The Collection of The End

Two thousand and eighty-five, North American Mythical War (35)

——Marvel, 2010——

New York, Harlem.

Among the old buildings covered with graffiti, a figure wearing a red and blue uniform passed by.

Peter Parker has been living a very full life lately, or rather, too much.

As a student at Midtown High School, he needs to attend classes on time, complete assignments assigned by professors, and participate in activities organized by classmates and the student union. With his sharp observation and agility after becoming Spider-Man, he has basically no pressure.

As Spider-Man, he needs to wander around Queens during lunch break and after school, stopping robberies, catching thieves, stopping out-of-control cars, helping old ladies cross the street, and rescuing cats or balloons from trees. .

Perhaps because Iron Man has made a good start, New York citizens are relatively receptive to this kind of street hero, but...can those people stop asking him to help deliver food? Spider-Man can do anything! But we really don’t deliver takeaways!

Speaking of Iron Man... The job of Stark Group's trainee assistant is still a little more interesting than fighting crime.

When Peter was so poor that he went to the Clinton District to fight gangsters, he could only have a barren imagination about the life of a rich person, such as "you can eat whatever you want and buy whatever you want." But after coming into contact with Tony, he Only then did I realize that money is actually used to "realize dreams."

Fly in the sky! Steel armor! Smart housekeeper! Come on, is this super cool?

Stark was also very satisfied with Peter's suggestions on mechanics and biology and the application of relevant knowledge, and offered to help him build a "mechanical spider" armor, but he refused after careful consideration.

After all, the spider suit and the spider silk launcher are easy to hide. You can usually just carry a backpack, but there is no place to put such a big steel armor, and - although it is not easy to say - he is far more physically capable. Mr. Stark's steel armor that restricts movement is actually a burden.

In comparison, Captain America's fighting style is more suitable for him. Although being bitten by a mutant spider and being injected with a super serum are two different things, they can also give the user strength, agility, endurance, defense capabilities and reactions far beyond ordinary people. The ability, and how to use this power, is best explained and demonstrated by a veteran of many battles - although he does not look old at all.

However, due to their different fighting styles, the teaching was not smooth at first.

For example, what Steve meant by "drawing attention" was completely different from what Peter understood. That day, they encountered a gang robbery in Queens, and Steve's plan was to "draw their attention. Then go straight on.”

After throwing a trash can to attract the attention of the robbers, Steve rushed in and knocked down at least three robbers, while Peter used spider silk to swing to the back of the battlefield and directly killed the robber leader and two attempts. The escaped gangsters were knocked unconscious and tied up.

"Didn't I/you say that you can come directly after attracting attention?" x2

Although the coordination is perfect, their understanding of the instructions is completely different.

To this day, Steve is still trying to correct Peter's habit of juggling and teasing his opponents from time to time during battles, taking advantage of opportunities rather than confronting them head-on, and even talking quarrels with his opponents, but with little success.

Peter was also troubled by this. His "spider sense" and super-fast nerve reflexes meant that he didn't have to care about the weapons of ordinary criminals. In his eyes, they were like monkeys holding wooden sticks. Oh no, that should be said. Sloth, he can stop the opponent before they make any move. Even so, if he still has to be ready to go all out, then they are too pitiful.

Oh, well, he shouldn't sympathize with criminals, but he really can't resist the urge to be funny when faced with an enemy he can easily defeat.

If you think about it carefully, Captain America once fought against Crisna and Hydra. There were also powerful enemies there. Perhaps because of this, Captain America developed the habit of going all out against all enemies. But now is a peaceful era. There is simply no enemy strong enough for him to attack with all his strength——


The apartment building where Peter had planned to stay suddenly exploded from the inside out.

The explosion occurred strangely and suddenly, at least Peter's "Spider Sense" had no warning before the explosion.

He hurriedly avoided the rubble, re-launched the spider silk to fix himself on the sign of the building next to him, and then set up a pergola to look at the location of the explosion.

The smoke cleared, and a giant green monster slowly emerged from the ruins of the apartment building.

The monster was green all over and looked like a muscular man, at least three meters tall, with an irrepressible scowl on his face.

"Oh, my God, what is that? Shrek? Where is Princess Fiona?" Peter whistled at the green monster from a distance: "Hey, man, where did you buy your pants? The quality is good ah."

"Roar...]" The green monster turned his head and looked at Peter hanging on the wall. He didn't pay much attention and strode away from the block.

At this time, the rappers, street basketball players and wall graffiti artists who had gathered because of the sudden explosion of the old apartment building had not had time to disperse, and the green monster obviously had no intention of avoiding pedestrians.

"I'm asking you something, big guy. You have to answer when someone talks to you. This is a polite question." Peter raised his hand and threw two spider webs towards the road ahead in an attempt to stop the green monster.

The two webs of spider silk blocked the green monster's knees. Its strong toughness prevented it from walking away smoothly, but it also angered it.

"Roar——]" The green monster opened his hand and grabbed the spider silk, and then pulled it with his backhand. Katcha directly dragged Peter and the billboard under his feet towards it. At the same time, its other A hand suddenly punched him.

"Oh! Hey! Don't grab it, there are a lot of them here." Peter adjusted his posture in mid-air, first cut off the pulled spider silk, then sprayed a lot of super sticky spider silk on the billboard, and then kicked Putting it on top, he flipped three times and got away from the green monster.

"Roar! Roar!]" The green monster smashed the billboard with one punch, but the sticky spider silk stuck all over his hand, and he couldn't shake it off even if he tried hard. He could only let out an angry roar.

"Oh, I think we should call Mr. Stark to handle this matter now. Although Mr. Steve is also very strong, he is more than half shorter than it," Peter stood on the outer wall of another apartment building, While watching the surrounding residents flee one after another, Didi said: "This is really strange. What kind of thing would make you look like this after being bitten by something? I don't remember anything that is green and big and can bite people." .”

"Ho ho ho!]" Unable to get rid of the spider silk on his hand, the green monster kept roaring angrily. He randomly grabbed rocks with the other hand that was not stuck to the spider silk and threw it at Peter. The shape is getting bigger and bigger visibly to the naked eye.

"I don't think this guy's intelligence is very high. Things in Sticky Lake will lose their stickiness as long as they are stained with enough dust. This is common sense." Peter nimbly avoided the green monster's throw: "Hey, be careful! Don't Do that!”


When the green monster waved its fist in annoyance, the super-sticky spider silk caught the hair on the top of its head, and then it seemed to have found a home and clung to it. The green monster subconsciously grabbed two handfuls on the top of its head, and the super-sticky spider silk completely tied it. The hair is mixed together and cannot be separated.

"Oh... God..." Peter raised his hands to cover his face: "Putting chewing gum in someone's hair is usually tantamount to declaring war, and if the other person is a girl, it is a deadly feud... Say Mr. Stark has an alien Is there an immigration plan? I want to book a ticket to Mars."

"Roar! Roar!! Roar!!!]" After the green monster finally realized his situation, he went crazy. His body grew louder and louder with his roar, and his anger and murderous intent caused Peter's spider sense to continuously alarm.

"Uh... I think I should hide. Although the ball of spider silk will decompose after a while, it obviously can't listen now."


When Peter began to look for an escape route, there was another explosion in the old apartment that was first destroyed by the green monster, and a brown monster similar in shape to the green monster rushed out from there.

The brown monster rushed all the way to the green monster and punched the knee.

The brown monster slowly raised its head and faced the extremely furious face of the green monster who was three times taller than it and had "chewing gum" on its head.

Boom! Boom! Dongdong! Peng Peng Peng!

"Oops... hiss... wow..." Peter covered the eyepiece on his hood with both hands, watching the green monster crush the brown monster through his fingers: "Did I accidentally steal someone else's opponent?"

"bluff--" After the green monster completely knocked the brown monster into the ground and couldn't move, he finally turned his attention to Peter, who had been watching the show in the building next to him.

"Man, I know you want to ask me why I don't leave," Peter began to ask himself: "Although I don't know what happened to you, you obviously don't have any sense now. I can just run away, but you will It doesn't matter how many ordinary people it hurts. The captain said, 'The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.' So, before other people who can deal with you appear, I will reluctantly play with you."

"Roar!]" The green monster gave up its attempt to clean its head and crashed straight into the building where Peter was.

"Hey! Silly boy, I'm here." Peter jumped nimbly between buildings, and at the same time, he made a loud noise to attract the attention of the green monster, and led it straight to the suburbs.

"Ho! Roar!] "Winter! winter! Boom!

"Oops, it's a bit troublesome." Peter dodged the huge rocks thrown by the green monster while chasing him: "It's not easy to move the spider silk in places where there are no high-rise buildings. I hope Mr. Stark can find a solution as soon as possible. Find a way..."

The giant green monster chased the little red and blue figures swinging from building to building, all the way out of Harlem. This scene was captured on mobile phones by many people who were brave enough not to run far.

"Well, it won't work. There isn't even a tall tree here. If I continue like this, I will be grabbed and crushed by him. Anyway, let's escape first... What is that?"

When Peter successfully led the green monster out of the city and was about to find an opportunity to hide, a dazzling golden light suddenly bloomed in the sky. When he looked up, he saw a huge golden meteor crashing towards his position.

"You cheated!"



Has Hulk ever fought Spider-Man? did not find

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