The Collection of The End

Two Thousand and Twenty Five, The Demonic Fog City of the Dead (32)


Third New Tokyo City, Tokyo Bay, Second Impact Monument.

Ikari Gendo was wearing a very solemn kimono with a black background and white edges, and was silently looking at the rows of names on it.

Although it should be a very serious scene, because he knew what the facts were, Shinji Ikari, who was also wearing a black kimono, felt that the giant meteorite was not pleasing to the eye.

But there is no other way. You can't carve an Ayanami, and strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with Ayanami.

"This is the reason for your fight, don't forget it, Shinji." Ikari Gendo said.

"Yes." Shinji Ikari answered.

Today is the twenty-ninth day after he was swallowed and spit out by the twelfth apostle. It is also the New Year. Dad takes him to celebrate the New Year, congratulate him on the end of the lockdown, cultivate parent-child relationship, and also provide ideological education in one go. It is really an excellent overall plan. ability.

However, I still want to celebrate with my peers, such as Rei Ayanami, Kirishima's real name, little Ayanami who changed his name to Makiha, Asuka, even Suzuhara Touji, Aida Kensuke and Doki Hikaru - oh, forget this one .

Because an unexpected incident exposed his inner thoughts, he felt a little uncomfortable when meeting Ayanami during daily training.

Although the fact is that he recognized the wrong person, his true thoughts are clearly there, and it is strange that Ayanami can't see it.

But these days, she doesn't take it seriously at all. Her words and deeds are completely the same as usual. Does she really not care or is she pretending to be calm?

However, if it is her, even if there are any changes in her heart, it will not show on the outside. It is almost impossible to make her blush like those two Ayanami who don't know the world line.

Not to mention letting Unit 1 crush him to death.

...Hmm, wait a minute, what is the synchronization rate between you and Unit 1 now?

Although the data on paper has been stable at 65%, that is a number deliberately adjusted by Ayanami to avoid 100% being too shocking. In a sense, it is the same as her 50%.

As for the actual synchronization rate... will it be higher or lower?

Whoosh whoosh-buzz-buzz-

While Shinji Ikari was struggling, the roar of propeller rotation and mechanical operation came from the sky.

No, is it necessary to send a helicopter to pick him up at such a close distance? Dad, you are so cool.

Shinji Ikari looked up and found that the gray-white armed helicopter that was landing was not Nerv's red paint. The logo on the fuselage was the green "un" of Ground Alliance.

Hey... if that's the case...

Soon, the helicopter landed, dropped off the passenger and her bodyguard, and then took off again.

It was an intellectual woman wearing a slim-fitting indigo women's suit, black high-heeled shoes, and white finger cots on her hands. Her long dark blond hair was tied up behind her head, and she wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. , behind the glasses, a pair of sharp eyes, tall light blue phoenix eyes were staring at Shinji Ikari.

"Mom!" Shinji Ikari blinked and rushed towards her.

A certain bodyguard with a square face and sunglasses who was following behind took half a step forward, but was stopped by a colleague with long silver hair next to him.

"Hmm..." The intellectual woman held onto Shinji Ikari's shoulders, touched his head and pinched his face: "He's actually fat. It seems that nerv is not all bad."

"Uh, okay..." Shinji Ikari scratched his face.

This intellectual beauty is his mother, an internationally famous actress, a myth of undefeated politics and law, and the eleventh seat among the thirteen members of the Earth United Nations, Ms. Yui Ikari.

Although she looks serious and indifferent now, as if she doesn't want to let strangers in, as long as she takes off her glasses, lets down her hair, and softens her facial expressions, her appearance will be able to beat all current mainstream actresses.

Born into an old aristocracy, she became an actress, became a lawyer, entered politics, and after the second impact, she occupied a place in the newly established "United Nations of Earth" with her excellent crisis response skills. My mother's entire life is a legend.

The only stain that is currently criticized is that he accepted Mr. Gendo, a sextant, as his wife. This is considered to be a political marriage in an attempt to get involved in an unfamiliar scientific research field.

How should I put it, in Shinji Ikari's view, his parents are quite loving. After all, there is no need to act behind closed doors, otherwise who would you show them to? Is he an ignorant child?

Although both of them are busy with their careers, they still take time to get together and have fun during holidays.

Just like today.

However, such a day has not happened for three years. At that time, Ikari Wei said that she had caught "evidence" of Ikari Yuantang's cheating, and then filed for divorce, and he actually agreed.

Shinji Ikari, who now roughly knows the ins and outs of the matter, can almost imagine the scene at that time:

——That child you secretly raised, who is her mother?

- She has no mother.

——You want to say that she fell from the sky?

——That's right.

——Get a divorce.


Obviously, Dad plans to launch the third attack to reset the world and repair the destroyed earth. By then, Ayanami will be allowed to mix in some personal goods to make her mother change her mind...

Wouldn't it be easier for you to just admit your mistake and tell the truth? And in order to repay the kindness of being taken care of and raised by you, Ayanami won’t plan to launch the third charge until you die of old age, right?

"Is there a girl you like? The girl named Asuka I saw last time was pretty good." Ikari Wei pinched him twice more and continued to ask.

"That's a bit..."

No, in that "humiliating defeat", did you only care about the little girl who was partnered with your son?

There seems to be nothing wrong with it.

"I heard that you have a blue-haired girl colleague?" Ikari Wei raised her eyebrows slightly, glanced at Ikari Yuantang standing in the distance, and then said: "You'd better stay away from her."

You said it was too late.

If the previous episode hadn't happened, it wouldn't be impossible to consider Asuka, to put it, this world is no longer what it was before in his eyes. Time travel, world line adjustment, planetary life reset, Adam and Eve, artificial apostle, apostle incarnation, etc., etc., when everyone has a vision beyond the current level, Asuka is still working hard to become the best EVA pilot. This is really a bit...

Even if all external factors are put aside, in terms of evaluation as a love partner, her character's priority is at the bottom, followed by Ayanami-chan, Kirishima Mana, and Rei Ayanami.

Rei Ayanami's problem is more complicated. Just talking about other people, Kirishima's real name is very obvious about him, while little Ayanami dislikes him in every possible way. Asuka combines the attitudes of the two, she dislikes him on the surface, but likes him on the inside. She should reach a higher level than them. Position, but for some reason it fell all the way to the bottom, and was even overtaken by Xiao Ayanami halfway. Why on earth?

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