The Collection of The End

Chapter 210 The Princess and the Jewel

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 29th, 15:00——

"If you want to find a job, there may be ones outside the city, hiss~" the Argonian Kilva, the proprietress of the Honey and Poet Inn, said to Parathos: "If you need anything in the city, there is no black thorn It cannot be entrusted to outsiders without the permission of the family, hiss~"

"Okay, I understand." Putting on a large cloak over the ebony armor, Parathos, who looked like an adventurer, thanked him and walked out of the inn.

Rift Valley City is located in the forest beside Henrich Lake, the largest lake in the southeast of Skyrim Province. The favorable location makes the city's fishery and mead brewing industry extremely developed. A river around the city has even been introduced into the city to facilitate the fishermen living in the city to go out. Fishing can earn money, but it is very tiring and does not meet the status of aristocrats. Therefore, the mead brewing industry, which also earns money but is not very tiring, is controlled by the Blackthorn family who have lived here for generations. Orders also have to ask for their opinions first.

Fortunately, they only care about the sales of Blackthorn mead and the control over the city. Although they support Stormcloak, they don't care much about Ulfric's Nord supremacy. The junction of Skyrim and Morrowind, so there are various races in the city, not just Argonians like the innkeeper's wife, even tiger people who are discriminated against in other cities can enter Rift Valley City.

Although there are many residents in the city who are dissatisfied with the Blackthorn family, most of them are only verbal and dare not take action. Those guards who don't know whether to obey the lord or the Blackthorn family will naturally ignore them.

The only thing that has actually taken action is the reason why the princess came to the Rift Valley - the Thieves Guild.

Just from the fact that Baron Erikour in Solitude was once a member of the Thieves Guild, one can guess how large this organization was once, and there is naturally no gap between the Thieves Guild and the rich Blackthorn family. The possibility of peaceful coexistence, according to the records of Sharp-Eyed Eagle, Rift Valley City has been divided between the two sides for a long time, and the situation of one ebb and flow.

However, in the past ten years or so, the Thieves Guild has inexplicably declined. In addition, the new head of the Blackthorn family, Marwen Blackthorn, has completely suppressed the Thieves Guild, and even had to talk with it in order to survive. , subject to some very harsh conditions.

Parathos has no doubt that he has been targeted by the Thieves Guild since he entered Rift Valley City. However, due to his luxurious equipment and sophisticated behavior, he looks like an experienced adventurer at first glance. Ordinary thieves dare not act without authorization. His actions were judged to be a threat to the Blackthorn family, and it was completely impossible to think so leisurely.

"Boss? What do you have here?" "Many people say that what I sell is rubbish, but I think it's all treasures~ Please take a look~"

Like an ordinary adventurer, Parasos went to the grocery store "Pawn Shrimp" in the city after staying for one night. He prepared some trophies that were completely flawless, even if the members of the Thieves Guild followed Sneaking into the store to check what he sells, you can only conclude that he is an adventurer who has come from afar, is strong, and wants to find something to do. This may have a chance to break into the organization.

All the way from Solitary City to the Rift Valley, and after chatting with the leader of the Blade Warrior, Parasos consciously guessed the purpose of Her Royal Highness, of course it was not what she revealed, "I want to be a baron and have no money, so I want to join the Thieves Guild For the completely unreliable reason of making money", her purpose must be to grasp the connections and strengths of the Thieves Guild to "wash a peripheral member and make him a Baron of Solitude", and use them to calm down the Skyrim Province. rebellion.

But how could the princess do such a thing herself? The dignified princess of the empire has become a thief. There is no need to spread the news to Dugu City. The new acquaintance Delphine can kill herself and cut herself down.

So let him do it himself, "a strong but short of money, sold some important travel items, just a superficially glamorous adventurer" has been shaped by his own actions, it doesn't take long, There should be people from the Thieves Guild coming to approach and recruit.

But speaking of which, where did Princess Emilia go?


"Can you see me?"


In the west of Rift Valley, on the roof of a cargo ship in the center of Holwich Lake, Emilia is looking at a young woman wearing dark leather armor, a hood, and an orc-style longbow on her back. .

This kind of leather armor is very strange. It seems that there are no pockets, and it seems that there are hidden pockets everywhere. There is an armed belt that can hide various weapons diagonally across the shoulders. At least from the appearance, this outfit is better than Amy. Liya's pure white velvet dress that almost covered her face was more suitable for sneaking.

"Although you look a bit strange, I guess you are with us." The young woman thought for a moment, and decided to give up investigating the reason for the failure of the invisibility of both parties, and went straight to the point: "I want to sink this ship, what about you?"

"...I want to kill those dryads." Emilia pointed to the direction of the warehouse under her feet.

"Dryant, ha~ that idiot." The woman in leather armor held her forehead: "Others said that they could sell him a boatload of Chinese fir at a low price, and then a merchant in the city who paid a high price for Chinese fir came to him. Didn't you suspect that there was a problem?"

"...the sap of the dryad, mixed with moon sugar, can make skooma," Emilia continued: "contraband."

"I didn't expect us two stalkers to plan the actions of the law enforcers here," the woman looked at Emilia: "Could it be that you are Brinjoff's new apprentice? It doesn't look like it, could it be that you were killed by Marwen?" That old woman hired?"

"...Who are they?" Emilia tilted her head.

"It's fine if you don't want to say it. I thought there was something wrong with those fir trees and planned to sink the boat, but if it's a dormant dryad, it's useless to just sink to the bottom of the lake." The leather armored woman took out a delicate dagger from her waist: "Let me help you...Huh?"

The dagger slipped back into the sheath tremblingly, even if she tried to pull it out, it would not come out.

"Hmm... Are you an envoy of the Holy Spirit? You frightened the dagger made by some unlucky demon god," the leather armored woman shrugged, tried a few more times and still couldn't pull it out, then took off the dagger on her back. longbow. , "Don't worry, I have a way to support you."

"...Well." Emilia took out an ordinary iron dagger that was much more shabby than the hidden dagger, and swiped silently around her body, cutting a big hole in the roof of the cargo ship, causing her to directly fell down.

Swish - hum -

Perhaps because they felt that their lives were threatened, the "fir trees" that had not moved even if they were carried back and forth by the dock workers stood upright one after another, waving their barely formed arms and lashing at Emilia, but were struck by the attack from above. blocked by arrows.

"At the back of their torsos, there is an organ called 'upright root' at the position equivalent to the back of the human heart. After cutting it off, the dryad will die directly," the voice of the leather armor woman came from above the hollow: "And that The stuff is worth the money."

"...Well." Emilia, who was going to cut the enemy in half as usual, changed her move temporarily, and the dagger narrowly slashed across the dryad's body, and directly smashed the tree on its back like a branch that hadn't grown yet." The "upright root" was cut off, and the dryad fell to the ground instantly. The other dryads accelerated their attack frequency as if they were furious.

"Nice job!" The woman in leather armor said while supporting remotely: "If you were not hired by Blackthorn, and it has nothing to do with Stormcloak, I can call the shots and invite you to join the Thieves Guild. You can work directly from the top. Go do some thieves' work."

"...Thank you." Emilia nodded casually, and continued to wave the dagger to dodge the dryad's attack and wait for an opportunity to fight back.

"Shouldn't you be surprised to ask who you are at this time? It's so boring." The leather armor woman accelerated her attack frequency, and after killing all the remaining dryads, she took a look and jumped into the water because she noticed the movement in the warehouse. The captain who had escaped and swam far said to Emilia who was searching for Erikan: "My name is Safir Malloy."

"...I am Emil." Princess Septim replied, and after a pause, she added, "Nice to meet you, Sapphire."

"Come on, Emil, I'm definitely more professional than you in sinking a ship," Safir greeted Emir who was studying the bottom deck of the ship: "Hurry up and make fun of that idiot Shad."

"...Who is Shad?" Emilia did not return from the original "road", she jumped directly to the top of the cabin, and a hole was opened out of thin air.

"Although my parents took care of me, I am too stupid. Not only did my family lose all the money I donated to repay my kindness, but now I can only work as a helper in the stables, but I always want to get rich overnight. Borrowing money everywhere. "Safir finished speaking without a pause, and then shot an arrow through the bottom of the boat.

"...He should keep the horse honestly." Emilia said after following Safir on another cargo ship heading for the Rift Valley.

"Very good~ you have completely passed the test~" Safir looked very happy: "I will recommend you to Uncle Delwin."

"...I can't see it." Emilia tilted her head.

"Well... don't you want to reveal your identity? I will find a way~" After the cargo ship docked at the port, Safir took Emilia off the cargo ship. Neither the owner nor the stevedore saw them at all. two.


"Shad! Hurry up and pay back the money!"

Passing by, Parasos glanced at the direction of the sound. A young woman wearing a strange leather armor was yelling at a decadent man who looked like a groom. It seemed to be a common debt collection incident in the Rift Valley, so he looked away and continued. Think about where the princess might go to play and how you might join the thieves guild.

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