The Collection of The End

2019. The Demonic Fog City of Death (26)


Nerv headquarters, Eva test site.

"After investigation, the emergence of the 'Eleventh Apostle' was caused by the engineering department's carelessness and incomplete elimination when analyzing and transforming the apostle's body. After thorough rectification, the possibility of similar incidents happening again has been eliminated," Misato Katsuragi Standing on the command podium, he reported to Ikari Yuantang on the screen: "The upcoming 'body swap experiment' is fundamentally different and there will be no unexpected incidents."

"It's best," Ikari Gendo kept his hands folded to cover his mouth even in the video: "Continue the experiment, if there are any more accidents, you will become the Katsuragi First Lieutenant and the Katsuragi Third Colonel. ]"

"Yes!" Katsuragi Misato stood at attention and responded.

"I will deal with the accountability of the Dilian.]" Ikari Yuantang said, cutting off the communication.

"Ha..." Katsuragi Misato slumped her shoulders, exhaled, and then turned to the three pilots behind her: "What I just said is true. There will be no problems in today's experiment. There is no need to be too stressed."

"The problem is huge! The pressure is huge!" Asuka pointed at Shinji Ikari: "How can we let him eat my cabbage!"

Where did she learn this idiom? Did she say that she was a pig in a roundabout way? Shinji Ikari looked up at the sky.

"The data you get from exchanging pilot bodies will be the last piece of the puzzle to build Unit 3," Ritsuko Akagi said from the side: "Because there is no risk or difficulty, it will be put at the end. As long as it is completed successfully, we can adapt it accordingly." The data has chosen a new driver."

"Don't be willful, Asuka." Ryoji Kaji, who was rarely involved in espionage activities but was here to watch the experiment, also said.

"Really, since Mr. Kaji said so," Asuka looked at Unit 2 outside the window of the headquarters: "My poor daughter, just treat it as a bite."

Becoming a dog again, right?

This is difficult to understand. When beating the Sixth Apostle, she obviously invited him to insert the plug.

Shinji Ikari didn't even bother to get angry and tried to understand what Asuka was struggling with.

——Feeling very shy because the boy entered his boudoir without his guidance.

Bang, Shinji Ikari covered his face.

The plug is not your boudoir! I can't find any privacy in there!

"..." Ayanami Rei glanced at him.

Huh? etc? Can it be found? No way?

"What is the specific order?" Rei Ayanami ignored Shinji Ikari's questioning eyes and raised her hand towards Misato Katsuragi.

"Delayed by numbers," Misato Katsuragi watched the interaction between several pilots with great interest and said, "In the first round, Zero pilots Unit 1, Shinji-kun drives Unit 2, Asuka drives Unit 0, and in the second round , Zero pilots Unit 2, and so on."


Ayanami is just going through the motions, no matter which station is 50%, the key lies in his and Asuka's data.

Shinji Ikari looked at the bright red Unit 2 while thinking, and then subconsciously turned his eyes to the orange Unit 1.

Although, please don't have any illusions this time, otherwise the pressure will be really great.


"The insertion plug is connected!]"

"Second contact completed.]"

"Everyone starts the third contact!]"

Curry Curry? 】Kurizi Ball appeared as promised, first waved to Shinji Ikari, and then looked left and right in confusion.

Stop looking, I have to go to Unit Zero later.

Curry Curry! ] Chestnut Ball covered his mouth with his little paws.

Yes, yes, I got them all, I'm a scumbag.

Curry Curry——] Li Ziqiu closed his paws in front of him, narrowed his eyes, and then with an illusory snapping sound, he spread out a pair of small white wings behind him.

What does "you are all my wings" mean? Where did you learn this, little guy?

"Shinji-kun? What are you doing?]" Ritsuko Akagi's voice sounded: "Your current synchronization rate is 0.1%. If this is real data, I will record it."

"No... I was just debugging the setting of the insertion bolt," Shinji Ikari said half-seriously: "Asuka's thinking mode turned out to be German."

"Don't move around!]" Asuka's face appeared in the communication box of Unit Zero: "Tune back to me when the experiment is over!]"

"Uh, but I'm going to use Ayanami next..." Shinji Ikari blinked.

"It's okay," Rei Ayanami's profile appeared in the communication box of Unit 1: "I can think in 58 languages, including German."

"Hey, top student]." Asuka closed the communication.

Is this something that ordinary top students can do? And you are inside Ayanami's insertion plug now?

By the way...are there so many languages ​​in the world?

"There are 7,052 known languages ​​in the world," Rei Ayanami said, "I only know a few commonly used ones."

“…” Redefine the minority.

"There is only one word in all languages ​​that is pronounced almost exactly the same," Rei Ayanami continued: "Mom."


"Okay, okay, let's talk about popular science after the experiment is over. Hurry up and synchronize with the body.]" Ritsuko Akagi interrupted the chat.

——? ? ? ——

"Mom! Mom! Waaaaaah——"

...I knew that Ayanami would not do useless things.

Shinji Ikari looked at Asuka who was crying loudly in front of him, and wanted to try to reach out to comfort her, but then he realized that he had no body at all.

This is a dark world, with only a beam of light from an unknown source shining down from above, illuminating Asuka who looks only four or five years old and is carrying a small schoolbag.

Snap, another beam of light reflected an intellectual woman busy in front of the computer, but her face was blurry.

"If you have any problems, just tell me. If you can solve it yourself, don't come to me.]" The woman said in a voice slightly similar to Asuka's, but much colder.

"Wow ah ah ——]" Little Asuka obviously didn't understand and continued to cry, but the woman really didn't look back.

Snap, snap, the beam went off and on again, and the scene had changed.

"Qualified persons...test?]" Asuka, who was about ten years old, looked at the intellectual woman in front of her.

"Although you have completed middle school courses and received an invitation from an American university, those ordinary people's honors are meaningless to us," the woman said: "As a qualified person, becoming an EVA driver is the most important thing. An excellent driver should be your goal.】"

"Then, if I can't...]"

"Then you go back and live with your father who has no ambitions and only thinks about his wife and children. I must have been blind to think that he is the same type of person as me."

Just this sentence, I have a good impression of Mr. Soliu!

"I, I will work hard!]"

Well, so this is where this girl’s competitive spirit comes from? That's quite worthy of sympathy...

Snap, snap.

The new one is Asuka, whose appearance is almost the same as now.

"Mother, are you looking for me?]"

"The apostles have appeared. The pilots selected by Nerv headquarters are not strong enough. The third New Tokyo City has been destroyed several times. They have officially applied for support from us. You can set off when you are ready. Don't embarrass me.]"

"I heard that the commander over there chose his son to be the driver because of his connections? It's really ridiculous. It's up to me to let him see the strength of a genius driver! Oh hehehe——]"

Sorry for the ghost!


"The first round of experiments, Asuka and Unit Zero, the synchronization rate is 56.5%, Ayanami Zero and Unit 1, the synchronization rate is 50%, Shinji Ikari and Unit 2, the synchronization rate is 43.5%]" Ritsuko Akagi announced: "Take a break Finally, replace the body and prepare for the second round of experiments.]"

"Not bad," Asuka put her hands on her hips: "Together with me, we have a 100% synchronization rate."

Really... She was forced to separate from her father when she was a child, and was used as a tool to gain honor by her obsessed with working mother. As long as she had a slightly better personality, it would be difficult not to feel sympathy for her, but she just played her good cards to pieces.

Forget it, Ayanami showed herself those things to prevent herself from getting to know her.

Eh...wait a minute, forget about the one who goes berserk in Unit Zero, but the illusion of Unit 1 is Rei Ayanami himself. Do the two of them have any synchronicity?

"Well, as you know, Unit-00 went berserk when fighting against the Third Apostle," Shinji Ikari thought for a moment and thought it would be better to mention: "When you pilot it later, try to be gentler."

"Humph, that's because you can't do it," Asuka raised her chin: "If I had been driving from the beginning, the mere apostle would have been able to catch him, and he wouldn't have been beaten until his eyes were bleeding and there were pits and had to run away to win, which would be so embarrassing."

What does it mean that if you don't take the path to heaven, you will have to throw yourself into hell without any door... I hope Ayanami will be gentle when he punishes her.

——? ? ? ——

Um? Um?

Is this... a school?

After getting into Unit Zero and starting to synchronize, Shinji Ikari was originally prepared to watch several rounds of stage plays about Ayanami Rei's past, but the scene that appeared was almost the same as the real world.

The reason for "almost" is, of course, because there are no two Shinji Ikari in reality.

This is the campus at dusk, and "Shinji Ikari" and "Rei Ayanami" are cleaning.

It's a rare scene, because they didn't clean the classroom at all because of the activities of the Literature Club.

After Shinji Ikari tried it and found that he could move but couldn't touch anything, he ignored "himself" who was wiping the blackboard and walked to "Ayanami Rei" who was twisting the rag.

"Ayanami? Ayanami?" Shinji Ikari tried to say, or thought that he had done the act of "speaking".

"Rei Ayanami" who was twisting the rag completely ignored him. this is actually a more advanced memory? But how come I don’t remember doing this?

"What?]" "Ayanami Rei" suddenly said.

"Ah? Is there still a delay?" Shinji Ikari responded: "Let me tell you, I don't know whether the scene I'm looking at was caused intentionally or unintentionally by you, but can you let me go back?"

"Ayanami Rei" ignored him.

"Ah, that's it...]" "Shinji Ikari"'s voice came from behind her: "I see that the way you twist the rag is quite similar to my mother's...]"

"Are you an idiot!" Shinji Ikari scolded "himself" angrily. In desperation, he couldn't find the words and even learned Asuka's catchphrase.

"Really?]" "Ayanami Rei" loosened the rag on his hand and began to wipe the table.

"Well, yes,]" "Shinji Ikari" scratched his head from behind: "Ayanami will definitely become a good mother in the future.]"

"Are you an idiot?!" Shinji Ikari couldn't find other words for a moment, so he repeated it again.

"Really?" "Ayanami Rei" responded in a low voice.

"Then what? You can kill him as long as you want, it's none of my business..." Shinji Ikari subconsciously took two steps back: "...huh?"

That idiot "Shinji Ikari" couldn't be seen behind him, but Shinji Ikari in front of "Rei Ayanami" could clearly see two blushes appearing on the girl's cheeks.

so cute……

wrong! You are not Ayanami! Who are you!

Snap, snap.

With two familiar sound effects, the scene changed, but Shinji Ikari was still familiar with it.

402, Ayanami]

In front of Ayanami's apartment, "Ayanami Rei", who was probably not Rei Ayanami, was walking from the stairs to the door.'s a little strange...Shinji Ikari was milling around the door.

The mailbox at the door was filled with flyers, various advertisements were pasted on the door, and the walls were mottled. This was completely unlike Rei Ayanami's dormitory where the entire room was pure white with no extra color.

Is she really not Ayanami herself? What about the other self?


"Rei Ayanami" opened the door and entered the house, and then found that there were already two uninvited guests inside. As expected, one of them was Shinji Ikari "himself" and the other was Touji Suzuhara, and there were still lingering sounds of what they just said. echo:

"I just like to clean up.]" "Humph, a man will never do housework!"

Still not right...

Shinji Ikari looked around this room. Not only was it not white, it could even be called a gray house. There was no trace of decoration. It had a simple iron bed and bedside table. Beakers, bulk pills and capsules were placed on the cabinet, and gauze and medicines were discarded everywhere. Package.

If there are any similarities, then these pills and capsules are the same as those taken by "my own Ayanami Rei" in the literary club.

No, I just said it casually... Shinji Ikari corrected it in his mind before giving up.

Forget it, Maayanami probably wasn't watching, and this couldn't be what she wanted to show herself.

If I had to say it, it might be an expansion of my own "illusion" ability.

"What's going on?]" "Ayanami Rei" glanced at "Suzuhara Touji" and "Ikari Shinji" who were carrying garbage bags with a cold gaze.

"Uh, we'll give you teaching notes!]" "Suzuhara Touji" jumped up, pointed at a pile of paper on the bedside, and ran out: "If there's nothing wrong, we'll leave first -"

"Sorry, I just packed it up. See you tomorrow.]" "Shinji Ikari" smiled at "Rei Ayanami", followed "Suzuhara Touji" with the garbage bag, and closed the door behind him.

"Thank you.]" "Ayanami Rei" said blankly to the empty room.

Ten seconds later, the girl threw aside the schoolbag she was holding, took two steps forward and lay on the bed.

"Thank you.]" She repeated in a low voice, a blush very similar to the previous scene appeared on her cheeks.

Shinji Ikari finally moved his eyes away from "Ayanami Rei"'s face, and then sighed deeply:

"I'm the idiot."

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