The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Thirty-Nine, The Demonic Fog City of the Dead (46)


Gathering Garden, Literary Club.

After about a month of recuperation, Shinji Ikari returned to school. Asuka had to be hospitalized for recuperation due to a serious overdraft. Kirishima's real name was fine, but because he expressed his feelings too clearly that day, I heard that he was coming today After going to school, she skipped club activities because she was too shy to adjust her mentality. As for "Makiha", she didn't join the literary club at all.

Therefore, there are only two people in the club classroom today, Ikari Shinji and Ayanami Rei.

The girl with blue hair and red eyes sat by the window and read quietly. This almost unchanged scene gave people an inexplicable sense of peace of mind, Shinji Ikari thought while drinking the tea he poured.

To be honest, it is obvious that we have arrived at a world line that we have never seen before, but the surrounding environment looks almost the same as before.

This is mainly because the "third impact" occurred in a "closed space" and had minimal impact on the outside world. And there is no way to verify that "Eve" can no longer start the "planet life reshaping program".

At the same time, the halo-shaped sixteenth apostle only appeared in the outside world for a moment, leaving almost no image data. It was passed around as a weird rumor like uo for a while, and the heat passed.

As for the EVA mass-produced machine that replaced it with a serial number of twelve, no one suspected it because its appearance was too similar to that of the Sixth Apostle - it looked like fish with arms and legs.

Ordinary people would just sigh, well, Nerv defeated the apostle again.

Shinji Ikari didn't know how the dispute between Dilian and Nerv came about. The other party's point of view seemed to be:

The purpose of manufacturing those mass-produced EVAs is just to avoid putting eggs in one basket. It is a backup plan to deal with the possible defeat of nerv by the apostles, and has no intention of attacking nerv and replacing it.

In addition, they labeled the captured Kensuke Aida as a "super agent" who could control the mind and was trained in the Assemblage Garden, and accused him of sneaking into the military headquarters to plot evil.

Naturally, the Nerv side will not admit it: it is simply ridiculous. The so-called evil plot is to control the EVA mass production machine to attack its own base camp, right? If you didn't arrange an attack plan in advance and have a quick way to reach the third New Tokyo City, how could a few people be affected and be able to launch the attack smoothly?

In terms of the overall negotiation situation, since the Earth Federation was indeed in the wrong, and Ikari was stirring up trouble internally, the Nerv side was very dominant, and in the end it seemed that many contracts were signed at great advantage based on the Earth Alliance's military headquarters. However, this was not the case. What he can know as a driver.

As for the Ground Alliance military side, it seems that out of the desire to rather die than suffer, they detained Kensuke Aida and refused to allow him to leave. They also completed all the transfer procedures. Needless to say, those people must have taken a fancy to him. "Okay." The ability to "disappear from others' sight" is prepared to be cultivated into an agent.

As for Suzuhara Touji, who lost one friend... He was actually the first one in the "Idiot Trio" to be single. During the time when Shinji Ikari was hospitalized and Kensuke Aida was detained, he somehow got into trouble with the squad leader. Mu Guang got together and went to the rooftop to eat lunch together every day to show their affection.

If Shinji Ikari had to guess, the little girl Sakura Suzuhara definitely played a huge role in promoting this relationship.

I don’t know if there is anything to promote myself... Ikari Shinji glanced at Ayanami Rei by the window again.

Not only is it not promoted, it is even hindered.

Although he was alone with the girl he liked, he was not very excited. The main reason was that there was a third person.

Due to Ayanami Rei's special identity, it is almost impossible to get rid of this information-integrated thought body. Moreover, because it can talk, it cannot be treated as a kitten or puppy. The most troublesome thing is that Ayanami seems to trust it very much. , sometimes if you find it interesting you can directly repeat it, which is very embarrassing.

"Um, Ayanami?" However, no matter what, he couldn't waste the rare alone time. Shinji Ikari thought hard and finally found the topic: "If you have kept your memory, shouldn't you have read all these books? "

"Some are," Rei Ayanami replied, "Some will have new content."

"Huh?" Shinji Ikari said it was difficult to understand.

"Classic masterpieces basically remain unchanged. The ones that do change are modern works, such as this "Detective Conan." Rei Ayanami showed the cover of the book in his hand: "Maybe it's because the time in its story is also different. Because it hasn’t been pushed forward, every time ‘Triple Clash’ happens, there will be some new content.”

"That's really magical. Can its author also retain his memory?" Shinji Ikari asked.

"Not only can't it be done, but it's also forgetful," Ayanami Rei's tone showed a rare hint of dissatisfaction, and his red eyes showed a bit of murderous intent: "Even if the character is too long, the character is like a tool, and the background is like a board. You can’t change the basic settings.”

"Compared to, for example?" Shinji Ikari swallowed.

"For example, the childhood sweethearts Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha, who refused to let go even if the back of their hands were stabbed with a knife after falling off a cliff, were actually stabbed by passers-by who came out of nowhere. The most disgusting thing is Isn't this just a tool to promote the relationship between the two, Hattori Heiji is actually really moved." Rei Ayanami tapped the ridge of the book with her fingers and glanced at Shinji Ikari: "This is the extra content of this reincarnation. I was originally there. I’m thinking about throwing an apostle at the author’s house next time I reincarnate, but I can only give up now.”

Sending a razor blade can no longer express the reader’s anger, can it? That unknown author, please take care of yourself.

By the way, she should...not be talking about me...

Do you think so?

If you object, you cannot use the sword of the previous dynasty to kill the officials of this dynasty!

I'm not that good either. If Asuka or Kirishima confessed to you, would you be able to reject them immediately?

That's impossible...

Ha, man.

It's like you're not!

Huh? Wait, now there is a new question. If there is an information integrated thought body causing trouble on Ayanami's side, how do we deal with these messy split personalities on our side? Out of respect for Ayanami, why should we find a psychiatrist to get rid of all these guys before officially confessing?

There's no point in pretending to be dead!

Shinji Ikari had no time to care about the chaos in his mind palace for the time being, because Rei Ayanami asked an extremely sharp and fatal question, and he had to change the subject if he didn't intend to answer it directly.

"Uh, throwing apostles at the author's house?" Shinji Ikari tried hard to change the subject: "Can apostles be controlled? Except for Nagisa Kaoru."

Ayanami Rei blinked and turned back the slightly dissatisfied expression he had just shown: "No."

"That is?" Shinji Ikari wiped his sweat in his heart. It was obvious that Ayanami saw his intention to change the subject, but he did not intend to go into details for the time being.

"If you're well prepared, you can, to some extent, influence where they appear."

Rei Ayanami stood up, rummaged through the large bookcase on the side, pulled out a thick notebook with a black cover and handed it to Shinji Ikari.

"Uh... what is this?" Shinji Ikari took the book and tried to identify the cursive characters on it: "death..."

"Dead Sea Documents.]"


Shinji Ikari almost threw it away with a shake of his hand.

According to Nerv, this is a "prophetic book" that came at the same time as "Adam" and foretells the fate of mankind's destruction. But in fact, it was casually stuffed in a bookcase by "Eve", which doesn't seem to be that important.

Is this something I can watch?

"You can see it, because it has already happened." Rei Ayanami, who had returned to the window, replied.

"..." Shinji Ikari looked up at her.

Did you say that since this is the first world line you enter, you can’t read minds?

"Because you have doubts written on your face."


After all, the guy with the Information Integration Thought Body is here, so it's easy to read his expression.

Shinji Ikari lowered his head and opened the notebook in his hand.

He originally expected to see some vague prophecies expressed in grammar and vocabulary that were difficult for ordinary people to understand, leaving people confused.

But in fact, the contents in the notebook are very simple and easy to understand, and look like a primary school student’s journal:



5/225/27Fourth Apostle Shamshiel

6/126/17The fifth apostle ramiel

6/267/1The Sixth Apostle Gaghiel

8/58/11The seventh apostle israel

9/119/13 The Eighth Apostle sandalphon


10/1610/21Sahaquiel the Tenth Apostle

11/11Eleventh Apostle ireul

11/2712/2The twelfth apostle leliel


1/11The Thirteenth Apostle bardiel

1/13 The fourteenth apostle zeruel

2/18 The fifteenth apostle arael

3/24The sixteenth apostle almisael

3/29The seventeenth apostle tabris

4/1 completed by humans]

After reading the whole article, Shinji Ikari's first reaction was, does the apostle actually have a name?

But this is normal. After all, the apostles are enemies. Nerv can only number them, instead of giving each apostle a name like a typhoon. And it is impossible for the apostles to shout "My name is so-and-so, Nerv's rats are quick." Come forward and die" or something like that.


After finishing complaining, Shinji Ikari looked at it carefully again and couldn't help but take a breath.

It would be fine to say that this is a record after the fact, but it is a "prophecy" in advance.

It clearly records which apostle will appear on which day, and how many days it will take to eliminate it.

Although he can't remember it clearly because so much time has passed, since it is contained in the Dead Sea Documents, it must be correct.

The whole thing is too simple, but it is not a problem for Rei Ayanami. She has the help of the "Information Integrated Thought Body", and actually only needs to know a date.

On the premise of knowing something about the apostles, it is not impossible to arrange in advance at the corresponding date and place and lead the apostles to the author's home.

Of course, those were probably just her angry words. Based on my understanding of her, she probably wouldn't really do such a thing... right?

No, wait, the terrifying part of this prophecy is not just that, Shinji Ikari looked through the Dead Sea Document again.

This time, he paid special attention to the records of the "Sixth Apostle" and the "Eighth Apostle". You must know that they are not regular "attacks". One is an interception of the ground fleet halfway, and the other is the Nerv discovery of the apostle embryo. The subsequent active attack, if even this can be accurately predicted...

Even though he has now escaped from the world line of continuous reincarnation, Shinji Ikari still feels a little cold sweat on his palms. When these items correspond to what happened in reality, what kind of mood does Rei Ayanami feel?

Perhaps, she was originally a girl who could express emotions normally, but after going through reincarnations and finding that she could not escape her destiny no matter what, she finally became this calm and unruffled person about everything.

If the conversation continues on this topic, she might suddenly say: "Do you like me in the past or me now?"

If he hadn't noticed the hidden trap, he would have said "I like them all" casually.

However, this is a proposition.

What she looked like before, wasn't she the little Ayanami who went by the pseudonym Makiha!

Shinji Ikari didn't know the consequences of saying that, and he didn't want to know, but as the first pioneer to reach this world line, he must strive to "clear the level in one life."

Of course, among so many world lines, she couldn't be the first one to have a crush on Rei Ayanami. There might even be someone brave enough to confess her love directly, but she was the only one who responded clearly. As for the reason, there was no doubt that it was Because he brought back Xiao Ayanami from the turbulence of time and space, so that she could reach this world line where "the world will still exist after the three collisions" without disappearing.

At present, I don't have much confidence that I can solve the unknown things such as life, equipment, whispers, etc., which may cause Ayanami to be reincarnated again, but there is only one chance for her to agree to become his girlfriend. .

After all, if you want to reach this world line, the condition is to let the "Future Kirishima True Name" throw yourself into the space-time rift, and the chance of success in such an uncertain attempt must be touchingly low.

In the process of Ayanami's repeated attempts to enter this world line, the goodwill she has worked so hard to build up will definitely fall to the bottom, and there will be no possibility of raising it again...unless when this world line has to be interrupted, she will die. Landa insisted on letting Ayanami take him with him.

However, there is a more fatal problem here.

I am a guy with 40%, 30% and 20% criminal records. If I keep my memory, can I really keep my current thoughts in endless reincarnations?

If you can't keep it and change your mind midway, wouldn't you be exposed instantly in front of Ayanami, who can "read minds"?

This is more terrifying than slowly losing favor. Referring to her views on the relationship between Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuki, once "the self in this world line" dares to change her heart, no matter how many world lines there are in the future, she will never be the same again. I have no emotional involvement.

In addition, Ayanami clearly said this at the time:

Don't get carried away when you see some of the truth about the world. Wait until you successfully save the world. 】

Although he can lie now and say that he has saved "the world destroyed by the third impact", that is not what a responsible man should do.

Therefore, I must not fail. I must defeat all those guys with weird names who want to destroy the world, so that this world can continue to exist.

I want to save this world!

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