The Collection of The End

Chapter 207 Constriction and Butcher

My name is Akatosh,

I'm putting the finishing touches on various things.

-- 4E, 200, Hearthfire, 9th, 14:31 --

At the time point of 200 years in the fourth era, I was quite busy, because many people's "misfortunes" happened in this year, for example, an old lady's husband died accidentally when she went out to collect medicine, and a certain gun carrying refined void salt The freight team was attacked by trolls, a mine in the Reach fief was killed by the Forsaken, and so on, etc. "side quests" are waiting for me to intervene.

The calendar in the world of the Elder Scrolls is very strange. They clearly record the year and date in a way similar to Arabic numerals, but they refuse to record the month in the same way. Instead, they use some common activities or scenes of the month, for example, February , July and November are respectively called the moon of dawn, day high and sunset according to the average height of the sun, while March, May and August are called the first seed, the second seed and the last seed according to the agricultural affairs. The moon, January and December seem to be named Morning Star and Starry Night because the night is too long. The rain in April and the frost in October make me suspect that compatriots have been mixed into the production team.

Hmm... Except for the "middle of the year" in June, which is completely untechnical, the most special month is the "fire" in September. Before the end of the "last seed" and the "frost", most people will sit in the warm There was nothing to do by the fireside, but this supposedly quiet month has been the start date of so many troubled events in history, simply put, idle.

On the 9th day of Hearthfire Moon, I arrived at Windhelm City, the home of the Stormcloaks, in the northeast of Skyrim Province as planned.

This is a huge city like a fortress. All the houses are built of solid stone, and there are no wooden buildings at all. It is divided into the royal palace area, the noble area, the civilian area and the gray area as a whole. The passages are all tortuous, easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack stone-walled passages. Even if someone invades from the outside, the enemy must continue to break through at least two "fortresses" to reach the palace of the kings where Ulfric Stormcloak is located. Kings).

As the name suggests, the noble area and the civilian area are the places where Nords with relevant identities live, while the gray area is a unique specialty of the entire sky, where all the "non-Nords" of Windhelm City live, and its residents include other provinces of the empire and all kinds of elves, while Khajiit and Argonians were completely forbidden from entering the city.

Old Wu is obviously a Nord supremacist. Since his banner is "to restore the glory of Talos", such behavior obviously won him the support of most Nords.

However, for me who is heading to the gray area, it is more or less troublesome.

"Hey! Girl, this is not the place for people like you to come." Two oily guys blocked the way in a corridor.

Rolf Stonefist and Angreno, the latter is just the bartender in the tavern in the gray area, a Breton, and the former is a Nord who can be related to the stormcloak general Garmar Stonefist ——After I don’t know how many turns to turn.

"I'm looking for 'Callisto Krim', get out of the way." I said in Maaya Sakamoto's voice.

[Hahahahahaha! 】

'you shut up! Don't laugh! '

[Although that guy's goal is a "beautiful girl with blond hair", she is not the only one with this appearance. 】

‘Unfortunately, there are too many twintails, and Saber is not suitable. '

"Hey, it's quite fierce," Rolf said with his mouth twisted: "I have to tell you, the dark elves in the gray area are all criminals, if they find a rich young lady who is alone, what will they do? So you better hire our brother—"

"If you don't want to offend the Shattered Shield family, you'd better disappear immediately." A haughty woman's voice came from behind, and the two guys in front turned around and ran away after hearing it.

"Friga Broken Shield, it seems that you have also heard of Callisto's reputation?" Turning around,

Then I saw a tall, slender woman with bright blond hair reaching out to me.

"Jeanne Darc," I shook hands with her, "Yes, I have a strange magic book that I would like to ask him to identify."

The Shattered Shield family, the Kuhai family, and the Stonefist family are relatively influential families in Windhelm City. Although the Kuhai family, which is good at sailing, has declined somewhat due to the war with the empire, the other two have risen strongly in the war. As the eldest daughter of her family, Frigga Brokenshield gained fame in Windhelm City with her beautiful appearance and strong wrists. She even moved out of the main house to buy her own villa "Hylim"—this matter is also the same. It is also the beginning of tragedy.

Considering the architectural style of Fenghelm City where every inch of land is expensive, it is naturally impossible to build another real estate out of thin air, so "Hailim" is a villa that originally had an owner, but it was eager to sell due to an accident. After entering the property, I soon discovered the "accident" - the altar and the discarded magic book arranged in the hidden room.

It is an evil magic that sacrifices the soul of a living person to a powerful being, and thus obtains its gifts and even summons the real body to descend. The former owner of the villa accidentally opened the communication without the sacrifice because he could not read the magic book at all. After being frightened by the appearance of "that existence", he hurriedly sold the house and fled.

Frigga naturally couldn't understand it either, but she knew that there was a mage in Windhelm City who could understand it, the owner of the "House of Legends" who purchased and identified various strange items, Callisto Klimt, so she brought The author came to appraise the book, perhaps out of pure curiosity, or maybe hoping that there was something in it that could help her family's magic.

It's a pity that the only thing that can be related to her is the sacrificial rule of "sacrifice five blond girls in succession on five specific dates to obtain the necromancer inheritance", and Callisto is a The mage who was expelled from Winterhold for studying necromancy, among the limited content in the magic book he could understand, was this one.

Of course, I can directly shoot this "butcher" to death, or throw it into the field of annihilation, but as I said a long time ago, it is logically logical for the impending crime to lead it on the original path. It doesn't make sense, there is a saying called "If you don't teach, you will call it abuse". Although it is not quite accurate, it probably means this.

And what I want to give him for appraisal is the "Luoyan City Textbook".

[Hahahahahaha! 】

I found that pulling the wings has no effect on this stupid system, and considered whether to start tooth extraction.

[Jean is holding Marshal C's treasure, hahaha! 】

'Shut up! '

"So, Miss Dalk, your book is used to summon evil gods?" Frigg asked in surprise.

"According to the scene, it should be Boethia," I flipped through the textbook in my hand: "The master of the ceremony refused to plead guilty, and none of our 'Hino Scholars' could understand this thing, so I was sent to find him to translate as evidence."

Because this Miss Shattered Shield is very interested in occultism and magic, I quickly gained her approval as a "Hino Scholar". Of course, this is not a lie. An honorary scholar title.

For aristocratic ladies who do not have the aptitude for magic but are interested in magic, most of them will give up this hobby after they get married, and a small number of them will go the wrong way like Frigga and become the victim of evil mages. Only when they really find a way to learn Magic and a very lucky few who have a good teacher can successfully become magic apprentices.

"I think there are many similarities between your book and mine." When she was about to walk to Callisto's shop, the door of the House of Legends, Frigga stopped and opened the book she packed in her backpack. Show me the books in .

Of course they are similar, after all, they are all for summoning tentacle monsters. I took a look at the magic book with a thick green cover. This is a book written by the demon god of knowledge, [Darkness Magic Sutra].

Generally speaking, this book will stick out its tentacles and grab anyone who reads it into Mora's "extraordinary" annihilation domain. After completing some strange trials, they will receive corresponding rewards. Obviously, the original world line Callisto became a "butcher" through this behavior, but now if Mora really dares to stretch out his tentacles, I can catch him by grabbing the tentacles, so this book has now become a book with weird words. It is a strange book that cannot be read at all, and its only function is to sacrifice.

"For the sake of the Shattershield family's reputation, it's best to tell this Callisto that the two books are mine, and of course I will share them with you after the translation is completed." I suggested to Frigga.

"Hmm... yes," Frigga thought, "do you want to live with me?"

"No, if I live with you, there is no point in hiding this time. I will live in the Candleforge Inn, next door to Captain Lonely Wind. You can come to me later." I shook my head and replied.

Frigg nodded, and pushed open the door of the "House of Legends" magic item shop.


A small banquet is being held on the second floor of Candleforge. The participants include Frigga Brokenshield, Jodi Kuhai, the naughty hostess Suzanne, the trader Avalia who is very passionate about horses, and me. Suspicious, but all the beautiful girls with blond hair are present here.

"To our beautiful blond hair~" Frigga toasted to try to take the lead.

"Respect our beautiful jewelry~" Jodi, who is also the eldest daughter of the family, was naturally not to be outdone.

Susannah and Avallia obviously didn't intend to get involved in this kind of dispute, so the two girls who were drunk turned to me.

"Hmm..." I felt the five knives stabbed by Callisto in the back when I went to get the text translation not long ago, and I also raised my glass: "I respect everyone for meeting here."

I hope that guy who decided to become a "butcher" to sacrifice after knowing everything has fun in Sheogorath's Annihilation Domain. As for me, I will use this image to sign up for the Mage Academy after I finish all the branches.

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