The Collection of The End

Two thousand and twenty-two, the magic fog city of the dead (29)


"nerv" headquarters.

"Put me down, pervert.]"

"Don't let go."


"That's right if you say so."

"I know the way.]"

"I don't believe it unless you can tell me exactly what's around the next corner."


Little Ayanami started to pull Shinji Ikari's ears.

Shinji Ikari grinned while looking for a way to Ikari Gendo's office.

The layout of this "past nerv headquarters" was similar to what he remembered, and it was just as easy to get lost. Occasionally there will be small problems such as elevators being replaced by stairs and shortcuts being blocked by walls.

As for the little Ayanami who was held in Shinji Ikari's arms, she was very resistant to him at first, biting and scratching him, and in the end she even punched him into panda eyes, but when she saw Shinji Ikari, she didn't She didn't let go even when she was angry, and even after her tone of voice didn't change much, she slowly relaxed her movements.

In this regard, Shinji Ikari said, compared with being beaten by the apostles at a high synchronization rate, where is this? If I weren't worried that she would be really cruel, I would even think of saying "You haven't eaten, sister?"

However, it was still a mistake, Shinji Ikari thought as he continued to walk through the "maze".

Compared with the "Future Ayanami" who is always concise and to the point, expressionless, and can even read minds, compared with the current "Little Ayanami" who has a vicious tongue, vivid expressions, and does not hesitate to do evil things to people, they are like the right side of the coin. reverse side.

The current little Ayanami has obviously not been found by the "Information Integrated Thought Body", and the apostle, or Eve's ability has not awakened, so there is no way to send herself back.

In this case, either find a way to activate the "petty bourgeoisie", or go to find Eve "in person". As for placing hope on the "Future Kirishima True Name" and falling into the same time period as myself... let's just go to sleep. .

Of course, the most likely option is that you have to meet a specific person or go to a specific place, activate a card suitable for use now, and send yourself back, but who or where exactly is unknown. .

No matter which way it is, it is necessary for me to meet "Commander Ikari" in this time period and provide him with convenience. It should not take much trouble to convince him that I come from the future. After all, my face is here, and there is no With the sudden appearance of signs, there may not even be any need to say anything about the future - well, this should be impossible. With my father's character, he will definitely ask, and I don't know if it will become a "forbidden matter".

However, referring to the difference in the signs on the wall, it is not called "nerv" now, but "gehirn", the Institute of Artificial Evolution, and dad is not the "commander", but the "director".

Shinji Ikari knocked on the door of the director's office politely, then opened the door and entered:

"Dad, I'm back."

It was almost the same as in the impression. In the middle of the office with the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, Ikari Yuantang, who was much younger and without glasses, turned around, his eyes dark and unclear:


Very good, the useless step of doubting identity has been skipped, and we can talk about the matter directly.


"Why do you want Ayanami to provoke that red-haired aunt? 'She' will die."

"'She' is just a tool. Even if she dies, there will be a replacement."

"I haven't seen 'her' in the future. It seems your plan worked."

"Yeah, that's good, there's no way I would allow the creator of the host 'magi' to live."

Hmm... The old man in the past seemed to be able to speak normally, and he didn't intend to hide it from himself... Then let's skip the greetings.

"Is your purpose to let Ayanami trigger the third impact and recreate the world?"

"It seems that the future me is not very good at keeping secrets - you are right, but its official name is the 'Human Completion Project'."

"What if Ayanami refuses to execute it?"

"It's not her choice."

"Because of the Dead Sea Papers?"

"You ask this, which means that all the contents inside have happened according to the prophecy, then she will be integrated with Unit-1, triggering human completion."

"...Indeed," Shinji Ikari nodded: "I will mention my request last, and now it is your turn to ask."

"So, is your ability to return to the past controllable? Does it come from a human or an apostle?"

"It's uncontrollable. There are people and the apostles involved."

"The twelfth apostle?"

"...That's right."

"Has Nerv been attacked by humans? To what extent?"

"There was a power outage when the Ninth Apostle attacked, but that Apostle was too weak to cause damage."

"Are there other organizations that took away the apostles?"

"The Sixth Apostle was defeated on the high seas of the Pacific and his body could not be recovered."

"Well..." Ikari Yuantang covered his mouth with his hands and began to think.

As expected of my father, he had previewed all situations more than ten years ago. He just needed to know whether an accident would happen.

"Why didn't you ask what kind of apostle you would meet in the future?" Ikari Yuantang quickly ended his thinking and asked instead.

"Because there is no need," Shinji Ikari glanced at little Ayanami: "Unit-00 is invincible."

Ikari Yuantang noticed his gaze and nodded slightly: "Indeed."

"Pervert, Lolicon.]" Little Ayanami turned her face away.

"I think your education methods need to be improved, no matter what she says..." Ikari Shinji looked at Ikari Gendo.

"I will pay attention to it later," Ikari Yuantang nodded: "You can make conditions."

Then I paid too much attention to it, right...but there's no need to mention it.

"I want to see 'Ayanami's true form'. Although it's just a guess, I think I can go back after seeing it." Shinji Ikari paused and looked down at little Ayanami: "It should be no problem to take her with me. ?”

"It doesn't matter," Ikari Yuantang replied: "Simple contact will not trigger the third impact."

"Because you haven't handed Adam to her yet?" Shinji Ikari responded.

"..." Ikari Yuantang showed a rare look of surprise: "I actually trust you so much in the future?"

"No, in fact, most of the things I know are through Ayanami," Shinji Ikari said: "You don't talk to me much in the future - wait, it's not because after I have talked to you now, you think you don't need to talk to me. Am I done?"

"Maybe, maybe not," Ikari Gendo looked at him, "If the 'current Shinji' has as good an understanding as you, I really don't have to say too much to him."

"This is called 'shooting oneself in the foot'..." Shinji Ikari shook his head.


Dogma Zone Vertical Groove.

This location is a top-secret location in Nerv and no one is allowed to approach it at all, but Shinji Ikari easily reached the bottom floor under the leadership of Ikari Gendo.

Standing there was a bloated white giant with a mask with seven eyes on his head and a giant red gun stuck in his chest. He only had his upper body.

"The image of 'Eve' is a bit different from what I thought..." Shinji Ikari looked up at the white giant in front of him: "I thought it would be a large Ayanami with her hands and feet nailed."

Little Ayanami started pulling his hair.

"So its initial code name is 'Lilith', and it's not impossible to change it to 'Eve' later." Ikari Yuantang also looked up at the giant: "You have seen it now, what changes have occurred?"

"I'm not sure..." Shinji Ikari reached out and took down the new card that appeared after seeing "Eve" from the air.

Future integration]

As before, there is no explanation at all for cards that are not obtained in combat, and it is impossible to guess what its effect is just from the skyscraper-like pattern on the card surface.

Anyway, let’s type it out first.


At this moment, there was a distortion that was exactly the same as when he activated "fusion" before, but it was not only a distortion in space, but also a distortion in time.

It’s hard to describe this feeling. If I have to say it, it’s like when recalling something. You clearly remember how it happened and the causes and consequences, but you just can’t remember the specific time it happened.

Or, when you are trying to do something, you suddenly have a strong premonition of "what is going to happen soon", and this premonition comes true a few seconds later.


After more than ten seconds of dizziness, Shinji Ikari shook his head and was about to say something, but was startled by the sight in front of him.

The white giant that was originally stuck on the wall fell to the ground at some point. Not only did it grow legs and feet, but it also transformed into the image of a short-haired woman. She was leaning against the wall in a kneeling posture, looking down with her head lowered. His face was unclear, his right hand was holding the wrist of his left hand, and the palm of his left hand was pierced by the vermilion spear and was firmly nailed to the wall.

"Shinji?" Ikari Gendo asked doubtfully.

"I..." Shinji Ikari was about to say something, when his arm sank, and Xiao Ayanami broke away from his arm and fell to the ground.

"You are so hard to find.]" Before he could say anything, the blue-haired girl had already stared at him expressionlessly and spoke.

"I'm so sorry!" Shinji Ikari bowed his head and apologized decisively.

The real Ayanami Rei is chasing after her... Although the initiator is Kirishima's real name, let's apologize first.

Although he had guessed that something like this might happen after meeting Eve, he was still more surprised than happy when it actually happened, as if he had been caught cheating on an exam - bah, he had never cheated.

"Apostles are really mysterious beings." Ikari Yuantang watched little Ayanami's performance with great interest.

"Mr. Sextant Gendo,]" Xiao Ayanami raised her eyes and looked at him: "I suggest you carefully consider the information you obtained from the 'future Shinji Ikari', because 'his future' is not 'your future'."

"Of course, I will pay attention to the difference between the two, thank you." Mr. Gendo, whose surname was inexplicably changed, replied nonchalantly.

"Then, I will take this Lingbo away.]" Little Lingbo raised his hand and nodded to himself.



At this time, Shinji Ikari has basically come to his senses. The situation just now should be that he used the effect of "future fusion" to connect the past and future Ayanami. Because the little Ayanami is also the incarnation of Eve, she can follow the clues and project her consciousness. He came over, and at the same time his "vision" ability took effect, and he saw the image of the white giant Eve who belonged to his original world.

But the problem now seems like he still has no way to go back?

Shinji Ikari was struggling, but he saw Xiao Ayanami tugging on his sleeve.

Right, even if you project your consciousness, your body is still a little girl and cannot move on its own.

Shinji Ikari squatted down and reached out to hug him, but Xiao Ayanami slapped him away. In a daze, she climbed up and sat on his shoulders by stepping on her palms and arms.

"Let's go." She commanded.

"Uh, where are you going?" Shinji Ikari stood up in confusion.

"My apartment.]"

Uh-huh? Has the staff dormitory been built before nerv has been established?


401, Ayanami】

Not only has it been built a long time ago, but the interior has also been decorated to look like the future, and can even be opened with a future key card.

Shinji Ikari looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar, completely white room. In a daze, he even had the illusion that he had not actually arrived ten years ago.

"Excuse me," he said to the empty house.

"Say 'I'm back.'" Little Ayanami on her shoulder tugged at his hair.

"I'm back." Although he didn't know why, Shinji Ikari still changed his words calmly.

By the way, what if she gets used to hitting people or swearing at them after she goes back...

"Welcome back." Xiao Ayanami answered, then jumped off his shoulder and ran into the back room.

Could you please explain it? Shinji Ikari took off his shoes and entered the house, looking around.

Speaking of which, although this room is empty, there are a lot of hidden furniture in the walls and under the floor. Is there a time machine hidden there?

"There is no time machine.]" Xiao Lingbo dragged a quilt out of the back room and started to make a bed in the middle of the room.

Such a familiar mind-reading...

"Are you tired and want to rest?" Shinji Ikari walked over to help with the paving and said smoothly: "Children really need to sleep more, otherwise they won't grow taller."

"You need to rest.]" Xiao Ayanbo patted the pillow flat.

"Huh? I'm not tired yet..."

"Either you lie down on your own, or I'll knock you out.]" Little Ayanami raised her teacup-sized fist and shook it.

"Okay..." Shinji Ikari decided not to go against the inexplicably irritable Ayanami, and obediently walked to the floor and lay down.

But because so many things had happened before, his mind was in chaos and he couldn't sleep at all, especially the sound of little Ayanami's thin breathing kept coming from the direction above his head.

"Perverted Lolicon.]"

Stop calling me that!

"Well, how about you tell me how it will help me to lie down and sleep in returning to the future?" Shinji Ikari asked: "You have to be motivated to work hard."

"After you fall asleep, I will freeze everything in this room," Xiao Ayanami replied: "Wait until you are thrown into the gap between time and space by Kirishima and then come back to unfreeze."

It’s really hardcore time travel.

It turns out it's not a time machine but a time capsule...

"Eh... So, when I came here that day?" Shinji Ikari recalled the first time he arrived at Ayanami's apartment, but he didn't seem to see himself.

"I don't know. Maybe in the future I think you are taking up space and stuff you under the floor."

Don't stop it!

"Shut your mouth, close your eyes, and sleep.]" Xiao Ayanbo hit him on the head.

"Yes Yes……"

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