The Collection of The End

Chapter 209 Wind House and Plan

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 29th, 12:00——

"I think the lord must know that we are dealing with Silverhand." Ella visited around the wind house, commented a few words, and then turned to Arthur downstairs who was entertaining Kraco Whitemane.

After the baronial canonization ceremony, Lord Balgruf took advantage of everyone's high spirits and directly borrowed the open space outside the Temple of Ginales from the priest, and set up an open-air banquet around the golden tree for all the residents who came to watch the ceremony. There were a large number of people who came, and many of them were taken away. The Xueman guards also turned a blind eye, only staring at the thieves and drunks who took the opportunity to disturb the law and order. After all, the lord made a small fortune before, enough to put It's been four or five days since I served this kind of civilian banquet without expensive ingredients.

As the newly promoted Baron Snowman, Arthur would naturally not be placed in that chaotic and noisy environment. Lydia led him and several members of the comrade-in-arms group to the "Wind Mansion", the baron's mansion bestowed by the lord, and pre-arranged Good cooks and waiters have set the table here too.

This is a magnificent mansion wider than the banner of a mare. It is located at the junction of the meandering area and the plain area. The master bedroom, trophy collection room, guard room and children's room are small in size due to their circular structure, and they can directly see the scene of the lobby on the first floor. In addition, there is also an empty basement, which can be remodeled according to the specific needs of the owner.

"Yes, Lord Balgruuf has always been very concerned about the actions of the comrades-in-arms group. You are an important force to maintain the security of Snowman's territory." Lydia, who was on the first floor, answered very seriously, but let Ayla, who wanted to find fault, take over. I can't go down.

"Hehehehe..." Clarke Whitemane, who seldom went out, smiled holding a glass of mead: "Little Ella is right, just based on what Arthur did for Xueman on the surface, the residents among the residents It may be well-known, but it is still a little short of conferring the title of baron."

"Little Ella..." The huntress paused, unable to refute, and turned to continue studying the practice dummy placed in the corner of the second floor.

"Let me ask in advance, Miss Lydia, what is your duty?" Si Keyue put down the plate in his hand and asked Lydia who was sitting next to Arthur: "After all, our activities will not be limited to Xueman."

"My duty is," Lydia looked sideways at Arthur, her brows and eyes not covered by hair frowned slightly: "Protect the safety of the Baron with my life, no matter what happens."

Boom! Ayla on the second floor punched the dummy's head, directly splitting the wooden dummy: "Well, the quality of this thing doesn't seem to be very good."

If Farkas were here, he might have made some remarks that fueled the flames, but fortunately, the three brothers were forced to stay in Yuevaska by Aunt Tirma, and Arthur drank himself a sip of mead.

"Well, it seems that Balgruf is very courageous," Krakow nodded: "The lords of other territories generally don't do what he does. Not only do the requirements for becoming a baron are very strict, but the gifted guards are also limited to within their territories. Activities, even houses have to be built by themselves.”

Lydia smiled and nodded, but avoided answering the question hidden in Krakow's words "Why does the lord look at Arthur differently".

"I think it must be because the lord needs to rely on the reputation of the comrade-in-arms group." Arthur replied: "If my guess is correct, the lord must have tried to confer a knighthood on you, but was rejected."

"Well, that's right," Krakow nodded: "Sgramme's last order contained a clause that he must not participate in any form of internal struggles in the province of Skyrim. When he was alive, he didn't have the concept of nine territories, lords, etc., but already Anticipated the ensuing infighting, and the Companions never assisted either side."

After the old man finished speaking, he paused, his expression a bit stern: "If you want to help the Imperial Legion or the Stormcloak,

We won't stop you, but you also won't get any help from the Companions. "

This is really a disaster, the old man is obviously talking to Lydia, this "you" refers to Lord Balgruuf, but he is the one being scolded, Arthur bowed his head helplessly.

"I think you may have misunderstood something," Lydia heard the overtones this time, and replied calmly: "The lord will look at the baron differently because he is a 'Dragonborn' and a 'hero'."

"Huh? Hero? Him?" Ella jumped down from the second floor and sat on the chair on the other side of Arthur, asking a lot of questions.

"Hmm..." Kraco murmured.

Lydia showed a slightly serious look: "The Nords worship heroes, regardless of the sages, the High King Toig, the Lord of Windhelm City Ulfric, and the 'Stalwart' Balgruuf, can all be killed. They are called heroes, if they fight among themselves, both sides will have considerable supporters, and the outcome is unpredictable, and if Xueman has a "legendary dragon descendant" as a baron, either side must attack Xueman before attacking Xueman. You have to think it through.”

The wind house fell silent for a while, except for the cooks and waiters, everyone was thinking about the credibility of these words, and the conclusion was very obvious.

"Then, Baron, I will take my leave first." Lydia stood up, nodded to Arthur, picked up the large shield leaning against the wall behind her, and walked to the guard room on the second floor.

"I guess she knows more than expected," Ella didn't speak clearly due to the presence of chefs and waiters, but the members of the comrade-in-arms group present knew that she was referring to the werewolf blood: "maybe we I have to consider bringing one more person with me for this operation, I hope that big shield will not get in the way."

"Speaking of actions, our clues about the Silver Hand are completely broken. Do you have any suggestions?" Arthur didn't intend to argue with Ella about Lydia's bad luck, and turned to Kraco.

Although the actions of the comrades-in-arms group are generally very fruitful, not only destroying Silver Hand's plot to attack Xueman, but also uncovering several of their lairs, and learning about the vampire lord, but they can't continue to pursue it. Excluding the other Wusrad fragments found in the stronghold, there is no word about the other strongholds of Silver Hand. It seems that there is a reason why they can hide for so long.

"Well, since Balgruuf held such a dramatic canonization ceremony, there's no reason why Silver Hands can't get the information, if they want to put all their eggs in one basket..." Kraco said slowly while thinking.

"Hey, old man, don't try to be the bait yourself," Ella said vaguely as she threw a piece of fried steak into her mouth, "I don't want to be scolded by Aunt Tilma again."

"No, as immortal vampires, they have plenty of time, and their long-term lurking has also proved that they are not in a hurry for success. The latest action is just to seize the opportunity following the resurrection of the dragon," Kraco cleared his mind: "So Before they are sure of breaking through the power of Xueman's guard, they will choose to hide, and then we just need to do business as usual."

"You're not going to carry out some bait plan secretly, are you?" Cisco Yue put down the bread in his hand, and his one eye shone with distrust.

"Even if the plan is useless, Aunt Tierma said that in the future, there will be two 'rings' to protect the old man at any time." Ella ate up the steak: "The dignified comrade-in-arms group actually let two [ 】It’s outrageous to protect him.”

"Dad!" "Sophie's dad!" Just as they were mentioned, two little girls ran in from outside the house, and Sophie was still holding a shivering... rabbit?

"This will be your new home from now on, Sophie, and Ria can also come to play often." Arthur glanced at the rabbit while talking. How unlucky this guy is to be seen by a dragon and a wolf, but Is it lucky not to be eaten in one bite?

"Can I raise 'Rabbi'? Dad." Sophie, who was still dressed in pink, raised the rabbit in her hand to Arthur, as if she would eat it if she didn't agree.

Today, due to the presence of chefs and waiters, they are all tied up doing everything. Anyway, they can’t let them see the live performance of the little girl swallowing rabbits alive. Arthur sighed and patted Sophie’s head: “Okay, but you will be responsible for taking care of it in the future.” It is not allowed to 'eat things'."

You know, last night everyone heard that Sophie had swallowed the Silver Hand Assassin, scaring his "father" enough, for fear that the guy would still attack inside. In the end, Sophie explained vaguely for a long time before she understood. , although Sophie looks small, but what she eats is still in the form of a dragon, everything can be digested, the speed is very fast, and there is no residue-this fact makes Arthur feel a little relieved, but Cisco Yue is afraid to come out. In a cold sweat.

"En!" Sophie nodded again and again, then dragged Ria who had just greeted Kraco and ran towards the children's room.

"Well, speaking of which, there is still a task for you," Krakow looked at Lia's back, and turned to Arthur: "You have to go to [Grimjasmine Witch's Villa], do you know what to do?"

"Yeah." Arthur nodded.

Regarding this task, it is also related to the previous silver-handed assassins. Except one was swallowed by Sophie, the other was cut into pieces by Ria. According to Ella, she couldn’t cut it so neatly herself. The reason for the transformation, after analysis, was because she ate the apple that Ella gave her—it was borne by the apple tree left by the first werewolf Tifeg in the underground furnace.

Those witches, or crow hags, have a way to remove the werewolf form, but there is a fee. After obtaining the blood of the werewolf, the comrades-in-arms group still faced the threat of elves, so they did not seek a solution for the time being. Gradually stabilized, the werewolf form had no occasions to be used except for traveling at night, so finding them to release the werewolf blood was also put on the agenda, and Ria's unexpected change made this matter have to be carried out immediately.

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