The Collection of The End

Two thousand and seventy-three, North American Mythical War (23)


Gotham, restaurant on the sea.

Since it has the appearance of a yacht, it naturally has guest rooms, as well as rest and entertainment rooms for guests.

However, due to the high fees and the involvement of the Wayne family and the Cobot family, no one took the initiative to move in. Therefore, the title of "first tenant" was taken by the former Queen of Atlantis.

As soon as she moved in, the sound of shuffling and stacking cards could be heard from time to time in the entertainment room.

"I'm willing to admit defeat," Atlanna pushed the cards in front of her: "The dealer takes all."

"What?" Lin Xinping stared at her cards: "How old are you?"

"No, it has nothing to do with age, it's just a matter of luck." Atlanna pursed her lips and tried not to laugh.

After staying here for so many days, this mermaid from Atlantis has regained 70% to 80% of her elegance that belongs to a queen. Every move she makes is full of aura, and her smiles are bright and charming. Even Martha Wayne specially picked the mermaid for her. Those dresses were lined to look like the workmanship of a country tailor.

Hmm... I haven't paid much attention to celebrities before, so I'll wait and see how this one named Nicole Kidman is doing when I go back.

By the way, the conversion between the mermaid's legs and the fish's tail only needs to be completely submerged in the water for a period of time, and it can be freely converted in both directions without any cost. Andersen's setting is purely malicious speculation.

"I think what she actually meant was, 'Why is it always you?' This is..." Jin Jing paused: "It's the way of speaking they learned from me."

After all, the appearance of Ye Ke and Lin Xinping at the moment, Max and Caroline, are of standard European and American ethnicity, and it is impossible for them to learn this cultural difference on their own.

The language translation function of Lord God seems to be based on what he really wants to express when he speaks. Although sometimes it feels like a translation film, there is no problem in communication. However, if someone like Lin Xinping actively uses non-"thinking language", the other party will You will hear the original pronunciation.

Of course, no matter how they spoke, the NPCs turned a deaf ear to the plot, main gods, tasks and other topics they mentioned.

"Alas..." Ye Ke, or Max, pushed the dollar in front of Atlanna and turned to look at Jin Jing: "Xiao Jing, is this what you call a 'layman'?"

"Maybe there is a novice protection period?" Jin Jing spread her hands: "In any case, it is impossible for the mermaids of Atlantis to have touched mahjong, right?"

"It's really just a matter of luck." Atlanna seemed unable to hold back her smile and raised her hand to cover her mouth.

"Hey... I originally wanted to win some 'settlement allowance' from her, but ended up losing my own salary." Lin Xinping, or Caroline, shook her head.

"Whatever you want, I'll buy it for you, or ask Wayne or Copot to reimburse it," Jin Jing looked at her: "Don't worry about Atlanna, she still has a husband and children to support."

Moreover, you are obviously two spiritual beings, why can you still spend money?

"No, you don't understand," Caroline replied: "Having money but not spending it, and having no money but not needing to spend it, are two different concepts."

"Indeed." Max nodded.

So don’t just stare at Atlanna who has no money and still needs to spend money.

Jin Jing glanced at Atlanna, and she was no longer an ordinary "shipwreck victim."

Previously, Gotham's "Shadow Parliament" made a decision to take in and protect Atlanna, her husband and children, and to provide help in the possible future battle to restore the country, on the condition that Atlanna needs to help investigate. She will solve the problem of Gotham's "maddening rain" and provide the Atlantis technology or magic that she can provide based on her current situation. If she returns to the position of queen in the future, she will need to ensure friendly relations with Gotham.

The whole plan sounds like taking in an exiled prince, and all the investment in her is for future benefits, while risking the possibility of facing an attack by the entire empire.

But you don’t need to analyze it carefully to know that a person in power who can oust the current queen and exile her is obviously not a pacifist. Human beings have no chance and it is impossible to contact and negotiate with him, let alone little Gotham. .

The icing on the cake is not as good as providing help in times of need, especially when Gotham itself is facing the threat of the "Court of Owls". A mermaid who knows "water" very well is very necessary.

Regarding the "Court of Owls" organization, Jin Jing didn't pay much attention to Batman's background and had no idea at all. However, Lin Xinping and Ye Ke, who should have been familiar with each other, "lost their memory". As a result, the three "travelers" had to listen to "indigenous" Explain the plot.

It is said that it is a secret organization that has existed since the establishment of Gotham. They have been secretly controlling the development of Gotham through various means. Whether it is the proliferation of gangs, rampant crime, corruption of politicians, and incompetence of the police, it is all they want. As a result, anyone who wants to change this will not end well.

This kind of thing was originally just a folklore, just like a story made up by parents to scare their children. After all, the whole legend cannot explain why this strange organization wants to turn Gotham into a crime capital. What good does it do to them? ?

Now, a mermaid queen from Atlantis has added the final piece to the legend.

The rain in Gotham can make people crazy.

As an "outsider", Jin Jing could not get anything from this strange information, but the people in the "Shadow Parliament" quickly came to a conclusion after correcting the code with nursery rhymes:

The "maddening rain" was just a by-product of the original goal of "Court of Owls", and because the impact was negligible - Gotham is already full of lunatics - there was no attempt to hide it.

And if it is just loose scraps, further diluted by water circulation, and still has the effect of making people crazy, then it is simply unimaginable what effect the body of "that substance" can achieve.

mind control? telepathy? A cure-all? Rejuvenation? Resurrection from the dead?

It is speculated that they have one and only one purpose in turning Gotham into a crime capital, and that is to reject all discerning and sober outsiders to avoid being discovered by others about the existence of "that substance".

The bad news is that their control over Gotham is beyond imagination. Otherwise, after all the years of Gotham's development, why have no scientists discovered that getting caught in the rain will cause you to go crazy?

And the good news is that their research on "that substance" apparently hasn't been successful yet.

After such a long period of control, the successors of the "Court of Owls" must be very confident in their control over Gotham, and their vigilance in concealing their whereabouts and control methods should have been relaxed a lot. With deliberate calculations and unintentional calculations, " With its own strength, the "Shadow Parliament" will definitely be able to catch them by the tail and dig them all out.

Hmm... This should be considered a "big event", right?


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