The Collection of The End

Two Thousand and Forty-Four, The Demonic Fog City of the Dead (Prologue)

——? ? ? ——

Great, I understand everything.

After the illusion disappeared, Shinji Ikari thought so.

The real first impact was the global ice freeze, a real disaster that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Coincidentally, it was also regarded by archaeologists as a "meteor impact."

The arrival of the "golden tree" or "Eve" is the so-called "explosion of life". Of course, it is not an explosion, just a "thawing".

Before and after this "disaster", large-sized creatures were almost completely extinct, while only small-sized creatures and microorganisms survived. The reason is also very simple: they are not resistant to freezing, and it is not a lack of food caused by volcanic ash covering the world.

As for "Eve" destroying the world because of human beings' "sins", it is complete nonsense. Just look at her behavior of first restoring the earth's ecology and then constantly expending her power to maintain batches of endangered biological populations. You know, she really loves this world.

Until, time arrived in 1999 for the first time.

In July 1999, the King of Terror descended from the sky. 】

This was the last prophecy made by a guy called Machadanos or Nochamadans who lived in the sixteenth century, that the world would end.

Although there is a deviation in time, because of the occurrence of the "Second Impact", this person was regarded as the greatest prophet. As a person born after that event, Shinji Ikari heard about this more than once name.

Shinji Ikari couldn't tell what the "Dread King" was in the illusion, but it was a fact that it cut off the golden tree and pierced the earth. Although "Eve" was not Ayanami when it was cut off, Unit-1 was probably not his. Opponent, but Shinji Ikari has decided to kill it no matter what, as a gift to Ayanami.

Then, what happened after "Eve" struggled to protect the earth.

"Eve" gave up the form of the golden tree, tried her best to keep the earth from exploding, and saved half of the total number of humans. However, after several "resets", the history in the mouth of humans turned out to be that she launched the second impact. , killed half of humanity.

There is no doubt that this is the problem of those "apostles".

Before the earth was about to collapse, "Eve" divided half of her "self" to repair it, while the other half was almost non-existent, focusing on protecting all humans, and in the process, completed the repair mission , the "branches" and "leaves" that still have power will want to return to their true nature.

Of course, it's not "thinking", but instinctively condensing into things that have been touched, and gathering towards "Eve" who is almost disappearing. "Eve" tries to fuse one, two, three, and the body gradually solidifies, and There seemed to be no side effects, which made her feel a little relieved, and then they began to fuse with all comers.

Then, "Third Impact" happened.

"Eve" turned back into the "Golden Tree" and absorbed all humans into the tree as nutrients.

This is hardly her fault. After a heavily damaged tree repairs itself, it is an instinctive behavior to absorb nutrients crazily and grow again. Moreover, because the earth is very unsafe, it stores energy and migrates to other planets to avoid the "Fear King" "It is also a very reasonable plan to make a comeback.

But "Eve" was naturally unwilling to do this. She dispersed the fused apostles again, reshaped all human bodies, and then restored everything in the world to the way it had just happened when the "Second Impact" occurred.

In other words, "real humans" have all died long ago. Those who survive now are "apostles" with the name of "humanity" and human memories, and they are "super apostles" who have been dispersed into sub-bodies, and the at-power The field is the key to separating people and preventing them from "melting" together.

However, this kind of behavior treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Every fifteen years after the "Second Impact" occurs, the apostles who have been dispersed again will always reunite and try to return to their true nature, triggering "Third Impact" and "Third Impact" again and again. Reset".

In other words, every time the "Three Rushes" are launched, time is not reset back to 2000 at all. It's just that humans think so. In fact, it has been "+15" countless times.

No, with the way "Eve" is obsessed with the lake, if she accidentally messes up something big, she may also reset the world to cover it up. That's why the last thing she sees is that she pins herself down, and then The act of falling asleep.

Although she did not see how Ayanami was born, there is no doubt that she does not know these stories about her "before birth".

This can explain why Ayanami has no way to defeat Kirishima, because she does not have the ability to time, but at the same time, because the "sliced ​​world" in this section looks exactly the same, as long as Kirishima jumps back in time If it is a multiple of 15 years, it will not notice any abnormalities at all - this ability is extremely weak.

In the same way, when Ayanami kept repeating the summer vacation, there was no need to launch a large-scale reset such as "Three Rushes", and she only had to go back to three weeks ago.

That is to say, because the earth's axis is tilted, the seasons do not change, and the earth has not yet started interstellar contact. Otherwise, this "reset" limited to the earth would have been discovered long ago.

Then, there is the world line problem,

The world line that still exists after the "three collisions" happened is naturally because of some people or things that interested "Eve". That's why we did not directly reset the world back to fifteen years ago, but kept those people or things. I plan to continue to see how things develop, just like waiting for the Easter eggs after watching a movie.

Then... the complete golden tree once again attracted something similar to the "Dread King". Among them, the "Instrument of Thirst", "Whisper of the Void" and "Eating Evil of the World" were only interested in the golden tree, while "The King of Life" "Zhiwei" is also interested in the apostle in human form, so it comes even when it has not activated the third charge to transform back into the golden tree.

As a result, after the "Golden Tree" paid a huge price to drive away those guys, it reset the world again, and until now, there is no way to "get rid of reincarnation".

The only times I really traveled to other world lines were when I brought little Ayanami out and when I ran to "Academy City".

This proves from the side that his actions should be correct. Due to certain restrictions, these "world-destroying things" can only come once every fifteen years. If someone gets there first, others will have to wait for another fifteen years. So as long as the Once the "angels" dragged down this time are dealt with, there will be fifteen years of peace. Even if they fail... Hey, wait a minute.

If my previous inference was correct, then the "third impact" was when "Eve" turned back into the "golden tree", which was what she saw in the "closed space". In other words, "Eve" had left, and she Before leaving, he played a game with himself just to confirm whether he could continue to protect the earth?

In other words, there will be no good "reset" at all. Even if there is, it will be realized by "Ayanami Rei" instead of "Eve". If the world is destroyed again, will he lose Ayanami forever?

Was the "Angel Falls" plan implemented under such a shaky world?

Shinji Ikari jumped up and stared at the black mist around him and cursed:

asshole! I do not care who you are! Get me out of here!

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