The Collection of The End

Two thousand and eighty-eight, North American Mythical War (38)

New York, restaurant on the sea.

"How does it make sense that if Spider-Man, Natasha and Iron Man can lift it, we can't?"

"Indeed, only Vision and Captain America have lifted the hammer in the movie, right?"

On the third floor of the temporarily closed Sea Restaurant, Caroline and Max were trying to pick up Mjolnir, who was placed in the conference hall, but Mjolnir, which was being thrown around not long ago, could not even shake.

And Thor was sitting on the sofa in the corner of the conference room, staring directly at the hammer, and mechanically filling his mouth with Coke and potato chips with his hands, completely ignoring the two roommates who were touching and prodding it. Behavior.

On the other side, they were still discussing their qualifications to lift the hammer.

"I guess that's it: someone who dies in 'Infinity War' and 'Endgame' can pick up the hammer?"

"Impossible, then at least half of the people on earth can pick it up."

"Yes, but why can Xiaojing pick it up too?"

"Huh?" I looked at the two roommates who were staring at me: "Maybe it's because I'm a 'senior'."

"Senior people are so scary." Caroline complained, then turned around and continued to toss Mjolnir.

"I won't try anymore," Max sat back in his chair: "It should have some kind of hard judgment. If the conditions are not met, just trying with brute force is useless."

"You're not qualified, you're not qualified, that's why you're not qualified." Caroline Didi Gugu.

Although she was talking nonsense, she unexpectedly hit the truth - only those who have picked up Mjolnir can pick up Mjolnir].

Why play Karazhan without graduation? 】

'It's a bit similar, but it should be said to be 'posting achievements', and this 'achievement' is 'account shared', that is to say, no matter which universe it is, as long as 'a certain hero' is raised in an 'officially certified' work Having passed Mjolnir, the 'eponymous hero' can now lift it, which is purely a side effect of the dimensional wall being broken. ’

So in which universe has ‘Jin Jing’ lifted Thor’s hammer? 】

'This universe. ’

...nothing wrong. 】

Seeing that my two "roommates" were still very interested after studying for a long time, I got up and walked towards the stupid golden retriever, ahem, Thor, the God of Thunder.

His situation is actually a bit not good. After experiencing the nightmare that anyone but himself can lift the hammer and play tricks, Thor seems to have entered the fat house state in advance, especially since this is a restaurant and the food is knocked from S.H.I.E.L.D. It doesn't cost much, but it's enough to grow him into a pig.

The previous "golden meteorite" and "mass-produced Iron Man vs. Hulk" incidents were finally integrated into one statement:

S.H.I.E.L.D. rescued Captain America 70 years ago from the Arctic iceberg. With reference, the military restarted the "Super Serum" program. Then, a meteorite containing a large amount of gamma rays fell, hitting and destroying laboratory, causing serious mutations in the subjects. Later, Iron Man and the military joined forces to suppress the monster born from this plan. During the battle, Spider-Man, a good neighbor of the people of New York, came to help.

This statement... can only be said to be barely self-explanatory, but there is a serious contradiction in the order. Everyone who watched the whole thing clearly knew that the Hulk appeared first, and then the meteor crashed.

However, the photos or videos of those people have been searched and destroyed by SHIELD. At most, they publish some vague "truth guesses" on social networks, and then they are completely forgotten within a week.

The real situation is that General Ross, who advocates biological modification, and Colonel Rhodes, who stands on the side of mechanical assistance, have held multiple rounds of closed-door negotiations. Tucker Industries terminated the cooperation, and the mechanical faction demanded that the biological faction hand over "Abomination" and destroy all research materials.

Out of curiosity, I glanced at the list of supporters behind the two groups, and the names of familiar military-industrial groups were clearly listed.

Obviously, since both sides are unlikely to give in, this verbal lawsuit will only end with each side fighting fifty points. Both sides will still continue their own research, but because Stark Industries is the apparent winner, it will therefore Share an extra portion of the cake.

S.H.I.E.L.D. played both sides, eating the plaintiff and eating the defendant, and just took advantage of the arrival of Thor to set up the "Avengers" frame.

I originally wanted to laugh and say, "The Avengers have been established, but one person is not in it, guess who." But it turns out that being "replaced" is worse than being "absent."

The roster of the reborn "Avengers" is: Captain America, Iron Man, Bruce Banner, Natasha and...Phil Coulson.

What about "Eagle Eye"?

When I was going through the "adoption" procedures for Thor, I casually asked if SHIELD had any agents who were good at shooting. As a result, Coulson said with a little pride that no one would dare to admit the number one to him.

Why would you be a Hawkeye if you weren't the director? !

Is it possible that Hawkeye disappears because of you? 】

‘No way, absolutely impossible. ’

Then, please tell me Hawkeye's full name and achievements immediately, and you are not allowed to look up the information. 】

‘Barton, uh…defeated Ultraman Taro? ’

Take a look. 】

‘He really didn’t have any highlight moments. The most impressive one was when Natasha fell to her death trying to give him the Soul Stone. ’

Then you don't want Natasha to fall to her death. 】

‘That’s right? ’

So Hawkeye doesn't exist. 】

'ha? ’

It’s not obliterating or eliminating. The ‘Hawkeye’ of this world is Phil Coulson. After all, there are so many parallel universes that I don’t know where the setting came from. 】


By the same token, because you want to see Thor defeated, those who could pick up the hammer in other parallel universes will be able to pick up the hammer now. 】

‘...Tsk. ’

"I finally figured it out." After standing next to Thor for more than ten seconds, he noticed me and took the initiative to say: "The King of the Gods wants to tell me that I am not special. Midgard There are many people who can wield Mjolnir, but without my power, my status as Prince of Asgard, and Mjolnir, I can't do anything."

Hmm... The correct way to say it now is "Are you Thor? Or Hammer God?"

You can also sing directly, 'One day, you will find that your power is extremely powerful. One day, you will find that you can create miracles']

‘Well done! reward! ’

Thank you for the guest reward. So which one are you going to choose? 】

"I don't choose either one. The plot of the former is not yet there, and it is not shocking at all. The latter is even worse. "One day" sounds like empty comfort. ’

Are you ready? 】

'hey-hey. ’


I took out a coin from my pocket, tossed it up and down, and then said:

"Have you heard of the 'railgun'?"

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