The Collection of The End

Two thousand and twenty-four, the magic fog city of the dead (31)







"You are not now..."

"Shut up! You philandering scumbag!]"


"Rei Ayanami in Hospital Gown", who also put on the school uniform of the Assemblage Garden, was verbally abusing Shinji Ikari, who was sitting upright with his hands on his hips.

The "genuine Ayanami Rei" who opened the door earlier made a cup of tea from nowhere and drank it while watching the show.

If you are blind, don't blame others...

Shinji Ikari lowered his head and tried to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. All his previous thoughts flew out of the sky.

The person sleeping next to him just now turned out to be the "little Ayanami" he brought back from the past - who would have thought that!

Aren't you the same person in different time periods? !

In fact, it's really not...

According to Ayanami Rei's explanation, he was not only thrown into the "past", but also a "parallel world", so even if she projects her consciousness in the past, she cannot bring people back immediately, she can only "freeze" them to the current time. Click and then "Switch World Line" to bring it back.

During this process, the little Ayanami, who was also the incarnation of Eve, grew up uncontrollably. The original children's clothes soon outgrew her clothes. However, Ayanami, who did not have adult clothes, casually dressed her up in a new hospital at Nerv. Here comes the hospital gown.

If we want to talk about the difference between the two worlds, apart from the different image of Eve, it is that Ikari Gendo in the world where little Ayanami lives is more ruthless. He can deliberately teach little Ayanami to have a vicious tongue, and then let her goad Naoko Akagi into action, killing two birds with one stone. The purpose of experimenting with the transfer of consciousness of Eve's incarnation and forcing the magic maker to death.

At the same time, because Eve over there has no self-awareness and is a simple tool to destroy the world, apart from this intersection, the future development of the two worlds will have no similarities.

An obvious difference is that although Dr. Naoko Akagi here is retired, he is still alive and well. He contacts Ritsuko Akagi via video from time to time and routinely urges her to get married.

As for what Ikari Yuantang will do after learning the information about the "future", there is no way of knowing.

"In that case... what will she do? Isn't it troublesome for two of you to appear at the same time?" After Shinji Ikari roughly understood the situation, he asked Ayanami Rei.

"What, you want to be irresponsible? You scumbag.]" Little Ayanami raised his hand to knock Shinji Ikari on the head, and at the same time, he quietly turned his head to look at Rei Ayanami.

"I saw a hope," Rei Ayanami said: "A hope to end the cycle."



Xiao Ayanami and Ikari Shinji were puzzled together.

"Now is not the time," Ayanami Zero shook his head slightly: "There is no point in telling you."

Hmm... The father of this world didn't teach Ayanami to be a poisonous tongue, but he taught her to be a Riddler.

"In your words..." Ayanami Rei turned to little Ayanami and took out a pair of red-rimmed glasses from his pocket: "Let's go to school in disguise."

"Hmm...]" Xiao Ayanami tried to put on her glasses: "How is it?]"

The combination of the slightly flat glasses and Ayanami's ready-to-swear temperament makes her aura become mysterious and dangerous. Even if her hair color and eye color are exactly the same, no one will think that she and Rei Ayanami are the same. Personal.

"Very suitable." Shinji Ikari immediately complimented.

"I didn't ask you!" Xiao Ayanami glared at him and turned to Ayanami Rei.

"The hair color needs to be adjusted a little," Rei Ayanami pinched his glasses: "Your name is 'Makiha Marie Elantrias', an exchange student from the UK, and a reserve pilot of EVA Unit 8. "

The function of the glasses has been upgraded again, right... Nerv's database has been sieved.


nerv headquarters.

"I'm so sorry! Shinji-kun! It's all my fault!"

Kirishima Mana bowed deeply to Ikari Shinji.

"Uh, it's okay. Didn't I come back smoothly? You just have to find a way to remember and come back to mark me on the day you awaken the 'Time and Space Marker'."

Although the place where the two were talking was not under surveillance, Shinji Ikari was still uncomfortable for no other reason than Kirishima Mana was apologizing for something she had not done.

She did successfully awaken the time system ability after the simulated driving test, and found an opportunity to happily demonstrate it to Shinji Ikari. Perhaps it was because she had always had doubts about her "future self".

It’s not to mention what outrageous abilities she will have in the future, but the ability that Kirishima’s true name currently possesses is: “Teleport yourself and what you want to carry back three seconds to the past.”

In order to make it better, Kirishima Mana chose to move quickly, suddenly stop, and then activate the skill. Then, she would appear far behind from the static position.

However, this "backsliding" was only visible to her and the people she was taking. When Shinji Ikari was watching, he could only see her walking and suddenly stopping and saying that she had just returned from three seconds later.

In order to verify this, Shinji Ikari was first taken back several times by her, and then designed some small experiments that could prove that she came from three seconds later.

Then, when Kirishima Mana wasn't paying attention, Shinji Ikari performed a special magic trick and disappeared directly from her face, and then came back from another direction, claiming that he could come back because "Future Kirishima Mana" had "time and space marked" on him. ".

The "Future Kirishima Mana" didn't know that the "time loop" was completed, but the current Kirishima Mana was almost scared to tears.

How should I put it? Rei Ayanami's big thing like the emergence of a little Ayanami out of thin air does not need to be corrected. Instead, the time loop on Kirishima's real name needs to be maintained. Although Rei Ayanami has said the importance of "world line" and "timeline" The degree is different, but it's obvious who is more powerful.

"Then, I will continue training, Shinji-san." Kirishima Mana finally gave up apologizing and said with force.

"Don't take this matter to heart," Shinji Ikari felt that Kirishima's real name was not right, so he advised him, "You will actually pilot Unit 3 next month, so keep a good attitude."

"Yes, I will..." Kirishima bowed slightly again and passed by him.

It seemed that something was wrong, Shinji Ikari looked at her back.

There was obvious fatigue on Kirishima's real name's face. The "fatigue value" should be close to 200. Although the main data for driving EVA are synchronization rate and AT field strength, but...

Need help?

Because he has no "school" schedule recently, he cannot participate in literary club activities and can only hang around the Nerv headquarters. Ayanami Rei is busy with little Ayanami's affairs and has not come to training for several days. Asuka, who has a good relationship with Kirishima, is also hiding for some reason. For my own sake, if I ask Misato Katsuragi or Ritsuko Akagi to help take care of Kirishima... you still think the gossip doesn't spread fast enough, do you?

Forget it... Even if she's in a bad state, at most she won't be able to activate EVA. The command will then force her to take a leave, so it won't be a big problem.

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