The Collection of The End

Two Thousand and Forty-Seven, The Demonic Fog City of the Dead World (End)

——? ? ? ——


The transparent "shell" of the huge "globe" made waves like water. Then, a big purple-red hand suddenly stretched out from the "water", pressed it on the "shell", and then continued to exert force to push it. Unit 1, which was "underwater", was brought up.


After Unit-1 stood firm, its body began to flicker, mold, and fade, and finally disappeared completely, leaving only Shinji Ikari, who was originally only as big as one of his fingers.

"..." Shinji Ikari lowered his head and looked at the still rippled "water shell" of the "globe" under his feet, and then turned to Kaoru Nagisa, who was standing aside with his hands in his trouser pockets: "Don't you say something?"

"What did you say? Oh——]" Nagisa Kaoru raised his eyebrows: "Okay! Very energetic!]"

"I'm not asking you to comment on that sentence..." Shinji Ikari raised his hand to his forehead and paused before saying: "You have gone through so much trouble just to let me stay here. What is your purpose?"

"To put it simply, only if you stay here], 'Ayanami Rei' and 'Noah' can stay together]," Nagisa Kaoru replied: "It's gratifying and congratulatory for lovers to finally get married. Congratulations.】"

"...I don't think you would be so kind as to lead a red line on your 'other personality'," Shinji Ikari expressed disbelief: "Also, although I don't know where Ayanami is, I'm not allowed to talk nonsense in front of her."

"Look, don't you understand what I'm saying?]" Nagisa Kaoru smiled: "You don't want 'your Ayanami' to be affected by others, and I am the same."

"You also-" Shinji Ikari frowned and paused before he was about to say anything, "No, that's not right, you don't like Ayanami."

"Of course not," Nagisa Kaoru shrugged: "Since you have decided to 'stay', I can let you see the 'reality of the world' a little bit."

What's the meaning?

Shinji Ikari looked at Kaoru Nagisa in confusion. He saw that he was motionless, but he just raised his foot and stepped lightly. The "transparent shell" protecting the "earth" under his feet began to rise and fall like the surface of a pond where stones were thrown.

Shinji Ikari subconsciously lowered his head to look, but found that until the "water waves" calmed down, the "earth" did not change much. When he raised his head again and planned to ask, he was shocked by the sight in front of him and lost his voice.

Originally, even after the "Earth" became clear, the strange black fog that still shrouded the place from all directions had disappeared, and was replaced by the "Earth" that covered all the "sky" as far as the eye could see.

The outlines of continents and oceans, the colors of water and land, the tilt of the earth's axis and the overall size are all different from each other. Some are exactly the same as Shinji Ikari's impression, while others are hugely different. What's more, they are completely the same. The shattered remains of the planet after its complete collapse.

After absorbing the personalities of other world lines, Shinji Ikari's vision has far exceeded before. He can easily judge that the differences between those earths are not just different "world lines" caused by whether specific events have occurred. Their natural laws, space laws, time flow, logical operation, and even the basic particles that make up everything are all very different from each other. It is unknown whether there is a profound conceptual gap that even he is not aware of. .

Shinji Ikari subconsciously reached out to them, but his action was interrupted halfway.

Now that you have decided to "stay", you shouldn't try to touch the scenery on the "journey", right?

So, what does "owing him once" and "writing it off" actually mean?

"'Single Universe' and 'Multiverse',]" Nagisa Kaoru said: "If you want to know what you missed."

"...Going up further, is there anything else?" Shinji Ikari was silent for a moment, and then asked.

"'Almighty Universe',]" Nagisa Kaoru looked at his expression: "Although the size of each layer cannot be compared, if I insist on talking about it...'Glass Marbles' and 'Sun'."

"Ha," Shinji Ikari raised his lips slightly: "Ordinary people can't hold the 'sun' in the palm of their hand and put it in their pocket."

"Very good idea," Nagisa Kaoru said: "Then, it's time to show you how the 'glass marble' in your hand is 'made'."

The young man with gray hair and red eyes looked up at the sky, raised his hand and waved lightly, and the "earth" that covered the sky spread out, revealing a land outline that was almost exactly the same as the "earth" under his feet.

The next moment, it suddenly "falled" down.

A planet fell head-on. Even though Shinji Ikari knew that it was just a visual representation, he was still heartbroken and could only turn his head to look at Nagisa Kaoru.

"Welcome to visit - 'Steins Gate'!]" Nagisa Kaoru smiled at him: "elpsygroo!]"

What weird thing is that?



Perhaps after a few minutes, or perhaps a few hours, the scenery in front of Shinji Ikari changed back to the huge earth and its transparent shell. Almost at the same time, a severe headache surged through him, causing him to subconsciously hold his head with both hands.

From the corner of his eye, he saw that the various "earths" filling the sky had disappeared and were once again shrouded in thick black mist.

"You are now above the 'single universe' and the 'multiverse' is not full. If you look at it for a long time, something will happen.]" At some point, Nagisa Kaoru transformed into a big stone and was sitting on it looking up at the sky: "I am temporarily I’ve blocked it for you.】"

"Thank you, Phoenix Academy Fierce Master." Shinji Ikari said.

"You're welcome, Rintaro Okabe." Nagisa Kaoru replied.

"Mayuri, seems difficult to connect..." Shinji Ikari pinched his forehead.

“In addition to the fact that she has died too many times, it’s also because ‘she’ turns into an emoticon when she smiles.]” Nagisa Kaoru replied.

"Makise Kurisu and Asuka are quite similar, but..." Shinji Ikari frowned.

"The main reason is that they have all been sucked into strange spheres.]" Nagisa Kaoru replied.

"Aren't Ruka Urushihara and Kirishima's real names a bit outrageous?"

"Because the working soldiers got in."

"Hashida Tsurugi and Suzuhara Touji have absolutely no resemblance at all."

"Don't you think their voices are similar?"

"But there are many others who have not responded..."

"I thought you had understood that the 'multiverse' can easily interfere with the 'single universe' for very ridiculous reasons, but not the other way around. If you really want to clear up the confusion, I can take you to see 'Haruhi Suzumiya' 's melancholy'.]"

"No, forget it, I feel like my head is going to explode right now."

Shinji Ikari pressed his forehead and summarized what he saw in "Steins Gate", the known information, and what Nagisa Kaoru told him.

Before the "frost meteors" he saw in the "illusion" fell and froze the entire earth, human civilization existed in the world, but it was destroyed by them.

That story also took place in Japan, but it was a place called Akihabara that Shinji Ikari had never heard of. Its basic logic was - use a phone equipped with an oven to send text messages to mobile phones in the past to achieve a jump. The purpose of changing the world line.

In this "prehistoric" world, he is called Okabe Rintaro, but he has the nickname "Phoenix-in Fierce" as a middle school student. He is... well, a mad scientist.

The collapse of the world began when he tried to change the world by sending a time message.

There is no need to go into details of the story, but the final result is that "Phoenix Academy Fierce", a pseudonym that is not even a personality, gained the ability to transcend the world and successfully left by jumping world lines again and again.

Later, whether it was due to his departure that attracted attention, something similar to the "Weave of Life" in the multiverse discovered this world and dropped a "Frost Meteor" to completely freeze it.

Then, "Golden Tree Eve" arrives, making the first impact and restarting the world.

Originally, it was impossible for "prehistoric humans" including himself to regain consciousness, but as luck would have it, after the golden tree was cut off by the "King of Fear" and hit for the second time, the restored survival instincts started on their own. The third impact sucked the consciousness of all mankind into the tree trunk, and in the process of Eve reshaping mankind with LCL, the "prehistoric humans" "resurrected".

However, too long has passed since the story of "Steins Gate", and Eve cannot know the relevant details. Therefore, just like the law of water flowing downwards, the "multiverse" will inevitably have a negative impact on this "single entity". Universe" had an impact and made it what it is now.

In the end, it was "Phoenixin Ozhen" or "Kaoru Nagisa" who had reached the "multiverse level". He realized this and returned to his "hometown" to help his "old friend".

And his purpose is of course not to return home in fine clothes and drink water to remember the source. He just doesn't want "Shinji Ikari", "Ayanami" and "Noah" to go to the "multiverse".

As he said before, the "single universe" will be interfered by the "multiverse", and it happens that the people and things in this world are extremely similar to the "multiverse" where "Nagisa Kaoru" lives.

On his side, there are also "Ayanami Rei", "Asuka", "Kirishima Mana" and even "Noah".

Judging from the situation shown by Kaoru Nagisa, when the same individual in the "single universe" and the "multiverse" meet, the high-level person can easily "fuse" or "devour" the low-level person. This behavior is seen by the low-level person. Naturally, it means destruction, but in the eyes of high-level people, it is just "recycling".

In fact, all the memories and feelings of the "recycled" low-level people are stored in the high-level people, whether friends or relatives, relatives or relatives. If there is something of special concern, the high-level people will really take it as their own business. We can do it the same, but because of the different levels, perhaps things that were originally difficult can be done with just a little effort. In a sense, this can actually be regarded as the "sublimation" of low-level people.

Then, the only people who will be dissatisfied with this situation are the people who have special feelings for him/her.

Shinji Ikari understood this without any specific examples.

What he likes is the one he accidentally met in Nerv, piloted Unit Zero, established a literary society, recommended detective novels, had a pair of strange glasses, was fooled by the "Information Integrated Thought Body" from time to time and said strange things, and could read minds. Still not admitting it, Rei Ayanami, who stayed at the bedside every time he was injured, stuffed chocolate into his mouth on Valentine's Day, and had a 100% synchronization rate, was not the one who ruled countless universes and was very powerful, although he had the same appearance and memory. But "Rei Ayanami" is definitely a stranger to him.

According to Nagisa Kaoru, he doesn't care about "his Ayanami" absorbing "low-level Ayanami", but if this Ayanami has someone he likes, it won't work. It's not like he can't simply absorb Ikari Shinji to inherit this feeling. , but it was a bit weird no matter how I thought about it, so I planned to prevent both sides from absorbing it, and retaining Shinji Ikari's world was the key.


Shinji Ikari and Kaoru Nagisa were walking on a "road" completely shrouded in black mist. Although they couldn't see anything, Kaoru Nagisa didn't hesitate at all. Shinji Ikari followed him closely, talking to him along the way. No.

"After you take your Ayanami home, don't let her come out. I'm afraid of the embarrassment of admitting the wrong person."

"Huh, I guess you admitted your mistake more than once?"

"that's not important.】"

"I don't need to guess. She went to 'Stronger Self' to ask her to help solve the 'Spider of Life' and other crappy things to break the cycle of reincarnation. I called her back. You have to help me with this." .”

“It takes a little effort, and it’s the ‘weave of life’ by the way]”

"My intuition tells me that you are hiding a lot of things from me, and some are just deceiving you, but as long as I can get Ayanami back, I can pretend not to notice."

"There is no benefit in hearing too much about the multiverse. I just replaced some concepts that are difficult for you to understand and knowledge that is not suitable for you to know into terms that are more familiar to you."

"What would happen if we got a breakthrough in power after we went back and had to come to the 'multiverse' again?"

"You're overthinking it, but if this really's best to change your look.]"

"You people in the multiverse haven't changed your clothes and hairstyles for ten thousand years, have you?"

"On average, it is replaced every 50,000 years.]"

"Isn't this just a lie?"

"you guess?】"

Shinji Ikari was about to reply "Guess whether I guess or not" when he suddenly felt someone push him from behind. He stumbled forward involuntarily, and then his eyes suddenly opened up.

"'Shanshui Lecheng Community'?" Shinji Ikari looked at the community map in front of him, and then looked around at the environment of an ordinary urban community and leisurely pedestrians.

Should I say that I was lucky that I didn't come out wearing driving clothes? That would definitely make him look like a weirdo, right?

At this moment, a faint sound of discussion came down the wind:

"Hey, did you see that the cosplayer of 'Ayanami' who just passed by is really professional."

"But why do I feel that she looks familiar? Why does she look so much like 'Little Ling'? Isn't she starting to play with this?"

"probably not."

"I saw that girl helping clear water plants by the artificial lake before. It's definitely not the case."

"Forget it, stop meddling in other people's affairs."

Ayanami ran out wearing a driving suit? !

Shinji Ikari quickly determined the location of the artificial lake on the map and ran towards it.


I don't know why, even though the surrounding environment is extremely normal, he moves as if he is wearing dozens of kilograms of shackles, and his breathing is extremely difficult. He obviously wants to sprint with all his strength, but the movements he makes are like jogging after a meal, and even other movements. The man who was also jogging nodded at him.

...Is this a high-level world?

Finally, Shinji Ikari met Rei Ayanami beside the sparkling artificial lake. She was indeed wearing the pure white driving suit and walked towards the artificial lake as if walking, completely ignoring the attention of passers-by around her. present.

This is differential treatment!

Shinji Ikari was so anxious that he could only continue to "jog" to catch up.

As the distance got closer, he finally saw clearly what was happening by the lake:

A huge "Fourth Apostle" was floating on the surface of the artificial lake, twitching from time to time.

As for the lakeside, in addition to the ordinary residents of the community, there are also many men and women who look like they are not ordinary people. They are wearing strange clothes and looking around. Rei Ayanami, wearing a driving suit, actually perfectly blends into the atmosphere of this group of people. No one questioned it when I walked in.

But that's not the point. The point is the direction Ayanami walked.

Standing there was a girl wearing high-waisted jeans and a white T-shirt, with a light blue coat tied around her waist. Her appearance looked exactly like Ayanami who was five or six years older - she dyed her hair black and wore a As for the beautiful black girl, she was grabbing a boy holding a skateboard by the ear and scolding him.

Is this what high-level Ayanami is like? Do you still think you will sit on a high throne and look down on all living beings? If this is Ayanami, it seems...

Of course not! She won't like me!

At this time, Rei Ayanami, who was wearing a driving suit, had already walked in front of the girl, and the girl also noticed her and put the boy aside casually, looking up and down with curiosity.

Ayanami seemed to say something and stretched out his hand to her. The girl didn't seem to understand, but she also reached out and tried to shake her hand.

No! no!

The Ayanami who is not Ayanami is not the Ayanami I want!

puff. 】

At this moment, a small voice sounded as if he could not hold back his laughter. Shinji Ikari, who had been trying his best to speed up, suddenly felt his body loosen up. As his speed suddenly increased, the armed abilities transferred from other personalities were also activated simultaneously.

As a result, Unit-00 suddenly appeared and snatched Rei Ayanami away from the girl.

At the same time, Shinji Ikari's roar echoed across the artificial lakeside:

"Ayanami is mine!]"

The girl who reached out and held an empty hand tilted her head and looked at Unit 1, then turned over her hand and took out a mobile phone and raised it.


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