The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Thirty-Three, The Demonic Fog City of the Dead (40)


Gathering Garden, Literary Club.

Shinji Ikari stood by the window and looked at the scenery of the campus, feeling a little uneasy.

In February, Rei Ayanami clearly said that the 16th Apostle would come "next month", but now there is less than a week left, and it will be "next month". He will not take any chances. He thought Ayanami might have remembered it wrong, but on the contrary, his current situation was like watching the fuse of a firecracker that was definitely not a squib burn out, but it never detonated, and he just felt a lot of pressure.

As for Nagisa Kaoru...he was supposed to be the "reference answer" obtained by opportunism, but somehow it became a "substitute for the test", and he did not explain to Shinji Ikari how to deal with the 16th Apostle at all.

Judging from the ability of the sixteenth apostle, could he take the initiative to merge with it? Compared with humans who are afraid of contamination, and Ayanami who is afraid of over-increasing strength, this humanoid apostle who will neither be polluted nor has the ability to launch the third impact is indeed the most suitable candidate to fuse with the sixteen apostles, but what happens after that? Should we directly attack the Seventeenth Apostle?

Shinji Ikari looked at Kaoru Nagisa who was chatting and laughing with Kirishima's real name from the reflection of the window, and sighed silently.

It's impossible to fight.

He is handsome, has excellent grades, is versatile in sports, is eloquent, friendly, gentle and considerate. In just one month, he has been praised by the girls as the "Prince" of the gathering garden, and a support club has been established for this purpose.

In terms of fanaticism...let's put it this way, if he publicly admitted that he was an apostle and his purpose was to destroy the world, they would probably be happy to support him.

Is this the ultimate apostle created by the apostles after studying human beings through various means? It's really hard to compete with that.

Let’s not talk about the school, let’s talk about Nerv’s attitude towards him.

Compared to Ayanami, whose information has been cleared, Nagisa Kaoru's identity is very "clear" and "well-documented."

According to the files, he was an orphan caused by the "Second Impact" and grew up in an orphanage specializing in "preparatory candidates" under the "Institute of Human Evolution", the predecessor of Nerv.

Those children with obvious "superpowers" will be quickly taken away by various institutions. Those who remain there are either extremely useless and weak in their abilities, or they have the ability to slay dragons and cannot use them.

It was not until three months ago, when Unit 3 was invaded by the Thirteenth Apostle, that Kaoru Nagisa finally showed a trait that would definitely be noticed by Nerv - stimulating the AT field with a human body.

You know, that is an ability that only apostles and EVA can display - except Ayanami - you don't have this ability without sitting in an EVA, so what if you become a driver?

After the Nerv Intelligence Department discovered this "superpower" reported under the name of "Energy Shield", their noses almost became angry. After hurriedly calculating it through the Malu Duke formula, they directly recruited him to become an EVA driver.

In the end, because his synchronization rate with other reserve EVAs was frighteningly high, in order to avoid wasting everything, the branch specially sent him to the third New Tokyo City, which is both the NERV headquarters and the battlefield front line, with Dr. Akagi Ritsuko as his guardian. After that, Because he misread the room number he was assigned to, he "accidentally" met Shinji Ikari.

The whole process was perfectly logical and logical. If he hadn't known that the apostle himself could adjust the synchronization rate of EVA, Shinji Ikari would have almost believed it.

Otherwise, why would he not dare to board Unit Zero and Unit One?

Asuka, who regards Unit 2 as her daughter, readily agreed to lend her "daughter" to Nagisa Kaori for a test drive after Nagisa Kaoru's incomprehensible compliments - you don't doubt that he has a synchronization rate that is always 1% lower than yours. Of?

As for Kirishima's real was deceived by "her future self".

On his first day here, Nagisa Kaoru told an inexplicable "City of Death" story, which caused Ayanami to leave early. When Shinji Ikari and Mana Kirishima were about to leave, he stopped him and claimed that " A message from the future” to be conveyed.

Thinking about it carefully, he claimed to be from the future, but there was no actual evidence. Shinji Ikari only believed half of what he said. If this could be proven, he would be able to act more calmly in the future.

"Let me state in advance that these are the exact words of 'Future You'," Nagisa Kaoru said at the time: "She said, 'I like forbidden things], forbidden things] dancing in front of the mirror, forbidden things]."

Then, Shinji Ikari witnessed with his own eyes what it means to "turn red in the face". It turns out that humans can really react like this, which sounds like an exaggerated description.

"What's wrong with liking to dance in front of the mirror? What are those 'forbidden matters'?" In order to prevent Kirishima's real name from being so embarrassed that he fainted, Shinji Ikari could only repeat what he heard.

"I'm sure I heard it, and I still remember it before going from the future to the present, but after that, they put a black frame in my memory," Nagisa Kaoru spread his hands and replied: "I can still say it, but I don't know what it is at all. What's the meaning."

It would be weird to believe you, if Kirishima’s real name in the future can block the apostle’s memory——

Well, if it is the constraint of time itself, it doesn’t seem impossible?

"Well, Shinji-senpai, Nagisa Kaoru-san is completely trustworthy," Kirishima Mana said with a flushed face after he calmed down a little, "At least, that's what I think in the future."

Obviously, Nagisa Kaoru's behavior perfectly complied with one of her preset preconditions, and it was the kind of prerequisite that would not be recorded in any form at all.

For example, if someone claims to be from the future and says to Shinji Ikari, "You told me in the future that the person who gave you the ability to play cards is named Atum," then he can only trust this person 99%.

Nagisa Kaoru, who had gained this trust, did not make any special arrangements, and only made one request: "Throughout March, as long as there are classes scheduled, we must gather at the literary club after school, regardless of whether Ayanami comes or not. "

This request silently undermined his credibility - Rei Ayanami, who had always regarded the literary club as his home, did not come to the literary club's club classroom at all after that.

This thing is simply outrageous. Shinji Ikari didn't bother to analyze the meaning of the city of death. He was probably saying that she was deceiving herself by repeatedly resetting the world - what else?

After gameover, if you don’t choose ue or load, should you choose newgame?

During Nerv training, Shinji Ikari went to Ayanami to ask about this matter, but Ayanami would give simple answers to other questions in her indifferent tone, but when asked why she didn't go to the club classroom, she stared at Ikari quietly. Shinji said nothing.

Don’t plan to go back before dealing with the third impact?

Thinking about who would be taken away if the Third Impact happened?

Nagisa Kaoru is very annoying and you don’t want to see him?

Or...her behavior of not going to the club classroom is the key to solving the third impact?

Shinji Ikari couldn't guess the reason, so he could only temporarily follow what Nagisa Kaoru said, even if Ayanami was not around, he would report to the literary club every day.

However, there is no "Apostle's Forecast" from Ayanami. If the Sixteenth Apostle suddenly appears...


"Issuing an emergency evacuation notice now——]"


Just when Shinji Ikari thought of this, alarm sounds, notification broadcast sounds, and cell phone ringtones started to sound at the same time.

"The Sixteenth Apostle has appeared!" Shinji Ikari stood up suddenly: "We——"

"We stay here," Nagisa Kaoru rested his chin on his hands and sat still: "The Sixteenth Apostle can combine 'piloted and EVA', but it cannot deal with 'piloted' and 'unmanned EVA'. "

This is a loophole that can be exploited, but it is equivalent to invalidating martial arts.

"However, the driver does not have the power to fight against the apostles, and EVA cannot be started without a driver." Shinji Ikari said.

"Do you really think so?" Nagisa Kaoru looked at Shinji Ikari with a half-smile.

"..." Shinji Ikari thought of his card abilities and the Unit-1 that could act autonomously, and couldn't nod directly to admit it.

Hu hum——]

At this moment, it suddenly went dark outside the window, and the unlit club classroom became dark, as if time jumped from four or five o'clock in the afternoon to midnight in an instant.

Before Shinji Ikari could react, the already dark sky lit up with a not-so-bright white light.

Through the window of the club classroom, he could clearly see a huge ring silently emerging over New Tokyo City after a sudden change in the environment, quietly emitting a white shimmer.

"Ha." Nagisa Kaoru laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at?" Shinji Ikari frowned.

Putting aside several accidents, this should be the first time that he did not wait in the insertion plug of Unit 1 before the apostle appeared. It felt like... skipping a class with a teacher who took attendance very seriously.

If the power of this sixteenth apostle hadn't been too outrageous, and if Nagisa Kaoru had learned from Nagisa Kaoru the fate of being stubborn with him, he wouldn't have stayed here.

"What does that guy look like?" Nagisa Kaoru pointed to the sky.

"Smoke ring?" Shinji Ikari looked up.

"Is it 'Angel Halo'?" Kirishima's real name flipped the light switch twice, but it had no effect at all.

"That's right," Nagisa Kaoru nodded: "It probably learned it from the encounter with the Eleventh Apostle. Letting the enemy evolve is also the way to destroy them."

That virus apostle? Shinji Ikari briefly recalled that at that time, he was so troubled by the "deck destroying virus" that he did not pay attention to how Nerv solved it on a practical level. Judging from the few words that were circulated afterwards, it seemed that it was indeed by promoting the opponent's evolution and A way that leads to destruction.

"This halo is not offensive in any way," Nagisa Kaoru continued: "It will only consume itself to help the affected ones evolve, evolving the qualified ones into 'apostles', and the 'apostles' into 'gods', and 'gods' If it is affected by it, it will directly launch the third impact, haha, what a good plan."

I can tell... Shinji Ikari glanced down at his empty left arm.

Not only did they not attack, they even helped you evolve. No one could judge that as a hostile act.

"We only stayed in the literary club because we listened to you." After Shinji Ikari noticed that the halo did not do anything except darken the sky, he relaxed a little and turned to ask Nagisa Kaoru: "You must have solved it now. Find a way."

"Of course there is a way, but there is no need to use it. It will destroy itself soon." Nagisa Kaoru walked to the window, raised his hand to push the window open, and looked at the white light ring in the sky: "Now, what may become a weapon in your hand Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 have all been excluded from the battle order, and Ayanami probably won’t be able to activate Unit 0, so what are you going to do?” that what happened?

In previous reincarnations, it was probably because other machines were strengthened by fusion and rebelled that Ayanami had to take action, which eventually led to the third impact or the self-destruction of Unit Zero. But now, Ayanami, who knows this clearly, is not controlled by EVA. Under such circumstances, naturally they would not fly Unit Zero to attack.

What is this called, fishing to save the world?

But...will it be that simple?

Woo——! 】

Kang——! 】

Ouch——! 】

Shinji Ikari was thinking when suddenly several beast-like roars sounded at a very close distance, and then, EVAs stood up from all over the assembly garden.

No, that was not EVA, but a strange giant whose height and body were almost the same as the apostle's body under EVA armor, but made of a strange blue translucent material.

They let out a huge roar while waving their arms to attack the surroundings randomly. As they moved, houses were destroyed one after another. When they attacked each other, they would start fighting each other regardless.

Shinji Ikari raised his hand to touch his left arm, but found nothing again.

Could they also be friendly forces?

"Oh, so there are so many students in this school who are qualified to open EVA?" Nagisa Kaoru tilted his head: "You really can't tell a person by his appearance."

Qualified candidates who are not strong enough will not be selected into the gathering garden.

"What should we do now?" Kirishima Mana was still more concerned about his classmates in the Assemblage Garden and asked anxiously.

"In fact, there is no need to do anything. The 'phantom apostles' formed by this AT force field are still essentially human beings. Even if they continue to be strengthened, they are only 'gods' and not 'gods'. When the 'strengthening' ends, or their If the creator can't hold on, it will disappear." Nagisa Kaoru replied without caring too much.

"Then what will happen to those 'makers'?" Shinji Ikari pointed out the key question.

"Losing superpowers, becoming an idiot, or dying," Kaoru Nagisa looked at the blue giants: "Unable to resist the temptation of power, forcing the use of power that does not belong to them will only have this result."

"If you find a way to defeat these giants..." Shinji Ikari tried to ask.

"It's equivalent to destroying their AT force field." Nagisa Kaoru replied.

Wouldn't that just turn into pus?

Shinji Ikari frowned and roughly counted the blue giants. The number was actually close to one-third of the total number of students in the academy. If something happened to them, Nerv would probably be unable to eat and walk around.

The only way to break the situation now is to immediately eliminate the 16th Apostle, but if Eva appears within the halo, she will immediately rebel. In this case...

Shinji Ikari was at a loss when he suddenly noticed that Kaoru Nagisa was looking at him with a slight smile.

He said there was a way, right?

"Please help them!" He decisively clasped his hands and lowered his head for help.

"Remember, you owe me once." After saying these words, Nagisa Kaoru turned into a blue ball of light and floated out of the window.

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