The Collection of The End

Two thousand and sixty-nine, North American Mythical War (19)


Gotham, restaurant on the sea.

It was late at night, and Ye Ke and Lin Xinping were cleaning up the restaurant to prepare for a foreign trip, and at the same time they were chatting.

"I thought it was time to give our gang a name."

"How about 'Passion'?"

"Not to mention that no one here can pick up the joke, the name alone is unlucky."

"That's right, and there is no boss with a pink octopus head with dual personalities."

"Isn't there?"


"..." Jin Jing stopped studying the information on the universal tool and looked up at his two bad friends: "Although I have two accounts, I don't have a dual personality."

"No, we didn't talk about your 'substitute'."

"The main reason is that you are completely different in the world of reincarnation and the real world."

"Although they are all naturally stupid."

"In the real world, you have always had the attitude of 'if there is an order, I will carry it out', but in the reincarnation world, you have the attitude of 'this world needs to be saved by me'."

"Because the real world doesn't need me to save it," Jin Jing paused mid-sentence, and after thinking about it, she said, "...the world of reincarnation doesn't need it either."

"Isn't this moment suspicious for you?"

"Forget it, let's keep discussing gang names."

"How is Vongola?"

Seeing that the topic had turned to something she didn't understand, Jin Jing started to study the restaurant mini-game presented by the Lord God again.

Of course, mini-games, just like in the world of One Piece, ship driving and business operations have been streamlined into actions that can be completed with a few clicks of a "mouse". Running a restaurant is a similar operation, or should it be called "simulation management"?

Among them, welcoming guests, ordering, serving dishes, and cashiering are all automatically completed by the hired waiter. All she needs to consider is which chef to hand over the order to, and handle emergencies.

At present, it seems that Red-footed Zhepu is better at staple food, while Black-footed Sanji is proficient in vegetables and soups, while Ye Ke, Lin Xinping, no, Caroline and Max are faster at making snacks.

Emergencies include putting out fires, washing dishes, swatting flies, catching thieves and sweeping the floor. The time spent by each person is also different. What is especially outrageous is that completing the emergencies will actually give you money, one hundred dollars for a fly and fifty dollars for a thief. US dollars...who set the price?

In addition, because this restaurant is supported by the Wayne family and the Cobot family, there is no shortage of basic raw materials, which can meet the daily needs of ordinary dishes. However, if you want to put higher-priced and more attractive dishes on the shelf, you have to go out to "purchase goods". "For example, go to the forest outside the city to pick fruits, honey, mushrooms, or go to the mountains to pick yams, fungus, and herbs. You can also go to the sea to catch water snakes, soft-shell turtles, and kelp... These things really can't be done in the mountains. Buy it in the market? ?

It really can't be done. At least the ordinary ingredients bought in Gotham cannot be added to her props list, and she can't make "Who Can Listen to the Jade Flute" and "Twenty-Four Bridges on a Moonlit Night" and God knows how to translate it. of expensive dishes.

Anyway, we just want to find opportunities for reincarnators to meet superheroes and super villains.

Jin Jing is now very suspicious that the "job" found by every reincarnation will be a similar mini-game. After all, when the Lord God recruits people, he cannot confirm in advance whether the other party has the ability to make a living.

Wait... As long as you apply successfully, you will definitely be able to do a good job. What kind of ultimate invincible beating of workers is this?

If you think about it carefully, from the moment you enter the world of reincarnation, clothing, food, housing, and transportation can all be completed instantly or executed by hanging up. This proves that the Lord God does not care about those details at all. The only things that require real swords and guns are various battles. .


"Xiao Jing? We made too much cake today, shall we share it?"

After planning the next day's menu and travel plans based on the remaining ingredients, Jin Jing heard Lin Xinping's voice and smelled the aroma of the cake.

"You hung up and made cakes again and forgot to cancel?" Jin Jing pinched her forehead: "I asked you why you consumed so much eggs, flour and milk."

"I just discovered today that the skills of our two vests can be upgraded, and the time it took to make the cake was suddenly shortened by half, because I didn't notice it because I was in the idle state. The result, hehe." Lin Xinping touched her nose.

"It can be given outside... Well, no." Jin Jing stopped mid-sentence, then shook his head: "In Gotham, giving extra resources to people who have no ability to protect themselves is harming them."

"Not only that, they might even fight over the nearby territory," Ye Ke said, "If someone is killed, it will be troublesome."

"Forget it," Jin Jing shook her head: "Our 'character' can't get fat anyway."




When Jin Jing was about to reach for the small cake, there was a sudden heavy impact on the roof of the restaurant. When he subconsciously looked up, he happened to see a shining silver humanoid object smashing through the glass of the ceiling and falling down.


After seeing clearly the "thing" that fell, everyone fell silent.

"Don't be afraid of what I'm going to say next," Lin Xinping said.

"We are gangs, we are not afraid, please tell me." Ye Ke continued.

"Just now, a mermaid fell from the sky." Lin Xinping pointed towards the lobby on the first floor.

"This mermaid, is she some kind of superhero?" Ye Ke looked over.

"I don't know if she's a superhero, but she looks just like Nicole Kidman, can you understand that?"

"I don't understand, please explain."

"That's Nicole Kidman! A superhero movie with her in it will definitely be a blockbuster! It's such a shame that we can't remember things in this world!"

No, you have even forgotten Batman and Superman, it’s just a mermaid that doesn’t matter...

"Okay," Jin Jing stood up: "You have been chattering here for so long, just to ask me to contact her?"

"Yes, you are the best at beating everyone here." Ye Ke spread his hands.

"It's very dangerous, bring more people!" Lin Xinping glared funny.

They were probably joking, but they couldn't understand it at all. Jin Jing shook her head, first added a layer of "armed domineering" to herself, and then jumped directly from the second floor.

The uninvited guest who fell from the sky has fallen into a coma. Although Jin Jing is a little face-blind and cannot recognize who she is, she is indeed a great beauty as Lin Xinping said. As for "Mermaid", she is also worthy of the name.

She has long golden hair and beautiful appearance, silver scales covering her whole body, and a beautiful fish tail.

Judging from the water drops still dripping down her body, maybe she was still in the sea just now, but she didn't know what happened to bring her to Gotham.

Although she doesn't know her identity, the mermaid's clan should be more than her own, and there's no need to worry about her defaulting on her debt.

Anyway, should I take it to the guest room to rest first... or should I put it in the fish tank?

When Jin Jing tried to pick up the "mermaid", several more humanoid creatures jumped out of the hole in the skylight she had just opened.

Compared to the beautiful silver-scaled mermaid, the guy who appeared this time was much uglier. If I wanted to use a metaphor, he was a fish-man with limbs growing upright and sharp teeth and claws.

"mrrreg! mrrreg!]" They pointed at Jin Jing with the spears they held in their hands, roaring with unknown meaning.

Jin Jing looked at the feet of these fishmen. The carpet had been completely ruined by the seaweed and large amounts of seawater they had brought in.

"You ingredients!" She shouted angrily: "Kneel down!"

Plop, plop.

The fish people rolled their eyes and fell to the ground under the influence of the overlord's domineering aura.

At the same time, there was also a funny shout from the second floor.

"I will not eat!"

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