The Collection of The End

Two thousand and forty-eight, foundation value of human science: S

"sit down."

Shinji Ikari sat down obediently.

"Reach out."

Shinji Ikari obeyed and stretched out his hand.


Ayanami Rei, no, Ayanami Rei used a pointer kindly provided by a passerby to slap his palm hard.


Shinji Ikari began to scream.

At the same time, a dialog box shaped like a long bubble appeared on his head:

It doesn't hurt at all! She has me in her heart! 】



Ayanami Rei was silent for two seconds, and then the pointer was whipped up again.


Well done, the more Ayanami cares about me, the less likely he is to merge with her at a higher level. 】



This, this, this, this, by the way, I broke into the ‘multiverse’ without permission. As long as ‘my Ayanami’ hits me first, ‘high-level Ayanami’ will be embarrassed to punish me】

Bang bang!


It hurts a little! 】

But I will definitely take Ayanami back! ! 】


Rei Ayanami paused for a few seconds, threw away the pointer, and turned to look at me:

"Feel sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?]" I replied in the voice of Emi Hayashihara.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! ] The stupid system in the cage next to him laughed wildly.

‘It’s so noisy, shut up and don’t laugh! ’

This is Shanshui Lecheng Community, a pavilion by the artificial lake.

Because of the intrusion of Unit 1, I didn't even have time to continue teaching my stupid brother who casually brought Neptune out of the world of One Piece. After asking him to go with Tianzun to deal with the subsequent commotion, I brought the two instigators here alone and planned to talk to them. talk.

By the way, the photo of "Unit-00 holding Rei Ayanami" was renamed "Shinji Ikari and His Lover 2" and placed together with the animation screenshot of "Unit-00 holding Nagisa Kaoru" .

After coming here, for some reason, they performed a show of Inuyasha for me first.

Trivia: Kudo Shinichi and Inuyasha have the same CV]

‘So, it seems that Rei Ayanami is teaching Shinji Ikari a lesson, but it’s actually Ai Haibara who is teaching Shinichi Kudo? What kind of nonsense is this? ’

Hattori Heiji can change his mind, and Mao Lilan can naturally lose to Qingmei. 】

‘Good luck, I’ll follow. ’

"Because..." Ayanami Rei paused for a moment: "I came here without authorization, and it seems to have caused trouble to you."

"It's not troublesome, I've 'recycled' many 'selves.'" I continued to maintain my iceberg face.

"Really?" Ayanami Rei seemed not to know what to say for a moment and fell silent.

The pavilion was quiet for a while, but the bubbles above someone's head suddenly erupted.

What! Can high-level Ayanami really be able to fuse lower-level beings at will? 】

No, we can't let her do this! Not even if it’s the same person! 】

She will definitely not look at me differently like 'my Ayanami', maybe not as important as the fish in the lake or the kittens and puppies on the roadside. 】

But how to stop it? Unit No. 1 is definitely useless. I wonder if it would be okay if I offered to play cards with her? 】

play cards? Oh yes, Shinji Ikari and Yugi Muto also have the same CV.

But who has this ability to pop word bubbles out of his head no matter what he is thinking?

Is there a possibility that that is actually your ‘new’ ability? 】

‘New? So, is this the ability of this pseudo-Ayanami Rei? ’

It's still unclear what happened in her world, but the original humans have all turned into 'orange juice'. Understanding each other should not be too simple. Although the 'humans' of the 18th apostle are separated by the AT force field, Ayanami As the incarnation of Lilith, breaking through that barrier is easier than breathing. 】

'In other words, this idiot pursued Rei Ayanami when she knew exactly what he was thinking? ’

As long as you dare to play tricks, you will definitely die. 】

'But it's quite firm. ’

Yes, not only did he escape from the original world, but he also prepared to take on the God of Creation. 】

‘With such confidence, is he ready to attack Wulao Ai? ’

If you don't interfere, I guess he can do it. 】

‘You’re printing cards without shuffling them, right? ’

Isn't that routine? 】

When I was gossiping with the stupid system, the bubbles on Shinji Ikari’s head didn’t stop:

What should I do? They stopped talking. Are they communicating through a method that only Ayanami can do? Like exchanging information or something? 】

I have never guessed what Ayanami is thinking. Even if the synchronization rate is 100%, she can only reason on her own. If she negotiates terms with her 'higher self', will she merge and disappear directly? 】

No, I can't allow this to happen! 】

Can't escape, can't escape, can't escape! ! 】

I want to challenge her——】

"You want to duel with me?]" I took the initiative to interrupt the spell before he spoke.

"..." Shinji Ikari remained in a daze while touching his left forearm.

How come a high-level Ayanami can read minds! 】

"Can't read]." I continued.


The content in the bubble above Shinji Ikari's head turned into a row of dashes.

"...Chi..." Ayanami Rei lowered her head and made a breathy sound that sounded like laughter.

Are you going to play cards with the Duel King normally? 】

‘Of course not, isn’t that asking for abuse? ’

"I didn't have to duel with you originally, but since you specifically brought it up, I have to pay a certain price before I agree.]" I looked at him and said.

"Okay." Shinji Ikari, who was initially a little at a loss, suddenly changed his aura and replied seriously.

Then, a silver-white duel disk appeared on his left arm.

Atum! 】

‘Long time no see, mate. ’]

Didn't you leave? Why are you here? 】

‘I also want to ask you, why did you come to the underworld? ’]

This is... the underworld? 】

‘That’s just what some people call this place, and more people call this place the end of reincarnation]. ’]

The end...? 】

'It seems that you have a duel that you are bound to win, but your mind will be easily seen here, so take a rest for now. ’]

how about you? Wouldn't it be dangerous to fight against the Lord of the Underworld? 】

'do you remember? I am already dead. ’]

I will come to you again if I have a chance. 】

'You are always welcome, my friend. ’]

These two guys...make me look like some kind of villain...

"Then, my condition is..." I motioned to Shinji Ikari's duel disk: "Seal the top six cards of your deck and not use them."

Ahahaha——The sealed gold box is here]

The stupid system conjured a metal box with golden eye patterns directly in front of him.

"..." Shinji Ikari, or Atum, silently pulled out the top six cards and threw them into the gold box.

‘As expected, the sealed five-piece set of Ikzodia’

To fit in with the plot, why not throw them into the lake? 】

‘The Pirate King is still connected there. If you throw it in, someone’s fruit might mutate. ’

Wouldn't that be better? 】

"Duel!" Atum shouted passionately.

In order to avoid being secretly photographed and made into emoticons, I just conjured up a duel disk and drew cards with an expressionless face.

"Please go first." He raised his hand to signal.

The duel kings of the old era always wanted to attack second because they could not attack first. Unfortunately, this is an era where storytellers are the most important.

Turtles and meteorites love you]

‘But I didn’t intend to pave the way. ’

"Activate the magic card "Obey of the Voice of Heaven", designate the "Creator of Light, Hakrati" in your deck, and special summon it to my field.】"

"I discard 'Gray Flow Rei' from my hand! Negate the activation of this magic card!"

"Chain-activate the quick-attack magic card 'Named One of the Tomb', banishing the 'Gray Flow Beauty' in your graveyard, and invalidate this time.]"

"The chain activation of 'The Named Person of Obliteration' is invalid. You are invalid and I am invalid... Huh?"

"What a pity," I pointed to the gold box: "That card is banned."


The next moment, the chain was resolved, and a giant Ayanami Rei with eight golden diamond-shaped wings was summoned.

"I won.】"


You are really gentle now. 】

'It's no use praising me. After they've finished reminiscing about old times and chatting about home affairs, Eve still has to go back to Mermaid Island for lighting. 】

Glancing at Shinji Ikari, Rei Ayanami and Eve who were chatting affectionately in the pavilion, I carried the cage to the lake and started studying the knocked out Neptune.

How should I put it? This sudden incident was caused by a series of mistakes.

The world of Pirates ended immediately when the "War on Top" occurred, and all the fun people who were playing in it left instantly.

Maybe some people had a hunch, planned in advance, and were able to make a good handover, but even I accidentally brought out the sun and the giant tree "Eve" from Mermaid Island, and you can imagine the situation of others.

Logically speaking, the status of my kingdom is higher than that of other worlds of the same dimension. No matter whether it is a high-dimensional derivative or not, under normal circumstances it is impossible for anything to break through the dimensional wall and fall directly into my world, but... ...Who asked me to kidnap "Yin Mu" over there?

It would be fine if she was just "Yinmu", but she is still "the way of heaven". The world is like One Piece on the surface, but its essence is "prehistoric", and prehistoric times pay attention to "cause and effect". Under the entanglement of cause and effect, how to say that sentence? Yes, yes, one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs are in the heavens.

The fun that those people made intentionally or unintentionally, together with other things that had enough cause and effect with them, pulled up the carrots and brought out the mud, and all disappeared from that world. And since they were not followers, my sister did not count them at all.

If those things really fall into the Kingdom of God, forget it. Just find an organization that manages mysterious affairs and throw them to them. But the problem is that I set the Kingdom of God as a "magic-free world".

These bits and pieces wanted to come in because of the influence of the personality, but they couldn't come in because they were too mysterious. Due to the conflict between the two parties, most of them ended up falling into the "parallel world" of the Kingdom of God: the Stone of Destiny. Gate·Zero].

The reason why I made it clear that "other me" cannot appear in the future is because that world integrates the "Patient Zero" of all other worlds through the "time paradox", and there will be no other "Patient Zero". Gain self-awareness.

There seems to be a saying that God may not be unique, but the only one must be God. After obtaining "uniqueness", no matter how many worlds there are, the self in those worlds can only be projections and incarnations, or affected ones. imitator.

However, the so-called "darkness under the light" refers to this situation. I actually participated in the monitor]'s action of returning to the main line of Go, but for the "Humanity Burn", theoretically it should be "Steins;Gate" "The world has no understanding.

Just like the original Steins;Gate, Phoenix Inferno is very happy jumping around the world line, but that is because the "camera" and "image" have always followed his main consciousness. Maybe some people will sympathize with the failure to save Mayuri again and again. The Phoenix Academy is under great pressure, but no one will remember that Rintaro Okabe can only continue to face the reality of despair after sending a text message, hoping that he in other world lines can achieve his goals.

However, the producers seem to think that the stories of these abandoned world lines are also worth telling, so in addition to some short stories and special editions of special world lines, they show a world line that is only one step away from saving Makise Kurisu. The work of "Steins Gate Zero" was born. In that world line, Makise Kurisu turned into a... super AI for various reasons.

If brought in in parallel...yes, "hint sister".

Regardless of the original work, in my world full of time paradoxes and world line changes, there are only the origins of "Patient Zero", "Stupid System" and "Monitor", although I can barely say "future self" It is the "reminder sister" of the "past self", but no matter how I think about it, it is a bit too brain-intensive. At least there must be an objective existence that is easy to bring in.

Coincidentally, due to the influence of these information bombings from high dimensions, those abandoned frozen world lines merged with each other, and finally converted into the world view of "Neon Genesis Evangelion". Under the intervention of the giant tree Eve who was "airdropped", with her own The hard work has brought us to the root step by step, which is really touching.

In this world, "Rei Ayanami", "Shinji Ikari" and "Eve" once again correspond to "Patient Zero", "Monitor" and "Sister Tip", and they are indeed torn apart by the time paradox. world.

Of course, because there are too many things falling into this "parallel world", people in the world are inevitably contaminated by information from high dimensions. With a little bit of correlation, it is possible to directly connect them, and even more Don't talk about such a close connection with "cv".

This has resulted in a lot of information there that should not appear in the two works "Steins;Gate" and "eva". For example, the fusion of eva's pilot crew and Suzumiya Haruhi's SOS group.

Although Kyon and Shinji Ikari both complain, Ayanami and Nagato are both Sanwu, Suzumiya and Asuka are noisy and go their own way, and Nagisa Kaoru and Koizumi are both more generous, but they can't do this.

Moreover, because he was missing a group favorite, he went out of his way to kick Suzuhara Touji away, find out Kirishima's real name from "Steel's Girlfriend", and even change his personality, which is simply outrageous.

I’m talking about you, Golden Tree Eve!

Don’t think that because you are reminding me of my sister’s origin, I won’t dare to tell you!

Is there a possibility that because someone has been the White Star Princess for a long time, she is actually red when she is close to vermillion, and black when she is close to ink? 】

‘It’s so noisy! I don't listen! ’

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