The Collection of The End

Two thousand and eighty-four, North American Mythical War (34)

New York, Hell's Kitchen.

"Miss, Daredevil and Erica are fighting again."

"Well, here... there are no legal issues for the time being, go and stop them," I took a general look at the state of the city and said to Matt Murdock: "But when are you going to tell them your identity?"

"Make sure Lester will uphold law and justice even if he no longer considers himself 'Daredevil'." Matt replied.

"You're talking about law and justice at the headquarters of the largest gang in the United States?" I said deliberately.

"Miss, you must have some misunderstanding about what you are doing," Matt said without changing his tone: "There is no crime if the law does not expressly stipulate it, and there is no punishment if the law does not expressly stipulate it, and justice is never based on interests. .”

"Let's go, let's go," I waved to him: "If you say a few more words, they will destroy several more streets."

Matt bowed slightly, then turned and left.

Theoretically speaking, this blind lawyer should not be able to see anything, but he happens to be able to move freely without any auxiliary equipment. He can even jump between buildings. I am considering getting him a Bat Armor cosplay. Let’s play Batman. After all, bats don’t use eyes.

Although the idea is good, it is not easy to implement because Matt can't drive, and Batman is not complete without the Batmobile. 】

‘Yeah, how can we find Robin who stole tires without a car? ’

Regarding the situation of "Daredevil", it is a combination of chance and coincidence.

Matt is a senior who debuted in a superhero uniform when Kingpin was active, and the title he used was indeed "Daredevil". At that time, Kingpin had not yet completely controlled Hell's Kitchen, and the entire Clinton District was completely in chaos. Fighting, Matt and Kingpin, one wants to uphold justice, and the other wants to continue to climb up. Sometimes they are hostile and sometimes they cooperate. It can be said that they don’t know each other if they don’t fight.

Theoretically, if things continued like this, they could only become enemies, not friends, but Kingpin met Vanessa at that time and fell in love directly.

But when Kingpin decided to wash his hands, he found that no one could inherit his inheritance and his subordinates were all useless. In the end, he didn't know what he thought, and ran to hand over all the territory and manpower to Matt.

Matt actually didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, but he also knew very well how much chaos and casualties would be caused if a piece of Hell's Kitchen suddenly had no one to govern it, so he temporarily put aside his identity as "Daredevil" and put on a weapon with a target. ’s new mask took over Kingpin’s territory.

Matt's original plan was to transform this territory into an "oasis in the desert", but after all, he is a lawyer, not a gangster, and his experience in fighting gangs cannot be used to protect the territory. After realizing that the "Fisk Gang" has become weak , the surrounding gangsters showed their fangs towards it, and the most powerful villain among them was Lester.

Lester is a baseball player and has excellent throwing ability. It can be said that "flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people." However, he happened to meet Matt, who "can identify the position by listening to the sound". During a fight, the baseball bounced back and hit him. He hit the back of his head and suffered a severe concussion.

After waking up from a coma, Lester for some reason firmly believed that he was "Daredevil" and his mission was to fight the evil in Hell's Kitchen. After cutting a set of "Daredevil" uniforms by himself, he began to "act as a hero" , and Matt, who has temporarily retired, has nothing to do about it. Should he be beaten again to make him turn into a villain?

Then, "Rachel Fisk" was born, assassinated, and the Kingpin came back in anger.

As for Erica, she was Matt's girlfriend during the "Daredevil" period. She confirmed that the current "Daredevil" was not Matt, and wanted to ask him about Matt's whereabouts, but the half-crazy Lester took her As a killer hired by a gang, they would inevitably start a fight every time they met. In order to prevent his girlfriend from suffering a loss, Matt often participated in the fights as "Bullseye". But the funny thing is that Erica didn't think Matt would take charge of the gang. , simply treating him as Bullseye, the thug of the Fisk Gang.

It's better for them to solve this kind of messy thing by themselves.

After Matt left, I returned my attention to the SimCity minigame.

The multi-tool displays a real-time aerial view of the Hell's Kitchen area in real time, marked with countless blocks of different colors, lines, histograms, exclamation points and speech bubbles.

Urban development needs, fiscal revenue and expenditure, resource production and consumption, air pollution levels, water and electricity coverage, traffic smoothness, education penetration, renovation of old urban areas, citizen feedback, emergency handling, and so on. It's all up to me to make up my own mind.

Where is the "godfather" you promised? I also want to say "I will give him an offer he can't refuse" in a stylish way. Hey!

No wonder Kingpin ran away so easily. Was it because the stall was too big to manage?

Thinking about it carefully, I have never actually run a city so far. Even in Mass Effect, I jumped directly from "Imperial Age" to "Civilization". After all, as the leader of a city, I run the city and ensure the food, clothing, housing, transportation and food of the citizens. Lazarus and the like are completely useless for collecting doomsday elements.

But the situation in this world is somewhat different. If Hell's Kitchen continues to be chaotic, there is no need to wait for Thanos to come. When the Chitauri invade alone, more than half of Hell's Kitchen will be destroyed. The main reason is that whether it is Neither conventional force nor superheroes will regard rescuing a city controlled by gangs as an important task. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, it would be better if everyone in Hell's Kitchen died.

However, how did you say that sentence? "Garbage is just misplaced resources." A Hell's Kitchen that is of no value to ordinary people has great utilization value in the eyes of a person who is very aware of its future development. But first, it must be made to move toward what I think. To achieve the desired development, I deliberately activated this simulated city system that now seems to be asking for trouble.

But fortunately, its jurisdiction only covers the Clinton District. If the whole of New York were under my control, I would have to deal with endless problems and accidents while formulating urban development plans, and there would be superheroes and criminals making trouble...

Just thinking about it makes me want to summon a huge meteorite and smash it...

boom! Card!

what? Is the fight between Matt and Bullseye so big?

I adjusted the city status twice and found no problem, then raised my eyes and looked out the window.

A huge golden meteor, and debris falling halfway.

'……Your name is? ’

It’s me, the God of Thunder, Thor! 】

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