The Collection of The End

Chapter 214 Boxer and Gui Luo

My name is Akatosh,

I'm hanging out in Rift City.

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 29th, 22:17—

At night in Rift Valley City, there is a kind of "curfew" rule. Anyone who acts on the street after ten o'clock in the evening must be checked and questioned by the guards unconditionally. If they try to resist or escape, the guards can attack directly.

Of course, they can't see me.

This regulation, which is likely to encounter many criticisms in other cities, was implemented very smoothly in Rift Valley City, not only because of the huge power of the Blackthorn family, but also because there are always thieves at night. If there are no pedestrians on the street, they will naturally Nowhere to hide—like that guy over there who just slipped out of some house.

Wearing the standard uniform of the Thieves Guild, with a hood covering his face, he carried a small package containing property in his hand. Although he tried his best to hide in the shadows, he was still quickly spotted by the guards of Rift Valley City.

"Hey! You! Stop!" "Run towards the city gate!" "Stop him!"

Several guards on patrol shouted, and the other guards who heard the sound immediately intercepted the thief, but the guy did not let go of the package in his hand when he fled.

[Do you want to save? 】

‘It’s a bit troublesome. He will definitely confiscate the stolen goods after he is caught. '

I watched the thief named Drave foolishly run away along a straight line, while several guards with bows and arrows already showed confident smiles.

Well, go ahead and do it.

Boom! Plop! When he passed by a small bridge across the river in the city, I teleported over and let an arrow hit his back, and then I kicked him, including the package, without waiting for Draff to feel the arrow hanging in the air in front of him. down the river.

"Do you want to chase him down the river?" "I want to go to you."

The guards who were chasing after looked at the dark river surface in the middle of the night, discussed with each other and then dispersed.

This Draff is not a member of the Thieves Guild. He and a companion named Hainon Black Snow Rat are just ordinary thieves. After trying to imitate two uniforms of the Thieves Guild, they usually wear them in the usual theft to plant the thieves guild.

Originally, they were supposed to be in the underground of Rift Valley City, in the sewer named "Rat Lane".

As for now... I destroyed the arrow while removing the arrow wound.

[Palasos, who looks like the protagonist, hasn't set off yet to return to the Thieves Guild's headquarters in the Rat Lane, and Princess Emilia, who looks more like the protagonist, has a high level of stealth, so they didn't notice them when they passed by. 】

‘I wanted to ask before, because of Ryunosuke, it’s fine for Artoria to change the old sword, why did Emil follow? She also acted like she was always looking for me. '

[Because her name was given by Ryunosuke? 】

‘Don’t use questions for me! Even if I am the supreme being in every world, I don't know anything about the problems between the worlds, otherwise I wouldn't be put on the table by Mora! '

Just at this time, wearing the uniform of the Thieves Guild, the fake Hainon Black Snow Rat sneaked to observe the place where Druff fell into the water, and I kicked him down again.

[Is this appropriate? 】

'Both of them can swim, plus I deliberately control the underwater undercurrent, they should go ashore far away from Rift Valley City, and since their faces have been seen by the guards, they won't come back to seek death, what's the problem? '

【I mean, you kick people in high heels...】

'It's so loud! Shut up! I'm going to see Guiluo! '

Hei Zhen is that look, what can I do?


The Glory Hall Orphanage in Rift Valley City is very famous in the entire Skyrim Province. It was led by the Blackthorne family and funded by many nobles and powerful people.

The names of all funders are engraved on the walls that can be seen directly from the entrance of the orphanage.

Because of this advantage, it is not only built in the center of Rift Valley City where every inch of land is expensive, the interior decoration is as gorgeous as a high-end hotel, and members of major families come to visit every day, and there are very few orphans here. The real commoners basically have a first name and a surname, and some surnames even come from nobles with a long history.

Most of those children are involved in huge money or political inheritance, and the parties who may benefit are in dispute. In the end, each takes a step back and places them in an orphanage to wait for them to grow up before proceeding to the next step.

Therefore, the orphanage's dean, administrator, and even cleaners, chefs and guards are all selected in a multi-party game to ensure that they will not mislead those "orphans".

'Hmm... All I can say is that this magic transformation is even more exaggerated than that of Winterhold College. '

I toured the building, large enough to house dozens of children. Most of the nineteen orphans were asleep, and there was no sign of abuse or harshness.

The guards are still on duty around, the cleaners and cooks have all returned to their residences in the orphanage, and several female administrators are coaxing the brats who won’t go to sleep. Write a report on the daily life of those orphans in their room.

[Even if there is no magic reform, she is still the vicious old lady who always abuses children because of her bad temper. You won't let her be killed, right? 】

'That's nonsense. '

I looked around Guiluo, and I was basically sure that the name "Cixiang Guiluo" was an obvious irony. This old lady was covered with silver hair, and her figure was taller and stronger than ordinary old people. The corners of her eyes and mouth were hanging down. , coupled with deep wrinkles, his appearance can almost be called fierce, but how can he be kind.

Although the little ghost of Aventus summoned me the first time he performed the dark ritual, and Sister A of the Dark Brotherhood didn't have any special reaction, I still can't be sure if I leave this old lady alone. Others want to kill her, so if she finds a way to fake her death——

"Are you here to kill me?" Gui Luo put down the report in his hand and looked at me.

[Akatosh, you have been discovered! 】

'I think you haven't been cleaned up enough just now! '

I turned sideways and looked along the path of Gui Luo's gaze. That position was the corner of the wall that "appeared" to be empty. Even after Gui Luo made a sound and looked there, the lurker remained motionless.

"Ever since I accepted the terms of the transaction and wrote Aventus Aretino as 'died in an accident' in the report, I have been thinking about when you will send someone to make me 'died in an accident' too. From the transaction, you trust another way to shut up—but you don’t seem to have any confidence in yourself?” Gui Luo seemed very sure that there was someone there, and he spoke with eloquence.

Although I can know the strength and hole cards of both of them through other methods, isn't that boring? I stepped back a little bit and continued to enjoy the drama.

"You can call me 'Boxer'." The air in the corner fluctuated a few times, and a man in tattered sackcloth appeared there. He looked like a beggar that can be seen everywhere in the dark corners of Rift Valley City. Apart from the more conspicuous bare head, there are almost no obvious features, and likewise, he does not carry any weapons.

"My attack won't cause any wounds or traces. Even if the priests of the temple come to check, they will only conclude that you died of common old age diseases like 'heart paralysis' or 'organ failure'," the boxer put on a stance Walking towards Gui Luo: "Now, you can reveal the hole card of knowing that someone is going to kill you and still being calm."

"There is no equipment or weapon at all, fighting only with fists is really not easy to be discovered," Gui Luo stared at the approaching boxer: "Then, maybe it's time for you to see another fighting method that also does not carry equipment and weapons. "

"...!" The boxer seemed to have thought of something, his expression remained unchanged, and he stepped forward with a powerful left punch.

"Guess right." Gui Luo raised his right hand, and an invisible barrier stood in front of his fist. Although it shattered in the next instant, it still blocked the boxer's attack.

Well, magician, it's not completely unexpected. The one that was shattered just now should be an intermediate-level shield technique. From this, it can be deduced that the boxer's unarmed attack power is about 60 points...I want to digitize it when I have time. They!

After the boxer's attack was blocked, he immediately swung his other fist to attack without hesitation, and was also blocked by a barrier. Taking advantage of this gap, Gui Luo summoned a single fist exuding purple mist on his right hand. Hand sword, a sword forced back the boxer who tried to attack again.

"Magician?" Boxer's expression was a little distorted.

click. Gui Luo's freed left hand successfully cast the spell again, and a layer of close-fitting light film shining with faint green light enveloped her whole body, and then made a gesture of releasing the shield spell.

[Pfft, the empty-handed old lady instantly becomes a sword and shield warrior]

"Summoning and transmutation spells are also magic." Gui Luo's ferocious face looked terrifying under the green and purple light.

'I guess she used to frighten children a lot in this way. '

"Your spells last at most two minutes... cut." Halfway through Boxer's words, his face changed due to the sound of shouting and running outside.

"Unfortunately, I haven't learned how to cast spells silently." Gui Luo held up the sword and shield summoned by magic, and began to approach Boxer, as if planning to counterattack.

"You can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime." The bald boxer quickly downed a bottle of the medicine that seemed to be unpalatable, and then disappeared into the air.

【He drank the invisibility potion and escaped through the window, now what? 】

‘Hey hey hey, I was worried about how to house an old lady, but now it’s all right, I don’t have to hesitate to throw it directly to the Master Academy, but before that, I have to make a fake corpse first, and——’


"Dean Gui Luo!"

Vice-principal Constance Mitchell rushed in just in time to see me stab Guiluo to death with the black dragon banner.

After pausing for a while to make sure she saw my appearance and clothing clearly, I turned around and jumped out of the window, while the bear children who heard the news were still cheering "Aventus did it" and "Long live the Dark Brotherhood".

I heard that Sister A has a magical skill of "no matter where you are in the ends of the world, as long as you fall asleep, you will catch it", I want to try it, and go to Songjiade to sleep when I turn back.

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