The Collection of The End

Two thousand and eighty-six, North American Mythical War (36)

New York, restaurant on the sea.

Debris from the golden meteor fell from the sky and penetrated the ceiling of the restaurant. About five or six seconds later, Iron Man followed closely.

Then, Caroline and Max's roars came from inside.

"iron Man!"

"You bastard!"

"Hey! Hey! Girls, calm down, this thing that fell has nothing to do with me.]"

"It's weird to believe you!"

"Midgardian, I am the prince of Asgard...]"

"Shut up! Golden Retriever idiot!"

"Jin, golden retriever idiot?]"

Hmm... Because the development of the situation seems interesting, I won't go in yet.

You must have intervened, right? Otherwise, how did Thor fall to you? 】

‘The Sea Restaurant accepts all shipwrecked people, and those who were shipwrecked on the sea of ​​stars are also considered shipwrecked. ’

Reasonable and convincing. 】

How should I put it? The whole thing is actually quite outrageous. Thor was thrown to the earth by Odin's sealed divine power. The shape when he arrived turned out to be a huge golden meteor. Halfway through the flight, Thor and Mjolnir separated and turned into "The posture of a forked shooting star in Your Name."

However, the main body of the meteor is Thor's hammer "Mjolnir", and the fragments separated are the prince of Asgard, Thor. "Thor's hammer and its pendant" are very real.

The two "roommates" may not want to improve Thor's reputation, but Thor at this period is actually quite difficult to get along with, has no emotional intelligence, wants to solve everything with force, and looks down on the people of the earth even though he has no power, until he is photographed by the Destroyer Mecha. You become a little wiser after dying once.

So, how did Jane Foster jaer fall in love with him?

By the way, after he landed in my restaurant, my sister prompted me to swipe a row of familiar messages:

Tip: ‘Thor’ Thor is in a ‘debt’ state, and the current creditor is: the universe demon ‘Odin’. 】

Thor did not bear ordinary debts, and the 'special debts' that needed to be repaid were: the qualifications of a king. 】

If the 'special debt' is not repaid, the upper limit of strength will not be able to exceed the 'block level'. 】

The block level is just ridiculous. Not to mention Captain America and Iron Man, Matt can hang him up and beat him. After all, there are "city level", "planet level" and "galaxy level" on top. The strength of Thor is awesome. The upper limit is not as good as that of Little Spider.

Hmm... But this is just the strength that can be exerted. The endurance level should still be god-level. 】

‘Pick up equipment and lock skills and then throw them away to noobs to fight each other and level up all the way? Odin confirmed that it was not Kratos who was trained in this way? ’

Didn’t God of War 5 just kill Odin? 】

‘The father is kind and the son is filial. ’


"I am the prince of Asgard! The guardian of the nine kingdoms! You Midgardians are insulting the honor of Asgard!]"

"Listen, I don't know which planet you are from or what language you are shouting in, but you destroyed other people's houses and you must make compensation before you can leave."

"It doesn't matter to me! It was the Father of the Gods who threw me to Midgard! If I destroy the house, it must be the Father of the Gods who wanted to do it!]"

"Hell, I don't understand what this golden-haired fool is saying at all. Can any of you understand?"

"I am the prince of Asgard! Not a golden-haired fool!]"

Hmm... something seemed to have gone wrong. I found that the conversation in the restaurant was just like a chicken talking to a duck, so I held on to my hat and walked in:

"Mr. Stark, you cannot destroy the restaurant repeatedly just because I refuse to sell it to you. I will send the bill to Miss Pepper."

"What? How did you ignore the meteor falling from the sky?"

Stark had already opened his mask, but did not take off his steel suit. He was confronting a tall blond man wearing tattered medieval armor. Hearing this, he looked at me in disbelief:

"Your roof was obviously smashed by this golden-haired fool who fell from the sky and spoke very strangely."

"I'm not a golden-haired fool...sister?]" Thor took two steps towards me, then stopped: "No, you are not my sister, who are you? Why do you carry such a strong power of death?"

It's broken. It was you who lured Thor here, using your sister's power. 】

‘All the younger brothers in the world are my younger brothers, right? ’

But it's a bit strange, why does Thor know about the existence of Hela? Isn't this a movie universe? 】

‘No, now that I’m here, this is my universe. ’

Where did you come from as a cosmic fat tiger? 】

"The 'sister' you are talking about is 'Hela', the goddess of death in Asgard, right?" I started to talk nonsense: "And I am 'Golden Crystal', the goddess of death in Midgard, who is in charge of all Midgardians. Death and reincarnation.”

"Oh! The Death Goddess of Midgard!]" Thor's expression perked up: "Before I came, I asked the father of the gods why he threw me to Midgard, but he said he would know when I arrived. It turns out Do you want me to help you?]"

No, that's not what he meant, and you don't even have any doubts about "Midgard has its own goddess of death"?

"You can rest assured! The goddess of death in Midgard, although I have been sealed with divine power, I am still a powerful warrior!]" Thor slapped his chest: "As a prince, I will never humiliate Asgard. Glory! Just tell me where to go and who to fight!】"

"There is no such mission for the time being, but there will be one in the near future." I continued to speak according to the persona I just set up, pointing to Caroline and Max: "Until then, you stay here and obey Arrangements for these two ladies, by the way, they are equivalent to the Valkyries of Asgard."

"Really? They look very weak...but I will listen.]" Thor grumbled for a while, but still nodded in agreement.

"Uh... little, Miss Jin Jing? Can you communicate with this golden-haired fool?" Caroline blinked: "We can understand your words, but not his."

"It seems that this golden-haired fool and the 'Midgardian Death Goddess' are at least on the same level in terms of status. They can understand each other even if they don't understand each other." Max quickly got into the role.

"The language codenamed 'Golden Retriever' has been analyzed, sir," Jarvis's voice came from Stark's armor: "It is an ancient Latin language that has died out and has almost no similarity with modern English. , variant languages ​​are still circulating only in some remote areas.]"

Hmm... Oops, the character seems to be a bit broken.

I quietly glanced at the heads of everyone present.

Caroline: Did she eat translation konjac? As expected of a veteran! 】

Max: Thor is here, can Loki be far behind? Next is the Chitauri army, so we have to prepare in advance. 】

Stark: Is this language still spoken in Atlantis? It's really mysterious. 】

Thor: She really looks like my sister! 】

...I think too much.

"Sir, regarding what you just asked me to pay attention to, the location of the main body of the meteor...]"

Jarvis paused:

"Locals posted on social networks that a group of Iron Man, a giant Shrek and a weirdo dressed as a spider were fighting over a hammer that discharges electricity."



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