The Collection of The End

Two thousand and seventy-nine, North American Mythical War (29)

——Marvel, 2010——

Clinton District, Sea Restaurant.

"Hey, let me see who this is? An old popsicle that has been frozen for 70 years?]"

"Then what are you? A salesperson of Lego toys?"

Peng! winter!

"You've never heard of Iron Man? Didn't SHIELD send you a mobile phone?]"

"I'm sure it should have a spam-blocking function."

Boom! Snapped!

"I've made it clear that I know your origins clearly, why don't you stop?!]"

"No, I want to teach Howard a lesson for his incompetent son."

"Didn't you recognize it too!]"

Boom! Wow!

Two big boys...

Standing on the third floor of the deck, Natasha watched Tony Stark and Steve Rogers fight in the sea restaurant, fighting from the third floor to the second floor, and then to the first floor, leaving only a mess wherever they passed. .

Should I say he deserves to be Captain America? He woke up half an hour after the bullet was taken out, and was able to catch Iron Man, who had just penetrated the zenith and made a grand debut, and gave him a good beating.

It's a good thing that Steve is back to health, but if they make a big fuss here, will Rachel Fisk ask for compensation?

It's fine if it's just money or materials, but it's troublesome if it's something abstract, such as asking to pass or veto certain laws.

"Whatever the Fisk family wants, they will take it themselves." Rachel, or "Miss Jin Jing" suddenly said.

Mind reading?

Natasha turned to look at her and took half a step back calmly.

"Not mind reading,"

The young woman in a white suit pushed the brim of her top hat with her cane:

"It's magic."

Natasha was silent for a few seconds, until Captain America and Iron Man knocked over another table, and then she spoke: "SHIELD has heard a little bit about Miss Jin Jing's control of the Fisk family. Your opponents generally don't care. You are called the 'devil who sees people's hearts', and you can see through anyone's thoughts at a glance."

"You can't do that kind of thing with just one glance," "Jin Jing" replied, "It takes several glances."

"..." Natasha did not respond, and instead began to quickly let the relevant information pass through her mind.

Obviously, she will not explain how she did it, but whether it is technological means or magical means, SHIELD has a response, because it was originally established to contact and control people with "superpowers", and mind reading is just One of the most common.

According to the intelligence collected by S.H.I.E.L.D., the gangster daughter seemed to be able to talk to fish, call out giant sea creatures to escort ships or deliberately hinder rival ships, and also created some wonderful little creatures to act as unmonitored telephone calls.

These tendencies are extremely obvious, and the sudden appearance of "superpowers" when she was assassinated makes people have to doubt her ancestry.

"Kingpin" is a powerful gang godfather, but because of this, his intelligence is more detailed, and no matter how the SHIELD intelligence personnel analyze it, there is no sign that he uses abilities other than his own muscles.

If there is no problem with her father, then the problem is naturally her mother.

Vanessa Fisk, a killer with mysterious origins, was attracted to Kingpin during an assassination attempt. After killing her employer, Kingpin washed his hands, got married and had a daughter, and Kingpin also cooperated in announcing his retirement.

This is truly a "fairy couple" with a "talented man and a beautiful woman", and there seems to be no doubt about it, if it weren't for SHIELD not being able to find out Vanessa's origins at all.

It was not until recently that Captain America was discovered and rescued from an undersea iceberg, and some dusty intelligence was unsealed, that SHIELD began to think about another possibility. Perhaps, Vanessa is the same as the original "Captain America" ​​and "Human Torch" Namor, the king of the sea who fights against Cristina together with "humantorch", is a mermaid from the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, who is of the same race?

If you think about it carefully, all of Rachel Fisk's abilities are more or less related to the ocean or marine life, and Namor, the king of the sea, also has the ability to perceive the mind, but it is achieved by absorbing and analyzing the thinking of intelligent creatures. Externally released pheromones are completely ineffective against Captain America, who says whatever he thinks, and the Human Torch, whose body is made of flames.

A more direct evidence is that when Jin Jing met Captain America for the first time, he clearly stated that he was a "shipwrecked person", a fact that ordinary people could not see at all. Steve's intuitive impression.

There is still the possibility of further digging into the intelligence, but unless SHIELD intends to anger "Jin Jing", the small actions must stop here. Although Captain America, Human Torch and Neptune Namor jointly formed the earliest "Revenge" in order to defeat Hydra. Alliance", but that doesn't mean that other members of Namor's tribe will look at humans differently.

At present, it seems that Rachel may indeed have strength and great potential, but she may not be as good as her senior.

For example, during the short period of time when she was thinking rapidly, she was looking at herself blankly, with a confused expression on her face that said, "Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?"

Nick Fury has said that he has plans to reorganize the "Avengers". The initial candidates he plans to recruit are "Iron Man", "Captain America" ​​and "The Hulk". Now, I am afraid that this will also be included... um... ..."Daughter of the Sea"?


At this moment, a young man wearing a baggy red and blue suit, a khaki hood, and an ugly spider pattern painted on his chest swung in from the window with a thin white string in his hand.

"Mr. Rogers, I think I...oh!" He squatted down to avoid a flying table, and then quietly poked his head: "Oh my God, is that Iron Man? I have always admired him, I can and Do you want to take a photo with him? If there is a signature on the photo, Harry will definitely be jealous of him."

"Who is this again? Pajama baby?]" Stark looked back at the young man in his busy schedule: "No matter who you are, come and help me stuff this old popsicle back into the refrigerator. I can give you an autograph and a photo." beat.】"

"Don't interfere, kid," Steve said: "He smashed public facilities without intending to pay compensation, and set off fireworks at the scene to celebrate. As an elder, I must teach him a lesson."

"I told you! I bought this restaurant!]"

"It seems that there are still bragging and lying problems that need to be corrected."

"Oh..." The young man in the spider suit looked around and approached Caroline and Max, who were watching the battle in the corner: "Although it may not be appropriate now, do you have any remaining cakes? I wanted to bring some to my uncle, you know, he had a big scare and he should have something sweet, I mean, they were really delicious."

"Of course." The two waitresses looked at each other, showing suspicious smiles, and then each took the young man's arm: "Come with my sister."

"You two, it's almost done, after all-" "Jin Jing" raised his voice and said.

Stark and Steve each stopped and looked towards the third deck, waiting for the next words from the owner of this place.

"...He is still a child." "Jin Jing" added.

Peng! winter! Iron Man and Captain America took the opportunity to sneak attack each other, but no one took advantage.


Trivia: "Aquaman" is the only superhero that Marvel DC has with similar abilities.

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