The Collection of The End

Chapter 213 Ceremony and Contract

My name is Akatosh,

I'm shining brightly - what a ghost!

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 29th, 20:51——

Originally, I was discussing the position of the Mage Academy with Tolfdil in Winterhold, but I was summoned to Windhelm City halfway, and I was forced to change my body...

That's fine, but the problem is that even though Aventus Aretino is using a Heroic Spirit Summoning Formation, but doesn't have a Command Seal in his hand, should I use Maaya Sakamoto's voice to say "Servant Avenger, come in answer to the call"?

I looked at Aventus, who was sitting still in a surprised posture, and began to think.

[Hahahahaha! 】

Although I want to ask the stupid system, it laughs like a fool, it seems to be useless.

'Remind sister? How could this brat draw a heroic spirit summoning array? Where did the spells and relics come from? '

[Hint: The summoning array and spells used by Aventus Aretino are learned from the "Dark Magic Book" written by Hermaeus Mora, and the holy relic is the 200th year of the Fourth Era. On the 9th, the fragments of the "Snail City Textbook" used by 'Jeanne Darc'] reminded my sister to be as reliable as ever.

‘What the hell is this summoning condition? No matter how you think about it, Marshal C should be summoned... Huh? '

Think about it carefully, it seems right...

[Hahaha...cough cough, Marshal C summoned Hei Zhen, nothing wrong...hahaha. 】

You gotta laugh.

I turned my gaze to the green book and the half-page paper that Aventus threw beside the magic circle.

Speaking of which, when I went to collect the textbooks last time, I really didn't find the Dark Magic Book brought by Frigga Shattered Shield, and even if the textbooks were missing a page or two, I wouldn't notice it at all.

At that time, I thought that since I went to Windhelm City, I would save the kid's mother by the way, so that Hisoka... I mean, Cicero acted as a listener to push the Dark Brotherhood quest line.

Looking at it now, it’s obvious that Mora made a move. This summoning of heroic spirits may not do me any harm, but it is very troublesome to be confirmed by him that this knowledge of another world is effective. I don’t want to be in the world of the ancient scrolls. Another Holy Grail War.

‘It’s still not right, even if he has seen Marshal C’s treasure, there is no record on the summoning array and spells. '

【Ha... ha... You know the priesthood of Hermaeus Mora, right? ] The stupid system seemed tired of laughing, and began to answer my questions.

‘Well, the demon god of knowledge? '

[Guardian of secrets, unknown knower, demon god in charge of revealing history and predicting the future, knowledge and destiny,] the stupid system paused, [His Annihilation Domain is a distorted library containing endless taboo knowledge, Apocrypha) , each of the books can be turned into his magic weapon, the Dark Magic Book (Books). 】

So that guy's creed is "knowledge changes destiny?"

'You haven't explained how He knows about the world of Fate. '

[Well... the meaning of the title 'Unknown Knower' is that he will try his best to figure out and record any knowledge he doesn't understand. With his priesthood of 'knowledge', 'prophecy' and 'fate', there is basically no It is often unfavorable. 】

Speaking of it, the division of labor between the holy spirit and the demon god in the world of the ancient scrolls is very strange. The Holy Spirit masters the fields that ordinary people can touch, while the demon god is more abstract. For example, the universally worshiped holy spirit, Ginales is The god of sky, sea and atmosphere, and Zenidar is the god of craftsmen and commerce, which clearly corresponds to the demands of farmers, fishermen, merchants and craftsmen.

But Dawn and Darkness, Covenant and Prophecy, Change and Destruction, and even Mora's knowledge and destiny, these realms that obviously have more influence on the lives of mortals are controlled by Daedric Gods, some even obviously evil Daedric Gods... Well, I guess Alduin Probably because he couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to destroy the world.

[Mola's Annihilation Domain contains all the knowledge in this world. When he is free, he will give trials to mortals and give them relevant knowledge, but if any "unknown" knowledge appears in front of him... um. 】

‘So now he is interested in my knowledge of other worlds? '

[After all, you are the Dragon God of Time. The foresight you showed at the beginning did not attract Mora's attention, but after you devoured and replaced the Night Mother...] The stupid system snapped a lot of screenshots in front of my eyes.

Uh, what the hell are those Dark Brotherhoods in Cyrodiil doing? The "Dark Ritual" created is 70 to 80% similar to the Heroic Spirit Summoning Array, and there are also ritual prayers...

'That fellow Cicero did it? '

【It was you who told him that the current dark ritual is too ugly, and you want to change it to a new one—】

'I just don't like to see another crazy clown, and the identity of the listener is not a big deal. '

[The result is still crazy, isn't it? 】

"Okay, I know, that guy used the priesthood of prophecy and destiny to exhaustively list the real magic circle and summoning spells through what I revealed, and then verified it successfully." I waved off those screenshots, "So what should I do now? manage? '

[In short, this demon god can only be dealt with at the end. For the time being, continue to push the quest line down, and look for opportunities to defeat or ally some demon gods—speaking of which, it’s been a long time since you stopped time now. 】

‘Hehe, you crow mouth, the quest line of the Dark Brotherhood really collapsed. '

Ignoring the voice of the stupid system yelling "not me", I re-advance the time.


"It's you who summoned the Dark Brotherhood?" I looked down at Aventus, and while he wasn't paying attention, I walked along the Dark Magic Book and the remaining pages of the textbook, and even redrawn the magic circle.

"Yes, yes," the little boy was very surprised, but his words were still clear: "I hope you can kill the kind Guiluo of Rift Valley City."

"Cursing others is double. While sending the other party to the soul stone tomb, your soul will also enter annihilation after death, even though it doesn't matter?" In order to prevent myself from laughing, I kept looking at him with a disgusted face.

[Puff ha ha ha! ] However, some people laughed.

‘You laughed too much today, I’m interfering with Mora’s judgment, understand? '

"What, what? I haven't heard of such a thing, don't you only charge money?" Aventus' expression finally became less calm.

"But you don't have enough money, do you?" I looked around my surroundings.

Aventus' mother was placed in the sanatorium attached to the Talos Temple by the members of the Blonde Women's Association. The big house of the Aretino family was a bit dilapidated because it had been unoccupied for a long time, and it was precisely because of this that Aventus Ventus will perform the dark ritual here, and if members of the Dark Brotherhood come to approach him, it won't attract too much attention.

"No, I have a lot of money, and I can ask Auntie Broken Shield to use it at any time," the little boy panicked: "Please don't let me go to a different world with my mother after I die!"

I should really have taped that and played it to his father in Songarde.

"Then, the contract is established." My expression remained unchanged: "After I kill Gui Luo and come back, I hope you can prepare a reward, otherwise the price will be your soul."

The Dark Brotherhood branch operating in Skyrim at this time was fundamentally different from its headquarters in Cyrodiil, completely cut off by the Great War between the Empire and Thalmer, followed by the Civil War between the Imperial Legions and the Stormcloaks. They can't get any information about the places and people who hold the dark ceremony in Skyrim Province, and they can only send people to contact them after hearing the rumor of "so and so is holding the dark ceremony".

Of course, this was deliberately arranged by me. If they held the ceremony, accepted the entrustment, and killed people and got money in one go, I wouldn't even have the space to intervene in saving people.

"Wait!" Aventus, who was a little timid, suddenly got up quickly: "What if I want to hire the Dark Brothers to do something else?"

Maybe this brat is planning to find out who is targeting their mother and son after Gui Luo's death, and plans to have a mess?

"We know the reason for your dark ritual," I looked at him, deliberately releasing a bit of Reiatsu, murderous aura or something else: "But we are not detectives, and we have no interest in pursuing the truth. If you want, we can take Ai The Ritino family is completely destroyed, and they are paid according to their specific strength."

"Ah, uh, there's no need to do that." No matter how cruel the brat was, he was still frightened: "I just want to kill Gui Luo and the people behind her..."

Even so, if he really sees the list of those who planned their mother and child, the Aretino family will not be far from being destroyed.

"One last thing to remind you, if the assassination target is too directional, that is, if it is easy to guess who is the employer, you will not live longer than the target. We often see this kind of thing." I feel a bit disgusted. Tired, I picked up a flagpole with a black dragon flag hanging from my back, and prepared to open the gate of annihilation to take a look at the Rift Valley.

Of course, the color and shape have to be adjusted, so as not to be seen by Mora who must be paying attention here. Well, it’s better to use the dark space rift full of eyes. As for the bows at both ends... forget it.

[Hahaha... poof! 】

A system with such a low laugh point is rare in the world.

"Finally, the last question." Aventus seemed to have calmed down a lot: "How much is Gui Luo worth?"

"One thousand and forty gold coins, which is the fine under normal circumstances." I waved the flag to open the door of annihilation of the skin in the gap, and stepped in directly after leaving a sentence.

"That's at least seven thousand two hundred and eighty gold coins..." The little devil murmured ferociously from behind.

Unfortunately, this number can only be counted as a fraction.

【Ahhh... I'm so sorry... I won't laugh casually in the future...】

Aventus thought I was going to kill Guiluo, but in fact I ran back to Songjiade to beat up the stupid system, and I was chasing the little black dragon flying all over the yard.

"I'm going to save everyone the Dark Brotherhood wants to kill, just wait and see if you laugh again."


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