The Collection of The End

Two Thousand and Thirty-Two, The Demonic Fog City of Death (39)


The Garden of Assembly, Class A Classroom of Year 2.

"My name is Kaoru Nagisa,"

The beautiful boy with gray hair and red eyes wrote his name on the blackboard in beautiful calligraphy, then turned around:

"It means flowers quietly emitting fragrance by the water."

"..." The girls in the class were all staring at him, their eyes shining, as if they wanted to speak but didn't know what to say.

"I am fifteen years old this year, huh? Just like everyone else," Nagisa Kaoru continued with a smile: "It seems that I was born just to meet you."

"Yeah——" xn

This guy was too outrageous. Shinji Ikari held his chin and watched his performance, while trying hard to dispel the screams of the girls who went into his ears.

The only children who will study in the Gathering Garden are children born in the year after the second impact. As long as they are one year older and one year younger, they cannot be "qualified".

Moreover, if you could choose a name, everyone would choose a good-sounding name. Shinji means "blood son", who should he talk to for reason?

Of course, a scene like Nagisa Kaoru's that cannot withstand scrutiny would not have the same effect if it were someone who is not so good-looking. The silence is light, and it can only be said that appearance is justice.

"Okay, go find a seat and sit down. Let's get ready for class." The head teacher, who had gray hair and always squinted his eyes, finally interrupted the "fan meeting" and sent Nagisa Kaoru off the stage.

Nagisa Kaoru walked along, ignoring the expectant looks of most of the girls and a few boys, and walked straight to Shinji Ikari, who was standing by the window in the penultimate row.

what? Single person and single table, do you still want to share a table?

"You must have been thinking about me, right?" Nagisa Kaoru smiled slightly, pulled out the chair at the table in front of Ikari and sat down: "Then, I will let you see me at any time, how about it?"



Half of the girls made a sound of disappointment, while the other half became more excited.

Before you scream, can you think clearly about who was at my front desk? And when did he mysteriously disappear?

Although I can’t remember who it was, it was definitely not empty before!

Shinji Ikari turned to look at Rei Ayanami by the window with a look of help, but found that she didn't pay attention to Kaoru Nagisa, and was just looking out the window with her chin on her hands.

In this situation...if you don't think he doesn't need to care at all, you probably already know his details completely.

And Kaoru Nagisa, no matter what, cannot be the former, because he is the "Seventeenth Apostle".


"Alterego, Kaoru Nagisa, you came here in response to the summons. May I ask, are you my master?"

This is what he said when the two met for the first time yesterday.

Although I can understand every word, I have no idea what it means when put together. Moreover, I am obviously looking for the "Future Kirishima True Name" to help deal with the 16th Apostle. Why is such a person here? juvenile?

"It's hard for you to understand, so let's put it another way," Nagisa Kaoru saw his confused look at that time, so he continued: "The seventeenth apostle, Nagisa Kaoru, was entrusted by the Nerv acting commander Kirishima's true name to eliminate The sixteenth apostle, came through time and space, please give me some advice."

Isn't this harder to understand?

Why did she, a spy, become the acting commander?

And how can we fight when the apostles can travel through time and space?


When Shinji Ikari's head was in chaos, Nagisa Kaoru turned his head and sneezed:

"Oh, the temperature difference between the two worlds is too big. I feel like I'm going to catch a cold... You don't want to keep me out of the door and talk like this, do you?"

Who dares to believe that all the apostles have caught a cold?

In the end, Shinji Ikari let the suspicious boy into his dormitory - mainly to avoid attracting the attention of other residents and to want to know what would happen in the future. It had nothing to do with his very handsome appearance.

After that, Nagisa Kaoru talked about a "future" that was even more bizarre than his identity.

The Sixteenth Apostle did appear as Ayanami said, and even its abilities were exactly the same. It actively merged with the attacking Unit Zero and turned into a super huge ball of light. If the ball of light exploded, a third incident would occur. On impact, if it collapsed, only Unit Zero and its pilot would be lost.

When everyone could only pray silently, Shinji Ikari rushed over in Unit 1, roaring loudly in a voice that everyone could hear, "Give Lingbo back to me!" Unit Zero was pulled out of the ball of light.

At this time, the Sixteenth Apostle, who had entered the detonation stage, could not cancel it and could only reluctantly turn into a cross beam of light rising into the sky.

Normally, this should be just an episode when fighting the apostle. After the two recover, they can continue to prepare for the next apostle. But the problem is that Shinji Ikari and Rei Ayanami disappeared.

It was later found out that the synchronization rate between the two pilots and their own bodies exceeded 1000% - because the counter can only display a maximum of 999%, the specific value is unknown.

The final conclusion is that because the synchronization rate is too high, they are all dissolved in the lcl of the inserted plug.

Units No. 2 and Unit 3 remain on standby to deal with possible apostles who may appear in the future, while Nerv is trying every possible means to rescue Rei Ayanami and Shinji Ikari.

After that, the whole world inexplicably fell into a stable period. Although Ayanami Rei and Ikari Shinji were never rescued, no apostles appeared and launched attacks again.

As time passed year by year, the aftermath and impact of the second impact gradually disappeared, and the earth gradually returned to its original appearance. Nerv, who had no dragon-slaying skills, was gradually forgotten by the world, and its employees dispersed and left, and were eventually integrated into the Earth Alliance. The military department of the United States was taken under the command of the general who once criticized it as "shameless", and used technology for outer space exploration.

Time has passed, and only Kirishima's true name, who has replaced the commander of Ikari Gendo, still maintains the NERV establishment, and the only impression left by the world of EVA is the pure black painted Unit 3 that is occasionally glimpsed in major events. .

The second impact in 2000 and the apostolic invasions in 2015 and 2016 turned from history into stories, and from stories into jokes and jokes. In the end, only two lines of history were left. What happened can only be guessed.

In fact, there is no need to guess. Isn't that situation a reenactment of what happened when humans stopped the "Second Impact"? It's just that the thing that prevented the "Three Charges" from breaking out was changed from "Lance of Longinus" to "Shinji Ikari himself".

Perhaps, "that self" thought of some method that it thought was perfect. It neither triggered the third impact nor allowed beings called the "Weave of Life" to invade, and even eliminated all potential apostles, forcing this person to The world continued to exist peacefully for fifteen years.

However, in 2031, the seventeenth apostle, Kaoru Nagisa, still appeared. At this time, no one can stop him.

"Do you accept this ending?" Nagisa Kaoru asked without explaining his origins, how he met Kirishima's real name, or what kind of deal they negotiated. He only briefly talked about "future history".

"Don't accept it! How can you accept it!"

Ayanami was thinking about a way to escape from reincarnation, how could she be screwed up like this?

"What a coincidence. I thought so too. So, I'll reluctantly come and help you kill the sixteenth apostle. The apostles are hostile to each other anyway." Nagisa Kaoru responded at that time.

"I won't say politely that I don't need your help, but what is your purpose of returning from the future to the present? As an apostle, wouldn't it be good to directly trigger the third impact?" Shinji Ikari will naturally not forget that he is also a apostle.

"of course--"

The corners of Nagisa Kaoru's eyes and lips curled up at the same time:

"To meet you."


asshole! Fortunately, I was shocked at the time, but now it seems that it is exactly the same as what he used to deceive the girls today!


Literary Society.

"Hello, I am the new member of the literary club, Kaoru Nagisa. I hope we will have a happy relationship in the future."

The boy with gray hair and red eyes greeted Kirishima Mana who was serving tea and water.

"Okay...huh?" Kirishima Mana looked at Kaoru Nagisa in confusion and then at Rei Ayanami and Shinji Ikari who entered the club classroom behind him.

Obviously, she understood the key word "future", but it was also unclear why "herself" did not come.

Shinji Ikari blinked at her and then shook his head, indicating that he didn't know the details.

"He is the backup driver selected by nerv through the Maruduk formula, but it has not been announced yet," Rei Ayanami walked to his seat and sat down in a familiar manner: "To save trouble, I recruited him in advance."

It's written here as a literary club, but it's pronounced as an EVA driver's lounge, right?

"Is that so? But we don't seem to have any extra EVAs?" Kirishima's real name covered his mouth with a tea tray to express doubts. After thinking for a while, he added: "If necessary, you can open Unit 3..."

It's not that easy. Although Nerv's body allocation is relatively random, exchanging bodies still requires a lot of experimentation.

Moreover, don’t you realize that you are leaking information at will?

The dragon slayer finally becomes a dragon.

"Don't worry, lovely maid, my body is specially made and is already on its way." Nagisa Kaoru responded with a smile.

"Ah, okay." Kirishima's real name responded in confusion.

Well... Shinji Ikari took a look at Kirishima's real name. Because her relationship with everyone has improved, she no longer knows how to wear a full maid outfit, but she seems to like the black headband with white silk flowers. In the literary club Often worn on the head.

But that thing looks just like an ordinary hair accessory, but it can be directly seen that it is a maid. Could it be——

After becoming the acting commander of Nerv, she used her authority to change her combat uniform into a maid outfit?

Inside the black-and-white painted Unit 3 sits a maid dressed in black and white...

There is something to say that I really want to see.

Although there is one more member, because Asuka is not here, there is not much difference from usual, except that Kirishima's real name seems a bit awkward and he seems to be reluctant to speak.

Speaking of which, after the attack of the fifteenth apostle, Asuka seemed to have started training very hard in order to recreate her heroic appearance of killing the apostles like chopping melons and vegetables in the illusion, and even stopped participating in the activities of the literary club.

Rounding off, the fifteenth apostle was actually half an ally.

But it is a pity that the personal ability of the sixteenth apostle is useless, and the seventeenth apostle is...

Shinji Ikari turned his head and glanced at Nagisa Kaoru.

...He is a slender boy who can be crushed to death by his No. 1 function.

You really, I cried to death, you finally want Unit 1 to pinch others.

No, don't you think you pay too much attention to him? Tell me how to save Ayanami, you bastard!

"Give Ayanami back to me", these words are so cool, I wonder who said it?

I guess after saying that, I just escaped from this world line because I was too social.

One day I will have a split personality... Shinji Ikari pinched his forehead.

"What books do you like to read?" Ayanami Rei's voice sounded.

Shinji Ikari raised his head in confusion and found the president sitting by the window asking questions to the new members.

Hmm... Although this room is occupied by the Avatar of Eve, the Time Traveler, the Humanoid Apostle and the Substitute Messenger, it is still essentially a literary club.

"Me?" Nagisa smiled: "I prefer classical literature, and my favorite book is "Brugge, the City of Death" written by the Belgian writer 'Gesrodenbach' in 1892."

……What's that? Sounds like some kind of horror novel.

Shinji Ikari looked around and found that Kirishima Mana was as confused as himself, while Ayanami remained expressionless as always.

"The content of the story is," said Kaoru Nagisa: "In a city called Brugge, there was a man named Paul. His wife passed away, and he collected all her relics and portraits and moved them to his home. Pretending to be the same person as she was before she died and deceiving yourself into thinking your wife is still alive.”

Is it a ghost story? Will his wife come back because of this? Is this content a novel that could have been written in 1892?

"Afterwards," Nagisa Kaoru continued, "a dancer named 'Marietta' appeared. Paul thought it was his wife who was resurrected, so he pursued her crazily and finally got what he wanted." the ghost coming out?

Not only Ikari Shinji, but even Kirishima Mana widened his eyes and became concerned about the continuation of this story.

"However, after the two lived together, Paul found that Marietta was completely different from his wife in all aspects except appearance. All his attempts to cultivate Marietta's character and habits in his wife failed. , in the end, when Marietta unexpectedly found his wife’s belongings and abandoned them, Paul finally believed that Marietta was not his wife.”

Something seems wrong...

"The ending of the story is that after Paul recognized his feelings, he took Marietta and left Brugge, the 'city of death', and started a new life."

This is a book title fraud! Where is the city of death?

This Paul is such a scumbag that he treats people as substitutes, and Marietta doesn't even get rid of him?

Shinji Ikari and Kirishima Mana looked at each other and found that the other person seemed to have the same views as him, so they nodded in agreement, and then cast a condemning look at Nagisa Kaoru:

Do you like this kind of book?

"I think this book has a profound meaning," Nagisa Kaoru put on an innocent expression: "Think about it, it was written in 1892."


Ayanami Rei closed the book in her hand, stood up and stuffed it back into the bookcase, and then left the literary club classroom:

"I'm going back."


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