The Collection of The End

Two thousand and seventy-seven, North American Mythical War (27)


Gotham, Crime Alley.


With exaggerated shouts, a gentleman in a tuxedo and a woman in an evening gown fell down in front of Bruce Wayne. The woman even tore off the pearl necklace around her neck before falling.

"What does this mean?]" Bruce, wearing the Bat Armor, used the voice changer in his throat to make a hoarse voice.

This device was made based on Alfred's suggestion. After all, Batman always has to speak when fighting crime, and it has to be distinguished from Bruce Wayne's voice. If you don't use the device for a long time and speak directly with your throat, it will be harmful to Bad vocal cords.

Today is the first anniversary of Bruce's debut as Batman. Since this is barely an anniversary, he made a temporary plan to visit the place where his parents were killed. However, he met a madman who was inexplicably acting here.

"What? Can't you see? Batman, of course it's a gift! It's - oh, sorry, a gift shouldn't know what it's being given for."

Standing opposite the bat is a man in strange attire. He is thin, wearing a long purple suit, with green hair, pale clown makeup on his face, a funny red nose, and waving hands. Holding a strange-looking pistol.

"Little, Mr. Clown, we have followed your instructions, please-"

"You are not allowed to talk about gifts!"

The man wearing clown makeup hit the two people who pretended to be lying on the ground with two shots. They "gurgled" in their throats for a while and then fainted.

Batman looked at him silently, waiting for the next step.

When he went out to study as an apprentice, he thought that Gotham's biggest enemies were the various gangs headed by Falcone. However, after learning more about it, he discovered that Falcone actually maintained the balance of the gangs. If he was arrested or Killed, Gotham will be plunged into chaos until the next "Godfather" appears.

Before becoming Batman, he once believed that Gotham's biggest enemies were those who planned crimes. However, it took less than a year for these criminals to disappear in Gotham. He heard this from the gang leaders more than once. When they heard about the "Bat Devil" rumors, they even reminded each other to "use legal means to handle illegal things."

After becoming Batman, he believes that Gotham's biggest enemies are those unreasonable lunatics who don't even have a special purpose and just want to cause destruction, such as the "Scarecrow", "The Riddler", and "The Riddler" who have been captured by him. The "Mad Hatter" and the "Penguin" who were about to beat him up.

These people perfectly fit what the master told him, "lawful evil", "neutral evil" and "chaotic evil".

Now, here's another weird clown who doesn't seem to fit into any of the above categories.

"Happy birthday! Batman!" the man in clown makeup said, opening his arms, and then he was shocked: "What! Batman didn't try to rescue these two poor hostages!"

It doesn't surprise Batman that this man can guess his identity. Anyone who is interested can deduce who he is based on his height and build, as well as the cost of a set of Bat-series equipment.

Although Batman doesn't think he understands those madmen, it is certain that it is "Batman" not "Bruce Wayne" that they want to defeat.

Those who can reveal his identity cannot deduce his identity, and those who can deduce his identity cannot reveal it.

So, you can try chatting with this new madman to see what his purpose is. .

"That gun of yours is too light and cannot fire live ammunition.]" Batman answered the Joker's question.

"You actually underestimate Black Jack!" The Joker pointed the gun at Batman: "In addition to the anesthetic needle, it can also fire trackers, tear gas spray, pepper and lime!"

Batman raised his hand and flew a Batarang, blowing up the gun.


"Cough, cough, cough! Bah, bah! Evil-" The clown began to cough and jump around in a cloud of mist mixed with pepper powder and tear gas spray.

"You should be lucky that you are not carrying a deadly weapon," Batman said: "Otherwise you would have appeared on the street light outside the police station."

"Damn it! I've worked so hard to perform, and you don't want to laugh?" The clown raised his hand to disperse the tear gas spray around him: "Why are you so serious?"

"Because your performance is lame," Batman replied: "No circus with any taste will let you play."

"What!" The clown fell to his knees as if struck by lightning.

Two seconds later, he stood up, took out a small tape recorder from his pocket, and played an audio clip of thunder.

Boom! Katcha!

"What!" The clown fell to his knees.

"...]" Batman was silent for a few seconds: "If you don't have anything else to do, I'll leave first."

"Oh no! Wait! You haven't eaten the birthday cake yet!" The Joker jumped up from the ground, rummaged in his suit pocket, and then raised his hand and threw something at Batman.

That's a real gun.

Batman's eyes narrowed, he raised his hand and threw out a batarang with a chain, and rolled the gun into his hand. The feel and simple inspection proved that it was a real gun.

"Hey, don't stare at the cake knife. The cake is here." The clown pointed at his head: "My name is Joe Kerr. Come on, the person who killed your parents. Cut this cake. You can able--"


"..." The clown raised his head blankly, then raised his hand to touch the bullet-scorched hair on his head.

"You bet that I can't shoot, and I bet that your gun doesn't have bullets in it," Batman looked at the gun in his hand: "It seems we both lost."

"Haha...hehe...hahahahaha!" The clown laughed wildly while rolling on the ground holding his belly.

"In addition, the person who killed my parents was called 'Joe Chill'. He did not survive the next day. I suggest you confirm the source of the intelligence." Batman threw away the gun in his hand: "If you and others Like a lunatic who wanted me to beat him up and hang him in front of the police station, I could have just threatened the couple with a gun instead of asking them to pretend to be my parents and put on a crappy show.]"

"Oh, Batman, Batman." The clown rolled around a few more times, and when he saw Batman turning around to leave, he jumped up: "A poor clown is performing so hard in front of you, for God's sake, right?" Let him smile"

Batman stopped and was silent for two seconds, then turned to face the Joker.

He raised one hand and pushed up the corners of his mouth with his thumb and index finger.

"Hiss—" The clown's eyes widened, he took a breath, and then fainted.


The old man fan is already dizzy, right?

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