The Collection of The End

Two Thousand and Seventy, North American Mythical War (20)



Atlanna opened her blue eyes and looked at the surrounding furnishings blankly, and gradually matched the things she saw with the objects in her memory.

She originally thought that when she woke up, she would appear in the cage where the "Trench Clan" held death row prisoners, or some place worse, but... a guest room belonging to a human?

Could it be that Tom saved himself?

As soon as the idea arose, she rejected it.

In any case, her husband is just an ordinary human being. If it were not to save him, him and her children from bad luck, she would not take the initiative to return to Atlantis, and then be united with King Nereus by those who opposed her. Dedicated to the "Trench Tribe" who have long been exiled by the Atlanteans.

By the way, the Haitou tribe...

These monsters live nearly 10,000 meters deep under the sea, and deeper than their residence, there is a hole that is said to have no entrance and no exit. It is called the "Hidden Sea in the Center of the Earth". It is said that there are sea creatures from ancient times living in it. Strange.

The Trench people wanted to throw Atlanna into the hidden sea in the center of the earth to please the sea monster. Naturally, Atlanna couldn't accept saying goodbye to her husband and children forever, so she broke free when she was thrown into the hole and escaped. The tribe immediately sent out men to chase and kill her. She tried her best to deal with it, but still could not escape the scope of the huge hollow. Her last memory was... the seawater that should have been continuously sucked into the hidden sea in the center of the earth gushes out inexplicably in the opposite direction, killing her and the person she was chasing. The monsters from the trench tribe who killed her were blown away together.

First he was lifted to the surface from the seabed ten thousand meters below by the current, and then he fell accurately into a human city. Not only was he unscathed but he was also properly resettled?

Compared with that kind of thing, it is more reasonable that the current situation is just a dream.

Da da.


With the sound of gentle footsteps, the door to the room opened, and a young-looking human woman with black hair, black eyes, and a high ponytail walked in carrying a tray.

Atlanna subconsciously wanted to close her eyes and pretend to sleep, but their eyes had already met, and she could only grin at her stiffly.

"Would you like to try our freshly baked cake? Princess?" She sat down by the bed and handed the tray in her hand to Atlanna: "Because you were shipwrecked, it's free."



"How is it, Miss Bai? Where do these monsters come from?"

As soon as Jin Jing walked into the private room that served as a conference room, Tucker Cobot stood up impatiently and asked.

"Don't be so anxious, Cobot," Thomas Wayne pressed his hands down: "Gotham is not afraid of any enemies - whether they are human or not."

In this conference room, besides Jin Jing, there were four people, namely the Waynes, Copot, and the Godfather of Gotham's underworld, Carmine Falconeale. Compared with the council members who were sitting in the city hall, these four Personally more representative of Gotham.

"This is a recording of our entire conversation," Jin Jing put a voice recorder on the table: "If you want to know the details, you can listen to it yourself."

Tucker reached out to take it, hesitated and then retracted his hand, sitting back in his seat: "I want to hear your summary first."

"To put it simply," Jin Jing walked to an empty seat and sat down: "She comes from the legendary Atlantis and is the queen of one of the mermaid countries. The monster that is chasing her is a different and hostile monster of the same origin. The soldiers of the fish-man country, their arrival is just an accident caused by a natural disaster, there will be no subsequent large forces or diplomatic troubles, as long as the queen is not discovered."

"Tell me, one of them," Falcone, who was holding his hands, flicked his fingers: "How many countries are there in Atlantis, and how are they related to each other?"

"Seven countries, including the exiled 'Trench Tribe', the King of Atlantis is elected through periodic meetings." Jin Jing replied.

"There is nothing new under the sun, and the same is true under the sea." Falcone shook his head slightly.

"You don't want to take part, do you? 'Romans,'" Cobot looked at him: "We should find a way to get rid of this trouble now, such as killing those monsters, destroying their corpses, and then sending the queen away. "

"I don't have this plan yet, but no one knows when I will use which friend," Falcone looked at Jin Jing: "What does the queen want?"

"She misses her husband Thomas and child Arthur very much, and hopes that we can ensure their safety. For this reason, she is willing to exchange some of Atlantis' technologies." Jin Jing replied.

"..." Everyone present looked at Thomas Wayne. Martha, who had never spoken, raised her hand and pinched him under the table.

"Please, tell me your full name." Thomas twitched his lips.

"Thomas Curry and Arthur Curry," Jin Jing blinked: "They live in Port Mercy, Maine and are lighthouse keepers."

"It turns out that you don't have to be a prince to pick up a mermaid princess," Falcone nodded: "I will arrange it."

"She didn't turn into a bubble." Cobot said.

"A queen betrayed by her country, and a legendary country." Thomas didn't make too many comments because he had just been pinched: "Gotham will be ready to deal with it."

No one mentioned those few murlocs who could only bark. The best outcome for them would be to become living specimens in a secret laboratory.

"Gentlemen, and Mrs. Wayne," Jin Jing raised her voice slightly to stop them from making their concluding remarks: "What you just discussed was just a small issue."

"Oh?" Falcone raised an eyebrow.

"Atlanna, the Queen of Atlantis," Jin Jing paused: "She told me with great certainty that there is something wrong with the rain in Gotham. They will make people who have been exposed to the rain for a long time gradually become crazy and disorderly. change."

"..." This time, everyone present looked at Copot in unison. No matter it was raining or shine, he always carried an umbrella with him.

"I admit that I don't like getting wet in the rain," he pushed up his hat: "Do you think the Cobot family can control the weather? And the rainy situation in Gotham is not a recent phenomenon."

"What does this transformation consist of?" Falcone turned his head slightly and looked at the dark clouds outside the window.

"Atlanna said she had never seen anything like it, just talking about her feelings," Jin Jing paused: "'The rain in Gotham smells like wine.'"

This time, everyone became serious except for Jin Jing, who still looked confused.

"Beware of the Court of Owls, they will monitor your travels at all times." Thomas Wayne suddenly said.

"Peeping at Gotham City in the dark, hiding in the attic with low walls." Martha answered.

"He is with you in your home, and in your bed." Copot added.

"Don't ever mention his name, or I'll hunt you down with sharp claws." After Falcone said the last sentence, he looked at Jin Jing with piercing eyes: "I believe now, the purpose of the 'Brando Family' coming here Just seeking revenge on the 'Court of Owls', not carving up Gotham."

"..." Jin Jing was stunned for two seconds, then raised her chin slightly: "Of course."

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