The Collection of The End

Two Thousand and Twenty Six, The Demonic Fog City of the Dead (33)


Underneath the Third New Tokyo City, EVA launches a test command post.

"If the startup is successful, we will have four EVAs, and destroying the world will not be a problem." Misato Katsuragi said.

"What? Do you want to destroy this world?" Ritsuko Akagi looked at her.

"This is a world where men are obsessed with each other, so we might as well destroy it," Misato Katsuragi looked at Shinji Ikari: "You think so, right?"

"Indeed." Shinji Ikari replied casually.

Through the direct dialogue between his parents on New Year's Day, he clarified a little bit about the relationship gossip of the previous generation.

Logically speaking, if everything is normal between the couple, even if there is an extra child they secretly take care of, they will not file for divorce immediately, but bad things are bad, Ikari Yuantang really has a confidante - the one in another world line "Naoko Akagi" whom he wanted to kill.

Referring to the age difference between her daughter Ritsuko Akagi and herself, Naoko Akagi should be a senior who is several years ahead of her father, so little Ayanami calls her "old woman".

Logically speaking, a mother should not regard a person with a daughter as a love rival, but judging from the fact that Ritsuko Akagi has never mentioned her father, the family relationship here does not seem to be good, tsk tsk...

Putting aside the emotional issues, the exchange of opinions between the parents in other aspects went smoothly. Commander Ikari did not come to participate in the No. 3 startup experiment today because he was going to confirm some information that his mother had forwarded to him and prepare some countermeasures.

Fake Earth Alliance Spies: Enhancing Good Governance.

The real Earth Alliance spy: Ikari Wei.

The information was sent in a legitimate and reasonable manner and could completely withstand scrutiny. It was approved by the Prefectural Federation Council and allowed to be sent.

Forget about the previous generation, this generation is not very good either. Just look at Ryoji Kaji, Misato Katsuragi and Ritsuko Akagi.

It’s true to say that men are all carefree.

"Huh?" Misato Katsuragi's eyes that were about to retract were fixed on his face: "I can say whatever I want, but you can't, Shinji-kun, the pilot of EVA Unit 1."

What kind of act of arson by state officials is this?

Shinji Ikari looked at her with contempt for two seconds, and then suddenly realized: "Wait a minute, I didn't admit that I was a philanderer!"

"Is that what you focus on?" Misato Katsuragi held her forehead: "Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask, I don't care about you young people's affairs."

"Misato-sister is still very young," Shinji Ikari quickly answered.

"Huh?" Ritsuko Akagi looked over.

"Ritsuko-nee is also very young."

"Go, go," Misato Katsuragi waved her hand away: "Either stand aside and watch, or prepare to start Unit 1, although I don't think it is necessary."

"Hmm..." Shinji Ikari looked at the configuration diagram on the big screen.

The start-up experiment of Unit 3 was arranged in the underground cavity of Neo-Tokyo 3, but it was not in the maintenance yard, but in a relatively empty outdoor training ground. The main purpose was to prevent Unit 3 from going berserk like Unit 1. After all, if Unit Zero had used more force, Shinji Ikari would have become a child of a single-parent family.

Unit 0 and Unit 2 are also on standby outside the maintenance site, ready to rush in to provide support in the event of an accident.

In this regard, Shinji Ikari is very relieved. Unless Unit Zero fakes the match, Unit 3 will not be able to cause any trouble no matter how rampant it is.

"My real name? How do you feel?" Misato Katsuragi spoke to Kirishima's real name who had already entered the insertion plug.

"I, I feel fine," Kirishima's real name, wearing a blue combat uniform, replied: "It just feels... different from the simulation device."

"Don't be nervous, it's just the difference between the mock test and the official test." Misato Katsuragi responded.

"Okay, okay, I understand.]"

She is visibly more nervous. If you don't know how to comfort her, don't comfort her.

Soon, the launch experiment officially began.

"The insertion bolt is fixed!"

"Start the first phase of connection!"

"Transmit nerve impulses!"

"The image position is normal!"

"All 1,350 projects passed!"

"Start the second phase of connection!"

"About to proceed——"

Buzz—! Buzz—! Woo——! Woo——!

The red warning light suddenly lit up in the command hall, and a large number of data and signal lights on the big screen also turned red simultaneously. Unit 3, which had not yet reached the start-up stage, began to struggle hard, trying to break free from the restraints on its body.

The screen that originally showed the internal situation of Unit 3 was also directly interrupted.

A familiar scene...

"Cut off the power! Pop out the plug!" Misato Katsuragi issued the same command as Shinji Ikari in previous illusions.

"The power is cut off! But the ejection command fails! The insertion plug is fixed in the No. 3 body by some kind of secretion!"

"What! What happened to the driver?"

"There is still breathing and heartbeat! But the brain waves are chaotic and there is no response to our call!"

"aaaaaaa!]" Unit 3 raised its neck and roared.

"Conduct suppressive fire!"


Around the activation test site, hidden turrets and missile launchers appeared one after another, pouring mostly useless conventional firepower at the No. 3 machine.

As expected, all attacks were blocked by a layer of orange barrier that suddenly appeared.

"At force field appears! Confirmed as an apostle!"


It is indeed a bit outrageous. After all, their prototypes had an accident once when they were first manufactured. It is completely impossible to say that the technical department did not increase their vigilance, but they were still eroded by the apostles.

Could it be said that it is possible to "create" apostles, but not to "transform" apostles? You already have self-awareness, but no matter how you erase and transform it, you can't really get it back to your own use?

"Unit No. 3 starts the experiment and changes to the 'Thirteenth Apostle' annihilation operation!" Misato Katsuragi was shocked, but she did not delay in issuing the order: "Zero, Asuka! Suppress Unit No. 3 first and rescue the pilot! If the situation does not allow it, , can destroy Unit 3!"



Phew - the next moment, a duel disk appeared on Shinji Ikari's forearm, but this time there were already two "monsters" of his own floating in front of him.

Angel 07, attack power: 2500, defense power: 1500]

Demon summoning, attack power: 2500, defense power: 1200]

Ah this...

Shinji Ikari looked at the phantom of the monster in front of him, and then at Unit-0 and Unit-2 in combat mode on the big screen. Who was the angel and who was the devil?

Although there is no difference in attack power, this is a matter of attitude.

So choose c for this question.

After Shinji Ikari finished pretending to be stupid, he tried to order the monster to attack, but it seemed that because he did not stay in the insertion bolt, or because the enemy was also EVA, the angels and demons remained motionless.

Forget it, let’s leave it at that. With such a high attack power and the opponent’s only ordinary EVA, can we still lose in two versus one? I do not believe.

"Unit No. 3 begins to move towards the command headquarters! Prepare to suppress!"


After roaring in place for a while, Unit 3 began to stagger forward. Since its target was indeed the headquarters, the picture on the big screen looked very oppressive.

"The good news is that this is an internal secret experiment, and the Earth Federation does not know about it," Kaji Ryoji said with a smile, "and the bad news is that if we can't handle it, there are no N2 bombs that can be used to restrain it."

Are you, a Ground Alliance spy, qualified to say this?

Shinji Ikari glanced at him, and when he turned his gaze back to himself, he found that his "opponent" had already put up a magic card.

fantasy ritual]


At this moment, something that looked like a pineapple with eyes all over its body flashed past the opponent's field. Then, an ugly monster with a green body and white stripes appeared, floating in the air. It has no legs, a round body, two thick arms, a pair of insect-like wings on its back, and a huge eyeball on its head.

Demon of sacrifice, attack power: 0, defense power: 0]

Hell, this kind of attack and defense only means one thing, and its effect is ridiculously strong.

The next second, the eyeballs of "Demon of Accepting Sacrifice" emitted earth-yellow light waves, shrouding "Demon Summoning", and then, "Demon Summoning" walked to "Demon of Accepting Sacrifice" like a puppet on strings, then turned around and used He looked at "Angel 07" with blood-red eyes.

At the same time, the effect of "The Demon of Sacrifice" appeared.

Once per turn, equip an enemy monster to yourself as an equipment card, increasing its attack and defense by the same amount. 】

When a battle occurs, the enemy always bears the damage from that battle. 】

When a demon of sacrifice is destroyed by battle, the monster it is equipped with will be destroyed instead. 】

Immediately afterwards, the "Demon Summon" launched an attack on "Angel 07" without hesitation. Both of them turned into golden fragments and disappeared, while the "Demon of the Sacrifice" remained intact.


While Shinji Ikari was surprised, Misato Katsuragi also exclaimed.

When he subconsciously looked up, he happened to see Unit 3's arm suddenly extend, grab Unit 0 that was charging towards it, and use his backhand to smash Unit 2 away.

The two EVAs did not suffer any serious damage, but they struggled several times after landing and still could not get up.

"Unit Zero and Unit Two are under unknown attack! Completely silent! The insertion plug has been ejected urgently!"

"Unit No. 3, no, the Thirteenth Apostle is continuing to approach the fortress!"

Don't fake the match!

"Damn it!" Shinji Ikari didn't wait for Misato Katsuragi to look over, and ran towards the maintenance yard of Unit-0.

This time, as long as three EVAs attack together, they should have taken care of that Najimo demon. It has 0 attack power and is just a scumbag who can only borrow the power of others.


"Unit No. 1 has started up!]"



Have I already won?

Shinji Ikari directed Unit 1 to rush to the battlefield while looking at the cards in his hand. Since the battle was never over, he drew a total of five cards during this period.

Electroman】Wingman】Hot Girl】Fusion】Beloved Hero】

Curry Curry...] Winged Chestnut Ball held his chin with his little paws as if thinking.

Is it even necessary to think about it? First summon "Electric Man" to trick the opponent into using the absorbing skill and hit him, then fusion summon "Flame Wing Man", equip "Beloved Hero", activate "Skyscraper", attack and destroy the "Electro Man" that was taken away, and then Activate the "Beloved Hero" effect, and use the second attack to destroy the demon, perfect - that is, the Electro will have to suffer a little.

"Shinji! Be careful, the Thirteenth Apostle has some kind of corrosive ability, and Unit 1 and Unit 2 still cannot be started after emergency repairs!" Misato Katsuragi sent a message.

"I will pay attention!" Shinji Ikari rushed towards Unit 3, which was already very close to the command post.

In short, just don't attack the body near the insertion bolt. The legs, feet and arms can be removed - that's how it was when it was originally made.

Come out, Lightning——


Just when Shinji Ikari was about to take action, the internal communication of EVA lit up, and the window of "eva03" showed the real name of Kirishima, whose face was full of veins and one eye could no longer be opened.

"You're crazy! Cut off the contact with the body! The synchronization rate is so high, when EVA is eroded, you will also be injured simultaneously!" Shinji Ikari temporarily put down the cards in his hand.

Unit No. 1 and Unit No. 3 faced each other far away, neither of them making any move.

"I can still... influence it...]" Kirishima Mana grabbed the joystick: "Please... take advantage of now... to destroy it...]"

"You're probably going to die!"

"I... know...]" Kirishima's real name gradually lowered his voice: "I... can't do anything... I always cause trouble to... Shinji-san... and everyone... at least for now...]"

"Shinji-kun?]" Katsuragi Misato's communication inserted: "Unit No. 3 is immobile, take action now, I believe she can survive it."

"No, Sister Misato," Shinji Ikari said in a deep voice, looking at Kirishima's real name struggling to hold back, "You can call me a chauvinist, but there is no way I would sacrifice an innocent girl just to defeat the Thirteenth Apostle. of."

"If you have other options, I won't stop you,]" Misato Katsuragi's tone suddenly became a little more relaxed: "The worst case scenario is that we all die together, right?"

"No, I still have many places I want to go with you.]" Kaji's voice came vaguely.

"'s fault...]" Kirishima's real name began to murmur.

Hey... I didn't lie to you... about the time and space rift.

Thinking about it, he would be a fool if he thought that she was a stupid girl who could be chosen as a spy.

"Kirishima, no, real name," Shinji Ikari slightly enlarged his voice: "Do you believe me?"

"Believe...believe...but...]" Kirishima's real name's voice was almost inaudible.

"You don't have to believe in yourself, but please believe in me who believes in you," Shinji Ikari said: "Now, give up your intention to prevent Unit 3 from moving and have a good sleep. When you wake up, I will definitely appear. By your bedside."

"That's... really... wonderful...]" Kirishima's real name's voice disappeared.

"aaaaaaa!]" Unit 3 roared again and charged towards Unit 1.

Almost at the same time, the illusion in front of Shinji Ikari also changed.

On our own field, a "Black Magic Girl" with empty eyes appeared out of thin air. The moment she appeared, she was sucked into the huge ball that made up its body by the "Naji Demon", increasing its attack power to 2,000.

Immediately afterwards, a magic card rose, and several bright beams of light appeared next to the demon, like a cage holding the black magic girl, and like a shield to protect the demon.

Ritual Threshold: Ritual monsters on the field are not affected by effects and will not be destroyed by effects. The damage to oneself during battle becomes 0]

Very good... we have to win without letting the "Dark Magician Girl" destroy itself instead of the "Nasa Demon", right?

Shinji Ikari glanced at his card library.

After so many battles, he has basically determined the effect of "no shuffling". His deck seems to allow him to draw cards that are enough to deal with the current enemy and win based on the current situation, but when the opponent sets traps or summons in advance, It will look stupid when seeing new monsters.

To solve the situation at this time, more than one card is definitely needed, so the next card should be...

When Shinji Ikari commanded Unit 1 to dodge the attack of Unit 3 - even though the AT field still fell, he raised his hand to draw the card.

Loading: Discard all cards in hand and draw the same number of cards. 】

Five for five, right? Come on then.

New Universe: The attack power of the elemental hero New Universe and the fusion monsters made of it increases by 500. 】

New Spaceman: Shining Moss: Attack power: 300, defense power: 900]

Elemental Hero·Xinyuxia: Attack power: 2500, defense power: 2000]

Death Meteor: Causes 1000 points of damage to the enemy player's health. It cannot be activated when the opponent's health is below 3000. 】

Xinyu Fusion】

And the monster to be fused is——

Elemental Hero: Glory Xinyuxia: Attack power: 2500, defense power: 2000, once per round, destroy a monster, magic or trap card on the opponent's field. If the magic card is destroyed, it can directly attack the enemy player. 】

While fighting with Unit 3, Shinji Ikari could clearly see the twisted and strange black shadow behind the "Najima" in the colorful "new universe" that had just unfolded.

Unit 3 was built with our hard work, and its real name is our partner, and we will not give up any of them!

The "Death Meteor" fell from the sky and accurately hit the black shadow. Then, the "Glorious New Universe" who had just demolished the "Ritual Threshold" with his bare hands punched it.

"get out of my world!】"

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