The Collection of The End

Two thousand and eighty-one, North American Mythical War (31)


Gotham, Iceberg Restaurant.

"Hello, this is Wayne Manor. I'm not at home right now. Please leave a message after the beep.]"


"Hey! Bruce!" Penguin held an umbrella in his hand and said in an exaggerated tone to the landline phone: "Today, there is a great party at the Iceberg Restaurant. The young masters and ladies from all the families in Gotham will come, except for one. No one was invited, guess who?”

"You hahahaha!"

Even speaking to an unanswered answering machine, this portly man in a tuxedo, with a hooked nose and dressed like a penguin, was still laughing wildly.

Until he was kicked to the ground by Batman who broke through the window.

"Hey! You're too petty, Bu...cough, I mean -" After getting up unsteadily, Penguin changed his words mid-sentence: "This is not the guardian of Gotham, the Dark Knight, mysterious and unknown. Is this Batman from the past? Why do you have time to come to Iceberg Restaurant? I'm really sorry, our reservation has been scheduled until next week, and even weirdos wearing bat suits can't jump in the queue."

"I need information about 'Killer Croc'.]" Batman said in a low and hoarse voice.

"What's a killer?" Penguin pushed up his monocle: "I know many killers, but I have never heard of this name."

"You support Maroni's fight with Falcone for control of the Gotham gang, and Falcone clearly warned his men not to enter the sewers to avoid encountering 'sewer crocodiles,'" Batman said: "So you You must know where he is.】"

"Okay, I did hear that Maroni hired a strange-looking thug from outside to fight against Falcone. Was he originally called 'Killer Croc'?" Penguin shook his head: "If I remember correctly , he should be in——"

Halfway through his words, Penguin suddenly raised his umbrella to Batman: "Here!"

boom! winter!

Batman slapped away the umbrella with one hand before anything could spray out. With the other hand, he directly grabbed Penguin's collar and lifted him up and pressed him against the wall.

"Where?]" He continued to ask after what he said before.

"Damn it! I surrender! Put me down and I'll tell you!" Penguin screamed.

Batman let go of his hand and let Penguin fall to the ground.

"Haha! You've been fooled! My weapons are not just umbrellas!" Penguin yelled while quickly touching other equipment on his body.

Peng! Peng! Katcha! Wow!

As if he had rehearsed in advance, Batman knocked away Penguin's hat, bow tie, boots and monocle in turn when he reached out. Some equipment was lifeless, while others were meaninglessly activated after flying out.

"Why do you know about my special equipment and their uses?" The completely disarmed Penguin now looked like a bankrupt gentleman and asked unwillingly.


Batman was silent for two seconds, then replied in a deep voice:

"Because I'm Batman.]"


After receiving information that "Killer Croc" was haunting the sewer mouth near the mouth of the Gotham River, Batman quickly left before the Penguin's men arrived.

Batman doesn't care about the current heir to the Cobblepot family, but Bruce Wayne has to consider the consequences of completely pissing him off.

He wants to stop the "chaos" in Gotham, not create "chaos."

However, many of the planned plans had not had time to be implemented, and the Penguin was solved by a more convenient solution.

Although Penguin is fat and ugly, he is very confident in his own intelligence and technology. If he were to use even one of those gadgets today, it would be much more difficult to obtain information from him.

If I were to give an honest answer to his question about equipment...

——Because I already know what functions you will attach to which parts, and what the specific startup sequence is.

--What? Where did you know that?

——In a dream.

This may sound like a provocation, but it's true.

Ever since he dreamed that his parents were saved by three crazy...three maverick women in Crime Alley, Bruce's occasional dreams had become a coherent series.

They opened a "sea restaurant" with strange rules, and joined forces with the Wayne family, the Cobot family and Falcone to eliminate the "Court of Owls" that secretly controls Gotham.

Then he picked up the mermaid princess who fell from the sky - this was the most dream-like development - and then prepared to go to war with Atlantis.

Bruce really wants to know what his parents in the dream are thinking. Has Gotham become so powerful? Who else are you going to fight? alien?

Of course, what he wanted to know more was the specific data on the armor developed by his parents, the cryogenic scientist named Victor, and the mermaid princess named Atlanna.

The time that Bruce enters the dream is not fixed each time, but he will definitely appear next to his childhood self and be restrained within a certain distance that is not too far away from little Bruce.

This resulted in him seeing some armor parameters and designs intermittently from various devices when he had the opportunity, but because he could not interfere with the dream and let the computer display the complete document, his reproduction of it in reality was always at a low level. degree.

During this period, the conflict between the teenage Penguin, Oswald Cobblepot Jr., and Bruce Wayne Jr. was an important reason that interfered with his learning of technology.

It was during this kind of fight between children that Bruce wrote down all Oswald's little tricks, and then discovered that the tricks of "Penguin" in "reality" were exactly the same as those in "dream", and "Iceberg" "Restaurant" and location are exactly the same as "Sea Restaurant".

Bruce did not feel happy about this or take everything in the "dream" seriously. After all, if this dream was deliberately guided by his enemies, the day he fully believed it would be when he fell into a trap.

However, this possibility can be said to be slim, because this strange dream seems to deliberately show that it is different from "reality".

Needless to say, there is a huge difference in the survival of his parents. Falcone does not control all the gangs in Gotham like reality. The Penguin's gang leader named Maroni is competing with him in all aspects.

There is no cryogenic scientist named Victor Fries, and there is no lighthouse keeper named Thomas Curry in Port Cien. As for Atlantis and the mysterious mermaid, there are not even rumors. Pass.

If the technology taken out of the "dream" could not be realized in "reality", Bruce might have used his psychological knowledge to prescribe a diagnosis of mental trauma and delusion for himself.

Those things can be put aside for now.

Batman stopped at a tall building near the mouth of the Gotham River, narrowing his eyes slightly and looking at the green monster that had just gotten into the sewer.

I got you, you little rat.


Gotham, Sea Restaurant Conference Room.

"I got you, you little rat."

Thomas Wayne placed a pushpin on the map of Gotham City at the mouth of the Gotham River.

Around the push pin, there are several arrows pointing to this location, and at the end of these arrows are some short reports and pictures, all of which either photographed or mentioned the "mysterious man in a cloak" and "claws".

"Although it is reasonable, it is a bit unbelievable." Tucker Cobot adjusted his tie: "If I secretly controlled a city, I would never put my base in the sewer. Maybe' Mr. Roman' would approve of that."

"Indeed," Falcone nodded, and then added: "But only if I am the only one in control."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"The 'Court of Owls' is an organization, and no organization can be monolithic. Rather, there is a high possibility of conflicts among its members." Falcone folded his fingers on the table: "In It makes sense to gather in a location that is relatively secretive, difficult to track or identify each other, and easy to get to and escape from.”

"You said it yourself, 'easy to reach and escape'," Thomas Wayne turned to look at him: "If we go to catch people in a big way, they will find out in advance. If we only send a small number of elites, they may escape."

"Perhaps, we can send someone who they think doesn't need to escape at all, but who has the ability to catch them all?" Falcone looked at Thomas Curry.

"Judging from the combat effectiveness of those 'Claws', they should not be a match for the 'Sea King' armor." Thomas Curry nodded.

"Yeah. Is their secret gathering place near the mouth of the sea?" Atlanna interjected: "Although I don't have the Trident of the Sea King, I can still control water to a certain extent. If the seawater is allowed to pour in, not only can it be blocked Their escape route will also allow Thomas' armor, which is built for underwater combat, to move more freely."

"Just right," Victor Freese grinned: "A battle of sufficient intensity wearing that armor can help me update the data."

Everyone present looked at each other, as if confirming whether there were any problems. Finally, they all turned their attention to Jin Jing, who was wandering in the sky.

"Miss Bai, what do you think?" Thomas Wayne asked.

"I have no objections," Jin Jing turned her attention away from the business simulation game and briefly recalled what they had just said: "The only requirement is that my two companions and I participate in this operation."

"Oh? Why?" Thomas Wayne demanded, while Tucker Cobot and Falcone grew thoughtful.


Do you want to say that there has been no progress at all in the side missions so far?

The job and house were settled, and I also met a "Neptune", but I couldn't find anything to "defeat" him.

In addition, the other members of this small group are not superheroes, and they are not a superhero team themselves. Apart from "stopping crimes" that they solve casually and "acquiring superpowers" that they don't know how to do, the only thing left is "participation" You can try to complete this item "Big Event".

"Why? Are you asking seriously? Mr. Wayne?" After Jin Jing thought briefly, she decided to let these crazy people think for themselves: "Do you think the Brando family sent the second heir here just to help? Did Gotham eliminate the person behind the scenes?"

"Well..." "Second pick..." "That's it."

As expected, Wayne and Cobot were lost in thought, the Neptune couple were a little confused, and Falcone showed a knowing smile.

"Don't be so pretentious, 'Roman,'" Cobot frowned and stared at Falcone: "Is this a slang that only the gang understands?"

"No, it's not that complicated," Falcone shook his finger: "Suppose, Cobot, suppose you have two sons, and you only have an estate that cannot be divided, and you are going to leave it to one of them. How can I compensate the other person?"

"Money? Connections? No..." Cobot raised his eyebrows: "Before I finally remove my burden, I will create enough opportunities for children who cannot receive inheritances to develop on their own, which means..."

After thinking briefly and coming up with their own answers, the allies once again turned their attention to Jin Jing.

Although the two roommates were entertaining the children outside, Jin Jing had already compiled, ahem, deduced the purpose of the "Brando Family" based on her experience in the world of One Piece.

"We call it 'Super Divine Water'," Jin Jing said, "It's exactly what Atlanna sensed, something that smells like alcohol and can make people go crazy."

After looking at the attendees who looked like "Sure enough," she continued to compile.

"Although there are rumors of 'magic springs' and 'magic lakes' all over the world, most of them are false. Occasionally, there are some real ones that are controlled by huge forces," Jin Jing entered the state, The compilation became more and more real: "There is also a 'super god water' in Gotham, but it was just our speculation based on the climate and environment. I originally planned to conduct a long-term investigation, but it was an unexpected surprise to encounter Atlanna who is familiar with the water conditions."

"I see." "No wonder it's a restaurant."

"Judging from the actions of those 'claws', are they very strong and agile, but their IQ seems to be very low?" Jin Jing simply stood up and walked to the intelligence board and pointed: "If nothing else, they are... It is an individual that has initially succeeded in the Owl Court's application experiment. It is specially used to hunt people who know or are close to the 'Super Divine Water'. This also proves that they have not fully understood how to use it until now. They can only use it through The water cycle continues to create and study individuals who accidentally acquire abilities, so gentlemen and ladies, where do you think these 'super magic waters' are hidden?"

"Under the sewer system!" Cobot hammered the table excitedly, then hesitated: "Could it be that the Brando family has mastered the method of applying these, uh, 'Super Divine Waters'? Obviously the Court of Owls hasn't figured it out yet."

"They are just timid," Jin Jing pointed to herself, and then gestured to the two roommates outside the door: "Soaking, drinking and injecting, there is always a way that will work."


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