The Collection of The End

Two thousand and twenty-one, the magic fog city of the dead (28)


nerv headquarters, emergency ward.

"Well..." Shinji Ikari slowly opened his eyes and looked at the built-in chandelier on the ceiling: "Unfamiliar ceiling..."

The last memory he had was that the card "New Universe" was about to explode the "Dirac Sea" of the Twelfth Apostle, and he and Unit 1 were about to return to the real world. At that time, he was thinking about a more handsome pose. , as a result, the thinking is directly interrupted here.

What exactly is...

"You're awake." Ayanami Rei's voice came from the side.

"Ah," Shinji Ikari turned his head and looked at the blue-haired girl who was sitting beside his bed reading a book: "Your next sentence won't be 'You have become a girl' again, right?"

"No," Rei Ayanami's eyes stayed on the book in her hand: "You are temporarily prohibited from piloting Unit-1."

"Why?" Shinji Ikari tried to move his body and found that there was nothing serious, so he sat up: "Is it because I threw Asuka out and fell into the shadow of the apostle? There is nothing I can do about it, with Asuka's strength If you go in with strength, you can’t come out.”

"No," Rei Ayanami finally looked away from the book and looked at Shinji Ikari: "Because you had close contact with the apostle, and the duration lasted for more than twelve hours."

"Huh?" Shinji Ikari pointed at himself: "You have been in contact with the apostle for too long? Is this a serious reason?"

In that case, not to mention the classmates of the Assemblage Garden, the father who is Ayanami Rei's guardian would have to be arrested first.

"The apostle this time did not cause any damage." Rei Ayanami took out a tablet from the side, adjusted it twice and handed it to Shinji Ikari: "After it swallowed Unit-1, it stayed in place motionless until you removed it. There is an internal breakthrough, and the way you emerge is very much like 'hatching' or 'emerging'."

"Pfft, why did Unit-00 assume the pose of a thinker!" Shinji Ikari took the tablet and looked at it, and he was shocked: "I fainted before I could figure out what pose to use."

Could it be that Unit-00 assumed a thinking posture on its own because it was thinking?

"Since the apostle appeared directly in the city this time and did not launch an attack, it is considered that he wants to control or assimilate the EVA body, and you and Unit 1 who have been with it for more than 12 hours are at risk of being contaminated," Rei Ayanami After a pause: "It was mainly because the Ground Alliance thought so. Commander Ikari was forced to temporarily seal Unit 1 under pressure."

Oh, those guys who have absolutely no way to fight against the apostles can actually make dad bow down.

"It's understandable. If the weapons you make suddenly become self-aware, it would be really scary for humans." Shinji Ikari shrugged: "What do you mean by Nerv?"

"Opportunity No. 1 will be thoroughly inspected and cleaned to ensure that there are no apostles left," Rei Ayanami said: "As for you, you will not be detained or confined, but there will be no 'class' schedule for a month."


"However, in order to cope with the shortage of pilots, qualified candidates for Unit 3 will be sent to the headquarters in advance for adaptive training." Rei Ayanami added.

"Who is it? Suzuhara Touji or Aida Kensuke?"

"Kirishima's real name."

"Oh Ha?"


eva training ground.

"lcl power on!]"

"Second simulated contact passed!]"

"Start the third simulated contact!]"

"……successfully passed!】"

"The synchronization rate between the pilot and the simulation body of Unit 3 is 69%!]"

Hmm... I usually can't see it in the insertion plug. Is there so much data displayed in the command center?

Shinji Ikari stood next to Misato Katsuragi and looked at the big screen, with orders and reports coming one after another from the command staff in his ears.

Most of them are incomprehensible, except for the eye-catching 69%, so why is Maluduke really strong, and the selected driver should be born to drive EVA - it would be even more perfect if she was not a spy.

No, there is actually no evidence to prove that she is a spy. Whose spy will be her future self?

Judging from the actions of the Ground Alliance to pressure Nerv to temporarily seal Unit 1, their purpose is probably to promote Kirishima's real name.

...No, they may not even know what they are doing at all, and really think that Unit 1 may be contaminated and needs to be sealed and inspected.

And this situation should undoubtedly be the masterpiece of "Future Kirishima's real name".

If you can travel through time, you can indeed do whatever you want.

But, since Rei Ayanami didn't stop it, and didn't even come to see the simulation startup experiment, it proves that this matter is basically irrelevant. The only difference is that the location of the literary club activities was changed from the literary club in the Assembly Garden to Nerv's lounge. That’s all.

"Thank you for your hard work, Kirishima, let's take a rest," Misato Katsuragi said into the microphone: "This is just a simulation, so don't be too nervous, but it's not much different from a real ride."

"Yes...]" Kirishima's real name's weak voice came from the speaker.

"Really, I have never seen Miss Katsuragi be so gentle to us." Asuka, who was also watching next to her, complained in a low voice.

Isn't that natural? There's no point in being gentle to Ayanami. You've led people astray with your blathering all day long. As for yourself - "You are a boy! Be strong!" Tsk tsk.

A moment later, after leaving the simulation cabin, Kirishima Mana, wearing a driving suit, came to the command room.

Unlike Ayanami, who is almost pure white, Asuka, who is completely red, and her own black and white combination, Kirishima's real name's driving suit uses bright blue as the base color, and the armor and joints are complemented by white and gold. It looks quite bright and playful - this It must have been designed by her future self.


At this moment, the familiar sound of "Ink Card" sounded, and the "picture" of Kirishima's real name in front of him was "intercepted".

Black Magic Girl, attack power: 2000, defense power: 1700]

What does Atum mean by "surprise"?


When Shinji Ikari finished studying the card and put it away, he realized that he seemed to be staring at Kirishima's real name for more than ten seconds.

"Please don't stare at me, Shinji-kun..." Kirishima Mana crossed his arms, looking a little overwhelmed.

"How? How? Which one looks better, this one, or the maid outfit?" Asuka poked him with her elbow.

"This set." Shinji Ikari replied subconsciously. After all, maid outfits don't give new cards.

"..." Kirishima Mana lowered his head, looking even more coy.


Damn it, I was fooled! Why are you so angry when you have nothing to do? And Miss Misato! Can you please stop snickering there?

"Okay, okay, since you all know each other, I won't introduce you further," Misato Katsuragi said with a crooked look, "Asuka, please bring your real name to familiarize yourself with the headquarters. Shinji-kun, if Commander Ikari comes to see you for something, go to hell." Come to the office."


"Ha...this is really..."

About two hours later, Shinji Ikari walked out of the huge office of Ikari Gendo. He seemed to want to complain, but he looked around and closed his mouth when he found no one around.

The previous conversation could be described as weird.

"What did you see in Dirac's Sea?"

"Didn't see anything."


"I saw colorful black smoke."



"Did the apostle try to speak to you?"





"...I don't know if he was an apostle, but I saw myself when I was a child. He accused me of driving the EVA to please others and that I had no self at all."



"How did you escape from the 'Dirac Sea'?"

"I came out on my own when the time came."


"I defeated an apostle incarnate inside."


"I worked hard to expand the AT force field and burst the apostle."


"I wanted to see my relatives and friends outside, so I tore apart the void with all my strength and escaped through a crack. I don't know why the apostle exploded."


Later, Shinji Ikari began to let himself go and make up random things, while his father kept keeping his hands folded to cover his mouth and kept asking questions about the encounter of the Twelfth Apostle, and responded to Shinji Ikari's answers. Give a pass or fail rating.

Finally, after all dozens of questions were approved, he changed his tune and said, "You can go."

There was no doubt that those questions were what the Ground Alliance wanted to know, and Dad was prepared to fool them, but it would be a bit troublesome if the answers were different from his own, so they had a conversation that was comparable to a coded joint.

Even if you say that you are colluding to confess, it's okay. Others may not know what you want to do, okay?

"Shinji Shinji"

Shinji Ikari was walking back muttering to himself, when he suddenly saw Kirishima Mana wearing driving uniform waving to him at the corner.

"..." He hesitated for a moment, then walked over: "What are you doing here?"

"Asuka and I got separated, and there's no one to ask for directions. Can you please take me back to the dormitory, Shinji?" Kirishima's real name blinked.

"No, I'm asking, don't you have anything serious to do when you come back from the future?" Shinji Ikari interrupted.

"...Huh?" "Kirishima's real name" was a little dazed.

"'The current Kirishima real name' will not directly call me 'Shinji'," Shinji Ikari touched his chin: "Is our relationship already so good in the future?"

"Of course, we are in a forbidden relationship." Kirishima replied by his real name.

"What kind of relationship does that need to be coded?" Shinji Ikari complained.

"Huh?" Kirishima's real name widened his eyes: "We just went through the forbidden matter], and then the forbidden matter] together, and then became the forbidden matter] relationship."

Whatever she was trying to say was replaced by the phrase "nothing allowed."

"...How old are you now?" Shinji Ikari asked.

"17 years old!" Kirishima's real name answered immediately.

" the content of the lie okay? Now you can count it later?" Shinji Ikari said.

"18, 19, 20, 21... Why would I do such a thing!" Kirishima's real name is Fu Mao.

It seems that she is not very smart in the future. Thank you for your hard work, my future self.

"Then let's get down to business." Shinji Ikari changed the topic back to the main topic.

"Well... that's it," Kirishima's real name cleared his throat: "Today is my first time to conduct a simulation experiment, and I achieved a high synchronization rate of 69%."

That's true, Shinji Ikari nodded.

"Actually, the 'present me' has awakened the ability of time and is preparing to demonstrate it to you in a moment," Kirishima's real name said: "But something went wrong halfway and you were thrown into the cracks of time and space."

It sure sounds like something you could do...

"Since the 'current me' is completely unfamiliar with abilities, theoretically speaking, it is impossible for you to return on your own, but you still managed to return." Kirishima's real name proudly held up his chest: "Yes, it's because you appear at this moment. The 'future me' here has 'marked time and space' on you!"

"So I have to pretend not to know later and be thrown into the gap between time and space by the 'present you'?" Shinji Ikari pointed out the problem with her words.

"Yes..." Kirishima's real name lowered his voice: "You have to tell 'my present self' after you return, and remember to come back and mark you in the future..."

Your time travel is really troublesome, much more complicated than Ayanami's.

……Um? Does Ayanami have time-related abilities?

"Shinji" Kirishima's real name blinked and tried to be cute.

"Okay, okay, I agree," Shinji Ikari sighed: "Although this is a blind spot for surveillance, if you delay any longer, others will be suspicious."

"It'll be ready soon!" Kirishima Mana grabbed Shinji Ikari's left hand and began to draw circles on the back of his hand.


The "Duel Disk" quietly appeared, and the circle with Kirishima's real name was just above the deck.

However, she couldn't touch or see the duel disk. She passed her hand directly through it, so there shouldn't be any impact...that's weird.

New Card Miracle Contact]

Although the effect is not visible, the picture on the card of a person heading to the new universe is not good, right?

"Huh? Huh?" What's even worse is that Kirishima's real name, who is doing "time and space marking", makes a confused voice: "I'm just doing time and space marking, not time transfer?"


The next moment, the colorful vortex that appeared when the New Universe was activated suddenly appeared around Shinji Ikari and Kirishima Mana, and directly sucked them in.

"I'm sorry——!" Kirishima's real name disappeared before the colorful vortex, and he apologized loudly in a voice that seemed like he was about to cry.

No, I guess it has nothing to do with you. It should be the sequelae of a previous trip to the Sea of ​​Dilac.

So the question is, after I figure out a way to come back later, how can I make the "current Kirishima's real name" return to "himself" in the future to mark the time and space?


nerv headquarters.

Um? Only time transfer, no room for transformation at all?

A little dizzy, Shinji Ikari got up from the floor and looked at the unfamiliar yet familiar environment around him.

It's the nerv headquarters, yes, but why does it smell like fresh paint that has just been renovated?

What era is it now? It would be easy to solve if Ayanami was born, but if not...

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded from the front.

"What's the matter? Zero?"

"I'm lost.】"

oh? Born, born, although the voice sounds very childish, the apostle incarnation does not matter what age it is.

Shinji Ikari figured out the direction and walked towards the command podium where the sound came from.

"That's it. How about going back with Auntie?"

"I can go back by myself, I don't want you to worry about it, old woman.]"

Wasn't it...Ayanami was so naughty when she was a child? And who is the unlucky aunt opposite?

"Don't call others old women, Director Ikari will be angry."

"When talking about you, Director Ikari said this about you, 'The old woman is just a verbose', 'The old woman has no use value anymore'."


Is dad still the director? What year is it now...

! !

As soon as he turned the corner, Shinji Ikari saw a strange burgundy-haired aunt rushing towards Rei Ayanami, who looked to be only four or five years old, and stretched out her hands to strangle her neck.

Although I don’t know what the Information Integrated Thought Body is playing, this is an opportunity to increase my favorability!

"Let that girl go!"

Shinji Ikari shouted, rushed over and knocked away the red-haired aunt, and took little Ayanami into his arms to protect her.

"Ah...ah...wuwuwuwu——!" The strange aunt was stunned for a few seconds and began to cry bitterly.

"Am I handsome?" Shinji Ikari had no time to pay attention to her and tried to take credit from the little Ayanami in his arms.

"Let me go, you perverted lolita control.]" Xiao Ayanami slapped him.

Dad, there is definitely something wrong with your education methods!

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