The Collection of The End

Two Thousand and Eighty, North American Mythical War (30)

New York, restaurant on the sea.

After Ye Ke and Lin Xinping dragged the little spider away, I continued to watch the fight between Iron Man and Captain America on the third floor of the restaurant. Rounding it off, this was the drama of the Civil War that was staged in advance.

As for Natasha... Ayanami's abilities are not easy to use at all!

A relatively simple person like Shinji Ikari can still see his thoughts clearly when they come out sentence by sentence, but this S.H.I.E.L.D. agent found her almost immediately after I played a classic trick of "not mind-reading, not reading" on her. Coping method - information bombardment.

S.H.I.E.L.D.’s countermeasures, Kingpin’s intelligence, Vanessa’s intelligence, “Jinjing”’s intelligence, the first-generation Avengers...

Her "thought bubble" instantly became like boiling water. She hadn't read the word in the previous one clearly, but five words had already passed by. It didn't even provide pause and scroll functions. Of course, it's not impossible to read it if you really want to. , but it would be too outrageous to use the power of time on such a trivial matter.

In the end, her thoughts stabilized, but they would only pop up: "As expected of the mermaid princess", "Isn't the heroic title 'Daughter of the Sea' not a good one?", "Can she and Fury's cat be friendly? How about getting along?" and other thought bubbles.

I'm not a mermaid! I don’t want the title of hero! Is the element-devouring beast more edible than the stupid system?

Bah, I don’t know how to eat the Cosmic Cube. ] The stupid system protested.

‘Is it because you are square? ’


Sure enough, it would be impossible for someone other than a professional like Professor x to handle this kind of thing.

If you have nothing to do in the future, just use it to catch Hydra or have some fun. It's better not to expose this ability if it's not necessary.

Ignoring this S.H.I.E.L.D. agent for the time being, I turned my attention back to the "Civil War" scene.

Judging from the current battle situation, we have to admit that the gunshot wound is indeed a scratch to Steve Rogers.

He was even able to hold Tony Stark down and beat him with his bare hands shortly after the bullet was removed.

Is there a possibility? Is this because Iron Man didn't use his full strength? 】

'Even if Iron Man doesn't use powerful weapons, the Mark armor itself can use quite a lot of power. He is Stark, and he won't give in just because Captain America and his father are old friends. ’

And Captain America was even more ruthless because of this relationship. 】

'And speaking of the reason for Steve's explosion... Just now Iron Man fell from the sky, smashed through the ceiling, and then set off fireworks. Did it sound like artillery shells falling and machine gun fire? ’

Actually it's not very similar, you mean he has PTSD? 】

'No, Captain America won't get it if he has PTSD, but this little stimulation should be enough to wake up the old popsicle from his coma. ’

So now the pressure is on Ben Parker. 】

'Impossible, now that the character initialization stage has passed, there is no way to settle the accounts no matter how you think about it——'

Tip: 'Spider-Man' Peter Parker has entered a state of 'debt', and the current creditor is: the universe demon 'Spider Totem'. 】

In addition to his regular debts, Peter Parker still has a 'special debt' to repay: the life of a close relative. 】

After the regular debt is repaid, 'Spider-Man' will have all its abilities, but if the 'special debt' is not repaid, the upper limit of strength will not be able to exceed the 'single universe level'. 】


I looked at the kitchen and then at Iron Man, who was struggling to fend off Captain America's attack.

Hello, Ben Stark.


In the end, this pre-rehearsed "Civil War" ended, because Agent Phil Coulson, who escaped directly before the fight started, brought back Captain America's shield.

All attacks were blocked and he was hit with heavy punches. Iron Man soon took the initiative to distance himself and surrendered.

"Is your way of breaking up the fight just by providing weapons to one of the parties?" Tony Stark sat on an overturned stone counter, opened his head armor and complained to Natasha.

"At least it's effective," Natasha raised her chin and gestured to Steve, who was holding the shield: "Captain never bullies the weak."

"Weak?" Stark frowned, looked at the shield with red circles and five-pointed stars, and then snorted: "Things like the sound-absorbing steel vibranium are just cheating when I can't use thermal weapons. .”

"If you are not convinced, I can put down my shield and continue to fight you," Steve stared at him seriously: "Until you apologize and compensate the owner of this restaurant for damaging the property."

"This is my restaurant! You can say I disrupt public order, but you can't say I damage other people's property!" Stark stared.

"Are you still lying?" Steve also raised his voice: "I pass by this restaurant almost every day, and its owner is not you."

"Do you know what online payment is, old antique!" Stark knocked on his chest: "Jarvis, project the transfer contract."

"Sorry, sir, there is no contract.]" A synthesized voice that sounded like an older man came from the armor.

"No contract?" Stark raised his eyebrows: "I'm sure I asked you to buy this restaurant an hour ago."

"The acquisition cannot be completed, sir. This restaurant has no homepage and contact information, and does not provide reservations or takeaways. Except for registration information, all content about it on the Internet is the evaluation of third-party websites or individuals,]" Jarvis Answer: "So you did damage property that did not belong to you.]"

"How is that possible?" Stark turned his head and looked around: "Is the owner of this restaurant even more antique than an antique?"

"I'm really sorry for being an old antique." I held on to the handrail of the wooden escalator in as noble and elegant a manner as I could and walked slowly down: "I don't connect the restaurant to the Internet and I don't do takeout. I'm just too lazy to manage comments. If someone leaves a If you get bad reviews, you have to follow the network cable to kill people, which would be too much trouble."

"..." Stark paused for two seconds, obviously quickly browsing the information about "Golden Crystal" sent to him by Jarvis, and then said: "Hello, Miss Fisk, you can name the number, I promise Not counter-offer."

Whatever amount she said, I would double it. 】

Stark is not afraid of gangs yet, but there is no need to get too involved. 】

Although I'm tempted to say "half of Stark Industries' cash flow" and see if he can double it, let's forget it.

"Uh-huh," I didn't respond, but looked at Steve: "Fighting can't be done by one person, captain, what do you think?"

"My conditions are the same, but I'm afraid I have to let SHIELD pay in advance." Captain America said.

My conditions are the same, but I'm afraid I have to ask SHIELD to pay in advance. 】

This is another way to destroy Ayanami's ability. He can say whatever he thinks. After getting to know Steve for so many days, the bubbles popping up above his head are just subtitles. I almost don't bother to watch them.

"Then," I paused: "I am a tolerant and peace-loving person. Please give me a hug and sincerely praise each other, so you don't have to compensate."


I don't really care, but the God of Space would love to see this.


"Huh? What happened? Did they shake hands and make peace?"

Perhaps because the sound of fighting stopped, Caroline and Max walked out of the kitchen with Peter Parker.

Then I saw Stark and Captain America sitting far away from each other, one looking at the ground and the other looking at the sky, seeming to be doubting life.

How to put it, it was nothing. The "uncle" and the "nephew" had just had a close and friendly exchange before. They just praised each other, which made both parties somewhat unacceptable.

In addition, it was a very difficult job to recreate. It would take a long time to repay the debt, so I took a closer look at "Spider-Man".

The current Peter Parker is not even Spider-Man. His hood is a woolen hat and windproof glasses, and his mouth is not even covered. Looking at the debris on his lips and his red chin, you can tell that he has been raped by two people just now. Roommates" feed.

You are such an innocent boy, but it’s a pity that those two big sisters are just trying to boost your reputation. Even if there is a liking factor, they are the kind of people who like paper people, so you should just go and find you honestly... uh... it seems Is every version different?

At this time, Peter Parker was staring at Stark and Steve. He should have recognized these two legends before, but he obviously did not have the confidence to talk to him - this was due to his lack of spider power after he obtained it. You can see it when you go to black boxing for money.

"Oh, by the way, although I just said that I don't need to compensate, you have made my place a mess and I won't be able to open for at least two or three days. It shouldn't be too much to make a small request, right?" I said to Stark and Shi Tiff said.

"Of course, no problem." Captain America replied without thinking.

"Actually, that's exactly what I came for, but I was interrupted by Popsicle." Iron Man looked at Caroline and Max.

At least those two girls had no problem with their backgrounds. They were brought back and given to Pepper to work. 】

Sure enough, there was no man in Stark's eyes.

"I hope, Mr. Stark, you can provide this kid with an internship," I pointed at Peter: "He went to fight in an underground boxing match organized by the local gang. This is too much for a student who has not yet graduated. It’s too dangerous, by the way, he is a genius in mechanics and biology.”

"No one is more talented than Stark!" Stark looked at Peter carefully: "But if he is really good, I will consider it."

To be honest, things like spider silk launchers are really not something that ordinary people can build.

"In addition, Captain, I think you should notice the difference in him," I turned to Steve: "I think Captain America should have sufficient experience in guiding a boy who has just gained special abilities how to use his power correctly. Maybe, when you have free time, you can train him?"

"It seems that he does lack exercise. Even in my time, such an old boy would not blush just because he said a few words to a girl." Steve nodded, then frowned: "You can't turn off That kind of place?"

"There are always people who think basketball and football are not exciting enough, and there are always people who want to make a fortune from similar things," I spread my hands: "I don't know about other cities, but at least in New York, under the control of the Fisk family Underground boxing is an ordinary competitive event with complete medical protection, fair and just procedures, and full monthly taxes, but it just looks a little violent."

"Indeed." Coulson nodded.

"In fact, I already found out on the first day that Peter concealed his age and came here." I looked at the shocked trainee Spider-Man: "So, the opponents arranged for him were also other rich people who came here to seek help. Exciting young man."

"What? Isn't it unfair for me to say why they are so weak?" Peter Parker said without thinking.

"Pfft." Natasha covered her mouth and laughed.

"I understand. I will be responsible for teaching him well and letting him understand how to use his power." Steve looked at Peter: "Sorry, I just forgot to ask, are you willing to accept it yourself?"

"Oh, yes, of course," Peter suddenly stood up for some reason: "I am very honored to be able to accept the guidance of Captain America. Moreover, you were injured trying to save Uncle Ben... Huh? Is your injury completely healed? "

"That little injury is nothing to worry about," Steve said, "Since you mentioned it, let me ask you, why did you let the gangster go at that time?"

"Well, because they have guns and there are many people," Peter scratched his head: "I'm afraid they will hurt me. It will be difficult to explain when I get home later. It will be even more troublesome if they find out that I got paid for playing games. "

"So, is this fear stronger than the fact that you found out that they were about to hurt your uncle?"

"Oh, no! I regretted it so much at the time. If I had known that Uncle Ben was following me, I would never have let those three bad guys go. If I had stopped them in advance, Mr. Rogers, you would not have been hurt. Oh, By the way, uncle, he is fine and asked me to express my gratitude to you." Peter said incoherently.

"That's the problem, kid," Captain America walked up to Peter and patted him on the shoulder: "We can't be sure whether a threat we let go will hurt the people we value, so when we have When we are capable, we must eliminate any threat that may affect the people we love, which is why we must proactively fight against Fasci and Kina even though they do not directly affect the United States."

"You're right, Mr. Rogers." Peter nodded repeatedly.

"You can just call me Steve, Peter," Captain America patted his shoulder again, retracted his hand, and stood up straight: "What I just said, combined with your previous experiences, is what I want to teach you. The first lesson, you can understand it this way——"

“The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.]”

Hey, someone else actually said this sentence. 】

‘I don’t know where this statement comes from, but I have to add “the greater the power” in the middle. Please, this is a magical world, and to gain power you must——’

Tip: 'Spider-Man' Peter Parker has paid off all his debts and all abilities granted by the 'Spider Totem' have been unlocked. 】

Special debt target has been locked: ‘Captain America’ Steve Rogers]


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