The Collection of The End

Two thousand and eighty-three, North American Mythical War (33)

——Marvel, 2010——

S.H.I.E.L.D., Director's Office.

"According to analysis, the probability of Rachel Fisk accepting the invitation to join the Avengers is about 47%." Natasha placed the tablet showing the analysis conclusion in front of Nick Fury: "It seems that you rebuilt the Avengers The Alliance's plan is on track to come true, Director."

"So high?" Nick Fury swiped a few times on the tablet: "Is it because she has a good relationship with Steve?"

"Part of the reason is that, in addition, she seems to have been preparing for this. For example, the 'sea restaurant' has nothing to do with the Fisk family from its funding, legal person to procedures and construction, and there is nothing illegal about it. Natasha replied: "If she didn't really get all this done through legal channels, there would be a very powerful lawyer who helped her smooth things over, such as the most famous lawyer in Hell's Kitchen, Matt Mur. Doc, the Fisk family calls him 'Pizza Hut'."

"What? 'pizzahut'? Why would a lawyer use a pizza brand as a nickname?" Nick Fury expressed confusion.

"This involves some... cultural issues," Natasha shrugged: "The 'Spear Bureau S.P.E.A.R.' team almost immediately understood the meaning of this title."

"Why would a gangster's daughter attract those...oh, skin color, right?" Nick Fury pinched his forehead: "Although this 'Jin Jing''s name and skin color are closer to that one, she also likes her very much. Culture, but judging from her appearance and facial features, she is actually more like Indians... Maybe they are a branch that appeared after the Atlanteans landed? If true..."

"Director, do you think it's appropriate for the two of us to continue talking about this topic?" Natasha interrupted him.

"Okay, okay," Nick Fury shook his head: "So, what is the difference between this girl's abilities and those in the backward intelligence? I mean except for the 'social alert level'."

"To sum up, she is not 'can talk to fish', but 'can understand fish talk'," Natasha said: "She confirms the most superficial thoughts of the creature by collecting certain pheromones emitted by intelligent creatures. This is not so much 'mind-reading' as it is a very clever 'observation of words and expressions'."

"I don't think anyone can read a fish," Nick Fury said. "Most of the traitors and assassins she found out don't think so either."

"As for her ability to 'summon sea monsters,' there is currently no definite information, except for their name, 'Leviathan.'" Natasha paused and continued: "All the image media that captured them are There was overexposure and data corruption, as if they had their own magnetic field or bioelectricity, but almost all witnesses claimed that it was a huge sea creature that looked like an octopus and a squid, and we finally chose one of them that was most witnessed Archive of sketches approved by the author.”

"Hmm..." Nick Fury looked at the electronic sketch on the tablet.

It was a portrait of a giant multi-legged sea monster that would not be surprising in an adventure novel. Just looking at it made me feel a chilling air coming out of the screen.

"As for that 'wonderful creature that can communicate remotely'..." Natasha took out a box from her pocket and opened it on the table: "This is the 'contact information' that Rachel Fisk gave me. If you If you want to do research, it’s best not to kill it.”

"..." Nick Fury looked at the "snail" that was dozens of times larger than its kind, about the size of a fist, and fell into deep thought for a moment.

"They pair up in pairs and send out communication requests by tapping on the shell. Then, these 'phone bugs' will pass the images and sounds in front of them to the other to achieve the purpose of the call," Natasha continued: " The charge is one ice cream at a time – one for each party.”

"If both sides need to be fed, it seems that it cannot be used for eavesdropping." Nick Fury said with narrowed eyes.

"Actually, yes," Natasha spread her hands: "I have already asked. She has a 'black phone bug' that is specially used for eavesdropping and is highly confidential, but it requires an extra charge and is very expensive."

"Oh, SHIELD doesn't need to purchase this product yet," Nick Fury shook his head: "I have full confidence in SHIELD's confidential equipment."

"Also, although there is no information about Miss Fisk's personal combat ability, she should be very strong," Natasha continued: "The evidence is... the bodyguards and followers she usually brings are just useless. I can knock down three of them with one finger. indivual."

"Okay, let's put this 'Jin Jing' lady's situation aside for now." Nick Fury put down the tablet: "How is the situation of that 'Spider-Man'?"

"That kid is not very good at keeping secrets," Natasha blinked: "The true identity and past experience are already clearer than the products in the window, but unfortunately, the possibility of him joining the Avengers is 0."

"Oh? Why? His family objects?"

"He is underage."


"In addition, Iron Man and Captain America, the two members you have planned, will definitely object," Natasha continued: "Tony arranged a trainee assistant position for Peter in the Stark Group, while Steve Will teach him how to use his powers after school.”

"The results of it?"

"It turned out that Miss Jin Jing's recommendation was very correct. Tony even started to bring out some confidential designs to discuss with little Peter, and Steve also greatly appreciated his learning ability," Natasha said: "Perhaps in We can ask him for help when encountering certain major events, but he cannot officially join the Avengers."

"That's enough. Maybe you don't know why I must rebuild the 'Avengers'. There are indeed no visible threats in the world today, but the hidden enemies have never given up their attempts to destroy the world," Nick Fury turned to look at the sky outside the window: "We cannot wait for the enemy to fall from the sky before gathering troops to counterattack. If possible, we should fight it directly in mid-air..."

boom! Card!

Nick Fury's words were interrupted by a thunderous bang.

When the two of them looked up, they saw a huge "meteor" with golden light bursting into the atmosphere and slowly passing over New York. As the "meteor" fell into the distance, A larger piece of "debris" separated from the main body of the "meteor" and fell straight into New York City with blazing flames caused by friction with the air.

"Director, please blow it up." Natasha looked at Nick Fury.


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