The Collection of The End

Two thousand and seventy-two, North American Mythical War (22)

Sea restaurant.

"I said Xiaojing, you don't want to run for president, do you?"

Caroline asked after sending Steve away with a small cake as usual.

"What? I don't do that kind of thankless thing," I glanced at her: "Remember Mark Twain's "Running for Governor?"

"Who dares to throw dirty water on Miss Fisk?" Max continued.

"There must be a brave man under a heavy reward," I tapped on the counter with my cane: "They really found five brats with different skin colors to call me mom. Can I still fill them with cement and throw them into Tokyo Bay?"

"Did you, the underworld daughter, go to the wrong set?" Caroline complained.

"Really, forget about those agents, you still don't know what I'm doing?" I called up my "task list" on the multi-tool and showed it to the two of them: "'Get to know a superhero and give him "Upgrade your reputation to friendly', this task should be completed, right?"

"Yes, it's done," Caroline nodded: "Feeding small cakes will increase your reputation. From now on, we will be called the 'Cake Man'."

"Do you give small cakes to people when you see them? It's not impossible," Max touched his chin: "Now that Thor has not come, the Hulk is unknown, and Natasha and Hawkeye will only be sent to research, otherwise they will go Looking for Iron Man?”

"It's no use, he never takes things from other people's hands." Caroline waved her hands repeatedly.

"If you put it like that, will it increase your reputation if you don't hand it to him directly?" Max began to think.

I looked at the task panel and fell into thinking. Of course, the content was completely different from the two "roommates".

What is certain at present is that the "debt" debu is operating normally, and all the wages I paid them privately have been spent by them at an outrageous speed. Of course, they will not feel that they are new here and have nothing to ask for. What's wrong with spending more money.

But it was very troublesome for "Cosmic God" to give feedback based on the behavior of Caroline and Max, which led to me having no idea how much settings to set for "Rachel Fisk".

An inappropriate metaphor is that the son or grandson of the chairman of a family business goes to the grassroots to experience life. Of course, he can pay himself any salary he wants, but he must refer to how much his colleagues in similar situations get. The most troublesome thing is Yes, the accountant and cashier are more serious and responsible and will not tell their colleagues how much they should pay.

I found a job, got a place to live, and got to know Captain America and the relationship was pretty good, so I had to give him some reward, right?

Because it's not interesting at all, just an ordinary job, an ordinary residence, getting to know the captain in an ordinary way and improving our relationship in an ordinary way. 】

‘…Are the Lezi people so strict nowadays? ’

No, I am just recommending others based on my own opinion. Even I find it boring. Do you expect the well-informed Demon God of the Universe to buy it? 】

‘Did you just admit that you are ignorant? ’

There is no such thing! 】

'But now the plot has just begun, there is nothing interesting at all. According to the timeline, the next step is the Hulk fighting the Abomination, then the guy playing the lightning whip fighting Iron Man, and then the arrival of Thor and the Destroyer. It's easy to participate in these events, but it doesn't seem to be easy for people to make a fool of themselves or act inappropriately. ’

Let the Hulk grab Thor and throw him, and then say, "What a weak god"? 】

'so so. ’

Let hatred and whips fight? 】

‘They are not of the same weight class, are they? ’

Iron Man and Destroyer have a super robot battle? 】

'You want to kill Stark? ’

Actually, there is another biggest problem. You may have the opportunity to participate in these big events, but how do the bankrupt sisters get their contribution? Use small cakes? 】

‘...Let them join SHIELD and participate as agents? ’

Although there are many superpowers in S.H.I.E.L.D., it is not a superhero organization itself. 】


Snapped! Snapped!

At this moment, two gunshots came from the street outside. Judging from the direction, it seemed to be the direction Captain America left.

Does anyone really dare to stroke a tiger's beard?

I opened the multi-purpose tool and called up the real-time monitoring along the way, and Caroline and Max, who had lost track of the topic, also came over.

After a few simple adjustments, I quickly found Captain America and the famous workman Phil Coulson, who had left not long ago.

The gunfire rang out in a supermarket, where three gangsters wearing body armor, tactical vests and hoods were rushing out of the supermarket brandishing pistols.

"Don't look at me," I knew without looking up that Caroline and Max were staring at me: "These guys are obviously 'outsiders', or simply ordinary criminals who acted on the spur of the moment. The store owner probably asked who they were. The gang, who is the leader, do you know who owns this shop, and so on, which pissed off these grassroots gang members."

"American gangsters force you to act like Young and Dangerous, okay." Max nodded.

"When the market opens, how many seconds will the captain kill these guys? I'll wait for 20 seconds first." Caroline shouted.

"Captain doesn't have a shield, I'll suppress him for 30 seconds." Max continued.

"Well... Then I'll lose if I beat the captain." I stared at the few people in the corner of the screen.

It was a strange young man wearing a simple and even ugly spider uniform, and a gray-haired uncle not far behind him who had just turned the corner.

"What?" Caroline and Max looked at the screen together, and two seconds later shouted together: "No, no! Why is Peter Parker here?"

"Because Hell's Kitchen is the only place he can find in New York to fight." I poked at the screen and projected the surveillance footage onto the wall.

"Get out of the way!]" The gangster brandished his gun and rushed towards Peter Parker, who was not yet Spider-Man, but he actually got out of the way, exposing Ben Parker, who was following him because he was worried about his nephew, to the gangster's gun. Under the mouth.

Ben Parker didn't know whether he didn't react or recognized Peter in front of him, and stood in the way of the gangster blankly.

"You want to be a hero!?]" The furious robber pointed his gun directly at Ben Parker.

Boom boom boom!


At this moment, Steve, who was originally hiding in the corner, planning to wait for the gangsters to come over and launch a surprise attack, suddenly jumped out, grabbed Ben Parker, rolled him on the spot and took him to another street corner, but a bullet had already been fired. It got into his lower back and dyed a large area of ​​his clothes red.

"Uncle Ben!]"

"Captain Steve!]"

Peter Parker and Coulson each roared angrily, and then rushed towards the three gangsters who were preparing to continue their escape.

"I'm willing to admit defeat," I looked away from the surveillance screen and looked at my two "roommates": "The banker takes all."

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