The Collection of The End

Chapter 211 Nobles and Maids

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 29th, 17:00——

Brynchov is worrying about this mission.

He received instructions from the Blackthorn family to find ways to put a dark elf, traveling merchant Brand Xie into prison, but he must be released without charge two days later... Is this a joke? Even if it is a street fight, if you refuse to pay the fine, you will be locked up for three days.

Obviously, this will not be the task assigned by the unfathomable Patriarch of Marwen Blackthorn, it is probably the idea of ​​her ignorant youngest son, Sybi Blackbrier, who seems to be pursuing a He is a beautiful dark elf bard, and Brand Xie has a lot of knowledge as a traveling merchant, maybe he chatted with her a few more times? No, that must be it.

Brinchov looked at Brand Xie who was selling goods not far away. What should I say about that guy's appearance? If it wasn't for the skin color, some people would believe him even if he was a high elf nobleman.

Then, the so-called "going to prison" is not a necessary condition, Sibby probably just wants him to disappear from sight for a while, after two days he will either succeed, or lose his enthusiasm for the bard—so to speak, he Quite self-aware?

But the problem now is that if you really go for the framing that has not been done for a long time, then Brand Xie don’t say two days. Depending on the value of the stolen goods, he may spend several hours in the Rift Valley Prison. Yue, and I will be scolded by Sapphire and Xiaofan together... Well, this seems to be acceptable?

While hesitating, Brynchov saw an adventurer wearing ebony armor wandering to this riverside market. According to the information provided by Moore, who had been guarding the gate of the Rift Valley all year round, this was an adventurer who wanted to go to the Rift Valley. Looking for a job to earn some travel expenses, a passer-by who has nothing to do with Rift Valley City, there is simply no more suitable executor than him.

"Hey, boy, I see that your wallet is a bit deflated, do you want to make it bulge again?" Brinjov leaned over and whispered to him with a little smile.

"Do you want me to cover you for stealing?" The other party looked very polite, and answered in a low voice.

"Oh, of course not," Brinjov shook his head, although the other party was more knowledgeable, but his intelligence didn't seem to be very well-informed. "We haven't carried out that kind of 'traditional' activities for a long time."

Since the inexplicable disappearance of the three giants of the thieves guild more than 20 years ago, the various "traditional" actions of the Thieves Guild have always failed strangely.

"Oh? So what exactly are you going to do?" the ebony armored adventurer asked.

"I'm going to try to get everyone's attention in the bazaar, and you're going to be quick to grab something from that half-dragon jeweler's counter and put it in the pocket of that dark elf who sells groceries, Don't worry, although you are an imperial person who is not very popular, you are always better than the dark elves, and the guards will not suspect you." Brinjoff quickly explained the steps of action.

What Madexi would put on the counter is not good, and the price is not high. Even if Brand Xie is framed, it will not be serious. If the adventurer happens to get a fake, then Bu Rand Xie will be locked up for two days for "tricking the guards into calling the police", which is perfect.

"You seem to want to trouble that dark elf, but why is it so slight?" The adventurer responded immediately with a very quick mind.

"It's very simple, because some people want him to be unable to do business in the past two days, but we are not those barbarians in the comrade-in-arms group, and it is not in our style to beat people with our arms." Brinjov replied: "If you have no objection, I will We can start right away."

"No hurry," the adventurer narrowed his eyes, "If I tell him that he can never do business, will your commission be considered complete?"

"Could it be that you belong to the fraternity?" Brinjov was secretly surprised: "Of course not,

Any of our actions that cost lives is a failure, not even a single Septim. "

"Oh, I understand." The adventurer chuckled, turned and walked towards Brand Xie. Brinjov felt a toothache, and followed while wondering if he had made a mistake in his judgment.

"Are you going to buy something to kill people, or something to protect yourself?" Brand Xie showed the weapons and equipment on the counter to the adventurers who walked in front of him: "I bought these things from Windhelm City, although It may not be comparable to the work of Master Xueman Graymane, but it is better than the things made by the village blacksmith."

"What's your name? Dark Elf." The adventurer in ebony armor asked a question that puzzled both him and Brinjoff.

"Brand-Xie, sir." Although the dark elf seemed a little puzzled, it was not an unanswerable question.

"As far as a dark elf is concerned, this name is quite strange." The adventurer paused: "Is your Argonian adoptive mother still alive?"

"No, she's already—are you going to buy something or not?!" Brand-Xie was a little annoyed and planned to chase away.

"Don't rush to get angry, I haven't finished my words," the adventurer was unmoved: "Although she is your adoptive mother, doesn't she treat you with humility and is not at all like a mother's attitude towards children? Moreover, although she is old Already high, but died of a sudden illness, is there anything else I wanted to say to you but couldn't say it at the end of my life?"

Boom! Brand-Xie knocked over his own counter in shock, and rushed directly in front of the adventurer, but because the ebony armor was so smooth, he couldn't grab the collar and questioned: "Do you know something?!"

"Hey! Over there, what's going on?" The guards patrolling around the market rushed over.

Hmm... This is also a way, Brinjov thought, he was very clear about Brand-Xie's family situation, but he never imagined that he could make a fuss in this kind of place, as long as he made up some lies and put him Lied to find the mystery of his own life experience...

"No, it's nothing. He was a little excited when he met an old friend, and he was bothered." The adventurer skillfully handed a few gold coins to the guard.

"This matter cannot be explained clearly in a few words. You'd better clean up your stall, and then go to the tavern with me." The ebony armored adventurer did not end the mission as Brinjoff wished, and seemed to intend to continue , he had no choice but to continue to follow, anyway, Brand Xie would not continue to do business, the task should be considered completed.


"First of all, I believe you have already realized that, although I don't know what your adoptive mother told you, but a dark elf with a good appearance like you is definitely not a child of a farmer, fisherman or anything else." Brin After Geoff and Brand Xie sat down in the private room on the second floor of the Honey and the Poet Tavern, the adventurer who called himself Parry spoke.

"Hmm...please continue." Although he was a little puzzled about Brinjoff here, the dark elf didn't have the leisure to understand him.

"Then, your Argonian adoptive mother is not a tavern helper, she is a noble—" Parry paused, and said after the sound of falling to the ground outside the door: "——'s housemaid."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, hiss~" Because there was no way to continue eavesdropping, the tavern proprietress, the Argonian Kilva, walked in. Because her face was covered with scales, Brinchov couldn't tell whether she was blushing. , "I just want to know the past of that old sister, hiss~"

"Next, it's the reason why you came here," Parry nodded to the proprietress, and continued: "Due to the volcanic eruption in Morrowind Province, most of the dark elves escaped from the City of Black Light to other places in the Tamriel continent." province, and your family’s fleet strayed into the naval battle area of ​​the Empire and Thalmer, deviated from the waterway when it was affected and hurriedly fled, and finally ran aground on the coastline of Skyrim Province.”

"My parents..." Brand-Xie asked tremblingly.

"That kind of thing is naturally handled by the empire. How could we adventurers know? But it is said that there are no major casualties." Parry shook his head and continued: "The reason why I recognized you is because I accepted the commission. The diary and the children's sketches I found when I went to search the wreck of a ship - I didn't have it with me, of course, but I can only say that it is very similar to you."

"Yes... I remember that there was a gentle woman who liked to paint me. I always thought..." Brand-Xie muttered to himself.

"So far, I still don't have strong evidence to prove what I said, but—" Parry turned to Kilva: "Do you know the name of Brand's adoptive mother?"

"No, she won't say it, but Brand should know? Hiss~" Kilva shook his head.

"This is my only evidence," Parry said to Brand Xie: "If she didn't hide it from you, your adoptive mother's name should be 'Sidrella-Ou'."

"Hmm!" Brand-Xie made a strange sound from his throat. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh, but it seemed to Brinjoff that he probably agreed with what Parry said.

"The ship you were on ran aground near Windhelm, but because it discriminates against dark elves there, and most Nord towns don't welcome Argonians, your maid and adoptive mother came to Rift Valley many times to settle you down. , Maybe she originally planned to contact the Empire through official channels when you grew up, but after that, Stormcloak and the Empire had conflicts, if she expressed her desire to contact the Empire in Rift Valley City, you understand." Spread your hands.

"I can go by myself now." Brand Xie said a few words through his teeth.

"Well, in the end it's your parents' identities and your real name," Parry thought for a moment, "Brandyll Tyrworth, this is your name, it seems that your adoptive mother has vaguely heard of your full name." , but I am not very clear, so I have to name you with the pronunciation I heard."

"Brendyr Tillworth..." Brand-Xie whispered his new name.

"Your father's name is Limdryne Tailworth, and your mother's name is Linzhu Tailworth. If I remember correctly, they are still alive and seem to have settled in the capital of the Cyrodiil Empire. I will tell you where they are." I don't know." Parry shook his head.

Bang—the people in the private room were knocked away again, and a dark elf staggered a few steps and almost fell to the ground. Brynjov glanced at it, and it seemed to be the bard Swidi who was being pursued by Sybi.

"Well," Kilva walked over and closed the door, looking condescendingly at the slightly petite dark elf: "Mr. Tyrworth, if you want to keep it a secret, I can help, hiss~"

"No~Master~Please don't kill your lovely maid——" The bard Swidi quickly ran to Brand, who was still not getting used to his identity transformation——No, Brandir Tai Erworth hid behind him.

"Master?" He asked with some doubts.

"Oh, by the way, let me add that Morrowind doesn't have any lords or high kings in Skyrim province. The one responsible to the emperor is a noble council composed of six councilors who lead the affairs of the entire province, and Tyrworth The family is one of the older ones, and although there are rumors that they strayed into the battlefield between the Empire and Morrowind because of the conspiracy of other councilors, this matter is obviously unprovable." Parry spread his hands.

"So they secretly sent some direct descendants to look for the missing young master, such as this bard." Brinchov felt that the mission this time was a mess, and the maid came to look for the young master, but it caused the young master to be unlucky and thus learned his identity or something.

"You should have a good chat with her. We can wait for you to think about the remuneration." Parry nodded, and pulled Brinjov and Kilva out of the room.

"Thank you, you will stay here for free in the future, hiss~" Kilva seemed very happy, but because his face was covered with scales, he still couldn't see it.

"Basically, your mission has been completed," Parry and Brinjov said to him after they walked out of the hotel, "However, if there is a commission to hunt down Swidi later, you'd better find a way." Push it off."

"Hehe, of course." Brynchov laughed dryly, and had decided to hide in the rat lane after handing in this task, and would not go out anyway.

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