The Collection of The End

Chapter 205 Entering the City and Events

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 28th, 19:00——

Emilia didn't make it to the Rift in the morning as planned, because the "Blade Warriors" made sure to treat her well.

As a former royal guard, the blade warrior branch of Skyrim Province has not seen the royal family members of the empire for a long time after it has been lurking, and can only understand the surrounding situation through intermittent contact with the empire. When they came to Skyrim to "counter the rebellion", although they had some doubts about whether the princess could do such a big thing, they also looked forward to meeting her one day and continuing to perform their duties, so it is normal to be a little excited.

Perhaps influenced by the leader of this team, Delphine, the disguised identities used by many members of the Blade Warrior are related to taverns and hotels. When those drunkards are talking loudly, it is very likely that the waiters who are silently cleaning not far away have already put those words Keep it firmly in my heart.

The other part occupies some mines that produce "ebony mines" and provides minerals for building weapons and equipment for the comrades. They are not taken seriously. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the mines that have not been formally mined. If there are beasts or robbers who want to occupy them The magpie's nest will only become a corpse, and the registered ebony mines, the blade warriors will pretend to be ordinary miners, such as the "bullbellied mine" near the "stone of Shure".

The name of this mine comes from the "red-bellied frost spiders" entrenched in the hollows in the depths. This kind of "pests" is not enough for the lord to send troops to destroy them, but it is not enough for the miners to take mine hoes to kill them. It can be solved. In the end, the mine owner ordered the miners to bypass the spider's nest and continue mining, but he must have never thought that there is an underground base of blade fighters deep behind the spider's nest. Of course they have the ability to deal with those spiders, but obviously they still have to It is better as a natural barrier.

The way for Emilia and Parasus to enter this underground base is naturally without having to dress like a miner and drill into the mine cave. When passing by the spider's nest, they cut down a few spiders that don't have a long memory, and through other "smart" "The spiders got out of the way to enter the base, and they went straight down through a hidden passage like Delphine.

From the perspective of Parathos, although this underground base disguised as a mine is not qualified for Her Royal Highness to live in, if it is only used as a secret army base, it is enough.

"Then, why did Her Royal Highness the Princess and the scout captain of the Sharp-Eyed Eagle come all the way to the Rift Valley? If you want to overthrow the city on the sewer, I can do my best to help." Delphine said at the time.

"... Overturned?" Emilia was looking at the piled up ebony mines, and asked in confusion.

"That's right, more than half of the nobles who support Stormcloak live in Rift Valley City, and the Blackthorn family also provides a lot of military support for their army. If they can control Rift Valley City, it is equivalent to choking the storm." The neck of the cloak, this war will be over in just a few short weeks." The female captain of the blade became more and more excited as she spoke, and almost immediately put into action.

"...No." The princess shook her head.

"Ah, indeed, if the armed forces directly under the Empire directly occupy and control a city in Skyrim Province with legal lords, no matter what their real purpose is, they will have bad associations with the lords of other cities. If they do so , what we will face after capturing Rift Valley City will be the unanimous siege of the remaining seven territories." Delphine sighed.

"Aren't you very clear?" Parathos said loudly: "And the two paragraphs before and after have no doubt that I can 'control' the Rift Valley City."

"If you have participated in the war between the Empire and Thalmer, you know that I am not exaggerating. Many major battles have our contribution, sometimes even the main force." Delphine said, and changed the subject: "So, if Her Royal Highness has any Please be sure to ask for it, and we will do our best to fulfill it for you."

"...Please make Parry an ebony armor.

"Emilia thought for a while before answering.

"Huh?" Parasos, who was caught off guard, only uttered a puzzled onomatopoeia.

Ebony wood is a kind of ore that is harder than steel but only as light as wood. Although the armor and weapons made of it are better than steel in terms of protection and attack, many of them need their own due to their light weight. Weight as an auxiliary fighting method cannot be used, and the most suitable weapons are bows and daggers. So, why does the princess want to change to ebony armor now?

"Ah...that's how it is." In contrast, Delphine's eyes sharpened instantly, and she looked up and down Parathos: "It seems that although you are ordered to protect the princess, you have no idea what she wants to do." As far as I know, this leather armor that is trying to cover up is simply a failure."

It's so easy to say, Parasus thought, go to rescue the death row if there is nothing to do, and want to eat snacks at any time. When General Tullius took the donuts, he chased them all the way. Hearing that Toig needed treatment, he took the initiative to collect them. Materials, disrupted the summoning ceremony of Queen Wolfheart, and came straight to the Rift Valley after learning that Erikul was a member of the Thieves Guild. Who knows what Her Highness the Princess wants to do?

"Hehe, just think about it slowly. Our blacksmith will make a suit of armor for you. Before that, I will entertain the princess." Delphine took Emilia straight away, and Facing the resistance of several big and round blacksmiths, Parasos could only smile wryly.

However, that was half a day ago. At this time, Parathos was wearing a newly built but deliberately worn ebony armor, an ebony bow on his back, and a somewhat curved ebony sword hanging from his waist. Go to the main gate of Rift Valley City not far away.

Her Royal Highness is naturally nearby, just by the faint aroma of donuts. She didn't accept too much from Blade Warrior. Except for snacks and some sundries, she only had an ebony dagger. Parasos was very happy about it. Agree, although it is the same for a princess to use any material dagger, but the ordinary iron dagger is really out of place.

Rift City, Crossed Daggers, City of Thieves and Crime, City in the Sewers, Land of Blackthorn Mead, the capital of the Rift Territory has many titles, but none of them have anything to do with hospitality. The only city that collects city taxes, seeing the reaction of the two guards to his approach, Parasus understands the meaning of the princess insisting on changing the armor himself.

The city doesn't care if you're a spy of the empire, it only cares about the money in your pocket and whether you have enough strength to keep it, and even make it more.

If a guy who is obviously a battlefield scavenger wants to enter the city, although he does not have to pay too much in the city entry tax, he will encounter various trivial and troublesome things such as theft, fraud, planting, etc. that fit his status. At that time, it is better to show strength in order to gain serious attention than to show it openly from the very beginning. In any case, a powerful adventurer wearing ebony armor is not someone who is brave enough to provoke.

As for Princess Emilia, she almost never shows up in front of ordinary residents, and her whereabouts are even more mysterious, so even if the Stormcloak spies in Solitude reported that there had been no news of the princess for a long time, they would not attract attention, and no one would have thought that she would run away Into the heart of the Stormcloak zone.

Although it's just speculation, Ulfric Stormcloak's face will definitely look good if Her Royal Highness can really control the second most important city in the Stormcloak faction.

Da da da—hush—the sound of running came from the woods beside the road, and then a bush was separated, and a man in worn inlaid armor rushed out, holding a handful of Although the long sword was only glimpsed at a glimpse, Parathos can confirm that the exquisiteness of the sword is definitely not something this guy can afford.

Seeing Parasus, the man rushed over with bright eyes, and directly stuffed the long sword into his hand: "Help me hold it, and I will reward you when I come back!"

Although Parathos has more than a dozen ways to avoid taking the sword, he is now playing the role of an "adventurer". This kind of person has no such characteristics as "fear of trouble" and will only seek Maximizing the benefits, so Parasus took the long sword and watched the man rush across the road into the woods on the other side.

"...Give it to me." The voice of the princess sounded from the side, and at the same time there was a slight pull on the sword, and Parasus let go of it, and then saw it disappear into the air.

The captain of the scouts was guessing what kind of trap this sword had, and the mystery had been directly revealed by those who set it up - three people wearing steel armor and looking like mercenaries stepped out from behind the bushes, obviously all of them were staring at him, He even shouted in vain, "That guy who stole the sword is coming this way."

"Sir, have you seen..." Although they seemed to be chasing someone, several armored mercenaries vaguely surrounded Parasus, and the leader spoke slowly while scanning his attire .

"No, get out!" Parasus directly drew his ebony sword and pointed it at the mercenary leader: "How dare you play this kind of trick in front of me?"

"Friend, pay attention to your tone, we are tracking a despicable thief, he obviously passed by here, but you said that you have not seen it," the mercenary leader said proudly: "We have reason to suspect—"

Obviously, this is the behavior style of Rift Valley City. Even if it is an obvious crime, as long as there is an excuse to say the past, the guards will choose to sit on the sidelines. Any results, such as the guards at the gate of Rift Valley City not far away, they are watching here as if they have nothing to do with themselves.

Plop! "Ouch!"

The "despicable thief" who had rushed into the woods on the other side suddenly rushed back and fell to the ground with that exquisite long sword on his back. The mercenary leader was speechless for a moment.

"Oh? Suspect what?" Parathos pointed the tip of his sword at the mercenaries one by one: "Continue talking?"

Although I don't know how Her Royal Highness did it, it seems that this means to let them go, Parasos thought dully.

"—I suspect he didn't run far!" Several mercenaries rushed over to pick up the "thief" and turned around to leave. Obviously, their operation failed.

Perhaps he was overwhelmed by something that Parasos showed in this farce. When he entered the city, the two city gate guards had no intention of collecting city fees at all.

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