The Collection of The End

Two thousand and twenty, the magic fog city of the dead (27)


Gathering Garden, Literary Club.

"Don't be sad, Shinji-kun, our combined synchronization rate is 100%, hehehehe."

Asuka laughed as she slapped Shinji Ikari on the shoulder.'s been a few days, is it necessary to keep talking about it?

Shinji Ikari drank tea from a teacup and ignored the proud genius pilot.

About a week ago, the results of the second round of body exchange experiments were "Ayanami Zero and Unit 2, the synchronization rate is 50%, Shinji Ikari and Unit Zero, the synchronization rate is 0.1%, and Asuka and Unit 1, the synchronization rate is 99.9%."

At that time, my mind was in confusion because of the incredible sight I saw. It was okay that the synchronization rate was only 0.1%, but it was outrageous that the synchronization rate between Asuka and Unit-0-0 was that high. This was definitely a shady story.

When I secretly asked Ayanami Rei afterwards, her answer was "It's very troublesome."

It's easy to understand, if Asuka's synchronization rate is the lowest among the three, she will definitely cause all kinds of trouble.

But if calculations based on these data lead to any problems with Unit 3... it has nothing to do with me.

However, there is still a hidden danger in this matter. After Rei Ayanami answered the question about Asuka's synchronization rate, he unexpectedly asked him uncharacteristically: "What did you see?"

It seems that the information integration thought body is not omnipotent.

Shinji Ikari, who was vaguely aware that those scenes might be important, did not answer directly. He just used what Rei Ayanami said to him before as a shield: "I may have seen something, but I didn't see anything."

After that, Ayanami Rei just nodded and said "Really?" and did not mention the matter again.

On the other hand, Shinji Ikari is a little confused. He has been thinking about whether to say "you are like my mother" to her when she is cleaning, or to do housework for her, but he has never been able to find the opportunity - from the literary club Kirishima Mana was the one doing the cleaning, and there was no need to tidy up the pure white apartment.

This was just to test whether the two Ayanami's reactions were consistent, and I didn't mean to see her blush.

"Shinji-san, do you need more tea?" Kirishima Mana walked up to him carrying a teapot.

"Uh..." Shinji Ikari looked at the empty tea cup and realized that he had drank air for a long time: "Thank you."

"What? What?" Asuka put her face closer: "Are you still worried about the low synchronization rate? Don't worry, my genius pilot will protect you from now on."

"In this case, from now on I will fly Unit 2 and you will fly Unit 1?" Shinji Ikari looked at her.

Let's first propose to take off the roof.

"No way!!" Asuka immediately shouted: "Don't try to take advantage of my daughter!"

"If we don't change, the synchronization rate between me and Unit 1 is 65%, and the synchronization rate between you and Unit 2 is 55%," Shinji Ikari said.

Asuka didn't seem to expect this, and after two seconds she finally reacted: "No! Your synchronization rates with Unit 1 and Unit 2 are 65% and 43.5% respectively! And mine is 99.9% and 55%! This is my total victory!”

"You can't drive two EVAs at the same time." Shinji Ikari pointed out her blind spot.

"I have the highest average score!" Asuka reacted quickly this time: "You can't even compare to Ayanami! You're the best!"

This nickname is really strange, but she probably won't take it for granted... Shinji Ikari nodded to Kirishima's real name and picked up the tea cup to drink tea.

Anyway, the window is open, no matter what.

Didi, didi——

"Hello, Mr. Kaji" Asuka answered the phone quickly: "What! The apostle appeared directly in the city?!"


Shinji Ikari glanced at Rei Ayanami by the window with some disbelief, where is your early warning radar?

"..." Ayanami Rei raised his hand to pinch the frame of his glasses, blinked twice, and then stood up: "Go back."


nerv headquarters.

"What is that? Has the zebra crossing become a spirit?]"

Due to the emergency, the three pilots did not go to the headquarters, but directly boarded their respective EVAs. It was only then that they saw the incoming apostle for the first time from the communication screen.

It was a strange, huge sphere floating in mid-air. Its entire body was covered with alternating black and white lines, and there were three black holes on it that were at a certain angle to each other.

Like a bowling ball... Ikari Shinji thought silently.

"The Twelfth Apostle suddenly appeared in the Third Neo-Tokyo City without any warning. We had no time to carry out the city subsidence, nor could we conduct a fire test. We can only rely on your on-the-spot performance," Misato Katsuragi said: "But so far All... Well, most of the apostles have the same play style, which is to 'neutralize the AT force field and destroy the core'. You should pay more attention to its special abilities, and, if possible, try to minimize the degree of damage. .】"

"Humph, for such a big ball, the target is obvious, and no matter whether it can emit beams or conjure tentacles, it is no match for this talented pilot!]" Asuka said arrogantly.

I seem to have heard of the saying "a proud soldier will be defeated"? Shinji Ikari looked at the communication interface of Unit Zero.

"Where are the tactics?]" Ayanami Rei's expression was unusually serious, and he ignored Ikari Shinji's gaze.

"One EVA for long-range sniper support, one for close combat, and the last one for mid-range suppression. If we divide the labor...]"

"Of course I will do the melee combat!]" Asuka said, "The synchronization rate is 99.9%, which allows EVA to easily perform actions that are difficult to do when the synchronization rate is low. It is very suitable for melee combat!"

Your current synchronization rate has not reached 60. Thank you.

"...Then, Zero will be responsible for sniper support, and Shinji-kun will provide auxiliary suppression.]" Misato Katsuragi did not expose her: "The launch locations of the three EVAs have been adjusted and launched!]"

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The three EVAs rose straight up from their respective standby locations and parted ways halfway.

Shinji Ikari looked at the window of Unit Zero again during his busy schedule, and found that Rei Ayanami shook his head and nodded at him with subtle movements.

I understand, Asuka can't beat her and needs her own support.

Let’s make a first move—huh?

Shinji Ikari touched his left arm while looking at the apostle in the window, but came up empty. There was nothing there except the sleeve of the combat uniform.

……what's the situation?

——? ? ? ——

"Is there such a possibility?" Shinji Ikari looked at the strange snow-white environment outside: "What Ayanami means is, 'If you can't beat me, you will win if you bring Asuka back'?"

Curry Curry...] chestnut ball to finger.

"No, I'm not blaming you for not warning me. Who knew the apostle this time would be so weird." Shinji Ikari touched Kurizi Qiu's head.

The huge "Zebra Crossing Sphere" displayed by the Twelfth Apostle was just an illusion. When attacked, it would immediately disappear and appear elsewhere. Asuka thought it was some kind of teleportation ability. When she chased after him with a sword, she fell directly into that The "shadow" of the sphere.

No, it can now be completely confirmed that it is not a shadow at all, but the entrance to this strange space.

At that time, when Shinji Ikari directed Unit 1 to step on the edge of the "Shadow" and pull Unit 2 out, he seemed to realize that his prey had been snatched away. The coverage area of ​​the "Shadow" instantly expanded five to six times, and the suction power also increased. More than a little stronger, he responded to the situation and just threw the No. 2 unit away, when the entire No. 1 unit was completely engulfed by the "shadow".

However, because he realized that the swallowed part was not harmed, he made a quick wit and made the last swallowed hand of Unit 001 make a thumbs-up gesture outside.

In this way, Nerv should come to rescue him after planning, and the preparation time left for them is... the time limit for the life support system to fail after the insertion plug is completely isolated, which is 14 hours.

Although the appearance of the apostle this time seems to be beyond Rei Ayanami's expectations, she will always find a way and there is no need to worry at all. In the past ten hours, she still has Kurumi Ball to chat with, and she will not have any psychological problems. Perfect .

The only thing that made him a little worried was... Shinji Ikari looked at his left arm.

The "Duel Disk" appears as usual, but the card library is empty.

Do you know this is outrageous? In the past, several apostles had already appeared in decks against me. This time, they directly cleared their card library. If they had the ability to duel openly! ?

"I feel relieved to see you still have such fighting spirit, partner aibo.]" A familiar voice sounded.

"Ayanami—who are you?"

Appearing in front of Shinji Ikari was a black-haired boy with sharp eyes. He was wearing a black vest and dark blue leather pants, with a golden triangle hanging on his chest and a pure black cape on his back. However, his hair style looked a bit... Starfish, there are a few golden highlights on the forehead to decorate this "starfish".

"My name is Atum," the black-haired boy said, "I am your...substitute."

Kukukuri——! 】Li Ziqiu narrowed his eyes and moved around, seeming to be laughing.

"Well, I shouldn't use concepts that I'm not familiar with," the boy who called himself Atum sighed: "To be precise, I am the embodiment of your ability as a 'qualified person'."

Shinji Ikari later discovered that the reason why he felt familiar to him was that his voice was almost exactly the same as his own, except for the different pitch and pitch.

"Hmm..." Shinji Ikari thought for a while and then said: "So, you are the master of the 'Magic Tube', 'Curse of the Six-Pointed Star', and 'Reflector Power' cards?"

"Oh? Why do you think so?]" Atum raised his eyebrows with surprise in his words.

"Because all I had before were cards related to magic. It wasn't until I arrived in New Tokyo City 3 and obtained the 'Skyscraper' that the 'Hero' series of cards appeared." Shinji Ikari looked at Kururi Ball: "That was probably at the same time. The 'chestnut ball' that appeared brought it to me."

"Yes, that is the deck of its new owner after I sent this little guy away," Atum smiled slightly: "As the 'Duel King', it doesn't matter if you use the deck of your junior, right? 】 "

"Just hearing this title, I think your story will be very long..." Shinji Ikari said: "However, you are here specifically to introduce me, right? Do you have a way to get me out of the current predicament?"

"This is the 'Sea of ​​Dirac', also known as the 'Imaginary Number Space']" Atum said: "Only 'things that have left the original world' can appear here, and your 'hero' deck still relies on ' The Third New Tokyo City' is naturally unavailable.】"

"Throwing people out of their original universe? The apostle this time is really outrageous." Shinji Ikari complained.

"Actually, that's just an illusion. If you were really thrown out of your original universe, I wouldn't be the only one who would appear here.]" Atum replied.

"Then..." Shinji Ikari still wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"It just so happens that the second owner of this little guy has a deck that suits your current situation, but he left in a hurry and didn't have time to bring it with him. I'll give it to you now.]" Atum raised his hand to stop Ikari. Shinji continued to digress and pointed at his dueling disk.

Phew...the originally empty deck was instantly filled with a stack of cards, and the "drawable card" effect appeared.


"I can't show up in your world, because 'I am you' there, and there shouldn't be any chance in the future," Atum said: "The situation of Chestnut Ball is a special case."

"...Thank you," Shinji Ikari bowed his head slightly to Atum: "For your care over the years."

"If you really want to express your gratitude, just pay a little more attention to the girl named Kirishima's real name," Atum said with a smile: "She will surprise you."

"Huh? Is she not -" Shinji Ikari raised his head and wanted to ask, but the mysterious young man had disappeared: "...a future spy?"

Curry Curry] Only Chestnut Ball, who had sprouted wings at some point, was still waving his claws at the void to say goodbye.

"He does have a face that never shuffles cards..." Shinji Ikari complained, raising his hand to draw a card.

New Universe]

There is no explanation for this card. On the card is a huge vortex, which is composed of clouds and mist that gather various colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

It’s hard to guess what the card is used for just by looking at it…

Shinji Ikari thought about it for a moment, then gave up thinking and punched it out.


The moment the card was played, the pure white void world outside the inserted plug instantly changed and became animated picture of the card face of the new universe.

However, unlike what was expected, this "vortex" is not moving from the outside in, but is constantly expanding outward, as if a universe is really being reborn.

Is this what the universe looked like when it was born? That's really nice.

Whoosh whoosh——squeak——squeak——

Shinji Ikari had nothing to do. While chatting with Kuriko Ball, he drew cards to check the strength of the "New Universe" deck. He also took a nap during the period. Finally, after about twelve hours, the "New Universe Expansion" reached its limit. The terrifying sound of a balloon being inflated to its limit began to be heard from all directions.

This apostle's "Dilac Sea" is slightly smaller - although the "Dilac Sea" itself cannot be measured in terms of size.

Anyway, let’s strike a cool pose first…

Squeak, squeak, squeak—bang!

When the Nerv headquarters was about to launch a rescue operation, the zebra crossing-like spherical body of the twelfth apostle and the shadow below it fell apart like a balloon in front of everyone, revealing that he was kneeling on one knee, making a thinker's movement The first machine.

"Shinji——" Asuka's cry-like call was halfway through, and suddenly turned into a roar: "Go to hell! You idiot!"

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