrapers rose from the ground into the sky, and standing on the tallest building was none other than the proud-looking Golden Captain.

Skyscraper: When the "hero" launches an attack, the attack power increases by 1000 points. 】

So, kill this squid!


In an instant, countless golden ripples covered the entire false night sky, and then, all kinds of cold weapons fell from the sky, shooting straight at the fourth apostle who was running towards him - and then nothing happened.

Of course it won't be effective. After all, this is just an illusion inserted into the bolt. The actual attack has to be done by Unit 1 itself.

Since it is a long-range attack, use firearms...

"20%——0%! Unit No. 1 lost synchronization!]"

"Shinji-kun! Concentrate! Those two idiots behind you! Stop thinking!]"

"Gulu gulu——" "Wow wow wow——"

0%? Out of sync? But Unit 1 is still moving?

Click, click, dong dong, dong dong!

Unit No. 1 was only advancing slowly at first, but it soon turned into a trot, and then a gallop, rushing toward each other with the menacing Fourth Apostle, without any defensive movement from either side.

Are the apostles prepared to die together? But it must not have expected that my attack power is already as high as 3100 - although I still don't know the specific meaning of this value.

Whoops! Poof!

When the two sides were about to come into contact, Unit 1 suddenly changed direction and accelerated to avoid the lash of the luminous tentacles. Using the finger as a knife, it accurately penetrated the gap of the red ball on the neck of the fourth apostle, and then grabbed the red ball with its backhand. The ball, stepped on the apostle's body with his upper foot, kicked back, raised his hand, and directly pulled off the red ball.

The red ball that was flashing crazily went out in an instant like a dead light bulb. What "went out" next were the two "luminous tentacles" of the fourth apostle, then the duel disk in Shinji Ikari's hand, and the one inserted into the bolt. light.

"The AT force field disappears, and the fourth apostle is confirmed to be eliminated.]"

"Unit No. 1 is completely silent and is ready for recovery.]"

"Shinji-kun...are you okay?]"

Very good, but...

After thinking about the final pose of these two big guys, Shinji Ikari covered his face silently.

How can he explain to people now that he wouldn't just pull out other people's hearts during fights at school?

2002. Death World Demonic Fog City 9

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