The Collection of The End

Chapter 212 Zela and Heizhen

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 29th, 20:00——

Winterhold, Mage Academy.

After several days of study, coupled with exposure to the Eye of Magnus, the first batch of Zag, Brelina, and Onmond who entered the school have made great progress in magic, and they can barely get rid of their status as apprentices. Magicians, if necessary, they can even teach other apprentices in certain departments they are good at.

It’s just that there are too few students and too many mentors. Nafreda’s siblings, Helji and her mother Railette, these new apprentices are not in their turn to teach them. , just equal to the number of mentors.

As for Ms. Larina, the former guardian of the crown, she is far beyond the age suitable for learning magic. Since cooking and cleaning are assisted by magic, she patrols the academy every day when she has nothing to do, correcting some apprentices from time to time. Even the mentor's bad living habits are like a vice president, and Savos Aran, the chief mage and college president, is happy to see it.

Once again accused of preferring bread and cheese over vegetables, Toftil hid after dinner in the Temple of the Elements, which was rarely visited when lectures were not in progress.

"Ah, I think it's time to call Ms. Larina my mother, right? 'Father'?" Zela Pesh opened the door and came in with a joke.

"It's 'adoptive father'," Tovdil corrected habitually, and looked up at his adopted daughter: "Why do you still maintain this appearance? Ancano is no longer here."

"It's as if he died," Zela tugged at the blond hair she transformed with illusions: "You know, he is not the only special envoy of the Thalmo faction, and elves have a particularly long lifespan. What if I get recognized someday?"

Even though she said that, Zela removed the illusion with a puff, revealing her original image of an elf girl with black hair, black eyes and sharp ears.

Yes, elves have a very long lifespan... Toftil was a little lost in thought, the little girl who anxiously asked in a soft and cute voice whether the big cave-in had happened and if anyone was injured did not come back after so many years. She has just grown into a young girl, and she is already a dying old man, so she doesn't know how long she can take care of her—maybe she doesn't need her care at all?

"I heard that you learned some kind of teleportation spell from the Psijic Order? You took the apprentices to go deep into the ruins, and invited an ancient vampire to settle in Sattar?" Tovdir put aside irrelevant thoughts, Start asking her the questions you had prepared for the private meeting.

It doesn't matter what the ruins are, I believe her strength can handle it well, but the vampire noble is very troublesome, it is said that it is an ancient existence that participated in the siege of the Vigilant's Hall and survived, and the most dangerous is the teleportation spell, if Once you accidentally stray into the annihilation domain of a certain demon god, it will be difficult to figure it out again.

"Hmm... do you know about the battle between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks?" Zela said, but what seemed to be irrelevant.

"It's just a power struggle that has existed for thousands of years, nothing special." Toftil replied: "Since Tiber Septim has been upgraded to the Holy Spirit Talos, of course it will not be because mortals no longer worship or there is no idol and god. The altar fell to the altar, just like Akatosh, the dragon god of time. Although there are not many people who worship him because he has no specific priesthood, he is still the supreme god for granted."

"Ah!" Zela sneezed and rubbed his nose and replied, "You are right, but what I want to express is not this matter-although Nords generally don't like magic and are unwilling to learn it, but they The power and influence of magic cannot be denied, in order to prevent us from suddenly leaning towards a certain side in the final battle, they will definitely carry out various overt and covert interventions, and the things I did before were all to deal with them."

"Hmm..." Toftil pondered.

Due to the impact of the large subsidence,

The Mage Academy has become a hanging island. No matter who wants to influence the Mage Academy, they can only give up force to interfere with this road. If it is through the remaining Winterhold to restrict supplies, it can be solved through the teleportation spell. If it is to lure the Academy The members, no matter what they are, can't compare with the improvement of their strength brought by Zela. In the end, if they are desperate to send a few strong men to attack, then the ancient vampire will be the weight that makes them dare not act rashly.

Unknowingly, has that little girl who always likes to mess around grown to such a point where she can count on everything? Maybe I am really old.

"So, what's your plan next?" Tovdir spoke again, his tone changed from questioning to discussion.

"Maybe I'll run around again, and find some qualified people who don't have a preference for the Empire and Stormcloaks and come back as apprentices." The elf girl blinked her eyes.

"Well, it's to expand our strength, so that any party has to think more before making an idea of ​​us..." Tovdir nodded, and suddenly saw Zela's sharp ears trembling, and his face changed a little A: "What?"

"No, it's nothing... something happened..." Zela's voice became indistinct, and her appearance quickly changed from black hair and black eyes to blond hair and blue eyes, and she even transformed into a set of weird but beautiful clothes. The jet-black skirt armor that looks heroic - it seems to be made of ebony?

"Forced teleportation?" Toftil, as a master of magic, almost immediately recognized what happened to his adopted daughter, frowned and tried to counter it, but all the magic power output was like a stone sinking: "Where did you leave the summoning?" medium?!"

"Don't worry, it's not very far," the elf girl seemed to understand something, her tone became relaxed: "I'll be back after I finish dealing with the matter over there. Before that, you have to take good care of Ms. Larina."

"You don't need to remind me." Before Toftil finished speaking, Zela Pesh disappeared in front of him.


"【Close it, close it, close it--】" Windhelm City was near the gray area, in a somewhat barren mansion, a little boy was muttering to himself against a strange circular pattern.

Aventus Aretino is nine years old this year, the youngest son of the Aretino family in Windhelm.

His father, as a Stormcloak commander, died in a conflict with the Imperial Legion many years ago. His mother grieved and insisted on raising him, and finally ran out of fuel and fell into a near-death situation last year.

Fortunately, she received a good treatment with the help of a newly emerged organization "Gold Fall", whose members are all sisters and sisters (a) and (yi) with beautiful blonde hair, Aventu Si is very thankful that his mother also has beautiful blond hair.

It is said that Lord Ulfric had some complaints about this women's organization with members from different classes and planned to ban it, but finally gave up because blond hair and blue eyes are a common feature of Nords.

Although they provided Aventus' mother with a place of treatment and recuperation out of sympathy or other things, it was very difficult for Aventus to be placed. After all, they each had families, and some were unmarried girls. Unable to take care of a half-grown boy, he finally decided to hand him over to a side branch of the Aretino family to be raised.

However, Aventus is not a brat who doesn’t understand anything and only knows how to cry when things happen. He has seen clearly the faces of those so-called side relatives when his mother struggled to grow him up. It is justifiable to own the property of this Aretino. Before his mother was rescued, he thought that Aventus could not understand and even discussed in front of him how to divide the property owned by the family.

So, when the blond sisters came to discuss with him, they unexpectedly proposed to go to the orphanage in Rift Valley City to stay temporarily until the mother recovered and came back. After all, if the mother wants to be completely cured, it will not be impossible for a year or two. I can't trouble this simple mutual aid organization when I have troubles. I heard that Rift Valley City is controlled by a family named "Blackthorn", and that orphanage was built by them to gain a good reputation. Ritino's offshoots couldn't get in if they tried to do anything.

Their speaker, Frigga Broken Shield, finally agreed to the plan after thinking about it. Although Jodi Kuhai had some disagreements, he did not object in the end. As for the other sisters, after promising to take good care of his mother and let him often After the letter came, he began to stuff him with various children's toys and books.

“[I am the one who destroys all good deeds, I am the one who accomplishes all evil deeds—]”

And this strange book was mixed among those children's books. Aventus stopped for a while, and glanced at the book placed next to the magic circle. The magic circle and the strange spells in his mouth were based on the above Record, the necessary steps for "summoning the Dark Brotherhood".

He didn't intend to take this kind of method at first, because those so-called relatives are too much, they can put a murderous old lady named Gui Luo under the eyes of the Blackthorn family, and squeeze out the original person in charge, Aunt Mitchell Be a second-in-command.

It’s fine if you just intend to treat him harshly, Aventus will naturally have a way to retaliate, but unexpectedly, Gui Luo wrote to his mother in the name of the orphanage, saying that he died unexpectedly, and that his mother’s illness was more than half recovered. Under the grief, all previous efforts were wasted. Aventus only found out about this when a blond sister with a shawl came to understand the situation. After rushing back to Windhelm City to reassure his mother, the killing intent in his heart could not be calmed at all.

Although Gui Luo is only a small character, her death will definitely let those guys who plot against their mother and child show their feet, and then follow the clues to recruit the culprit. The assassins of the Dark Brotherhood will definitely let them know that he, Aventus A Ritino is not a soft persimmon who can be bullied.

The only problem is that it is said that the charges of the Dark Brotherhood are very high. Aventus is not sure how many times the property he has can command them, and in what form will he contact him? As he thought and uttered the last incantation,

"【——The Guardian of the Balance!】"

The bloody hurricane suddenly blew up, and Aventus couldn't help but sat back and fell to the ground.

After the wind died down, the little boy stared dumbfounded at the center of the magic circle, a big sister who appeared in the center of the magic circle, wearing gorgeous black armor, with an arch-like black forehead on her face, and a big sister with blond hair that faded to white. Looking down at himself.

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