The Collection of The End

Two thousand and eighty-seven, North American Mythical War (37)

——Marvel, 2010——

Suburbs of New York City.

"I once firmly believed that you were looking down on me when you said I was 'not keeping up with the times'. As long as Captain America wants to learn it, there is no technology that he cannot learn, and as long as he is willing to use his brain, there is nothing that he cannot understand,"

Steve Rogers looked up at the sky, with a look of surprise or confusion in his blue eyes:

"Now, can anyone from the New Age tell me what the hell that green monster is?"

In the wasteland ahead, dozens of "steel suits" were fighting around a green humanoid monster, and they were at a disadvantage.

"According to the intelligence we received, he was originally a scientist named 'Bruce Banner', Captain," Natasha leaned against the door of the black car with the SHIELD license plate: "His job is to recreate you I have used a 'super serum' before, but the effect was always unsatisfactory."

"I'm sure none of my comrades can become like this." Captain America said, looking at the Hulk in the sky and on the earth.

"Of course, the 'Super Serum' plan itself is not stable and reliable, so Dr. Banner's reproduction project made almost no progress. When the Zheng government stopped funding his project and providing experimental subjects, he began to use his own Experiments, such as receiving gamma rays while injecting," Natasha said: "The good news is that he succeeded, but the bad news is that this success cannot be replicated."

"That brown guy who looks like a squashed bean paste bun is the result of trying to copy?"

"Yes, that was the 'Abomination' created by General Ross using the same method after Dr. Banner became the 'Hulk'. Obviously, it has no growth potential."


At this time, an "Iron Man" painted in black and white was slapped down by the Hulk, creating a long ravine on the ground, and finally stopped in front of Captain America.

"So, what is this?" Steve took two steps forward and opened the armor, but found that it was empty.

"If I remember correctly, the codename given to them by the military is 'Pacifist', which is the 'mass-produced Iron Man' that was mass-produced after Iron Man handed over the steel armor," Natasha replied: "Only However, the soldiers who can wear them are still training, this time they are all remote-controlled, and their strength is average."

"No matter what kind of technological advancements there are in biology and machinery, they will always be applied to the military first," Captain America said noncommittally: "So what's up with that hammer? Is it magic?"

On the battlefield between the Hulk and the "mass-produced Iron Man", there are two other figures that are particularly active.

One of the figures was wearing a red and blue suit with a pair of huge goggles on his hood. Steve recognized it at a glance as the "Spider" who was learning how to become a "superhero" under his guidance during this period. "Man", Peter Parker.

Although Peter is not serious when fighting, always opportunistic, talks to the enemy, loves to eat junk food, often fails to finish his homework, and likes to be in the limelight in times of crisis, he is responsible, has a sense of justice, is willing to help others, and is a good boy .

Seeing as he was wasting time trying to prevent the city from being destroyed, the original ten lap penalty for being late was changed to five laps.

As for the other one, to describe it briefly...a hammer that discharges electricity and is flying around.

No, strictly speaking, it is not flying around, but being thrown around by Peter as a weapon. Peter will use the hammer to smash the Hulk who is grabbing him, and then use the bright arc on the hammer to smash the "mass-produced steel" "Xia" bounced away, and the hammer even returned to his hand like a boomerang after being thrown.

With Steve's eyesight, he could naturally see clearly that Peter was not causing trouble. He seemed to be preventing the Hulk from returning to New York, while at the same time trying his best to prevent the "mass-produced Iron Man" from completely suppressing the Hulk.

Obviously, Peter learned the Hulk's true identity and the duration of his transformation in some way. He could not let the irrational Hulk go to New York to cause destruction, nor could he let the military's "mass-produced Iron Man" end his transformation. Later, Dr. Banner captured him.

"In fact, that should be the body of the golden meteor," Natasha pressed the headset: "We just received news that the 'debris' dropped by the meteor were an alien calling himself 'Thor' , he claims to be the owner of 'Thor's Hammer', and Miss Jin Jing is leading him here."

"Rachel? How did she-" Steve paused: "Let me guess, her restaurant was ruined again?"

"Yes, that's right.]"


With an electronic sound coming from the loudspeaker, the gold and red Iron Man fell like a meteor to Captain America and Natasha:

"She just announced that she will detain the 'Thor' who smashed the roof of her house as a security guard. Unless SHIELD can give a 'god-level price', she will not hand him over.]"

"'Say it as if we really want it,'" Natasha paused, then added when Captain America and Iron Man both looked over, "That's what Director Fury said."

"What? Are your 'Avengers' already full?]" Stark said: "Recruiting a god sounds very respectable, and it is also convenient for defrauding funds."

"..." Natasha was silent for half a minute before speaking again: "What the director means is that whether he is an alien, a god, or an alien claiming to be a god, recruiting him will be harmful rather than beneficial. If he is willing to help us , to deal with our enemies, then his enemies will also target us."

"Oh?" Steve raised his eyebrows: "It seems that Mr. Director is very knowledgeable about the 'alien society'."

"This is what SHIELD does." Natasha said, but she didn't know whether she was paraphrasing or expressing herself.


At this time, a black-and-white steel suit that was twice the size of an ordinary "mass-produced Iron Man" broke away from the battle group and landed in front of Stark. He opened his visor to reveal Colonel Rhodes' face:

"You've done a lot of harm to my immediate boss this time."

"Don't talk nonsense, Rhodes. Stark Industries has clearly demonstrated all its technologies to the military without reservation." Stark also opened his visor and glanced at the large number of "mass-produced models" in the air: "But they only I am willing to buy hardware technology but unwilling to buy matching software and artificial intelligence. After developing it myself, I come up with such a nondescript thing. Can it still be my fault? "

"I'm just talking casually. Anyway, my mission of 'persuading Stark to hand over his technology' has been completed, and I have also obtained a group of iron-clad subordinates." Rhodes pointed behind him: "The current situation is that we advocate the use of force on soldiers. The bioaugmentation faction is advocating for mechanical enhancement, who do you support?"

"I don't think any of them are good birds. If I had to choose one..." Stark glanced at the battlefield where Duoyi was fighting: "That 'Thor's Hammer' looks pretty good. I don't know if I can get it." Come and study and create a 'magic faction'."

"Mr. Stark! Mr. Steve!"

Peter Parker may not have paid attention here at first, but as more and more people with characteristics gathered together, he finally found someone who could solve the current situation, so he flew over on a thread:

"Oh, there are also Mr. Steve's followers."

"Little boy, I'm not a follower, but Coulson may be happy to get this title," Natasha looked at the hammer in Spider-Man's hand: "This is what the 'Thor' who fell from the sky is looking for... "

"Ah, by the way, Mr. Stark, can you stop these fake Iron Man?" Peter casually thrust "Thor's Hammer" into Natasha's hand: "Mr. Banner is about to change back, but I can't convince them to wait and see what happens and not attack, but if it were you, you should be able to stop them."

"Oh, of course, I'm a Stark," Iron Man said: "Jarvis, hack these meat pigeons remotely."

"Sir, I must remind you that what you are hacking is a military weapon, which may cause you huge trouble.]" Jarvis said: "Also, you may want to say 'broiler'." "

"Don't worry, this is an urgent commission from Mr. Rhodes, isn't it?" Stark looked at Rhodes.

"Yes, these steel armors suffered excessive electric shock and the operating system failed. As the temporary commander, I asked experts from Stark Industries to repair them. This is completely reasonable and legal." Rhodes quickly added.

"The hacking program is being activated. It is estimated that full control will take 3 minutes and 30 seconds.]" Following Jarvis's words, golden streams of light began to appear around the Stark suit.

"Hey! Jarvis, I didn't design a 'ceremonial sense' for you, right? Or did you secretly visit the Hollywood website?" Stark raised his arm to express his distaste for the special effects on his body.

"That is the resonance phenomenon produced when long-distance communication waves are interfered by magnetic fields. Sir, the source of the magnetic field is the unknown metal in Ms. Natasha's hand.]" Jarvis replied.

"Magnetic field? Resonance?" Natasha, who was studying the hammer, shook her hand and threw it to Captain America.

"Hey, be careful, this is an alien weapon." After Steve caught it, he weighed it and handed it to Stark: "It doesn't look very heavy. Do you want to try it? Tony?"

"I have no interest in backward cold weapons." Stark glanced at the hammer with disgust.

Who just said it looked good?

Wait, I heard before that he is unwilling to take things directly from others?

Steve looked at Stark's eyes and felt he understood, so he raised his hand and threw the hammer high.

"Hey, Captain America, can you just throw things around?" Stark took two steps back to find where the hammer would land.


At this time, a loud roar filled with pain and unwillingness came from a direction far away from the battlefield.

When everyone looked up, they happened to see a tall man with blond hair rushing out of a car.

"Oh, my God, this sounds like an incompetent man accidentally saw his wife who abandoned him outside." Stark shook, no longer waiting for the hammer to land, and took off directly to catch it.

"No——!!!" the roar came again.

"This time it sounds like he saw other men next to his wife who abandoned him." Stark continued to comment while playing with the hammer in his hand.

"That should be Thor," Steve stopped Stark from pretending to be stupid: "Give him the hammer quickly."

"I find it very interesting...forget it." Under Steve's glare, Stark reluctantly raised his hand and threw the hammer towards the blond man who was running over there: " Next! Golden Retriever Idiot!"

Golden Retriever fool?

Steve looked in the direction where the hammer flew out, and saw the blond man's expression as if he had abandoned his wife and walked towards him again - bah, he was infected by Stark.

Boom! !

The hammer did not fall into the blond man's hand, but hit him hard on the head, knocking him out on the spot.

Under the horrified gaze of the blond man, the hammer bounced off his forehead, spun a few times in the air, and landed steadily on Rachel Fisk, or "Jin Jing", who was following him in a white women's suit. Miss" in hand.

"..." Jin Jing subconsciously turned the hammer twice, and then looked down at the blond man lying on the ground as if he suddenly understood: "That... I can explain."

"Ahahahahahahahaha——!!" The blond man laughed in a crying tone.

"Is he really a god?"

Steve and the others looked at each other, then shrugged:

"What a weak god."


Today there is a hammer-raising competition. Everyone can lift Mjolnir, except one person. Guess who he is?

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