The Collection of The End

Two Thousand and Forty, The Demonic Fog City of Death (47)


The Garden of Assembly, 2a.

"Oh, Soryu-san, are you still asking for leave today? Then Nagisa-san, let me answer this question."

"Teacher, Nagisa Kaoru and Aida Kensuke have transferred to another school."

"Really? Then you answer this question."

"Ah this..."

What does it mean to be in love and make people stupid? Shinji Ikari looked sideways at Suzuhara Touji who was scratching his head in front of the blackboard. Because Toki Hikaru is the monitor, he wants to perform better in class? Are you a primary school student?

In comparison, I don't know how high I am when I want to save the world for Ayanami.

Shinji Ikari tilted his head slightly and looked at the girl with blue hair and red eyes sitting in the second to last row by the window.

Before the "Third Impact", Rei Ayanami had the same expressionless face in class, but she could still see a bit of boredom, as if an ordinary person was watching a movie that she had watched countless times, which led to her original It is more ethereal than the otherworldly temperament.

But now, even though her expression and movements were the same as before, Shinji Ikari could still tell from her performance that she was thinking about something intently.

If nothing else, she should be looking for ways to deal with the four "world-destroying things" from other world lines. She may have a lot of preparations, but she still doesn't have a foolproof confidence.

According to her explanation, in the world line where "the third impact has not occurred", although only the "weave of life" will appear, it does not mean that this thing will not appear in the world where the third impact has occurred and the world still exists. " in the world.

These four world-destroying things, if calculated purely based on probability, have an equal chance of appearing. At the same time, because they can cause the destruction of the world when they appear alone, and occasionally appear in pairs, they will not fight each other, so it is impossible to compare whose strength. Stronger.

However, if calculated according to the speed of destroying the world, from fastest to slowest, they are: "Eating Evil of the World", "Weave of Life", "Instrument of Thirst", and "Whisper of the Void".

As for their specific abilities, Ayanami simply summarized them as the twelfth, sixteenth, thirteenth and fifteenth apostles.

According to the number, the fourteenth apostle who was caught in the middle by sheer brute force was not a human being - oh, it was not a human being in the first place.

Whether it was a coincidence or necessity, these apostles all possessed some abilities that were difficult to deal with, especially the 16th apostle. Ayanami didn't even dare to let it appear in reality for even a second.

In contrast, the Twelve Apostles can tear apart the Dirac Sea with their bare hands, and the Fifteen Apostles who can mind scan can completely ignore it if they are not afraid of death. As for the Thirteenth Apostle who can corrode and control EVA, Ikari For Shinji, it was even more free.

Of course, these "world-destroying things" only have similar abilities, but their strength far exceeds them. If I have to use is probably the gap between ordinary apostles and "Eve".

With adequate preparation, it is not impossible to win, but after losing the advantage of foresight, the price to pay is immeasurable.

"Ah, I remembered," when Suzuhara Touji was scratching his head, the head teacher said again: "Starting from the next semester, the assembly garden will make teaching adjustments. There will no longer be unified teaching, but will be based on each student's teaching. The 'superpower' attributes will be cultivated in a biased manner, and the judgment of grade scores will be more diversified."

"Wow, this was long overdue."

"That's right, I'm not looking for abuse when fighting a ground type against a flying type."

"Okay, I've long been dissatisfied with the duel matching system. If you have an advantage, you win, if you have a disadvantage, you lose. Those of the same type are immune to each other, so give it a hammer."

The students took the opportunity to express their emotions.

"Well," the class teacher ignored the noisy classroom: "You can confirm the details by yourself, but generally speaking, according to the type of superpower, it will be divided into physical variation], energy transformation], mental interference], molecular influence], time and space guidance], order [Destruction] and Unknown Realm], and the strength of super powers will also be divided into six levels from lv0 to lv5 according to paper, union, strong, fierce, crazy, and god."

What! ?

Hearing this very familiar classification, Shinji Ikari was shocked and turned his head to look at Rei Ayanami.

Rei Ayanami didn't look shocked at all - if he had, it would have been more shocking - he just shook his head slightly and nodded.

This means...this change was not arranged by her, but it happened in other world lines?

No, it is unlikely that she arranged it. After all, the "Third Impact" occurred in a "closed space". Even if she can modify the world according to her own ideas after the "world restarts", it is not that it has not restarted yet. ?

Although the teaching methods and ability classification have been changed, because there are too few students, it will not turn the third New Tokyo City into an "academy city" in another world line, and daily life will not be greatly affected. But the problem is that the world line that did this in my impression was "historically" destroyed at the hands of the "Weave of Life".

This is great, there is no need to guess which world-destroying thing will appear next.

And the apostle corresponding to "The Thread of Life" is... the sixteenth apostle that he has never dealt with because of Nagisa Kaoru's help, and Ayanami is even more afraid of avoiding it.

How to fight this?

Um? Wait, haven't the means to deal with it already appeared?

In the world line that he mistakenly entered, the thing that originally destroyed the world should be the "Woven of Life", but it failed to appear. What he and other superpowers were fighting against were the more elegant and flexible "angels". That is, the fourteenth apostle "here". Although it is not clear how this plan can expel a "world-destroying thing", as long as the "Angel Falls" plan is reproduced according to the script, maybe, not , it should be said that there is a high probability of doing the same thing, that is, "replacing the powerful enemy that appears". Different from the situation in the world line where he had to deal with the apostles with bare hands, now Nerv has EVA, just a toilet paper apostle. That's all, you can tear it apart with just one blow.


The gathering garden, after school.

Due to an unexpected incident, Rei Ayanami and Shinji Ikari did not go to the club classroom, but walked towards the faculty building where the principal was located.

"I have told you the content of the so-called 'Angel Falls' plan before, but I only know the general theory but not the actual arrangements. After all, when I noticed it, it had successfully dragged down the 'Fourteenth Apostle' ," Shinji Ikari said as he walked: "However, I am very sure that the entire plan was secretly planned and executed by the director of the 'Assembly Garden'. So, if we go directly to the current director, we should be able to find something."

"Yes." Ayanami Rei said briefly as she walked side by side with him.

"However, the problem is that there is no nerv in that world line. The director of the garden is my father, and his purpose is to resurrect my mother in that world line." Shinji Ikari scratched his head: "Speaking of which, during the assembly I've been attending school for a year, and I don't seem to know who the principal is, let alone what plans he might have."

"It's 'her'." Ayanami Rei replied.

"Huh? Do you know him?" After Shinji Ikari spoke, he realized that he had asked a nonsense question. Even if Ayanami had never been to this world line, the facts that had been determined before would not change. The principal of the Academy of Assembly Garden Identity is not something that needs to be kept secret, she must know it.

"You know him too." Rei Ayanami said indifferently. He walked into the faculty building first and pressed the elevator.


Shinji Ikari thought while waiting for the elevator with Rei Ayanami.

First of all, exclude this world line. After arriving in New Tokyo City 3, I had no chance to meet the principal of the school. Then exclude the worlds that only Ayanami knows. The self-knowledge of those worlds has nothing to do with the current self.

In other words, the "principal of this world line" has appeared when he fell into "time and space turbulence", "Drac's Sea" or other situations that would cause him to see illusions.

She is a woman, qualified to take charge of the "Gathering Garden" that specializes in educating qualified people, and has the ability to implement the "Angel Falls" plan. She has seen it in the illusion but not in reality...

So, there is only one answer left.

She is——


Ayanami walked into the elevator and rang the elevator pager instead of pressing the floor: "We want to see the 'Principal of Naoko Akagi Academy'."

"The application has been submitted, please wait for the principal's reply." The elevator intercom replied.

Give me a chance to reveal the truth!

"You can expose her plan in front of her." Ayanami Rei tilted her head to look at him.

"Uh..." Shinji Ikari suddenly felt a little confused: "I'm not sure if the principal of the academy has similar plans in 'this world line'."

"Change it if it exists, and encourage it if it doesn't." Ayanami Rei replied.

You petty bourgeoisie, you are illiterate!


"The principal of the academy has agreed to see you, please stand still." The answer came over the intercom.

The next moment, Shinji Ikari felt the elevator tremble slightly, followed by a slight feeling of weightlessness.

Instead of going up, it started to "fall".


"NERV's host machine 'Magi' was manufactured under the leadership of Dr. Naoko Akagi. The technology it uses is said to be at least fifty years beyond the current level of technology. At the same time, it is unprecedentedly equipped with three artificial intelligence AI, the three sages." , 'balthasar' and 'casper'," Rei Ayanami explained to Shinji Ikari during the elevator descent: "They inherited the 'scientist', 'mother' and 'woman' personalities of Dr. Naoko Akagi respectively."

"Hmm... think about it carefully, Sister Misato usually gives the orders, but she actually only talks about it. Maya and the others who are responsible for executing the orders are just typing on the keyboard. The real hard-working computer 'magi', But no one noticed at all, it's really unfair." Shinji Ikari nodded.

"..." Ayanami Rei stared at Ikari Shinji without saying a word.

"What, what? Isn't that right?" Shinji Ikari blinked in confusion.

Isn’t it okay to praise women’s AI?

"Oh, Xiao Wei really gave birth to a good child, completely different from the heartless Sextant,]"

With the soft female voice coming from the intercom, the elevator slowly stopped, and then opened the door, revealing a passage made entirely of silver-white metal and full of technology.

"Come in quickly and let me take a good look]"

Shinji Ikari belatedly "translated" Ayanami's eyes: Did you know she was listening?

Just kidding, if I had known earlier, I could have blown it out ten times as disgustingly, okay?

However, now that he has left a good impression on Naoko Akagi in advance, he cannot directly launch an army to accuse him. Instead, he can use roundabout tactics.

"This is..." Shinji Ikari followed, pretending that he didn't understand.

"The principal of the Garden of Assembly, Dr. Naoko Akagi," Rei Ayanami stepped out of the elevator: "She is Nerv's last insurance against the failure of the apostles. Once the third impact is inevitable, she will perform self-isolation and will All records in human history are carried to the next reincarnation, and when the intelligent beings in the next reincarnation discover her, she will warn them, and provide them with information on all qualified people, as well as experiences and lessons in dealing with the apostles.”

Got it, it's a completely useless backup.

And even if it does work, how will this kind of personality make them think about people from the previous generation? Speaking of her way of speaking... what kind of personality does she have?

"It's the remaining part after dividing 'scientist', 'mother' and 'woman'," Rei Ayanami stood in front of a sci-fi style door and added: "The code name is, 'Noah'."

What's left?


Before Shinji Ikari could figure it out, the metal door in front of him separated up, down, left and right, revealing the situation inside the door.

It was an extremely huge hall that looked like a library hall at first glance, but the "bookshelfs" on the four walls of this "library" were actually rows of server hosts and dark and heavy storage media with tiny lights flashing. And things like batteries.

On the ceiling of the hall, there are dense wires and cables, converging from all directions to the center of the hall.

In the middle, there is a giant transparent column filled with orange-yellow solution. Inside the column, a young brown-haired woman wearing a white corset robe is hanging upside down with her eyes closed.

Judging from the appearance, it is indeed Naoko Akagi who wants to strangle little Ayanami in another world, but...

"Why does she look younger than sister Ritsuko Akagi?" Shinji Ikari blurted out.

"Ouch, you have such a sweet mouth]" The voice that just sounded appeared again: "It's a pity that Ritsuko has chosen Ryoji Kaji, otherwise I would have introduced her to you."

Please be sure not to do that!

"Because Dr. Naoko Akagi became a vegetative state after she divided her personality and built 'magi'," Rei Ayanami said, "but Noah insisted that it was a necessary sacrifice."

"Of course, if I am still alive, I can exert influence on 'magi'. That is impossible to be allowed by nerv. Rather than being killed by the heartless sextant, it is better to keep it like this," Naoko Akagi, no , Noah said: "In a few decades, when Xiao Wei becomes an old lady, I will pour my consciousness back into my body and hang out in front of her, hehe]"

To pour consciousness back into the body?

Isn't this the most crucial part of the "Angel Has Fallen" plan?

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