The Collection of The End

Chapter 204 The Maharaja and the Clown

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 28th, 15:00——

Treva was running in the shadows against the mountain wall.

Although he knew his name was "Treva", he wasn't quite sure which "Treva" it was, but at least it wasn't the idiot who turned into ashes.

After occupying Staleo's manor many years ago, the Treva Thieves used it as their lair. After the death of old Treva, his sons and various relatives with the same surname were due to the uneven distribution of spoils or There was a lot of conflict due to other reasons, and everyone wanted to put others to death. Therefore, when Yinshou came to propose cooperation with "that kind of power" two years ago, almost unanimous consent was obtained.

The matter of "becoming a vampire" is very simple, and there are no obvious disadvantages other than "being found and will be hunted down by guards" and "bloodthirsty" which are not painful to robbers, but it goes further is very difficult.

"Blood of the Vampire Lord", this is what those silver hands call "that kind of power". If you can transform from an ordinary vampire into this blood, you don't have to fight with silver weapons that may hurt you at any time, but the whole There were very few successful members of the Thieves Group, and they were all directly invited to the Silver Hand headquarters to carry out some big plans. The only ones left were the idiot who died during the raid of the Comrades Group two days ago, and himself, whose bloodline evolved inexplicably during the battle.

Becoming a vampire, and evolving into a "Maharaja", will lose part of the memory. This is what the Silver Hands said in advance, but Cui Wa is still very annoyed at the fact that he can't remember who he really is. He is going to take advantage of those When the wolf cubs of the comrades-in-arms group searched the manor for information, they in turn raided their headquarters in Xueman and killed the reserve soldiers of the comrades-in-arms group, but what would he say then?

——Remember, Master Treva killed you.

—Which Triva?

Just imagining this kind of dialogue made his feet unsteady, and he didn't judge the foothold and was directly exposed to the sun. The ensuing burns and pain made Cui Wa stop.

Those damn silver hands obviously have reservations. They never said that the maharaja form would be so afraid of the sun. After being irradiated for a moment, the wings have already started to blacken as if they were burned by fire. If the sun shines, all the vampire abilities may be used to continuously repair his injuries, and his strength may not even be as good as that of ordinary people.

It was for this reason that he did not go straight to Xueman after escaping from the sentry tower. He first hid in a prison where the heretics were held by Stormcloak, hunting for food to restore their physical strength and transform them by the way. After these people were released Apparently wreaking havoc around and attracting the attention of meddling comrades.

Last night he took advantage of the night to rush to Xueman, and arrived at another tower occupied by bandits before dawn, and repeated his tricks again. This time, the bandit stronghold had a favorable location, and just setting up some roadblocks would be enough to stop those werewolves for a long time.

Cui Wa originally planned to wait here until night before leaving, but the family members released from that prison disappeared one by one at a very fast speed. Obviously, they have already encountered a group of comrades in arms. If they do not leave at this time, they will only be driven back to Xueman's They were blocked in this tower, so after he issued an order to set up roadblocks to prevent anyone from passing through, he forcibly rushed to Xueman during the day.

Silver Hand was very well informed, so he didn't need to go to them to report the news that the sentry tower was destroyed. Cui Wa thought about the plan: now start from the outskirts of Snowrun City, and turn those farmers and hired laborers who don't have much strength into' Blood Slaves', and then let them attack Snowman City, and then restore their original shape and sneak in, transforming more residents in the plain area, and even newcomers to the Comrades Group. When the situation is out of control, those guys from the Comrades Group After having to expose his identity as a werewolf, he took the opportunity to directly raid the lord.

That's right, the lord Balgruuf the Great, those guys in Silver Hands don't know what they are thinking, they seem to only plan to attack the comrade-in-arms group,

But don't they know that sneaking into Xueman and attacking Yuehuaska will also arouse the wrath of the lord?

For the Treva Thieves Group, Balgruf, who beat them to pieces and drove them out of Xueman, is the primary enemy, although there may be only a few people left now, and he has forgotten his name, But it is good not to forget the hatred for Balgruuf.

"Heh... have all the low-level vampires in the tower been wiped out? But it doesn't matter, even if you start running with all your strength now, it will be too late." Cui Wa hid behind a boulder to avoid the sun, watching with dark yellow eyes There are several farms within easy reach and Snowrun City built on a towering cliff in the south.


"I will help you repair the carriage, Mr. Clown, now, can you please leave my house?" Vantus said to the person in front of him holding back his anger.

Vantus Loriyos, the farmer of Loriyos Farm, because his farm grows some crops that like cold and dry, so he didn't mix with those farms on the banks of the White River in the south, and met a few Farmers who planted the same crops settled together in the north of Snowrun, near the foot of Snow Mountain.

Although this location is still within the monitoring range of the Baiwang tower, if something happens, the tower sentry will be too late. In the end, the captain of the guard specially arranged a patrol route for the guards for these farms.

A few hours ago, the wheel of a freight wagon broke near the farm. The driver was the guy in front of him who dressed himself as a clown and called himself Cicero. He came to the farm and took out dozens of gold coins to ask for help in repairing the car. , which is a good income for Vantus who has no farm work to do at this time.

But the problem is, this guy doesn't seem normal.

His red hair stood up strangely, his face was as pale as if it had been covered with flour, the patterns of water droplets and stars were drawn under his slender eyes, and his tongue stuck out to lick his lips from time to time.

"That's impossible~(diamonds)" Cicero said in a strange tone: "Mother asked Cicero to follow you until the carriage is repaired~(spades)"

hell! Vantus almost threw the car repair tools he was packing up at him, what kind of monster would make patterns pop up in the listener's head when he spoke.

As for the "mother", according to him, it was in the huge wooden box on the carriage. No matter how I thought about it, it couldn't be the clown's real mother. It was probably a totem of a strange religion.

"Well, Mr. Cicero, is it okay for you to put your mother's coffin outside like that? Why don't we go and look at it first?" Cove Lorius, Vantus' wife, asked softly.

"Hehe~ Thank you for your concern~ (Hearts) It's just that the coffin is very strong~ It doesn't need special care~ (Plum Blossoms)" Cicero raised the corners of his mouth to her and showed a smile.

This is the second thing that Vantus hates about Cicero. Even with weird clown makeup and ridiculous clown costumes, he still can't hide his handsome appearance.

"Hmph! Get ready, we're going to fix your carriage!" Vantus picked up the toolbox and strode out the door. He had to get rid of the clown as soon as possible, otherwise the position of the head of the family would be shaken. up.

"【Jie——!】" As soon as he walked out of the house, Vantus saw a humanoid monster with ugly wings, a green body, and still smoking black smoke, with a big mouth full of fangs, rushing towards him. Come.

"Damn." Vantus blurted out before he had time to react.

"That's not okay~ (square)" "Crack!"

The monster's powerful bite completely shattered the toolbox in Vantus' hands, but he himself flew back into the house under the pull of some inexplicable force behind him.

"Although it feels strange to ask Cicero to save someone~ (Hearts) but it is mother's request after all~ (Hearts)" Cicero threw the shocked Vantus to Cove, and walked outside: "It seems It's a good prey~ (Spades)"

"[吹——]" The green monster hid back under the big tree where he hid before, and stared at Cicero with eyes emitting a dark yellow light: "[吹吱——]"

"Hmm~ Can't talk~ (square)" Cicero opened his hands, holding a boxy card without any pattern between his fingers, and exuding a faint purple light on the outside, and then waved his arm, They roared and flew towards the green monster.

"[Roar!]" The green monster swung its claws and knocked down those cards, and they disappeared the moment they hit the ground. Just as it was about to provoke Cicero, it found that the opponent had already rushed in front of him, holding the same card between his fingers. A card was drawn toward its throat.

Crack - the card left a bloody mouth on the green monster's neck, but at the same time it also flew into the air, holding a cloud of magical energy in each of its claws, ready to go.

"[Your life energy will become my nourishment!]" the green monster said, and at the same time dropped the red magic group in his hand.

"Oh, isn't this talking~ (square)" Cicero turned his head to look at the Vantus couple who were tremblingly watching the battle in the room, and immediately raised his hand and closed their door from a distance.

Boom—creak—the red magic ball exploded instantly after it hit the ground, and the crops within its range of action withered instantly, turning into a dark red energy that flowed into the body of the green monster, and the wound on its neck instantly healed.

"Oh oh oh~ this is really inefficient~ (spades)" Cicero escaped from the range of influence before the explosion, and was commenting on the monster in the air at the moment.

"【You are an accident~】" said the monster, "【But unless you can fly, you can't stop my revenge on Xueman!】"

"Cicero is not interested in your 'revenge'~ (Plum Blossom) only wants to—" Before Cicero finished speaking, the figure had already arrived in front of the green monster in the air at a speed that the opponent could not react at all: " Just to kill you~ (block)"


When Vantus opened the door tremblingly, he only saw a black wreck that was about to burn out in the air, and the clown Cicero who fell in front of him without any injuries.

"You'd better find some more tools~(Spades)" Cicero said, "Cicero and mother are hurrying on the road~(Spades)"

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