The Collection of The End

Two thousand and seventy-eight, North American Mythical War (28)


Gotham, restaurant on the sea.

Bruce Wayne was forced to smile, making this boy who seemed to have always been worried a lot cuter.

But that was useless. After Caroline and Max put down their hands, the corners of his mouth drooped again immediately.

"This kid is not cute at all," Caroline gave up her plan to make him laugh and turned to look at Jin Jing: "Is Batman such a boring person?"

No matter how he thought about it, he wouldn't laugh at a crazy woman who shot someone's head off in front of him, right? You Qi was also splattered with blood.

"I don't know," Jin Jing thought for a moment and spread his hands: "The only impressions I have of Batman are that he doesn't kill people, that he's an ordinary person with the ability to make money, that he has an old enemy called the Joker, and that he has a gay friend. Called Superman'."

"Is this the Iron Man of this world?" Max was still tossing the boy's face: "Perhaps we can design one for Aquaman when we are making his armor?"

"That kind of thing..."

"No need," Bruce glared, "I will design it myself when I grow up."

"Oh, so cute." Ye Ke rubbed his face hard: "Sister, I like this kind of character."

"I didn't expect you to be such a sister Ke." Lin Xinping expressed her contempt.

"Sister Caroline, sister Max, sister Bai, we are back!" A sturdy blond boy pushed open the door to the rest area: "Oswald died in the middle of training. It's so inferior."

"You can't apply Atlantis' physical fitness to ordinary people, muscle fool Arthur." Behind the blond boy was a thin black-haired boy with a slightly hooked nose and sweat stains on his forehead. .

"Really?" The blond boy scratched his head: "But Bruce can finish it faster than us?"

"Maybe he's cheating. After all, he's the cunning Wayne." The hook-nosed boy glanced at Bruce.

"Do you want to fight? Penguin!" Bruce broke away from Ye Ke.

"Who is afraid of whom? Bat!" Oswald responded without any sign of weakness.

"Can't fight, can't fight"

"What are the benefits of Jin Gaola? Whoever is right will give it to him."

"..." Jin Jing looked speechlessly at the two roommates who were trying to break up the fight, but were actually fighting.

By the way, what is Jin Kaila? Did they secretly give themselves nicknames?

After a flurry of jingles and jingling bells, Ye Ke and Lin Xinping each pulled Bruce Wayne and Arthur Curry, who for some reason joined the war and became the main force, while Jin Jing could only hold on silently and didn't need to. Oswald Cobblepot.

Pronounced as Restaurant on the Sea, written as Gotham Kindergarten.

The current situation is that Gotham's "Shadow Parliament", while still lacking in strength, regards both the "Court of Owls" and the "Kingdom of Atlantis" as enemies, which means that there is no possibility of their plans being leaked. , it was finally decided that both the making of plans and the development of armor would be carried out at the sea restaurant. Now, it was good. There was no possibility of entertaining ordinary guests in the guest rooms on the third floor.

The Wayne family and the Cobot family secretly tested and contacted other Gotham families and provided funds. Falcone provided contacts and production lines, Atlanna provided technical support, and Thomas Curry was responsible for training himself.

After everyone divided the work, they discovered that Jin Jing and her restaurant on the sea had no role at all except for making connections, so they forced the party venue, security guards and childcare tasks to be filled in.

I have to say that this arrangement is surprisingly suitable. The "Westward Journey Chamber of Commerce" was also like this at the beginning. It left all the tedious and boring work to the squadron and drove the flagship fleet around for fun. But now, because of various "dominance" and " With the existence of "Simulation Management Mini Game", anyone with any hostility will be caught directly.

The only problem is that while the adults have cooperated, their next generation seems to be a little, well, not "kind of" at odds.

Perhaps due to his family education, Bruce has always had a kind of arrogance, and Oswald also looked down upon him. Arthur is a simple child, but he has a bad mind and is easy to get into trouble. When Bruce and Oswald When Germany's battle affects him, he will happily fight with the first person who attacks him-this person is Bruce in most cases.

"Hold on, kids, want to try some of my cookies?"

“There are also special iced drinks.”

Alfred Pennyworth and Nora Fries each walked in with snacks and drinks. The children who were originally squinting their noses and eyes were attracted by the aroma of the snacks and fell silent.

Alfred is the butler of the Wayne family. He is versatile in housework and has extraordinary strength. He is good at cooking all kinds of desserts. On the day of the Wayne couple's accident, he took a chance and did not go with them but prepared a supper at home. The result was bad. A moment separated us forever, and now he was determined not to leave Bruce.

As for Nora, she is the wife of Victor Fries, the armor designer who has recently joined the Gotham Shadow Council. She suffers from a kind of "degenerative" disease, specifically unexplained aging. Kedo used cryogenic technology to freeze her in order to find a cure.

He is just a cryogenic scientist and cannot be said to know anything about medicine, but the medical knowledge related to freezing is of no help in curing his wife's disease.

The words Jin Jing used to accuse Thomas were completely inapplicable to Victor, because before receiving the invitation from the Wayne family, he was completely on the scientific side. It was basically impossible to cure Nora with scientific methods.

Since the Sea King armor designed for Thomas must be able to fly and move in the 10,000-meter-deep sea, conventional technology cannot handle such extremely cold and high-pressure environments, and Victor's research results in order to freeze and maintain his wife's life are just right. Can.

The Wayne family's initial recruitment failed because none of Gotham's four major families had medical industries or cutting-edge laboratories. Rather than rashly changing owners, he believed that his previous experiment in developing cryonics was still the same. The room suits him better.

Then, Wayne and Cobot killed Nora first and transfused Atlanna's blood to Nora.

Mermaid blood.

Now, Victor has to face a similar problem to Thomas: while he is old, his wife is still young and beautiful, and will remain young and beautiful for at least eight hundred years.

However, before he could figure out how to deal with this lifespan problem, he had to help Thomas build the Neptune Armor.

By the way, because of the cryonics he was researching so hard, he himself was the one to be frozen, so everyone gave Victor a nickname:

"Old Popsicle".

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