The Collection of The End

Two thousand and eighty-two, North American Mythical War (32)



Batman stood at the entrance of the sewer, slightly hesitant.

Of course he wasn't worried about smell or filth, which was nothing compared to the harm that "Killer Croc" might cause. What's more, in order to deal with lunatics like Scarecrow, the bat mask has its own filtering function, so there is no need to worry about this at all. In addition, since It rains a lot in Gotham, so there is no long-term siltation in the drainage system. There is not much filth in the various sewer pipe networks, and naturally there is not much odor.

But here's the problem.

Since the sewer environment is at a "tolerable" and "easy to get used to" level, homeless vagrants and criminals will use it as a foothold. If Batman breaks in rashly, the ensuing escape and counterattack will definitely It's okay to alert Killer Crocodile and he takes the initiative to attack her. If he takes advantage of the chaos and escapes...does he have to beat up the Penguin again?

In fact, if "Killer Croc" was a "neutral evil" who would make careful plans to commit crimes, Batman would not beat up the Penguin who apparently had committed no crime, and his phone call had nothing to do with it.

Like the Scarecrow, the Riddler, and the Mad Hatter, he is a "chaotic evil" who will destroy or harm others without warning or reason.

According to available information, the original name of "Killer Crocodile" was Waylon Jones. He suffered from a special atavistic disease and had crocodile-like scales on his body. He was engaged in fire fighting with lions in a traveling circus. The circus boss bullied him because he was uneducated and could not go shopping on his own, and kept his salary very low. It wasn't until one day when a new employee who helped him to buy things spilled the beans that Killer Croc discovered that he was Having been deceived for many years, he bites off his boss's arm and escapes, turning to robberies for a living that no longer require work.

Perhaps Killer Croc during the circus period still had the sense to try to communicate, but after letting his nature run wild for so long, he has completely turned into a beast, robbing when he wants and killing when he stops him. I don’t know how Maroni managed to do that. He recruited to Gotham.

In any case, this extremely unstable factor must be controlled, even if the target of his harm is Falcone's gang.

So about how to subdue Killer Croc by avoiding regular people and common criminals in the sewers...

After spending three minutes formulating four plans, Batman wrapped himself in his cape and escaped into the darkness, crawling into the sewer like a real bat.


Boom! Boom!

"Hello, guest, welcome to Jack's Circus"


Batman could hardly describe his mood at the moment.

He did not alert the criminals and homeless people throughout the process, and also analyzed the hiding place of Killer Crocodile from the words of those people. Finally, he sneaked all the way and was about to reach Killer Crocodile's lair when a green-haired clown wearing a long purple suit jumped out and held his hand. He was carrying a gong and was banging it.

"Are you working with Killer Croc?]" he asked, staring at the clown.

"What's the killer? Oh, you mean poor Mr. Jones?" The clown pretended to wipe his tears with the back of his hand: "He is so pitiful. Even if he bites off his former boss's arm, he can't escape the fate of working overtime for the black-hearted current boss. "

"You mean Maroni?]" Batman frowned.

One theory as to why Maroney recruited Killer Croc is that he somehow controlled the beast, which is even scarier than if the beast itself was uncontrolled.

"What? That clown?" The clown stared and knocked the gong twice more: "He is now working for me, Joe Cole, Jack!"

"So you are the 'black-hearted current boss.'" Batman pointed out the flaw in his words.

"Oh! My God! For God's sake! He guessed this audience!" The clown danced, "Boss Jack decided to give this customer a discount! Twenty percent off!"

That's actually a doubling of the price.

Batman looked at the Joker silently and did not answer the question.

Boom, boom.

The clown struck the gong twice more, then turned it over and laid it flat, staring at Batman with a pitiful expression: "Sir, have mercy on me. If I can't sell the tickets, the black-hearted boss will kill me." Bake it and eat it.”

How do you bake it yourself?

Batman pursed his lips and threw two Batarangs into the gong.

"Oh! God, thank you for this generous gentleman!" The clown picked up the batarang and raised it high, and then his expression changed: "Asshole! This is mine! I told you not to accept tips!"

Batman watched the Joker stuff the batarangs into his suit pocket with a ferocious expression, and then became dejected and heartbroken, and decided not to interfere in this incident where the boss was squeezing employees.

"Oh, let the guests laugh. The boss has always been like this, always bullying the ticket sellers." After a few seconds, the clown turned into a waiter or someone else: "Now please come in."

In any case, Killer Crocodile should have discovered such a big commotion long ago. We can only hope that he is really controlled by this strange clown.

Batman silently followed the Joker as he walked deeper into the sewer while banging the gong.

About ten minutes later, the sewer suddenly opened up, and an empty underground hall with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters appeared in front of it. In the middle was a giant reservoir occupying nearly 80% of the space.

Creak, clatter, grunt...

Inside the reservoir, there were dozens or even hundreds of crocodiles roaming densely. The impact of this scene made Batman, who was mentally strong enough, subconsciously stop in his tracks.

"What are you doing! Who allowed you to be lazy!" The clown banged the gong: "Keep working!"

After being interrupted by the Joker, Batman saw the Killer Crocodile he was looking for squatting on the other side of the pool, silently looking at the group of crocodiles in the water.

"Sewer crocodile" actually means a literal thing?

While Batman always has a plan, a plan to capture a single individual is obviously not the same as a plan to capture a group of vicious beasts.

While Batman was thinking quickly and making new plans, Killer Croc was awakened by the sound of the Joker's gong. He looked at him and Batman first, then turned to the group of crocodiles in the water without interest and spoke:

"We are the same kind.]"

"Prey, important matter.]"

"Evolve, return to the large group.]"

Crunch, kacha kacha.

The crocodiles were staring at Killer Croc before he spoke, making sounds of grinding and gnashing teeth as he spoke.

"Oh, it was such a touching performance that it made me cry." The clown wiped his eyes with a handkerchief and blew his nose.

While the problem of Killer Croc seemed to be solved, a bigger and more serious problem arose.


Gotham, underground drainage system.

"Mission, shape the environment]"

‘You are rich in nutrients]’

"Prey, then evolve]"

boom! boom! Boom!

"Asshole! What are these things!]"

"If you guessed it correctly! He is a relative of your wife!"

"I will sever ties with them now!]"

Jin Jing is fighting against hundreds of "murlocs" with Thomas Curry wearing "Aquaman" armor.

They, no, they are generally human-shaped, but various parts of their bodies have mutated, such as the fins or spikes growing along the spine, the scale armor covering the body, the webs growing between the fingers and toes, and the sharp teeth in the mouth. The teeth and size are twice as big as the eyes.

They all murmured meaningless words and attacked Jin Jing and Curry in a way that completely ignored the damage they suffered.

They are the "talons" controlled by the "Court of Owls".

The action plan discussed by the Gotham Shadow Council only targets the same kind of humans. There may be some individuals who have been transformed by the "Super Divine Water" - this nonsense name has been recognized - and become more powerful, but there is no such thing in the plan. "Fishmen" should be enemies that only appear when dealing with the Kingdom of Atlantis.

This resulted in the overall plan being torn apart.

The original intention of pouring back the sea water was to force out the members of the Court of Owls and capture them, but this action caused those "murloc claws" to take advantage of the site, and Atlanna had to use her power to push back the tide. The members of the Court of Owls Take the opportunity to escape.

However, although the scene was chaotic, it was not a problem at all for Jin Jing. "Visiting Haki" was enough for her to predict the attacks of these monsters who could not change their moves. Even if there were some that could not be avoided, "Armed Haki" could also Block, and the "Six Styles" are even more suitable for group fights.

In her field of vision, batches of "blood bars" appeared, and then disappeared within a few seconds. It looked quite relaxing.

Thomas Curry originally only conducted training combat, and was a little confused when facing actual combat for the first time. However, after getting familiar with the rhythm and armor performance, he was able to seize the weak points of the fishmen one by one. After the intrusion of seawater receded, Victor led After joining the battle with his freezing gun, there was no suspense about the outcome.

"We will return eventually...]"

With the last group of murlocs killed, this imperfect attack on the "Court of Owls" finally came to an end. After calling their cronies to clean up the place, a group of planners arrived at the gathering place of the Court of Owls.

That huge reservoir is usually used to store excess rainwater when precipitation suddenly increases to prevent the drainage system from backing up, but the Court of Owls added a "cover" to it and built a structure with the same shape on top. Gothic style building like a court.

"Humph, the judge, lawyers, and jury are all pretty decent." Thomas Wayne walked around the courtroom and knocked on the dock: "I'm sure they have had dreams of arresting us here for trial. "

"It's a pity that they are the only ones who will be tried here," Falcone said with his hands behind his back: "I have arranged for people to keep an eye on those ancient families with suspicions. As long as any family makes any changes after this incident, we will Just come and arrest people.”

"With all due respect," Curry took off his strange-looking helmet: "If 'secretly controlling Gotham' is a crime, you are all unforgivable."

"What? Of course not," Cobot responded: "Their crime is to pollute Gotham's groundwater and endanger public health safety."

"Okay," Curry shrugged and looked at Jin Jing who was circling the court: "Miss Bai, have you found the 'contaminant'?"

"Oh, yes, they barely covered it up." Jin Jing walked to the judge's seat, picked up the gavel and knocked it.

As she moved, the floor in the center of the courtroom began to sink in a stepped shape, and eventually, a shallow green spring appeared at the bottom.

"That's it..." Everyone present turned their attention to it.

Although the user will go crazy or turn into a fish-man, and the creations will be killed by Neptune and Bai Jingjing, it is still much stronger than ordinary thugs. This is still the case when the Court of Owls uses it incorrectly.

"Hmm..." Jin Jing stared at the spring water, a little dazed.

The diluted Dionysian factor is excellent]


Usage: In the next 24 hours, if the health value drops to 20% or below, 100% of the maximum health value will be automatically restored within 5 seconds, and will only take effect once. 】

If used on an NPC, the duration will be extended to 365 days, and the limit on the number of times it will take effect will be cancelled. However, each time it takes effect, the NPC has a certain chance of mutating or falling into madness. This mutation or madness is irreversible. 】

‘Someone gave this to a madman once, and guess what happened? ’]

"Caroline, Max," Jin Jing raised her hand and called two roommates who had been fishing before during the battle: "Come and take a look at this."

"What kind of garbage is this?" "It's a waste of time." The two said together.

"Can I believe you didn't say that specifically to stop us from studying it?" Falcone stared at Jin Jing.

"Well... seeing is believing." Jin Jing thought for a moment, then walked down the stairs and reached for the water in the pool.

Others just looked at her and made no move.

Jin Jing first held up a cup of water, and then used her other hand to cup a second cup. As a result, under everyone's gaze, the cup of water slipped from her steadily bowed hand as if it had its own will.

"Based on a certain occult principle, the dose that each person can use is rated," Jin Jing tried to explain the effect according to his own understanding: "When the user is seriously injured and dying, it will take effect and quickly repair the damage, but Physical mutation or mental disorder will occur during this process and cannot be recovered. In addition, it must be used once a year, otherwise it will become ineffective. I am sure that it is diluted and contaminated, otherwise it should not have such negative effects."

"In other words, the power possessed by those 'claws' is only brought about by 'mutation', not the 'Super Divine Water' itself?" Cobot shook his head and looked very disappointed.

"But there is still value in research," Thomas Wayne mused: "Near death... is it effective to be near death due to disease or organ aging?"

"It's very possible. After all, the basic effect of those 'legendary springs' is immortality," Curry said jokingly, and then found that everyone was looking at him: "What, what's wrong? ?”

"It seems that you are the only one here who is not afraid of turning into a fish, right?"

"Anyway, your wife won't dislike your mutation."

"Sacrifice yourself for science."

"Hey! Wait?"

Side mission: Participate in a major event and cause at least 10% impact. Finish】

Cumulative influence: 47%]


I heard that there are some big update rewards today, but I saw that I am not qualified to participate, hahaha.

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