The Collection of The End

Chapter 208 The Baron and the Golden Tree

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 29th, 8:00——

"Baron, wake up, Baron?"

There was a soft call in my ear, and at the same time my arm was pushed a few times. Since I vaguely remembered something important in the morning, no matter how sleepy I was now, I had to wake up.

"Hmm..." Arthur raised his head and looked dully at the long table and firepit in front of him. It seemed... different from the shape of Yuevaska Hall?

"Well, are you awake? Do you remember who I am?" The soft female voice heard before came from the left.

Arthur, who preliminarily judged that he fell asleep in the kitchen of Longxiao Palace inexplicably, turned his head away, and then froze.

Standing there was a Nord girl with a gentle face, her round eyes were like flawless amethysts, one of them was slightly covered by short pale golden hair that was almost white, she was not tall, and she was wearing a close-fitting suit. The ebony skirt seems to be for the convenience of movement. There are no armor on the shoulders, and what looks like a decorative ebony sword is pinned to the waist. The most eye-catching thing is the one in her hand, which is almost as tall as herself. Huge ebony shield.

"Matthew?" Arthur said subconsciously.

"I guess this name must be very important to you, after all, you misidentified twice," the girl blinked, "but I'm not her."

"Sorry...Lydia," Arthur shook his head as memories of last night began to flood back. "I think I'm just too tired."

Kraco Whitemane was assassinated by the Silver Hand Assassin, but it was only a part of the other's overall operation.

Last night at nightfall, the "rings" frothed the two horses, and finally arrived at Snowman City in time, only to see the city gates wide open, the guards were fighting with the silver-handed vampires, and some More vampires are rushing towards the meandering area, and civilians, businessmen, and even some mighty guys with swords and armor fled one after another.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the members of the comrades-in-arms group naturally couldn't transform themselves. After throwing the carriage to the sable hilt at will, they picked up their weapons and used ordinary actions to chase those vampires. Fortunately, their goal was very clear to Moon Gas Ka, Xueman's guards came from all directions to intercept after hearing the alarm, and pedestrians along the way just need to avoid it, as for a guy who wanted to show his aristocratic profile but was kicked into the ditch, he could only consider himself unlucky .

In the end, these vampires were stopped by the peripheral members of the left-behind comrades group outside the gate of Yuevaska, and they cooperated with the guards and the ring to kill them all. However, the weakness of the attackers made both sides puzzled. Look, these vampires are low-level vampires that can only be called blood slaves. The purpose of their actions is to cover the two vampire assassins to sneak into Moonvaska, assassinate Krakow Whitemane and seize the Orb of Uslad.

Although no one was left alive, it can be seen from the orders found on them that these vampires received instructions after the attack on the "Dustman Stone Tomb", not the previous orders from Gallows Rock, Wilhelm Castle and Cui. Arranged by the fish that slipped through the net of the Wa Watchtower, it is obvious that the raid of the comrade-in-arms group bankrupted the plan of the opponent's planner, and they simply followed the original plan to show them, that is, "if they don't have the weapon to intercept Silver Hand, cut down What will happen to the executor of the operation", although it is meaningless to discuss this kind of assumption, but if it has not interfered with this plan, Krakow is really dangerous.

The other party carried out this plan as usual, and it wasn't that he was dizzy with anger. Think about it, after Xue Man knew this kind of surprise attack, should he defend? What if after defending against this plan, the other party adopts another surprise attack method that just bypasses this "targeting"?

For this reason, Balgruf the "Stalwart" asked Arthur to go to Dragon Clouds Palace to inquire about the experience of the comrade-in-arms group dealing with those silver hands, and the "Circle" decided to let Arthur stay in Dragon Clouds Palace for one night after discussion.

And by the way, protect the safety of the lord. After all, the fish that escaped from the Cuiwa sentry tower and transformed two groups of robbers along the way has not yet been found.

How the discussion with the lord turned from "how to deal with the silver hand in the future" to "officially canonizing the baron tomorrow", Arthur can't remember clearly, but after that, he met Lydia, and then "Ma The name "Xiu" blurted out, and then... well, he felt extremely hungry, as if the act of calling out this name was more energy-consuming than transforming into a dragon and fighting the vampire lord for 300 rounds. The food in the lord's hall was swept away, and he simply stayed in the kitchen of Dragon Cloud Palace and never left.

"I don't think the lord has anything to eat today." Arthur looked at the empty kitchen, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly. Fortunately, that name didn't consume energy once called, after all, he just called it again...

"Lord Balgruf can dine at the banquet after your conferment ceremony," Lydia smiled: "Now you should go to the conferral ceremony stage to prepare, Lord Baron."

"Well, you don't have to say 'you' or 'my lord', I'm not used to it." Arthur adjusted his appearance a little and stood up, only to realize that he was half a head taller than Lydia.

Her identity is the guard given by the lord when he conferred the title of baron. Generally speaking, this kind of guard has some blood relationship with the lord and can be trusted completely. Therefore, her attitude can represent the lord himself to a certain extent. Although their duty is to do whatever it takes Protect the safety of the baron, but if the baron wants to rebel or assassinate the lord, the guard will immediately turn against him-not necessarily if he assassinates other lords.

"As you wish, my baron." Lydia nodded slightly, narrowing her amethyst-like eyes and showing a slight smile.


In front of the Golden Tree of Ginales in the Winding District, there is a temporary high platform erected for the canonization ceremony of the "real baron". The lord "The Great" Balgruuf is giving a speech to nearly a thousand residents gathered in the audience Originally, there would not be so many people coming to watch the ceremony, but because the Silver Hand raid last night made everyone feel uneasy, so they came to see what the hero who repelled those people looked like.

"——So, I will bestow upon this warrior who has helped you many times and actively defended Snowrun the title of 'Baron of Snowrun'! Let us honor 'Legendary Dragonborn' Arthur Pendragon Cheers!" Balgruuf finished his speech, took a sword from the hand of Eliris next to him, and handed it to Arthur.

Although the knighting ceremonies of the lords in different places are not the same, there is no conclusion whether to kneel on one knee and whether to put the territorial weapon on the shoulder, only the tradition of gifting a weapon is the same. Obviously, Xueman is the simplest here .


Arthur took the "Blade of Snowman" from Balgruuf, and raised it high towards the crowd, causing cheers again.

Of the thousands of residents in Snowrun City, Arthur naturally couldn't know all of them, but he could occasionally see a few familiar faces he saw when carrying out commissions, such as... uh, Satya who was winking at him.

"They're not cheering for you," snorted Ella, who was determined to follow to the high platform after seeing Lydia, "They're cheering that the lord's speech is finally over and dinner can be served."

"Actually, no merit is needed. For the Nords who worship heroes, the fact that 'he is a dragonborn' is enough." Lydia said.


Even amidst the noisy voices, a sound similar to a wind chime was not covered at all. It rang clearly in the ears of all present, and then drew everyone's attention to the golden tree next to the high platform.


After encountering an unexpected fire, the bare golden tree sprouted in everyone's eyes, one piece, two pieces, three pieces... It was still visible at first, but after a blink of an eye, the branches of the whole tree sprouted. Covered with purple leaves and pink flowers blooming, the whole tree shimmers with golden light.

"According to legend, it was the Holy Spirit Kynareth who taught the Nords how to roar," Lydia said to Arthur with a smile, "Since the Holy Spirit is congratulating you, you should also respond."

"Hmm..." Arthur thought for a while and then made a decision. If it is said that He taught the Nords the Dragon Roar, then the Holy Spirit must want to see the learning results, and this was originally a discussion with Balgruuf Finally, a necessary step in the ritual, so he took a deep breath.

"【Fus Ro Dah】!" Following Arthur's roar, unshakable power gushed out towards the golden tree. However, the seemingly fragile golden tree was safe from the dragon's roar, and the golden light shone even more.

"I once climbed the peak of Hrothgar to learn the dragon roar from 'Greybeard', but they said I was not suitable for learning the 'Roar Way'," Balgruuf said with a nostalgic tone: "They said that the dragon roar is not for To fight, I couldn't understand at the time..."

Dingling bells—the golden tree swayed its branches, and three vomit runes that seemed to be carved by sharp claws appeared in front of Arthur's eyes, and then were deeply imprinted in his mind.

[Kaan], [Drem], [Ov], "Gine's Harmony", these are a group of dragon roars that are completely harmless, so no one has ever learned them, Arthur understood this when he saw them , and this group of runes is the Dragon Roar that Graybeard said "can control oneself". After all, "Indomitable Power" itself is a very lethal spit.

"【Duwa! Kein! Dak! Lanweng!】" At the same time Arthur learned this group of dragon roars, a thunderous roar came from the direction of the peak of Hrothgar.

"Greybeard!" "Greybeard is calling the dragonborn!" The Xueman residents, who were already very happy, became even more excited.

"Go," Balgruuf patted Arthur's shoulder with relief, "Go and complete your mission."

"Well... I will." Arthur nodded, but the corners of his mouth twitched a little. Asgard was just bullying everyone and everyone could only understand the first two sentences, right?

The whole roar means: "Dragonborn! Go to work!"

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