The Collection of The End

Two Thousand and Forty-Five, The Demonic Fog City of Death (Destroyed)

——? ? ? ——


A beam of light that looked like a stage light broke through the dark fog and illuminated Shinji Ikari and the area at his feet.


After Shinji Ikari finished cursing, he realized that he had his body again.

He looked down and saw that he was wearing the white shirt and black trousers he usually wore. He raised his hand and shook it again. He felt nothing unusual. When he tried to step out of the beam, the beam itself kept following him, which made him Looks like he's treading water.

Snapped! Snapped!

Two more beams of light shone down, and the black mist dispersed, revealing two other "Shinji Ikari". One of them was wearing a school uniform, and the other was wearing a driving suit. The three of them looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Hey, hello," Shinji Ikari in school uniform was the first to raise his hand in greeting: "I'm the best at complaining."

Don’t claim to be good at complaining!

"Really? Are you going to spit it out now?" Shinji Ikari in the driver's suit looked at him sideways and said, "If it's not exciting, I'll let Unit 1 shoot you to death."

You're the one who always calls out the No. 1 machine to shoot people when there's nothing wrong! .

"Are you a pervert?" Shinji Ikari in school uniform asked: "Why would someone take the initiative to participate in the repair and maintenance of Unit 1 during the holidays?"

No, this is a personal attack...

"Mechas are a man's romance, do you understand?"

"Apart from me, you are the only one who is single?"

"You are really amazing for snatching away love and Dong Muguang!"

I always feel like the amount of information is a bit overwhelming...

"Put aside the topic of being single for now," Shinji Ikari pinched his forehead: "Which of you knows what the situation is now?"

"This is your palace of thinking," Shinji Ikari in school uniform looked around: "This environment seems to imply that you are 'short-sighted'?"

"You don't know what the effect of the 'Angel Falls' plan you made yourself will be?" Shinji Ikari, the pilot, snorted: "You are the type of decision-maker I hate the most."

"Well..." Shinji Ikari frowned: "Did I pass out? Although you are usually very noisy, you don't show up directly."

"Did you die after triggering the third impact?" Shinji Ikari in school uniform spread his hands: "Congratulations, you will become the new Shinji Ikari's alter ego with us."

"If the new Shinji Ikari doesn't have the ability to jump across the world line, just wait for the next one." Shinji Ikari, the pilot suit, continued.


"Asshole! I'm not dead yet!"

Before Shinji Ikari was about to say anything, a new Shinji Ikari appeared.

Although he was also wearing a combat uniform, it was in tatters. His head was wrapped with a bandage, one eye was covered with gauze, his arm was hung in front of him in a plaster, and his feet were still limping.

"Hey, isn't this the Saint of Love?" Shinji Ikari in school uniform raised his eyebrows: "I want to protect all women from harm, so I have to stand at the front in every battle, and then I get beaten into a dog every time. In the end, only Mana-chan is willing to accept you. .”

"Central air conditioning." Shinji Ikari, the driver's suitor, commented concisely and concisely.

"It sounds like you don't care about anything. It's fun to increase your own attributes and those of Unit-01 and then crush the apostles," the battle-damaged Shinji Ikari retorted to the pilot-suited Shinji: "Shouldn't we save the world? Shouldn't we save people to save the world? Your Nerv team was wiped out, right? As the last driver, aren't you happy to drive the last EVA? "

"Ha... Of course I'm happy," Shinji Ikari in pilot uniform crossed his arms and lowered his head slightly. Then, the almost solid upper body of Unit-00 appeared behind him: "I can summon Unit-00, can you?"

"..." "..." The school uniform and the battle-damaged Shinji Ikari were stunned at the same time.

"Ha," Shinji Ikari didn't have any feelings at all: "So you always say you want Unit 1 to shoot people. Can you really do that?"

"No matter how sophisticated the plan is, it is just a piece of paper in the face of absolute strength," Shinji Ikari, the pilot suit, said with a bit of pride: "If you can easily kill the 'Weave of Life', how can you formulate such a plan?" A plan that you’re not even sure of the effect of?”

"Oh?" Shinji Ikari became more energetic: "Did you defeat it?"

"Of course," Shinji Ikari in pilot uniform raised his chin slightly: "I easily killed the 'Weave of Life', 'Instrument of Desire' and 'Whisper of the Void'."

"Then how did you appear here?" Shinji Ikari in school uniform asked carefully.

"Hmph... the 'Eating Evil of the World' doesn't care about martial ethics," Shinji Ikari, the driver, froze: "It just swallowed the earth."

"Oh, it turns out that we don't have to rely on Eve's power," the battle-damaged Shinji Ikari laughed: "This 'Easter Egg' is really bad."

The driver, Shinji Ikari, remained silent.

Snapped! Snapped!

Two more beams of light were cast, and two new Shinji Ikari also appeared.

Their clothes were outrageous. One was wearing pajamas, while the other was simply wearing a hospital gown.

Hmm...this dress... Ikari Shinji looked at the pajamas carefully.

It seems that Misato Katsuragi bought herself a gift on some festival? Because I don’t like wearing pajamas, I just stuffed them into the bottom of my suitcase...

"Yo! Isn't this a douchebag and a wife-mongering?" Shinji Ikari in school uniform waved his hand.

"Asshole! Miss Misato has nothing to do with Kaji Ryouji!" Shinji Ikari in pajamas said angrily.

"That's sister control." Shinji Ikari in school uniform continued.

"I'm not a sister-controller! It's just that the person I like happens to be a big sister! Do you think I've ever ignored Ritsuko Akagi!" Shinji in pajamas continued to argue.

"That's already the level of an aunt! Don't be pretentious! I've seen you staring at Maya Yinchui in a daze!" Shinji Ikari continued to undress his school uniform.

"Ah this...that's just..."

"What is it? Tell me clearly, don't be hesitant like a jerk."

"Well, I'm not shaking my m..." The patient, Shinji Ikari, scratched his head and tried to interrupt.

"Are you an idiot, Anda Baga!?" Shinji Ikari in school uniform took the time to yell at him.

"I'm sorry!" Shinji, the sick patient, immediately lowered his head.

"This is called trembling." The battle-damaged Ikari Shinji commented.

"Raise your head," the pilot Shinji Ikari snorted, "You are obviously someone else who is second only to me in strength, why are you so cowardly?"

"Really..." The patient, Shinji Ikari, scratched his head: "I feel okay..."

"Hmph," Shinji Ikari in school uniform successfully called Shinji Ikari in pajamas autistic, and then joined the topic: "Because Asuka likes this, no matter what she does, she is a head shorter than her, but at critical moments, she can explode and save her as a hero." Really, the Rampage Unit 1 and the Rampage Unit 2, if it weren’t for the time limit, would still be weak afterwards, so they can definitely be called the strongest.”

"Hehehe..." The patient, Shinji Ikari, giggled there.

"As you can see, maybe we can provide some help in terms of combat effectiveness, but we really can't help you emotionally." Shinji Ikari in school uniform turned to Shinji Ikari who was watching the movie with gusto: "Perhaps you and Rei Ayanami have a good relationship in some world lines. But no one really dares to chase her, you are really brave."

"No, actually I don't really need your advice. I just want to go back as soon as possible. After all, Unit-1 and I are the key to the entire plan." Shinji Ikari shook his head: "At present, it seems that the 'Angel Falls' plan still has no impact on me. , you noisy guys are still there, I am not being 'squeezed out', so what exactly is here..."


"Don't you understand yet?]"

A new beam of light was cast down, and then Nagisa Kaoru, in a white shirt, black pants, and a refreshing smile on his face, lowered down the beam of light with his hands in his pockets.


As this handsome young man with an appearance that was incompatible with Shinji Ikari landed lightly, the surrounding black fog instantly dispersed, revealing their current environment - the surface of an "earth" only as big as a basketball court.

"This is the 'root of the world'.]"

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